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916  .WS Business / Training / Re: Help with daily Navigation within every area of GDI on: October 04, 2011, 10:29:48 AM
I have look at you site it is well done, I like the post you have put up you have great content I am glad to see you on GDI team. Thanks if I can help you anyway please contact me pm or my number is 513-720-2344

By the time you receive this statement. We may have already communicated. I would like you to contact me at my .ws business email with all request. That way my team will get me the message or call my number 24hrs a day.
917  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2011!! on: October 04, 2011, 10:29:48 AM
Hollo Everybody
My name is Wilson C. Powell Jr. form Elizabethtown Kentucky.  I am so glad to find a online job that is wonderland very else to do.  I have join the team of GDI Affiliates I am enjoy this business.  I know I can make alots of money help other to make money and their need met.  I want you to know some of my goals, number one I want to pay off all my student loan, #2 buy my self and my wife a new home, #3 building my church and new church.  I am a pastor of a church that I really love.  I am marry to the must wonderful woman in the world and want to give her the very best life came give her.  I want to be free form that 9 to 5 job so I can be home with my wife and be that full time pastor that I alway want to be and be there for my church member.  The job I have know take me away form my family and the church, the only reason I am their at that job is to take care of my wife that is sick.  I love my wife and I know their something out there that can meet these goal.  I think that GDT will meet these goal and then some.  I need my team to help me meet these goal and beyond.  Thank you for beem their on the internet so I could find this business.  Thank all and my God bless all of You.

I pray you have many blessing in this life journey with GDI. Please, stay connect with your upline and team support. If they have not contacted you and all your actions fail. Just contact me and we will get you up and running. Loving all members withing GDI. Attend the Webinars twice a week. Listen to all the prior Webinars and master navigation through GDI
918  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2011!! on: October 04, 2011, 10:29:48 AM

I just signed up yesterday and am very excited and confused.  Any tips and suggestions for success would be highly appreciated!

I have lived in Hawaii almost 8 years and am looking to start my own cleaning business to help the homeless and vets get back on their feet.

To much success,

Cheryl Grin

Sure, attend GDI's fantastic Webinars....learn to navigate every location we have. Need support for information and ideas contact your upline and their support team. If not luck, just contact me day or night. My team and I support all GDI member ...
919  .WS Business / Training / Re: GDI Real Training Done In Reading Time! on: September 26, 2011, 11:51:14 AM
Thank You William!

I couldn't have said it any better. This is the kind of insight and mindset that develops after many, many years in the trenches and without a good mentor by your side.

If you combine this knowledge with the proper tools & strategies for automation than your a force to be reckoned with.

What a great post, straight to the heart of the truth and very inspirational.


Where do you get your traffic from and where do you direct that traffic?



Joe, I have one location to get unlimited leads from and direct them to my blog. I would be glad to share this procedure that works with you and all. Just contact me with your schedule and I will Skype or call. I am only here to serve others. No worries. The more people my team and I support. The better quality of members GDI receives. Keeping all you members happy and generating the results they want. This retaiins everyone and never have anyone left alone.

Just issue me you schedule with a day and time you are free for just a few  minutes and I will have you up and running with unlimited opt-in business leads. Also, share our workable procedure that has only received positive results.

Looking forward in hearing from you and others.
920  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: GDI Step By Step Wealth Guide on: September 26, 2011, 11:43:29 AM
Now worries to request all you have to do is contact me and give your email. This is so I can issue the GDI guide. I did not create this, not by any means. GDI created this wonderful source with core detail. You will be equiped with basic information to guide you through your business with GDI. It is of no cost. Any questions will be answered.

We are only making an attempt to get more GDI members consistent in action that will produce the end result we all desire. Success as you determed it to be. Looking forward in receiving your request.
921  .WS Business / Training / Help with daily Navigation within every area of GDI on: September 26, 2011, 11:43:29 AM
Just leave questions on navigation with your contact informaiton. My team and I will make contact with you and walk you through any and all areas withing GDI. This will increase your general knowledge of GDI and help you  gain more trainning. You will be able to show your new members areas that will keep them active and motivated. Do not forget to attend the Webinars twice a week. If you can't make it live, there are always taped sessions.

Looking forward in serving all with a true servant's heart.
922  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: New Members Daily Help... Look No Where Else...Keeping It Real. on: September 26, 2011, 11:43:29 AM
I really like the fact that you are willing to help the newbies, like myself.  I want to know if the company has available any advertzing materials that we could use to perhaps set up a booth at a Mall.  Or anything along those lines.  I'll be willing to try anything to get out of the financial mess that I'm in at present.
just contact me and our team will help in every area. The knowledge is priceless and you will be able to focus on more activity that will increase your GDI business.
923  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: New Member from USA on: September 26, 2011, 11:43:29 AM
Hello All  Smiley
I believe this is gonna RoCK!
Very Excited here!

James, I gave you a call and never heard back from you. You request for support and we have it at no cost. We will always be here to help all GDI members become successful as they determined it to be. Looking forward to hearing from you.
924  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: daily leads on: September 26, 2011, 11:43:29 AM
There are unlimited ways to advertise and leads are free for all members who contact me. This seems to be everyone's problem and my team and I have the solution. No fees and hidden agendas. Just clean opt-in business leads for a lifetime. Our way of serving our GDI members with ethical activities.

Look forward in receiving you request.
925  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: NEWBIE NEEDS HELP. on: September 13, 2011, 08:43:56 AM
I agree with Nav,
the people start to sign-up and then the stop the process. They are excited with watching the little movie. Then in all that emotion, they just start filling in the required information. Wait, now it requires to place the payment information and the account must have something in it for our system to accept that given account. If they have a negative or zero balance. It will not be a valid account.

Complete a test with yourself and you should get the same response. Just use the name as test. This is so our techs will not be alarmed seeing you computer address being utilized to sign another member. Just trust me on this based on my own experience. Make sure you type in the name field Test. That is all.

Great question and I hope all information was useful. I love the usage of our forums being done these days. It is more active that the old days. Hey, just attend the live Webinars and you can ask these types of questions with our techs and other staff members. Get it straight from the horses mouth, per say.

Hey, welcome to GDI and if there is anything I can support your business. Please, call upon me day and night.
926  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Is "Make Over $100,000 Every Month" a Good Headline? on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM
I agree with Vincent,
the information given in your pitch page. This is going to reflect not only on your character. It also will have an impact on GDI.

There are too many misleading ads for GDI all over the internet. If we few keep it clean and by duplication. All our new members will follow your lead. Give the ads juice and quality. Not making anyone respond to the greed that to many ads attempt.

Tell more on how you as a person will support them as a new member. How you will be reachable and empowering. Let them no something about you, who you are. Never mind about products and formulas. Too many of my readers state the same thing for years. If people would only give others a chance to find out about the person. There would be unlimited members joining. It's about branding yourself. Not the company.

Our video is the one item that sells GDI. The ways of just getting people to watch is not brain surgery. That is so beautiful when you think about it. GDI pays us just to get people to watch movies and attend Webinars. That is it without any selling required. Answer questions through the video and when you followup. Tell people all question should be answered within the presentation. It's a movie and thousands of people watch them daily on YouTube. It amazes me to read the stats on time spent playing games v.s. time spent watching videos.

That is why anyone would give a few minutes to watch any video. As long as your not selling anything when your speaking with them. Just have fun to get people to watch this amazing video and pamper them all the way. Being yourself as a person who love to help others. Being persistent in supporting the health and welfare of others. These are what shows to others by your actions. They can determine right away your a person of character. That is priceless!

I see you will learn this is not a race. It is a lifestyle that so few of use are living. If one can do it, why can't you. Just live with an attitude of gratitude. Love helping others and look at each day as an adventure. You will succeed in all your endeavors. 

Thank you for being part of GDI. No one will be left alone.
927  .WS Business / Training / GDI Real Training Done In Reading Time! on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM
I am going to give this away for free. This is the correct way to create something right the first time. By the way, GDI requires no selling at all. Your focus should be on getting people to watch a movie. That is it. GDI pays us to do just this. Make sure it is ethical and do not tell of anything. Let the movie to it's purpose. By you telling anyone and everyone all their questions will be answered when they watch the movie. There is no selling needed. If you must speak on something make sure it's the follow-up and then only speak on how you will support their business and personal growth. No one is left alone. It's only about them and that is your teams only focus, them. You place yourself out of the equation. There success as they determined is the end result. Now, below is how to duplicate the process. This is being given free. People join people and not products or services. If your supportive persistent and reachable. That is what building that relationship bonded on trust is all about. People will purchase a roll of toilet paper for $10.00 if the like and trust you. Tell people what you will do for them and give them examples of support. You be the go to person who gets things done. Brand yourself and not products or companies. This is what keeps members growing and you business alive. This is a lifetime journey not a race. It will become a lifestyle for you as it has for many of us. Help enough people on a daily basis with an attitude of gratitude. That is all it takes to only do what makes you happy everyday and get paid to do it. Hey, if men can get paid to play a child's game(Baseball) why can't you get paid to do what you love and enjoy? If one can do it, why not you?

The Ultimate Team Existence

We loose focus on well, what is the product. I believe your the real product. You build your name to a level of greatness. One such as with character, and thus, respect.

Your the product, and what ever venue you choose to accept, as one of the many projects, to generate unlimited revenue. To coach, mentor and empower others, to achieve their success as they determined. Can be established with any company. The business system that each company has works, with the right supportive team of dedicated hungry people. Each being responsible for one or more weekly tasked to grow the team larger. To train all members. To motivate with webinars. To call and utilize other means of communication at least twice a week. To empower those team members, who have not reached the higher level of confidence as leaders, coaches, mentors in our industry. Those who have reached these levels start to duplicate the working process of evaluating more projects to add to the team, another source of revenue. Then just duplicate the same actions as complete with the first company.

This is how it is done correctly. Keeping every team member achieving each goal and taking on the responsibility as the original members. Each project has new members of the team taking one or two supportive roles. More member will able the team to add another project without original member over worked, and stressed. Thus, keeping it real with having a home base business, with multiple generated revenue. Plus, each member works less and have more time to share with loves and travel. Then start telling their stories globally adding more new members to the team, from all parts of the world. This is how to establish the “Ultimate Team Existence” worldwide.

We who have accomplished understanding being great coaches, mentors, leaders and visionaries. Have the obligation to ask each person who we recruit, if they have complete due diligence on us, our team and the company. You have nothing to worry about being ethical in all your actions. Your accepting to support, motivate and empower people who are giving their trust in you. Your responsible to their success as they determined, and the health and welfare of their loved ones. This is imperative, to the overall success of the team that you are developing. This is true character. It will be reflected by each team member.

You lead by example. You live the passion for supporting others without expecting anything. Then all things will be possible. There will not be any limitation as you believed, based on prior institution education. Now, having before you , conscious of the truth. Your leadership will be duplicated within people who believe, not only in you. Yet, in the vision that you have planted the seed in their minds. 

Now, you have the hole truth and system that works with all businesses and all teams. This is a real usable blue print for success, as you determined. This is the blue for achieving success, as each member determined themselves. It really works.

The how’s, do not matter, with driven passionate, hungry, supportive, loving and giving people. This is the formula to build real relationships, of people to be included, in your lifetime team. Remember, this is a journey and not a race. These people are going to be around your loves, and develop into powerful friends. You will be traveling around the globe, with these people. So, create your team with the right mix, of dedicated  passionate, ethical,  positive people. It just works!

We respect each person’s insight to the subject presented. So, please leave real content to help clarify this article. I thank you for the time spent reviewing and hope you will return soon.


2011©All rights reserved. William Earl Amis, Jr. III - U.S. and International Copyright Laws. 
928  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: If one can do it, why can't you? on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM
Just get all this clear. I am making attempts to help all our GDI members be honest and open your eyes. Stop making a big deal on promoting GDI. Read this part of a communication I just had.

I am going to give this away for free. This is the correct way to create something right the first time. By the way, GDI requires no selling at all. Your focus should be on getting people to watch a movie. That is it. GDI pays us to do just this. Make sure it is ethical and do not tell of anything. Let the movie to it's purpose. By you telling anyone and everyone all their questions will be answered when they watch the movie. There is no selling needed. If you must speak on something make sure it's the follow-up and then only speak on how you will support their business and personal growth. No one is left alone. It's only about them and that is your teams only focus, them. You place yourself out of the equation. There success as they determined is the end result. Now, below is how to duplicate the process. This is being given free. People join people and not products or services. If your supportive persistent and reachable. That is what building that relationship bonded on trust is all about. People will purchase a roll of toilet paper for $10.00 if the like and trust you. Tell people what you will do for them and give them examples of support. You be the go to person who gets things done. Brand yourself and not products or companies. This is what keeps members growing and you business alive. This is a lifetime journey not a race. It will become a lifestyle for you as it has for many of us. Help enough people on a daily basis with an attitude of gratitude. That is all it takes to only do what makes you happy everyday and get paid to do it. Hey, if men can get paid to play a child's game(Baseball) why can't you get paid to do what you love and enjoy? If one can do it, why not you?

Then I just copied my article of "The Ultimate Team Existence". This is huge to help unlimited people with their business.

929  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: UP & DOWN the LINE! on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM
Here it is. This is helpful and I would love to read the replies. Really this will help you.

I am going to give this away for free. This is the correct way to create something right the first time. By the way, GDI requires no selling at all. Your focus should be on getting people to watch a movie. That is it. GDI pays us to do just this. Make sure it is ethical and do not tell of anything. Let the movie to it's purpose. By you telling anyone and everyone all their questions will be answered when they watch the movie. There is no selling needed. If you must speak on something make sure it's the follow-up and then only speak on how you will support their business and personal growth. No one is left alone. It's only about them and that is your teams only focus, them. You place yourself out of the equation. There success as they determined is the end result. Now, below is how to duplicate the process. This is being given free. People join people and not products or services. If your supportive persistent and reachable. That is what building that relationship bonded on trust is all about. People will purchase a roll of toilet paper for $10.00 if the like and trust you. Tell people what you will do for them and give them examples of support. You be the go to person who gets things done. Brand yourself and not products or companies. This is what keeps members growing and you business alive. This is a lifetime journey not a race. It will become a lifestyle for you as it has for many of us. Help enough people on a daily basis with an attitude of gratitude. That is all it takes to only do what makes you happy everyday and get paid to do it. Hey, if men can get paid to play a child's game(Baseball) why can't you get paid to do what you love and enjoy? If one can do it, why not you?

The Ultimate Team Existence

We loose focus on well, what is the product. I believe your the real product. You build your name to a level of greatness. One such as with character, and thus, respect.

Your the product, and what ever venue you choose to accept, as one of the many projects, to generate unlimited revenue. To coach, mentor and empower others, to achieve their success as they determined. Can be established with any company. The business system that each company has works, with the right supportive team of dedicated hungry people. Each being responsible for one or more weekly tasked to grow the team larger. To train all members. To motivate with webinars. To call and utilize other means of communication at least twice a week. To empower those team members, who have not reached the higher level of confidence as leaders, coaches, mentors in our industry. Those who have reached these levels start to duplicate the working process of evaluating more projects to add to the team, another source of revenue. Then just duplicate the same actions as complete with the first company.

This is how it is done correctly. Keeping every team member achieving each goal and taking on the responsibility as the original members. Each project has new members of the team taking one or two supportive roles. More member will able the team to add another project without original member over worked, and stressed. Thus, keeping it real with having a home base business, with multiple generated revenue. Plus, each member works less and have more time to share with loves and travel. Then start telling their stories globally adding more new members to the team, from all parts of the world. This is how to establish the “Ultimate Team Existence” worldwide.

We who have accomplished understanding being great coaches, mentors, leaders and visionaries. Have the obligation to ask each person who we recruit, if they have complete due diligence on us, our team and the company. You have nothing to worry about being ethical in all your actions. Your accepting to support, motivate and empower people who are giving their trust in you. Your responsible to their success as they determined, and the health and welfare of their loved ones. This is imperative, to the overall success of the team that you are developing. This is true character. It will be reflected by each team member.

You lead by example. You live the passion for supporting others without expecting anything. Then all things will be possible. There will not be any limitation as you believed, based on prior institution education. Now, having before you , conscious of the truth. Your leadership will be duplicated within people who believe, not only in you. Yet, in the vision that you have planted the seed in their minds. 

Now, you have the hole truth and system that works with all businesses and all teams. This is a real usable blue print for success, as you determined. This is the blue for achieving success, as each member determined themselves. It really works.

The how’s, do not matter, with driven passionate, hungry, supportive, loving and giving people. This is the formula to build real relationships, of people to be included, in your lifetime team. Remember, this is a journey and not a race. These people are going to be around your loves, and develop into powerful friends. You will be traveling around the globe, with these people. So, create your team with the right mix, of dedicated  passionate, ethical,  positive people. It just works!

We respect each person’s insight to the subject presented. So, please leave real content to help clarify this article. I thank you for the time spent reviewing and hope you will return soon.


2011©All rights reserved. William Earl Amis, Jr. III - U.S. and International Copyright Laws. 
930  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: UP & DOWN the LINE! on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM

  I left GDI for a year then re activated my account, what happened to my downline???



You lead by example and they followed you? That is the only way you have no downline. That is to be expected. You have to communicate and be active with down and upline members. There is no other way. Get their real communication links, phones. Skype and other platforms.

I make it a point to always communicate twice a week. Then one meeting with all at a free location that host unlimited video sign-in people. We have fun and learn how to increase a members business with growth. Leaving no one behind. That is how we get things done.

We have offered to help every member withing GDI and must tell you. Most are not making a step in growing there business. The rate of sign-ups have been so low and not worth talking about. People globally are hurting that they can not afford even $10.00 per month. That can feed some families for a week. Think about how bad the are off. It makes you want to do more if they would respond.

Well, people will jump and make a move when the hit bottom. We will still be here to help. Stay positive and get out and make things happen. Stop with all this self-pity stuff. I believe in everyone who had the guts to join GDI. Now, only if they would believe in their self.

Below you will find a conversation that helped allot of people within this forum. I will return with it.
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