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151  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 22, 2005, 11:57:58 PM
Re the new sitebuilder notifications  I do believe as I have said

before  on the forum that GDI needs to put its not unimpressive resources into
things that matter most "like  the support system." I have found them really nice "when they reply"
I just think they are getting  snowed under and possibly a bit more support from the powers that be,
would change the emphasis for the better. How about a CHAT in real time  system. Roll Eyes Well It works for  others very well! Wink
By the way I am not bagging GDI persay the company overall has a good feel and persona and that makes for a real good vibe!
     I want it to be taken only as positive criticism for the best outcome ( especially for us)lol. Kiss

Well Patricia, you've missed the topic a bit, but it's allright. Chat? Yes, it would be great, but look at the left side by the messages where our profiles are. At least half of the members gave their messengers to view and as far as I'm concerned, you can use mine to contact me if you feel like. PMs are also good.

Oh - chat with support would sometimes also be useful - you know like step by step instructions for something etc.


Now to the real topic subject here:
You really all have so great ideas about adds and flyers, but net is my only possibility of advertising and I'm only getting used to it. I never advertised before though I'm working by the advertising magazine. In our country the possibilities of advertising for the individuals are very limited ... Ah, administration - I won't talk about that ...

152  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Suggestion for New Members... on: August 22, 2005, 05:35:13 AM
WEEEELLLLCCCCOOOMMMEEE! new members and HEEEELLLLOOOOOOOO!!!! to all who participate in this forum for "a long time"!

How to benefit from the forum?


Hey Chip is it really only 11 weeks? I have a feeling it's here for a lifetime!!! I like it! No, I LOVE IT!!!


 Smiley Smiley Smiley
153  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Banner question on: August 22, 2005, 05:10:49 AM
For ROD:
YeeeeSSSS Rod! I so agree with you!!! And it could be much more banners.

Oh, by the way, did you get any response from GDI support about approving your banners?

154  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 22, 2005, 05:08:07 AM
ah!  Tatjana just when I was really getting the hang of it Sitebuilder is changed
lol. Roll Eyes anyway I think it is going to be o.k. seems to work o.k.

Oh, Patricia, I finally got used to it. Well it's not so different from the previous one at all it just have newer and more modern design and one very important add - YOU CAN CREATE UP TO 10 SITES TO ONE DOMAIN!!!

Have nice day!!!


 Smiley Smiley Smiley
155  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 20, 2005, 04:56:32 PM
Everyone, please see Frank's post of yesterday (Aug. 19th) that he HAD received the notification from GDI regarding the updates to SiteBuilder.

I am just wondering HOW MANY did NOT receive this notification??? Huh  Please reply, EVERYONE! I do not believe my problem is because my ISP is filtering it out.  I changed my ISP from Road Runner to Yahoo for receipt of all my GDI mail months ago, and since the change, had been receiving my mail just fine for a long time; now NONE....except I did get ONE notification this past week of someone visiting my site.....I know of three that visited it, but only ONE notification.   It seems that everyone with Yahoo IS receiving mail from GDI without much problem.  And, several of my downline say they are not receiving any GDI mail either; some of them have Yahoo, some have other ISP's.   I really think it is more than just spam filtering that is causing a significant number of us to NOT receive our  mail.

Happy Weekend Everyone and Happy $ales & $ponsoring!!!   Smiley

Gail Smith

I didn't get the notification about SiteBuilder, but I have to confess, that I dodn't read carefully teh previous newsletter. Maybe there was something about it and we've missed it!!!

156  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: My .WS ~ WOW! Take a look :-) on: August 20, 2005, 04:16:37 PM
Hello Kelly!

I've seen a lot of sites and all were good. But more professional site as yours is is hard to find! Excellent job!

Once I've said that I'll hide myself under my desk - now I'll bury myself to the ground! My site is nothing against yours!!!

Keep going that way!


 Smiley Smiley Smiley
157  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Having trouble up loading a file to site builded. on: August 20, 2005, 12:05:05 AM
Well I figured out what was happening. The problem was in the file name. I had pict02.1.jpg but that extra "." was making it download as a binary file not as an image file. Duh!!!!!? So from now on no extra "."  Embarrassed

Thank you for the help.


Oh, my dear people! This are basics of the computering: no characters like . - / * etc. are allowed in the file names, especially when it comes to uploading something on the Internet. Better not to use spaces, too and for the people in the countries with čžš characters - if you have these in the name of the file, change them to czs ... Also better don't make teksts with these čžš characters if you are posting somewhere worldwide, because not all have the proper version of the operation system to convert them properly (like GDI also) especially when text is HTML version with all designing etc.

Hope I wasn't annoying!

Good luck!

158  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: banners on: August 19, 2005, 11:54:37 PM
hi everyone,i am trying to post a banner,when i try to do it it says,dont use spaces,use %20 instead,what does this mean,and how do you do it,does anyone here know what or how to do this,thanks much

Yes, you must be trying to use a space (or more than one) in your file name or path to the file, so instead of the file name being something like "my file name.gif", it needs to either be "my%20file%20name.gif" on your web page, or rename the file and remove the spaces.


Helo and good - what? Day, morning, evening -  to wveryone!

Much better to rename the file - change name in one simple word or instead of spaces you can use _, too. That would be My_banner.gif for example.

Have fun - we have it already!


 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
159  Administration / Announcements / Re: August 18 Newsletter on: August 19, 2005, 08:25:03 AM
I've read the newsletter before you've posted it here, Chip, (have the advantage that my day beginns earlyer then yours - lol  Smiley) and i wondered when you will put it here on the forum. What I want to add here is that this is the best newsletter I've ever got from GDI!


Chip thank you for posting newsletters to the forum, too! Very appriciated!


 Smiley Smiley Smiley
160  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 18, 2005, 02:23:56 AM
Wow AGAIN!  Thanks Tatjana for your BIG NEWS posted yesterday, "Now that I'm almost finished my work, GDI updated SiteBuilder and I'll have to do everything from the beginning."

Why in the world hasn't this announcement been blasted out to everyone direct from GDI???   If it weren't for this Forum, we never would know what was going on.  Lack of communication direct from the Company is really frustrating and considering the vast majority of affiliates are not even registered on the Forum (YET!!!), I really feel sorry for those that are not getting the news they need......gotta' run now; running over to see what the NEW Sitebuilder is all about!!!

Gail Smith

Oh, well, my dear J.D.!

I found that about new SiteBuilder by myself, too, when I went to update my webpages. It was frustrated at the beginning but now I finished the work and the PHOTO TUTORIAL is prepared to lounch! I only have to upload it in my sitebuilder yet and the thing is complete and prepared for all of you to use so standby for the info.

OK, I'd rather ask you to see my announcement in my topic MY MOOVIE as here it's everything about that a bit off topic. So this is the last my message of this kind here!

Very yours


 Smiley Smiley Smiley
161  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 15, 2005, 12:49:56 PM
Well, this is from part one and as we started there I'll continue here!

I just  want to tell you, that I didn't forget you and I'm preparing the powerful tutorial about how to handle with photos in sitebuilder and forum, but as I'm working this in PowerPoint 2003 I've encountered some difficulties with how the other people (who hasn't that most advanced version of the program or veiwer) would see this. When I'll figure out this too, you'll be really surprised with my work.

And yes, Norma, I agree - it's very exciting seing more adds and flyers. I've just figured out that you folks have so much ideas which I wouldn't think of in a million years!

So have a good day till next time!!!


Oh, God! Now that I'm almost finished my work, GDI updated SiteBuilder and I'll have to do everything from the beginning. Well, now I have to study the new SiteBuilder first and then I'll see if you need my assistence at all.

Well, maybe I'll put the link to what I made to the forum and if not the other, you'll at least be able to enjoy the photos and good music!!!


 Sad Smiley
162  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Digital Danielle can't get her digitals on her new site on: August 14, 2005, 09:07:10 AM
I need someone to talk to me about uploading images to the site builder. I went through all the steps to upload my personal photos & when I went to insert them into the site the list to choose from was EMPTY, yet the photos were in the gallery?Huh
Any suggestions??? Makes it kinda hard to sell my photos if I can't display them.
Thanks, Danielle P


Tatjana here! Be on Yahoo messenger today 14.08.2005 at app 10 pm European time (Slovenia). You can send me the instant message. I'll send you one that you'll be able to find me!  I'll help you!

For all the others: I'm preparing a kind of photo tutorial for helping you. It will be in PowerPoint 2003 so be sure to download PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to be able to see it properly.

The link for free downloading PowerPoint Viewer 2003 is: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=428d5727-43ab-4f24-90b7-a94784af71a4&displaylang=en

Many greetings to all!


 Smiley Smiley Smiley

163  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 13, 2005, 01:20:53 PM



164  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 12, 2005, 02:03:59 AM
Re: Ads, flyers and business letters....Share your best!!
« Reply #112 on: August 07, 2005, 11:38:59 PM » 

Tatjana, I like your idea of a post to tutor those of us who need this assistance.  There are so many things I would love to learn how to do.  My appreciation goes to all computer savvy members who have the compassion and patience to teach.

All my best,

Well, this is from part one and as we started there I'll continue here!

I just  want to tell you, that I didn't forget you and I'm preparing the powerful tutorial about how to handle with photos in sitebuilder and forum, but as I'm working this in PowerPoint 2003 I've encountered some difficulties with how the other people (who hasn't that most advanced version of the program or veiwer) would see this. When I'll figure out this too, you'll be really surprised with my work.

And yes, Norma, I agree - it's very exciting seing more adds and flyers. I've just figured out that you folks have so much ideas which I wouldn't think of in a million years!

So have a good day till next time!!!

165  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Re: Fall Programming is taking shape... on: August 09, 2005, 12:41:54 AM
How about some role play sessions where one portrays a prospect and the other is a GDI affiliate presenting the business opportunity?

I believe it would be beneficial in training members the proper way to approach prospects in a more personal and professional manner.

All my best,
Norma J. Napier

WOW Norma! Great idea. I think most of us have problems with this - even me so "talented" with long speaches and writings ... LOL!   Smiley


And Chip - I'm hardly waiting the Show is back in new edditions (you will finally get rid of my bla,bla  Embarrassed - LOL!  Smiley). I never missed any of them.  I was always pasted on my chair in my working room and listened ...

Many regards to all of you!

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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