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781  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Spam Policy on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Listen everyone. This is simple and should be an adventure. Why are people scared to send an email to people they know?

Hey, you know someone and have been in contact with them for some while. You have built a bond of friendship. You issue them an invite. They know you and both have send numerous emails back and forth. What is the big difference. Get over this little thing and move one.

I rarely utilize GDI invite system based on it has its limitations. I send to my contact which are well over 31017 group members. I have no time to wait and repeat to get through all of them. I write each on personally and issue a card to their email and physical address. It works very well with response and interest.

What every works for you do it. Just remain ethical and transparent. Hey, do it with class and emotion then if it doesn't feel right stop. That is so simple and get to the point. No fear all action .
782  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Verification! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
I need some help,how this works all?Do i earn some money if someone click on my .ws site or just sign up? please help me im new and i dont know what to do Sad

Jaap, you should first understand GDI is a foundation that you create a business at and launch it to the world. Your business is based on what you have a passion for. GDI is not a business, no it is a foundation to build a solid business from.

To get help you must contact your direct sponsor and upline. If all fails that way then contact me day or night. PLus get over to our members area and watch all the training videos plus attend the live weekly webinars. There are recordings of past webinars which are very helpful.

You have to master navigation within GDI and have passionate hands on daily support. This is how we do it right the first time. The forum are wonderful for technical questions and bonding with other GDI family.

You can gain much knowledge first with the one who introduced you to GDI. Lots of people miss this important step. After you have no luck with getting the support required to build from GDI. Then you can find one of us for support the right way.

Hey, the replica sites are great to place as a temp page. Yet, you must create your one blog for interaction. That is a must now that people are looking for someone who can coach them in creating real lifestyles as only a few of us have been blessed to have.

Any way you look at GDI. This is not an overnight get rich place. There is nor will ever be such a place. The only way your going to bet more GDI members is to create usable content and share it on that blog of yours. Leave out all that junk for ads, pitch pages. That doesn't work and will keep positive people away. You will spend without every realizing growth for that business of yours.

Just take a step back. Start today and get over to our great video tutorials. Then every week get into our Webinars. That is the great way to start and allows you to also send multiple messages to your sponsor and upline for the required hands on support they should be giving you from day one.

Do not give up on GDI. IF your upline never supports you no worries. We are a strong family within GDI. No one gets left alone and will have all the support for life required to make this work. Just contact me anytime day or night and we will see what is going on. Either way you will be in the right place doing some positive activity that will help you learn to master navigation within GDI.

How else would you be able to coach new members we bring to your group if you do not master navigation at GDI?

Look forward to hearing from you soon Jaap.
783  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hallo an Alle in Deutschland on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Begrüsse alle deutschen Mitarbeiter.
Bin ziemlich neu hier und habe Fragen über Fragen. Gibt es Werbemöglichkeiten in deutsch? Gibt es eine deutsche Seite auf Facebook und Skype? Wenn nicht, könnten wir eine eröffnen.

Bitte melden - Einer für Alle und Alle für Einen - Helfen wir uns gegeseitig.

Chip I will translate this to English. It is German!

Greet all the German people.
Am pretty new here and have many questions. Are there advertising opportunities in German? Is there a German page on Facebook and Skype? If not, we could create a-.

request log  One for All and All for One - Let us help each other givenHelmut.

Willkommen bei GDI, mein Name ist Billy und ich haben eine andere Sprache für unser Administrator, um Ihre Frage zu beantworten  Seite an jedem Ort. Dennoch muss ich sagen, können Sie einfach kopieren und fügen Sie eine beliebige Sprache in Google Docs und es wird zu übersetzen. Das ist, was ich für mein Global Coaching innerhalb von GDI verwendet wurde.

Wenn Sie Ihren Sponsor und Upline ohne Unterstützung kontaktiert. Kontaktieren Sie mich einfach und wir werden Ihre GDI-Mitgliedschaft und mehr zu unterstützen. Es geht darum, was für andere und die Gründung einer Stiftung innerhalb von GDI. Ihre GDI-Plattform ist nur eine Grundlage, um Ihr Geschäft zu starten. Ihr Unternehmen wird sich, daß eine Leidenschaft, die Sie antreibt. Dann müssen Sie nur darüber zu schreiben in einem Blog erstellen wir in 5 Minuten. Sie haben keine Anzeigen und Junk in diesem Blog. Menschen, die haben kein Wachstum in ihrem Geschäft und Menschen haben nie miteinander interagieren Artikel. Sie spielen wie sie ein Geschäft haben.

Wenn Sie wirklich täglich die Hände auf die Unterstützung brauchen Kontakt mit meinen 24 Stunden Link unten.

Ich freue mich zu hören, mehr über Sie und Ihre Unterstützer werden hoffentlich in naher Zukunft. Wir haben über 31.017 Mitglieder in unserer Gruppe, die ich persönlich für mehr als 37 Jahren in diesem großen Industrie gecoacht.

Achten Sie darauf, und stellen Sie sicher, besuchen Sie das Forum für mindestens 10 Minuten zweimal pro Woche, um in der aktiven Seite der GDI zu halten. Wir haben auch wöchentliche Webinare und Schulungsvideos in der Haupt-Member-Bereich auf der linken Seite.
784  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hear, hear... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
i love this company...ive been with GDI since 2007  Smiley

Hello Chris, I was doing some due diligence on you and I could not find your blog nor linkedIn information to complete my research. I did see you request back in September for information on leads and generating them. You stated that you received bonuses? I would love to know when this was and how you felt when notified. Are the people you got the bonus for still active within GDI?

I found you also wanted to know if there are weekly meeting for GDI. Well the first step for all of us upon joining GDI is to attend the weekly Webinars, master navigation within GDI to be of support for all our new members. I must say you have me at a surprise with not knowing our weekly training webinar is live? You have been a member since what?

This is a perfect example of being transparent. The knowledge without action is nothing. We all have to use ethical actions and keep focus on giving true reliable supportive information throughout this forum. You can't just say anything to sound good about GDI. GDI is not in needed of hype. We need supportive ethical transparent people. Willing to give sound correct information by experience. You must master navigation throughout GDI. Then you would know to attend our weekly GDI Webinars, and complete listening to all the past ones. Then get into that video training we call tutorials located on our members main area.

The next thing since more than 78% members now and in the past failed to follow through with until now. Please, make contact with your direct sponsor and upline. If you do not get the hands on daily support required. Then contact me or someone else with understanding of what GDI is and how to make it a foundation to launch your business. That is what we use GDI for and you may need to get a clarity. Most understand nothing about GDI just continue to duplicate the pitch pages provided for sales purposes. Your to create your own blog writing about your passion without any self-pitches. GDI doesn't need to be on your blog for self-promotion. Your site need to produce at lease one article that has quality and usable information once a week. There is more yet it is simple to make a part of your new lifestyle GDI will launch. If you would like more on this. I challenge you to get with you sponsor and upline. They know how to show you. If you do not any daily support and they failed to provided it. Then and only then contact me for the right way the first time. I would be honored.

I am passionate about being transparent and keeping it real. I do apologize if peoples" feelings are effected. Yet I will continue to be transparent and have you get it right the first time. Than to see you have no growth and dropout due to no sponsor and/or upline support. We have too many newbies in our industry who have been withing GDI for many years. Yet, they never created a real lifestyle nor business based on not knowing what GDI is and the proper usage. This happens over and over since the beginning of GDI. I accept responsibility for it and state to all, I am sorry for standing around and watching this happen. Yet, now I say no more while I am being involved with all my support. I refuse to allow anyone to be left in the wind, per say.

Chris, you do a wonderful job with having the hunger to get it right. Now follow through with your direct sponsor and upline for the required coaching. No one can achieve anything in our industry alone. If you are not coached from the beginning. It is never too late now. It is reflected in our attitudes and transparent behavior. So, when asked or you volunteer information within our GDI family. Make sure you stay being ethical and transparent.

We who complete due diligence on everyone who makes claims about business, coaching and GDI knowledge. Will be watching and will call you out to make an example to our member of how to do it correctly the next time. No one knows everything in our industry and that is why people like myself dedicate a lifetime of research, we call due diligence. That is what each person should be doing with all decisions in life.

Your an amazing person I am sure. I would love to get to know what your real passion is. I do look forward in reading your reply soon.
785  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Gratitude on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Welcome back Nick.

- Knowledge is Power. 

- Once you learn how, you will have the power to compete against anyone on the Internet.

Jose, great and I agree yet knowledge by itself is useless without proper action. Then it manifest power. You must have continued action in order to make things work.

I do look forward in learning all about you and visit that site of your. I pray it will have exciting adventures and quality content that will help everyone create and maintain a real business.

Thank you for sharing your insight.
786  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Gratitude on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hey Nick, being one of our group members. Your forgot to tell everyone to contact you day or night.

No, Nick is so inspirational all the time. His vast knowledge of overall health and welfare is priceless. The focus he has in keep that body in harmony is one main reason to contact him today.

He has a unique passion we all are left in awe. You know that moment when you can feel goose pimples on your back neck. He always seems to effortlessly give them to me upon each consult.
My hope is you will allow a bond to be developed with Nick. Just his overall support is felt globally throughout our great industry.

When you get a change take time and visit his blog. You will be amazed how well the information is and usable. Not that junk or any such sales stuff. Finally a real person who cares about people and giving us quality content that shape thoughts which manifest things into being.

Nick, your one of our great coaches in this industry and I am honored to know you. Keep us smiling and hoping for better things in our lives.  Talk with you soon!
787  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hallo an Alle in Deutschland on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Welcome to GDI, I just wanted to be the first to say that. I believe we will be using Google Chrome translator in the future.

Looking forward in learning all about you now and in the future.
788  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: I would like to welcome everyone to our team on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hey Gary,

awesome work on promoting GDI you are a clearly an example we can all learn from
in this forums, anyways nice to have you here keep up the great work.


Lester, I completed my due diligence on your setup to create your real business online. I do not see any traffic being received and no continued persistent visitors who should be interacting on your blog? Can you tell us why?

You have created a duplicate pitch page and self-promoting GDI. This is not going to get you any consistency with people willing to allow your support. Do you have another blog that links with this sales page? One that shares your passion and gives weekly usable content to inspire readers which will promote continued support with massive visitors?

I know you have a passion and would love to hear what that is. I do believe with your sponsors guidance and upline hands on daily support. They can turn your blog into a site that empowers others to find their passion. Then you can coach them to manifest hope in their live. With doing just that they create a strong foundation using GDI as what it is. Just a solid foundation to be used as a platform to launch a business. Want to know more just contact me day or night.

GDI is not a business and that is what 98% of newbies in our industry fail to realize until they hit the point of loosing that empowering enthusiasm. Your on the right track yet no one has been their to show you the proper usage of GDI and how to make it work with your real business, your passion and sharing it globally.

That is why I state throughout our great forum. Everyone must put their pride away and get with real passionate supportive people. First contact you sponsor and upline and if they fail to give you real hands on daily support to get this right the first time. Then contact me day or night.

I rather be transparent and truthful than hype up your ego. Just doing my part in keep it real and giving all our family within GDI real feed back that will get them empowered to manifest their unique passion. That is what drives you not hype and self-promotional articles. No one should be promoting anything except their passion which is their business. GDI doesn't need any hype as it is a required platform for all businesses globally. Done right your blog can be adjusted and show who you are with passionate writing to empower others.

That is how you setup a blog without all the hype and ads. Never ever self-promote GDI it will not work. Then your showing newer people how to duplicate self-promotion and they will not have any visitors and activity on their blogs. They will drop out and be discourage. Hey we are here to encourage others and empower them to achieve unlimited greatness.

If you would like to see an example of how to do it right the first time. Leaving all the hype and sfuff out of the equation. Giving all visitors and loyal readers real usable content to be inspired by. Start by visiting others blogs. The people in our great industry that found their passion and only write with emotional words to be empowered to change for the whole betterment of your life. Hey, it works for over 37 years of me creating my supportive group. All who I have the honor to be traveling through a lifetime journey with. Serving others with a true Servant's heart is what we do. Never excepting anything in return.

Lester, I look forward in your reply and contact me day or night if you do not get the support required and needed from your sponsor and upline.

Thank you for caring and sharing real thoughts. I do appreciate you and know that in time your going to find that one passion that drives you to change. Then find passionate supportive people who understand what GDI is and the proper way to utilize it.  Done right is doing it well!
789  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: JUST A WARM HELLO... on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM

Have you watch our great video tutorials? Also, each week we have a live Webinar. Take a look throughout GDI platform. You will be amazed at all the training available. Then make contact right away with your sponsor and upline for total hands on daily support.

We believe in never leaving a GDI member to stand alone. Do you know what GDI is and the proper way to use it?

I look forward in hearing your reply and welcome to GDI global family.
790  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Grin hello My name is Dustin I have just joined GDI and am looking forward to building from here thank you guys here we go!

I just wanted to welcome you Dustin. Please, make sure you contact your sponsor and upline so all the support will happen. You may want to master navigation throughout GDI. Then attend and listen to our webinars.

I do look forward in hearing about your business. It will be amazing knowing it is based on your passion that you will be sharing with the world. That alone is worth being patient for. Welcome again.
791  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hi my name is Dolly Cheesy, I just signed up to GDI yesterday.
I was just woundering  Roll Eyes, on my website that i create? Am I allowed to put anything on there? or does it have to be GDI based info/pixz e.t.c? Huh
Please someone can you help me?

Welcome and your site is yours. You should share your passion and not self promote. That will not get people to join GDI. If you give your readers usable information and a way to make contact with you. The rest will fall into place.

You should watch our video tutorials and attend our weekly webinars. Then today contact your sponsor and upline for daily support. If you have not luck in getting hands on support. Return here and contact me right ways day or nigh.

We refuse to leave any GDI member standing alone. We live to serve and get it right the first time. It's about figuring out what your passion is. The create a blog sharing that passion in a way that is related to adventure. You write it in the format of personal development or business establishment.

We all have a story to share. What is yours?

I do look forward in hearing more from you in the future. Let us know how it is going and share that new blog so we can read those amazing life moving adventures.
792  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hello Everyone

My Name is Daniel

I have been seeing and hearing Ad after Ad about Global Domain International

I hope to find very positive opportunities here and to generate some income online

I am pleased with GDI's Banners and will be promoting as much as possible

Glad to have any help or advice

Contact Me at daniel@d6667.ws even to say HI   Wink

Welcome Daniel and make sure you get over to our wonderful empowering webinar recordings. Then attend them each week with watching the video tutorials. Once you make contact with your sponsor and upline for daily support you have the total package.

Do not forget to share you adventures within this forum. You never know who you may inspire to do more. We are all here to share amazing stories that will empower other to manifest that hunger which will bring to be their true passion. Then they will understand to share that passion daily to inspire others.

Hey, it is all great when you have a attitude of gratitude. Server others and watch what will develop within your business.

I do look forward in hearing from you soon.
793  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
I am Leo. I am a new affiliate who is looking forward to learning from all you guys.
I am currently studying in New Zealand (really lovely place, recommending everybody to visit:))
I just registered GDI and I would love to receive guidance from you.

Leo, take a look below and see that if your watch the training videos with attending and listening to our great webinars. You will be on the right path for a wonderful journey. Then contact your sponsor and upline for support.

If you understand that GDI is a foundation which you launch your global business from. Then the how to use it will be a breeze.

I do look forward in getting an update on your growth. You may want to master navigation within GDI. This is a must based on the new members you gain will need daily support. So, all you learn you can duplicated to them

Welcome again to GDI and we are all here to support you growth.
794  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New GDI Members: 2012!! on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Hey Everyone,

  Welcome to the team !! Go to your plug ins and start your GDI templated blog, it is a great looking page and has tons of info for new sign ups. A great site to get the word out about GDI.

 Here is what mine looks like

Steve, I made an attempt to view your site. I could not based on updates within our system was taking place. I do look forward in hearing from you in the near future.

Your support to our global members is priceless. You give usable information which is the key to gaining clarity.

I wanted to thank you and please keep giving me and our members your insights.
795  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: I would like to welcome everyone to our team on: June 25, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
We are going to rock GDI to new heights


Gary, you have the right attitude and that is needed. I would love to hear how your growth in GDI is going. Make use of our awesome video tutorials and webinars. Then make sure you contact your sponsor and upline right away. The key to progress is to master navigation throughout GDI platform.

You know GDI is the foundation to launch your amazing business from. So learn all you can and apply action. Hey, knowledge without action is nothing.

Well, welcome to our global family and I really would love to hear from you on the growth soon.
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