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1  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: February 11, 2006, 06:10:17 PM
Hi Demola,

Traffic Exchanges are a great way to get traffic to you website.

The key concept behind Traffic Exchanges is “I will look at your offer, IF you look at my offer”. This is an excellent way to get your offer viewed by many. To do this successfully, you need to surf for hours a week. Some exchanges allow you to buy credits. This can be effective, once you know your offers appeal. Do not EVER just throw money into advertising. Improve your skill level, first, and then decide.

Most every Traffic Exchange has a normal and an upgrade version. Always join as a normal member, and then decide if you like the Exchange enough to upgrade. Most exchanges also require a minimum number of surfs to activate your account. When you join an exchange assume you need to surf 45 minutes in the first day or two, to insure you are active. Look for (and meet) “activation requirements”.

Immediately upon joining a new Traffic Exchange, look for how you get your web site listed. It may not be obvious. It is crucial. It is the reason you are doing this! It is ok to store credits. Most Exchanges allow you to pause your marketing, when you choose. Use it. If you are not going to be able to follow up on a sale, due to life, then pause your marketing. You may keep surfing, or building credits. Then re-activate your marketing when you are ready.

Just do a Google Search for Traffic Exchanges.

Remember new Exchanges start weekly, and some close weekly. Always ask your sponsor what they use. Then ask your upline. If you are serious about making money, they will treat you like a partner.

Have a plan and work your plan daily. By surfing at least 30 to 45 minutes a day, within 30 days you could build up to 3000 to 4500 clicks to your site depending on the exchange you’re using. Do this monthly and it can really add up!

I do not recommend Auto Surf programs. They can work very well, for awhile. However, they bypass the essential concept of Traffic Exchanges. I believe in fairness. I do not believe in taking advantage of technology to beat the “I will look at yours, if you look at mine” concept.
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