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796  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: JUST A WARM HELLO... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hi, my name is Martha Tucker and I've been a member for awhile, but I'm finally getting
around to using the site to generate cash.  I hope to return here often.

Have a great evening.
Best regards,
Martha Tucker

Martha, it is a pleasure welcome to GDI and all the support we have within. Please, take advantage of the tutorials and webinars. That is the key to keep motivated and always moving forward.

GDI will give you the foundation every business requires. Look to seek your sponsor and upline support from day one. Contact them while your mastering navigation throughout GDI system.

I look forward in hearing about your progress in the near future.
797  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hear, hear... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
...Welcome Aboard!

I have been with GDI for over 12 years;
let's spread the .WS=WebSite message,

WE have a *unique* brand & opportunity,
for life.

Chip Snyder

Chip, we are appreciating all you do within the GDI team. Your presents has been empowering!

I have completed my due diligence years ago and based on your dedication to our industry as a whole. You made me believe in myself and GDI as the foundation that did change my lifestyle.

One place that has it all. My total business cost, decreased and production increased. That had the total effect I was looking for to drive revenue. Nothing out there nor will ever compare with the leverage I have gained.

Thank you for caring and sharing supportive usable information throughout the years. I look forward in hearing more in the future.
798  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hear, hear... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hello everyone, I'm Ron, from the deep south USA.  Looking forward to building a profitable enterprise.....

How deep is south USA? I pray you are located in parts that are not effected by our Nations dryness this year. Horrible things being with those fires and I pray you with your family are fine.
799  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hear, hear... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Yes this is a great job and I enjoy it..Glad that I can spread the word

GDI is a foundation that we launch our unique businesses from. The only job is the one you should be prepared to leave after much growth with your business.

GDI as a foundation will take you and everyone to the next level. You will be blessed with a real lifestyle that so few of us have been honored to have.

Let me know how your business growth is and what you have done with all the free time you accomplished through utilizing GDI the right way the first time.
800  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hear, hear... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
i love this company...ive been with GDI since 2007  Smiley

What types of progress have you achieved with such a vast amount of time with our GDI family?
801  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
I have offered our support and pray you made contact with your sponsor and/or his/her upline prior to making contact with me.

I am always here to support all our GDI members get it right the first time.

I just wanted to add welcome to all. GDI is a great foundation to get your business establish. The rest is a life time journey and we are always here to add support. Just remember as I always state, please contact your sponsor and upline with all question and if you do not get any support. Then just relax and return and make contact here. We are all willing and able to support your growth and establish your real foundation by utilizing GDI. That is what this is and how to use it is the coaching ever member needs. This is a lifetime journey not a race. No one is going to make millions in a day or so. It takes real dedication and unlimited thinking with a passionate supportive group.

Hey, watch the video tutorials for the first step. Then listen to all the Webinars and there is not short cuts. This takes  time and support is needed daily. So, make sure you practice navigation throughout GDI system. You will not be any use to your new members if you lack mastering navigation within GDI. That is the first step for each member!

If you never receive that total support from you sponsor and upline. Then and only then make contact with me. I will personally support you and get it done right the first time.

See you around GDI and welcome to our global family where there are no limitations!
802  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
I have a question? My Name is Tina! I had invited people to know more about GDI offer and one person has already responded, can anyone tell me what I should do next now that I have captured my friends interest? Meaning, in the email it was stated to keep his interest and offer a 7-day FREE trial for GDI service, ect is this what I can offer him, and if so, can someone show me step by step how do I go about doing this and where do I go to send him this information on my site!



Welcome and congradulations on getting a person to respond. You should follow your sponsor's and upline for support on what to do next. However, if they fail to respond then we would be glad to help.

Too many of us forget that when you bring a new person in GDI. Your responsible for a lifetime. It is not a hobby and they need coaching daily. You should navigate and master it within GDI to learn what GDI is and how to use it.

If anyone needs more support and have follow procedures to contact sponsor first and then their upline. After all has ended with no support. Then contact me right away day or night. We live to serve others and do not leave anyone alone.

GDI is the foundation for all businesses and everyone must understand what is the correct way to use GDI and how to gain a real lifestyle from this solid foundation.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone on their understanding and introduction into GDI.

There are video tutorials on the left side of our main members area page. That along with all the recorded webinars should get you up to speed until you get a result either positive contact from sponsor & upline or negative which is no response what so ever. Remember your not alone and always can return hear for additional support.
803  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Cancelling one of my two domains on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
If cancelling via email what is needed?

Full Name
Why cancelling: No support from upline and sponsor since starting. Two or more accounts.

804  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Lack of Communication on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
We solved this issue and I am honored to be supporting Bill Z with all our members. This is how we are suppose to communicate daily. Hey, it is not rocket science yet everyone makes it hard.
805  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Frustrated with bad uplines ! on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
If you do not understand what GDI is then nothing will help. You can not think GDI other than a foundation to build your business on. Your passion is what your business will be about. You must learn what to do and when to do it. That is what your sponsor & upline is in place for. Then you have myself and others here in the forum.

If anyone needs help just ask in detail. No same in asking or you can continue doing the same thing over again getting the same end result nothing?

That is crazy and I have faith in all our members. There are a few of us that has been reaching out one person at a time to make it right. We have a lifetime of support at never a cost. So what the heck are you waiting for. Just take action and change your life to gaining a real business and stop playing like you have one.

You do not sell GDI and that is you and everyone else problem. GDI is the foundation as building a house. First build a strong foundation = GDI. Then get with a support person that will coach you through to put all this together for the end result, success as only you can determine.

OK. Now everyone stop complaining and get with us to make the right moves the first time. Hey, it can not hurt and cost nothing? This should be amazing information for all.
806  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Wordpress blog slow on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
I learned years ago the less junk you have on your site the vaster it opens for delivery. If your running videos then limit the amount of time. Get those crazy ads off you site. The cleaner your site the vaster it is. I have never had this issue, just check mine out if you want a sample. No selling of anything.

If you still have problems write me the detail and with your link and I will take a look and get you the correct response to resolve any WordPress issues.

That is what I do, serve all our GDI family right the first time.
807  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Spam Policy on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
For any member who want to know how to do it right the first time. Send me your email and I will issue you the GDI Wealth Guide that has it all in a simple format. Also, samples to copy. You can not go wrong.

I am just here to serve all our GDI family with the right answers the first time. You can receive the information once I get a request.

Talk soon!
808  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: How To Sign Up With A Different Upline? on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
If you take a look at some of the areas within our great forum. You will see where we are starting from the beginning of setting up a real business. All this step by step information free with a lifetime of free support.

This is being done by our huge group of passionate people who are committed to GDI and getting every member coached the right way the first time. Travel this lifetime journey with us and never be left behind.
809  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: GDI and how to use it rigth the first time! on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:43 AM
Now we have gain and understanding that it takes two spreadsheets that must be created before we build the foundation using GDI as the platform.

You have one for your personal life and one for the operation of your business.

Pick a name for your business that reflects you. You would use your full first and last name when communicating and blogging. That will have people know who you are and match you profile you created on LinkedIn. That is a must.

OK let us fill those sheets with basic labels we all need. I am more on Operational Budget. If you would like a personal one created just make contact with me below.

Your first label would be every place you plan to have revenue generated from.
1. GDI
2. Bank Reserves
3. Clients
4. Members
5. Other Platforms which generate revenue.

Next section would be listed as five weeks.
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5

Next section is the total for all columns and rows.

Last section is weekly debt. That would be any amounts you pay daily, monthly or yearly with your business. This may vary based on what type of business you have created. The step I would need to walk you through. Contact me 24 hr location.

Then at the bottom of this Operational sheet would be future investment to business. This is 10% of gross revenue being created from only your business. You must reinvest some money in an account for items that you will need as your business grows. This is from desk, computers, and lots of office supplies. This is a great habit to develop now in the early stages.

Now, your basic Operational Budget is done. Save it and keep it updated with all expenses for that business.
810  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: GDI and how to use it rigth the first time! on: June 12, 2012, 10:58:19 AM
Spreadsheet First Step
I want you now to understand the difference of creating a budget for personal issues vs an operational budget for a real business. They are totally different and one must know this before even opening a business.

Try to get with me for just fifteen minutes so I can create both for you and then you will have a clear understanding and models to follow now well into the future. It will not cost you a dime. If you want to have a real business you must setup operations and run that business right the first time. It is not a hobby by which just go with the flow. You have to keep records daily on expenses with a business. You must also store all records and keep good bookkeeping. This may sound overwhelming if done by yourself. Like I stated you will never be alone and have a group of experienced passionate people in our industry.

This step is starting the foundation of your business. Just a simple spreadsheet with amazing formulas and all setup in less than fifteen minutes without a cost for me doing it for you.

I would love to expand more today, yet we are taking this one baby step at a time. This is like before, a lifetime journey we are taking together. I do look forward in creating your first or new spreadsheet for operations.

Your going to start visualizing every area of how your business should be. Hey, start looking at color schemes for your home office. Think about desk, chair and  lamp. Start with basics and as we grow so will the furnishing. Just keep it simple and get it right the first time.

More next week. Just contact me day or night with any questions. Just follow through and maybe I will complete a video tutorial on that operational spreadsheet. Maybe!
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