Global Domains International

.WS Business => Marketing => Topic started by: ArmandoC on September 15, 2011, 08:32:39 AM

Title: How do I embed one of the promo videos into a Wordpress Post?
Post by: ArmandoC on September 15, 2011, 08:32:39 AM
How do I embed one of the promo videos into a Wordpress Post?

Title: Re: How do I embed one of the promo videos into a Wordpress Post?
Post by: Nav M. on September 19, 2011, 04:54:44 PM

Firstly, send an email to and ask for permission. This is because the content you would like to use on your WP site is copyright protected, so you need permission first.

One you've got permission, make sure you keep the email where it states GDI granting permission for you to use the content.

Now, there are two ways to do this.

1.) Go to YouTube and look for the video there (search for "GDI Freedom video" or something like that). Once you've found the video, use the embed tool on YouTube and copy the embedded code. Then go into your WP admin area and select the post/create new post. Click the HTML tab and paste the code wherever you would like the video to appear. <<This is the easiest way.

2.) Download RealPlayer. This will include a small tool that allows users to download any video from the net. once RealPlayer is installed, navigate to the page where the video is placed and roll your mouse pointer over it. You should then see a small tab appear just above the video with "Download Video". Download the video and upload it to WP.

Note: Option number one could turn out harder then it seems. The video unloaders from YouTube would usually edit the video and place a link to their site (or some other way to take credit) which means, you would be advertising their link/helping them promote.

Make sure you get permission first. I'm not responsible for any actions you take regarding this post.


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