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811  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / GDI and how to use it rigth the first time! on: June 11, 2012, 10:18:18 AM
OK. Your here within GDI and maybe like most it took a long time to learn how to even get here in the forum. You did not have a sponsor to help learn and master navigation throughout GDI. You do not even have a clue what GDI is used for in the whole "Own Your Own Business".

Let me open your eyes to a simple truth. GDI is a world champ at being a platform to build your globall business from. Think of GDI as the foundation which to learn about our industry and also build that first and only business you will ever require.

Let us say you want to build a house. Well first you must clear and level all the ground that the foundation will be poured into. Then rebars will have to be placed within the mix after the plumming, wiring, and frame work is done. Then pour the cement for the foundation, right.


Well, GDI is no different than building a house. First you must create a spreadsheet that will show you how much you believe the total cost of building and running your business would look like. So, yes you and everyone before you in our industry must accomplish this before any money is to be generated into your life. So, how can this be accomplished without wasting your time and money?

Next, you would understand this is not a hobby or what if it works situation. You must sit alone until you have agreed what your passion is. The next....steps later next week. Or you can contact me today.
812  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: How To Sign Up With A Different Upline? on: June 11, 2012, 10:17:44 AM
It is about finding us within GDI who give daily free hands on support. You have to love to read and get to master navigation throughout GDI platform. If you have no luck in contacting anyone in your sponsor's group. Then read more within these forum walls you would have found people such as me.

I have been providing hands on support to all and not just those within GDI family. I never charge anything. There are no hidden agendas and systems to purchase. I do not sell and gimmicks and junk.

I have coached countless global people and love what I do. You can contact 24hrs a day and my group that I have been blessed to coach over 32 years in our great industry are here to serve you.

We keep ourselves and our accomplishments out of the equation. We do not want anything from you except your commitment to yourself. I purpose is simply to support you for a lifetime with not once being charged for any support. We do not need anything except respect and honesty from all who ask for help.

You have to manifest the hungry for a real lifestyle of abundance. We will show you how to find your passion and share it globally. By just doing that and then showing others how you did it. You will prosper in every part of your live.

Hey, all you had to do is find me and ask for help. Below you can see my 24hr contact information. When your sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the junk and gimmick. When all you want is to finally get support and shown the right way to use GDI as what it is, the platform of you foundation. That is it to be clear.

So, contact me today! Just take action show you can get the full benefit of GDI and how to use it without duplication of the pitch pages. Hey, why would anyone create a site that is a pitch page when GDI gives us over 8 pages to use. Your site is build based on your passion and will be the platform to grow your real business. You just need to do it right the first time and that is what I am here for.

I agree with you in some parts, in other parts I do not. The biggest earners in GDI all have a system in place, I am not saying GDI's replicated sites don't work. I am saying everyone markets the GDI opportunity in a different way and those that did market GDI in a different way (Brian Bear, Tissa, Tim Serbert, Martin Wilson, Ash Mufareh, Jason and few others) did it using their own unique spin and system.

Just my 2 cents

Just my 2 cents....yes you call it a funnel, and mention names that they have no hands on support. You join and pay and keep paying for other platforms. Most after a couple of hundred dollars give up no matter how much hype is used by the named. If you want to establish a real lifestyle with GDI as the foundation as it was designed to do. Then get with people who have experience and created lifestyles utilizing GDI as what it is, a platform to build your business from.

You missed my message and point, yet I love you enthusiasm. Your an amazing supporter of our GDI family and if there is anything that I or my group can help with, just contact me day or night. I live to support others and remain transparent.

If you really want to learn the basics upto getting it done the right way the first time. Welcome to my life. Just visit my site and there is no selling ever. I do not self promote nor promote for anyone else. I keep it real and give unlimited support globally for over 32 years in our great industry.

Take the Billy challenge and allow us to support your GDI business and never a cost. It is our way of giving back to our communities. Hey, you have to find your passion and then share it globally. Then learn how to generate real spendable prosperity just for doing what you love. When your able to do this, as the few of us have. Then you have a real passionate, exciting lifestyle so few only dream of. Leave the drama out of the picture. Books, tapes and other motivating products are free and always have been. Think about that? That is what our amazing libraries are for since the begining of our industry. Use it like those you names and you can make your own product then reap the rewards as they are. Just remember to give back to those who need and hunger for the truth.

Try to find just one person daily to help in some way from your heart. Do as you want others yet do it first. I can be what ever, I will to be....
813  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: How To Sign Up With A Different Upline? on: June 05, 2012, 10:05:38 AM
Just a procedure is to make sure you made all attempts to contact everyone in your upline. Then if that fails contact headquarters and tell them you have had no luck in getting the required support for your GDI business and would like to change the sponsor to?

Now, if you need a lifetime of free support our group does all of this and never sells anything. Nor would we accept anything for our lifetime support. You can make contact with me below and we will have you get it right the first time.

It is not about how many people you can recruit. It is about building a foundation with GDI that allows you to share your real passion and someone to give hands on daily support without gimmicks and hidden agendas.

There are some who give our great industry a bad taste. Then we have only us few who live to serve others with a true servant's heart.

Hey, I have been in this industry over 32 years and coached each person in my group of 15,017 which is growing daily. We deliver hands on coaching and have you up and running the right way.

You should always complete your due diligence and with everyone before jumping into something like GDI. GDI is just a platform to build your foundation. The rest must be shown to you and that is what you need passionate supportive people who need nothing from you yet gives everything for support without a cost.

Hey, contact me after you have completed your due diligence. We never leave anyone alone from our GDI family. That is the way this GDI platform is designed to be.

Looking forward in serving all and never looking for anything in return. This is my passion to support all and coach them into sharing their passion with prosperity the end result.
814  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: My Name Isaac on: June 05, 2012, 10:05:38 AM
I have offered our support and pray you made contact with your sponsor and/or his/her upline prior to making contact with me.

I am always here to support all our GDI members get it right the first time.
815  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: It's Not About How Many People You Sign Up? on: May 24, 2012, 05:50:29 PM
You want to start from the beginning creating a foundation is what GDI was established for. I do not know why people think GDI is a business? It is a platform for you to launch you business based on you passion. This is where you host you site to share with our global industry what you love doing daily.

You write an article once a week sharing you adventures of growing your global business. The facts written in such away to increase membership to your business. Then give the readers usable information on building a real business.

Just stay away from ads on you site. Do not mention any GDI or others. Just be transparent with giving quality post. Your readers will grow and all is kept safe on your site. Did you know if you use a certain site builder it stores all email and names so you can make contact with each visitor. The bigger you name is branded, which is just a way of saying people globally get to know you as on who gives real usable information. You stand out and your site is free of junk. No pop ups requesting people to purchase junk.

If you keep your site clear of any and all ads you will get so many people who ask for your supportive services. To serve others is what every successful business is all about. Your not any different. If I was to let you know that the more people you help, the more prosperity in every area of you life will be.

Hey, you need to setup a one on one with me now. I never charge a dime for a lifetime of real support.

You will find that the person who made you aware of GDI has never contacted you? Hey, when are you going to wake-up and get real. This is not a hobby it is a real business and you need to take the first steps right. So, stop waiting and get down below and contact me. There is never a cost for me and my group to support you for a lifetime.

Nothing to loose except money and time. Just do something each day and it will happen with the right support. I am offering just that and more. Hey, you must have 15minutes or less right?
816  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: How To Sign Up With A Different Upline? on: May 16, 2012, 04:42:55 PM
It is about finding us within GDI who give daily free hands on support. You have to love to read and get to master navigation throughout GDI platform. If you have no luck in contacting anyone in your sponsor's group. Then read more within these forum walls you would have found people such as me.

I have been providing hands on support to all and not just those within GDI family. I never charge anything. There are no hidden agendas and systems to purchase. I do not sell and gimmicks and junk.

I have coached countless global people and love what I do. You can contact 24hrs a day and my group that I have been blessed to coach over 32 years in our great industry are here to serve you.

We keep ourselves and our accomplishments out of the equation. We do not want anything from you except your commitment to yourself. I purpose is simply to support you for a lifetime with not once being charged for any support. We do not need anything except respect and honesty from all who ask for help.

You have to manifest the hungry for a real lifestyle of abundance. We will show you how to find your passion and share it globally. By just doing that and then showing others how you did it. You will prosper in every part of your live.

Hey, all you had to do is find me and ask for help. Below you can see my 24hr contact information. When your sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the junk and gimmick. When all you want is to finally get support and shown the right way to use GDI as what it is, the platform of you foundation. That is it to be clear.

So, contact me today! Just take action show you can get the full benefit of GDI and how to use it without duplication of the pitch pages. Hey, why would anyone create a site that is a pitch page when GDI gives us over 8 pages to use. Your site is build based on your passion and will be the platform to grow your real business. You just need to do it right the first time and that is what I am here for.
817  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Showcase Your Website, 2012!! on: May 16, 2012, 04:42:55 PM
The proper way to get new members and to create a real brand is to produce usable content at least once a week. You must get with a strong passionate group of global people. The thing is to allow unlimited people access to information being the hottest topics each week. This subject matter is always emotional and empowering. You do not sell anything ever! You provide a clean non-sales pitch platform.

You have gained a unique name for yourself by sharing your passion and relating it to personal development and business creation. All to show others how to accomplish the same through a professional platform called GDI. You do not sell or mention GDI in any articles. No pitches and gimmicks with so called systems....Just keep it real and remain transparent.

People want to be needed and shown how to find their real passion. Then create a real business based on that passion being the foundational truth to their business. This allow us to create a real business with a strong foundation being, GDI. Then supporting them daily if needed to allow them hands on coaching from you. They feel needed and have great free support from you. Now, you have a lifetime journey with them as more and more people connect via your site. They all are going to want to have a site like yours and be part of your group. It always works and I have personally coached over 31015 people within 32 years in our great industry. I never charged anyone a dime to have a lifetime of support.

Hey, I rather show people globally how to share their passion and get paid doing it. That is how I created a real lifestyle with abundance unlimited. I love helping people find their passion then coach them how to share it. They create a business based only on sharing their passion and getting paid for it. I love my business and can not wait each day just to find one person to support.

It works and I keep my eyes on everyone who ask for help. Then give all I can with a powerful consistent group of professional globally.

Just take action and stop playing as you created a business just because you have a GDI platform. Use it for what it is the foundation to build your business.

Take a look at how we do it right the first time. That is the solution and the outcome is a lifestyle that only a few of us have achieved. See you when your sick and tired of playing.

Empowering usable content that your about to view: Hey, no selling anything ever!

818  .WS Business / Marketing / It's Not About How Many People You Sign Up? on: May 16, 2012, 04:42:55 PM
Just wanted to get everyone to understand. Yes, GDI has contest yet it is not about only bringing people into GDI. You must commit to being supportive for a lifetime.

You can recruit hundreds a week yet no one is going to continue after the trial period without you understanding how to support everyone you bring in. Your not going to do any justice to anyone with being a person who knows nothing about GDI and what it is for.

This is a key to understand and keep people in our group. There are too many people who never get any support from day one. You do not understand our great industry and how are you going to help anyone within GDI.

Numbers do not matter. Support and guidance on mastering navigation within GDI is the core focus. You must not think money, money recruit.

Helping others create a real lifestyle is the point here. You have to master navigation and know what the procedures are to build a real strong foundation. How to get your name known globally as a great mentor, coach, and visionary in our amazing industry.

GDI is the one foundation that must be created correctly. If your just here for  money you have already failed. You must have a passion and share it by using GDI as the platform. Then know how to show others to share their passions. Then know how to create a prosperous lifestyle just doing that. That is what GDI is and has to offer.

Get with people who now how and the the numbers will be created. This is not a race it is a lifetime journey which will have unlimited prosperity if done right the first time.

That is what we are here for. To support all GDI members without a cost. You have to gain knowledge and then take action. You will later be able to win weekly bonuses after you have created a real group within GDI.

Hey, if one can do it why not you?
819  .WS Business / Training / Re: Live Daily Training on: May 16, 2012, 04:42:55 PM
I apologize for the massive people who made contact for our live training. You have to contact me first before I can let you be part of the Facebook training. I need to know you level of understanding and email address to add you to the group. It is simple and fast.

Go to my 24hr request for support and check a day and time we will met for five minutes. All will be clear and fast. Then you will get a lifetime support at never a cost and do it right the first time.

It just makes sense to know who I am and the same with you. Then you will feel comfortable to be transparent with what you know and what really GDI is for. Let us have fun with creating a smooth way to make it happen for you.

Lot of people are understanding how to make GDI the platform it is. Do not waste any time and money on junk. You are already equipped with GDI and the rest is just support for free.
820  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Weekly Activity on: April 30, 2012, 02:43:26 PM
You should have been consistent with all action. You must setup consults for all new members in our group. Weekly communication is a must.

If you want to understand how to utilize GDI for what it is then think about this. GDI is only a platform to launch your business. Until you learn how to find your true passion and then share it globally. Then how to make money just by empowering others with weekly stories of support and growth. Doing what you love doing and getting paid for it.

You have to love people and reading. You must understand this is a lifetime journey and not a race. You must lead by example. So, do not ask anyone to do something you have not done yourself.

Understand if you find what you love doing. Then someone supports you and coaches you into how to share that passion in away that it relates to business and personal growth. Then shows you how to generate unlimited revenue from just doing what you love and sharing it with the world.

Is that not enough to really stop and get real with GDI. It is a foundation and must be built with a clear understanding of all the marvels it has to offer you. We have the state of the art training here within GDI. There are unlimited hands on support on Facebook.

You must complete due diligence in every step you take. So, stop and start from getting it done right the first time.

Allow us to support your GDI foundation and never look back. We will support you day and night without ever a cost. We have been blessed with real lifestyles and would not accept anything for our lifetime support with your GDI platform.

Hey, you have been wasting how long with how much? Now, you deserve to get it done right. We will be here for the next 32 years in our global industry. We never leave anyone to stand on their own.

Looking forward in meeting your and giving all our support.
821  .WS Business / Training / Re: Live Daily Training on: April 23, 2012, 11:34:42 AM
Coming soon is going to be a post a week with how to get your GDI platform working to generate a real business. This is what GDI is all about. This is a foundation that you share your passion and get paid just doing that. Then you show others how to do the same.

Stop over thinking GDI. Get to understand the truth of our industry and how to use GDI correctly. It is a platform for your foundation of your business. Your passion is your core business. The action of sharing your passion is what your business is and you will get paid for sharing what you love.

It is so easy and we are enjoying real lifestyles.
822  .WS Business / Training / Re: Live Daily Training on: April 11, 2012, 04:01:23 PM
To get the Facebook live training. Just issue and email to me with the request to be added. That is keeping it simple. No selling of anything. Just pure passionate hands on support. Fun and easy.
823  .WS Business / My.WS Training / Re: Online Tranning Hand Being Held All The Way All GDI Members on: March 16, 2012, 01:51:36 PM
Everyone, you must issue me your email.ws so I can add you to the group. You will not have access unless your added. We do not have an open group were anyone can just join. You must be placed into our training. Just send it to my 24hr reqest for support location. It is that simple.
824  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: I've been here for a couple months now created a website with the sitebuilder on: March 01, 2012, 01:57:22 PM
Here is my Gdi created website being this is my first ever website that I have ever created and constructive criticism will be appreciated on what could or should be done to make it better and don't forget to sign my guess book , Thanks Harold

Let me help you with the address:

http://hbaynes.ws]http://hbaynes.wsurl][/quote]Let me help you with the address:[url]http://hbaynes.ws Now people can view your site and give you usable feed back to grow. Good luck.

If there is any future support you require. Just contact me day or night.
825  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Spam Policy on: March 01, 2012, 01:57:22 PM
Hi everyone,

I tried posting a listing on facebook earlier last week asking anyone interested in GDI. I then get an email from Facebook customer service saying that they took out my listing for the reason that it was SPAM!!!  I wrote back to them saying how legitimate the whole thing is and how I wouldn't jeopordise my reputation on theirs by spamming and their excuse was that they have the right to choose what goes on without any other reason.

Any advise on such an issue?


Facebook require you to have a "Fan Page" if your doing business. You can not sell anything on you personal page. They will cancel your account and lock your IP address from creating a new one. Stop doing it on your personal account. It only takes 3 minutes to build a business Fan page on Facebook.

If you need assistance contact me day or night. I love supporting our GDI family.
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