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61  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website - Part 3 on: October 27, 2005, 07:32:54 AM
Hi everyone, my wife recently joined AVON. So I decided to use site builder
to help her with a small web page. It's my first attemp at it and ran into some
snags along the way. Can a web page be edited after being submitted? I tried
this and changes wasn't taken. Most of time I had to delete my page and
start again. Any help appreciated.


Try with publish button (the second button from the right) by the page you want the changes to apear!!!! Or just click the "Publish all" button at the bottom of the pages list ...  That's the thing a lot of you often forget to do!!!!

62  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best...Part 2! on: October 27, 2005, 07:25:07 AM
Hmmm well, Norma, you've reminded me of that I will do calendar this year too, and I just know how I'll market my business with them. Do you get the idea?Huh

63  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Full Preview... on: October 26, 2005, 08:09:00 AM
It is looooonnnnnnggggg, yes, but think a bit! Why you would speak all this to the prospects and never managed to do it so good as one tool like this can. If you have really interested people around who are already almost redy to sign up, they will watch even 50 minutes long moovie. But yes I agree, you have to reserve a time - quite a lot of time -  there should not be the big rush. Ah, come on, people we're rushing too much already ...

64  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Share Your Best...Part 2! on: October 26, 2005, 07:47:49 AM
My first time in the Forum. There are some really great Marketing ideas. Thanks.
Do you use your WS website for just GDI or do you use it for other business?Huh?
I am using Safelist but my response is not too good.

Well Robert, I don't have other businesses except GDI but I surelly develpoed my website with so much pleasure and fun!!! My site is a mixture of business and personal things, charity and soul stuff - all hand in hand. Well if I would advertise more I even might have some success, but lately I don't do much advertising.

As Norma said, you can use your own domain name for so many purposes that you can hardly imagine. Put your imagination to work for you and you'll see what comes out of it ...

Many success and happy GDI-ing!!!

Have fun!

65  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website - Part 3 on: October 26, 2005, 07:40:16 AM
Well, Rich your site is simple but it contains all the info one needs. Your short video is great. You tell everything what is needed and that's good.

In a time you surelly will add something and make changes and I don't doubt they will be good ones,,,

All the best!

66  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your Website...Part 5! on: October 25, 2005, 03:52:00 PM
Would some be so kind as to test my website to see if my double optin plugin is working. 


Thank you.

Hello first!

Well the link which probably should be somewhere in the middle of the page is on the right edge, and you can hardly notice that there is something. You can only imagine that there is something and fortunatelly the hand appears when putting the mouse cursor upon it. You should check this out and improove the thing. Otherwise (if you manage to detect it) the link works...

I've made the test sign in so you can see if this is OK... It worked for me ... EUREKA!!!! I've got a mail so you can be 100 % sure it works OK. (But I didn't opt in).


P.S. You can't modify your posts as you're still Moderated member - that means all your messages have to be moderated and you are not allow to modify them by yourself ...
67  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Preview... on: October 25, 2005, 09:22:44 AM
I can see where everyone here is coming from here. On one hand if we were able to make our own copies everyone could do it and spread the word about GDI. But on the other hand GDI would not be able to control the quality of the product that is being used to represent its company. Even though some people have the ability to make a good copy and reproduce the packaging and everything else does not mean that they will and other people may just burn the dvd write GDI in a magick marker and hand it out.  To copy it and do the packageing would probably cost more for each person then it would for GDI to have them done in bulk and sell them to us any way. As long as they are not trying to make money off the dvd's just  the money that results from people using the dvd I think its better for them not to allow us to copy them.

Finally one who sees what I'm trying to say for so long time!!!! I think unpropriate quality of the DVD could do more damage to the Company then benefit it. If GDI is high ranked firm then it's its turn to act that way from inside out, too.

Well on the other hand I agree that the DVD should have the reasonable price for everyone to be able to afford it to use it as a market tool. Well, I also hope we are allowed to paste the link to the full preview to our pages to use it as the promotional tool also. The sale of the DVD wouldn't drop because of that I believe. This would be the same quality for everyone and also very useful for marketing GDI.

Thank you for reading my comment!

68  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website - Part 3 on: October 25, 2005, 04:50:35 AM
please check this: http://www.thesquires.ws

Well Nelfa - third moderation is a success! Now you've made my eyes pleased with larger photos of your products and the descriptions of them there. Well, I've signed your guestbook, but I have a slide comment here - maybe you should allow the name of one who signs your gusestbook to apear public. Not that I want my name to be there, but it's simply nice to know who signet it ... I agree thpugh e-mail to be hidden ...

Thank you once again and many success in the future!!!

Sincerely Yours
69  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Would like comments and feedback on reworked website. on: October 25, 2005, 03:01:12 AM
I am particularly interested to hear what T has to say, since she does seem to be the resident critic.  Cheesy
All the links work on my machine, but I would like confirmation of this.

If I'm correct, I'm the one named T by you (I've remembered you've named me like that once before, that's why). If not then sxcuse me!!!

That thought about me being the resident critic brought a smile to my face as I never considdered myself to be something like that. Hmmm, but if you'd like to have my comment, here it is.

Well, the site apears fine and you've done excellent job. A lot of interesting thiongs can be found there. 

To put some comments anyway:l two links on your links and banners site don't work (page cannot be found), and some of them are the same twice, but you've added a lot of content on this site so it can easily happen to repeat something without even knowing that. I'll send you the details in PM.

Maybe I would agree with Frank_M about the GDI page as you already have a lot of links to GDI movie on the home page. Something short about GDI would be useful ...

You see - I don't only criticise after all!!!!

Sincerely yours!

 Smiley  Cheesy
70  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Re: Radio Show Archives on: October 19, 2005, 01:34:42 AM
Well Howie! As I've said on the messenger in the time of the Internet show - you've done your job excellent, without additional and too much words even so telling all what was needed to tell. I appriciate your brief and to the point talking so everyone could get immediatelly what you want to say and share with us!!!

Keep going the way you're going and receive many warm greetings!!!!

(your constructive critic ...)

 Smiley Smiley Smiley
71  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Preview... on: October 16, 2005, 12:35:49 PM
Umm, actually, if GDI says that it is okay for affiliates to duplicate the DVD’s, then it wouldn’t impinge on any copyright laws because they unequivocally agreed to let us reproduce them. In my opinion, it shouldn’t matter because it would ultimately benefit them anyway. Think about it.

Yes, but only if they would be in the same quality as the original ones, otherwise they'd rather ruin the reputation of the company ...

Well, GDI didn't say YES yet but I have a feeling many of you would like to start copying before it's really done and released ...

Ah, I won't argue here anymore as it's no use ...  and has no point ...

72  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Should we be allowed to have hidden pages with the new sitebuilder? on: October 15, 2005, 01:19:00 AM
Hey Roxanne! Thank you for that tip!!!! I admit I didn't go through the whole topic so thanks to put it on again!!


73  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: DVD Preview... on: October 14, 2005, 05:38:11 PM
No offence here, but sorry people! What I see here is that you really don't get the things about Copyright stuff! We're affiliates, yes, but we don't have any right to copy something on our own. I think you should study that isue a bit ...
And also read all the GDI documents available in your Back office carefully ...

74  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Should we be allowed to have hidden pages with the new sitebuilder? on: October 14, 2005, 05:16:42 PM
Hello!  I am not that familiar with sitebuilder, but I believe you can have hidden pages.  What I mean by that is, do not put a visible link on your site.  Does that make sense to you? 

In addition, make sure you name the pages vs. using page1.htm and so on.


Sorry, Frank, but it doesn't make sense. The invisible pages are invisible for everyone even if he knows a link so such a page exists only in your site builder and is not accessable to anyone except you alone through your SiteBuilder!!! What people would like to have here are the pages which would be accessable only to some people who would know the exact link or to have a forwarding pages only (like by sending mail through web form or something like htat). I've experienced the trouble setting the web page for one of my downline, who wanted to have a contact form on his page and then when the customer fills it and sends it, he wanted to have forwarding page with some thankful words to that particular customer, but it apeared not to be possible doing so.


75  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello from Italy on: October 10, 2005, 11:50:26 AM
Carro Milco!

Molti saluti qui in GDI. Sono Tatjana da Slovenia. Parlo un po italiano, ma non troppo benne. Sono contenta di aiutarti. Scrivi mi PM e dice mi comme posso aiutarti.

Dalla maniera, la sua lingua inglese è abbastanza buona..

Con caldi saluti!


Dear Milco!

Many greetongs here by GDI. I'm Tatjana from Slovenia. I speak a little Italian, but not too well. I'm prepard to help you. Write me a PM and tell me how I can help you.

By the way, your English language is quite good ...

With warm greetings!


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