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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: October 11, 2005, 01:41:06 PM
Hey Everybody!

Reading you all here has made me see the universality of experience we all have in
internet business. Ive been marketing on the net for around 8 years, and seen it all,
and done it all.

First of all....We'll always have a hard time if we are almost broke. Whether its online
or offline, a business without capitol, and the pressure of bills will always make stressful
times! I started with no money in my Paypal, and a negative balance in my checking account,
and I had 7 days to figure it out! My sponsor seems to have made thousands on his first
month, but I realize he had a great deal to invest and increase his results. I'll never be
able to "buy his thunder" unless I have his finances!

But.....there are ways to get the word out to hundreds of thousands for free, or almost
free with internet marketing. I can post to safelists, to 300,000, every other day, and get
prospects. If Im a Pro member... it costs me up to $12 a month. Much better than
leads at first......and no matter what Im doing.....those ads go out, gettin tweaked and changed
till they yield results. I "hand pick" my lists for results, and never use blasters.

Then, I can use traffic surfing, especially with Crazy Browser, and also auto surfing. I have put
over 4000 hits on two sites about GDI in a week or so, and the word is getting out. Those can
be done for free, and you can also upgrade with very litle money, and get even better results.
I just watch TV or listen to my favorite music, and click away till Ive gotten about 50 sites a day
times 40 sites. Bam! Eyeballs on my sites!

Then, I slowly get around to my "warm market" of internet freinds Ive developed over the years
by email or by phone as Im going. Some will say, "Hey Steve......I see your doing that GDI thing now...."
and Im into it with them! I also have two at Yahoo and one at MSN......its free,
and if anyone chats with me, they find out about GDI when they ask me what Im up to.
Ive always said that internet marketing is 60% relationships, and 40% business. Neworking around
and getting the word out.

Theres three ways or so that Im getting the word out for free, or almost free. To hundreds of
thousands of people every week. I can also get a free FFA page.......and have all the names that advertise
there come to me as names and email addresses, that I can send my ad to. That hundreds and thousands
of names every week. Some people have multiple FFA's, working em that way.

This is internet marketing, and we are internet marketers. Look at it as a game of numbers, and
the onus is on you to increase the numbers, and the frequency of the communication to those
numbers. Then, you can add flyers, ads websites to businesses, fundraising,
gifts to fmily members of sites......etc etc etc......The sky is the limit. Marry your GDI business like its the
only thing your doing, and it will bear fruit.

Now.....How I look at leads that I can buy. All this marketing Ive mentioned can be done without
much phone use. Phone reluctance is a big MLM killer, and many people do not have the savvy or skills
or budget to enjoy calling people. I personally wold not buy huge amounts of leads unless I knew
the quality of them, they were fresh, and I was willing to use the phone to follow up. If I am
marketing or "fishing" in a pond of internet marketers, like I get in safelists, then they have an understanding
of what they are seeing in the ads...especially after years of having there own business. But...leads that are
for people looking at the net for a business are such that if an interest is expressed, one must get on it
"while the iron is hot"......and I believe one must SPEAK with them to clear up misconceptions, and
guide that person in while their interest is peaked.

Now........after that marketing talk......theres the issue of support from spouses, and partners, and freinds and
family. I find that the "negative" people types will be negative if you start anything that is "alternative",
whether it be a lemonade stand, or an internet business. They almost all want you to go down the
prescribed road of getting a standard job, and going the traditional predictable route. One of the ways we can
help this is to watch how we frame, and watch how we communicate this to others.

If you put out a lot of fanfare to others as you start, they will want to see results that week, or quickly,
and say "See, I told you so!" when you dont get results right away. But any understanding of
business will show you that any business gets built slowly, and that you have 5 years to show a loss.
Well, we dont have to go that slow......but be careful.....and start quietly.....and share just successes,
and not your frustrations......and be wise as a serpent....! Believe me...Ive had my share of arguements
about the internet.....and Ive gained some wisdom along the way. If you really had an understanding of
the guts and glory you have to undertake an online biz......and if you understood the power of MLM.....
you would be really proud of your decision to start an online biz.

MLM means that as you grow...your recruits will market under you and earn you money while you sleep!
Your line will mean that for every 10 hours that your downline will have one day times 20 people...
tha means 200 manhours of work for YOU and YOUR POCKET! Theres NO OTHER BUSINESS MODEL
that has that much power!

There are those birds that are huge,and live around the waters in Africa. Youve seen them on TV!
In order to fly, they have to SLAP AND SLAP AND SLAP THE WATER with their wings till they take flight.
Its messy, and noisy, and hard to believe that they will take flight. But after a period of all that tumult.....

Are you SLAPPIN THAT WATER?.......If you stop, you'll go right down in that water again, wont you?
Ya gotta slap that stuff till youre in the air.....and ITS MUCH EASIER AFTER THAT! Once you have
others under you, and the can cover a lot more ground. There are some in GDI
that are makin thousands of dollars a month.....and there are thousands of members! Thats all the proof
you need that its universally possible for ANYONE!

I say...get the word out every day in every way that your budget and creativity allows.

Ask your upline or someone who is successful what to do.....and model their excellence.
The same practices will yield the same results.

Stay positive, and in touch with your recruits. They are your GOLD. Listen.,........Most people
dont believe that there is help.....and enthusiasm, and success......If you work hard, and are cheerful,
and endlessly helpful......they will see it.....and their heart will open.....and they might try a bit,
because they saw you taking action. Your store isnt going to make you a millionaire with two customers
in the real world.....and neither will your downline. If they sense you are down.....after your first two
customers....they wont even open the doors to their store!

Go to the forum.....squeeze it for all its worth!

Go to the calls, and the radio!

Read books and ebooks on ad etc etc. Develop relationships with other
marketers. Remember....60% relationships......40% business!

Ive got two recruits, my first week.....and one coming today......if I can do that in one week.....
I can do it in any other week......

Are you in the mood to slap the water with all your to me.....and take flight
with me!?Huh? lets do this thing!  Who cant afford $10 a month!.......I used to pay $120 a month!

Yee hah!

Hope this helped!.....Im available to anybody anytime......
My nickname is Smilinsteve.

Your Friend In Success,

Stephen S.
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Hello Everyone from Smilinsteve on: October 02, 2005, 09:56:53 AM


My name is Stephen Stavropoulos, from Massachusetts, USA.

I have been a wallpaperhanger/painter for 29 years.

I play blues bass and guitar, since 1971.

I love to draw with pastels, and charcoal.

Ive been marketing on the net for 8+ years.....and joined
GDI in the beggining....and made a bad decision, and left.

Gosh...Do I regret that! Look how youve grown!

My "Hot Button" dream is to retire with a residual income
large enough to be able to quit the fumes and backache of

To this glorious end, I commit myself to GDI, and helping
people get what they want!

With Tim Seberts, and all of youre help....I believe I can
do it here with GDI!

Nice to "meet" you all.......and God Bless.

Stephen Stavropoulos

(They call me Smilinsteve......or "smilin'")   Grin

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