Global Domains International

.WS Business => Marketing => Topic started by: gdi on March 21, 2007, 04:47:43 PM

Title: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: gdi on March 21, 2007, 04:47:43 PM
After seven years with .WS/GDI, I am here to tell you emails open the door, the marketing tools get the message across BUT, to create a winning team, it is imperative you take the time to follow-up, by PHONE, whenever feasible.

Why? Voice contact creates a relationship, a connect and, the ability to get to know people and their needs, wants and desires.

So, get energized, pick-up the phone and extend your enthusiasm to others!

Chip Snyder

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: Kevin Martin on April 01, 2007, 06:11:10 AM
Is there any good scripts out there for communicating on the phone?  Doesn't have to be a bible just something to go by for us newbies!  Thanks for any help anyone can give.


Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: DPro on April 04, 2007, 07:43:37 AM
Hi Kevin,

You can see the phone script here:


Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: MarvinD on April 04, 2007, 09:32:16 AM
Hi fellow GDIers,

I just read the post here that Chip made and I am here to tell you that I couldn't agree more.  Emails are a great attention and opening to begin your relationships with those that like you are looking to achieve similar goals.

Whether people just review your site or decide upon that info to join you in this fantastic business you will want to cement a relationship through your ability to communicate.

Let me share an example.
Where I work the big bosses use a system they call "Spark".  It is simply an IM system for them to communicate via computer screen.  One day I was with my boss when his computer beeped and he asked me to give him a minute.  Then his fingers got busy typing and when finished he began our talk again.  Within seconds we were interrupted again as he had to type his response to the newest message.

I asked him why he doesn't  just  pick up the phone and call the boss and talk with him directly and save time.  At first his response surprised me but as I thought of what he said it immediately made sense.  He said; "Using Spark ELIMINATES any emotion from the conversation!


Just take a moment and think about it...
                                                        Are you afraid of the emotion that you might hear in the other person's voice and perhaps it is a tone of rejection?  Get over it.  It is probably safe to say that the other person does not even know you so why are you taking it personally?  DON'T!

Unless you are a professional copywriter I will bet that you are at best ok with writing an email whereby the person reading it will get emotional.  So then what is the solution?

Begin today to make the telephone your friend.  Shake hands with it and use it to share your emotional level of our business with others that have your goals in common.  Remember - ENTHUSIASM IS CONTAGOUS!

Thanks Chip for the reminding us about those simple things we often take for granted.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes

PS->  If you are looking for scripts to use as a guide in calling prospects or your GDI downline check out my GDI Training Site at (

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: Dick Lewis on September 13, 2007, 08:25:30 PM
Thanks Marvin,

You ARE the King of the Phone.  I remember when I received a call from you after I dropped you a note about joining your Mentoring
program.  You were polite, and very interested in ME!  WOW! Didn't try to sell me anything.  Wanted to know what you could do to help me.   Well I joined the Mentoring Class, and was very glad I did.  Now, we have a business relationship going, and my GDI business is growing too.

Using the phone is just one way to do GDI, if we chose to do that.  We had a call tonight.  Didn't take too long, and we got a new sign up.

Thanks again Marvin for being there by phone when I need you!

Dick and Regina Lewis

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: WatersA on June 26, 2008, 12:06:01 AM
Hi Marvin,

All I can say is that if someone calls you and has a pleasant voice you are
immediately put at ease. :D

Now when they are only concerned about how you fell, and if they can be of any service to you.
All you have to do is call them.  :D

That Ice breaker relationship-------- I must give props to Marvin. He knows how to talk to people and get a response.
If you haven’t received a call yet it is something to look forward too.

[Kudos To You Marvin]


Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: Soreingam Kashung on August 21, 2008, 03:08:38 PM
I have bought some hot leads but so far I haven't got in touch with them. First reason being the difference in  location. I am trying my best to get in  touch with them kindly suggest some good option to contact my prospects.


Soreingam Kashung

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: DPro on August 23, 2008, 10:13:43 AM
If you have their MSN or skype id, that would be the best.
otherwise you can drop them an email.

I have bought some hot leads but so far I haven't got in touch with them. First reason being the difference in  location. I am trying my best to get in  touch with them kindly suggest some good option to contact my prospects.


Soreingam Kashung

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: ConnieS on November 22, 2008, 07:44:33 AM
  He said; "Using Spark ELIMINATES any emotion from the conversation!


Marvin, Great point. I was on the phone with one of my trial members today and my wife told me, "You are talking too loud."
Well to her I was loud, but the reason I was loud was because I was excited. And guess who else got excited. Yep my now paid member who was my trial member on the loud phone call!


Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: JenniferFisher on December 03, 2008, 08:10:47 AM
when i got an email from my sponser it had the interview times and dates I could attend and the codes I needed, the phone interview is what got me to sign up and I would like to tell other people about it but dont know when the interviews are or how to tell them about them please help?!

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: Killman_Bryce on August 01, 2009, 05:56:17 AM
Hello everyone,

   I'm in complete agreement with Chip, it is very important to have personal contact with anyone who signs up in any of your downlines. If you're unwilling to add that personal touch it makes it very difficult to succeed!


I Appreciate You All


Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: AfshanAhmad on April 03, 2010, 05:49:18 AM
Hi there folks,

Hoping someone can assist me and sorry if I am posting this inquiry in the wrong subject.

I cannot remember which topic or where I saw this post where I had clicked and too me to a capture page where there were
so many websites and on each website there was descrip of level of how effective the sit was. Some of the sites that were listed were. tafficg, freetrafficbar andtrafficswarm, etc.

I hope this rings a bell for someone cuz I looked and I cannot find that post and don't know who posted it because it was very useful.

Anyone could help that would be great. Thi post also had a website addres  of  contac list websit mentioned in there.

Too bad i didn't save that.

Afshan Ahmad

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: Stephen Hanley on June 13, 2010, 07:23:35 AM
I have found instant messaging a very useful tool also, along with video conferencing! I am yet to pick up the phone, as most of my down-line are international!  ;D I've been using some pre-written email messages to help ease the need to custom type each message... but on the odd occasion I'll get asked a different set of questions and then need to reply by typing a new message! :)

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: MargaritaCruz on September 12, 2010, 10:54:16 PM
this no longer exists....can anyonew forward a copy to me or post it on here...thanks again

Hi Kevin,

You can see the phone script here: (


Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: CarltonMoore on October 07, 2010, 12:10:06 PM
The website no longer exists.

Title: Re: Phone Contact Rules...
Post by: EllenHale on May 31, 2011, 09:51:27 AM

The website no longer exists. every time I go to this it is a search engine for other things can you help ellen of wisconsin

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