Global Domains International

.WS Business => Training => Topic started by: StefaniPartin on February 25, 2006, 01:51:35 PM

Title: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: StefaniPartin on February 25, 2006, 01:51:35 PM
I want to ask this question, to get some new ideas and also give others ideas on
what to do when this happens.

What do you when you get an email that you have a new prospect?

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: Billie Rice on February 25, 2006, 07:44:24 PM
Hi, Billie here.

 What I have done when I get a new prospect is email them and welcome them to the business and to my team. They say to email or phone . I email because of the expense of the long distance. Later I may start calling . looking into new phone service now.I encourage them to email me back.
 Some have and some haven't. However I do still drop a line to them to let them know I am  still there. 
 After one of my prospects recieved my email and said help where do I go from here. Well I was glad he emailed me back so I could help him. I sent him to , told him to get to know his back office and learn where everything was and read the Q & A . Told him about the leads you can purchase from the business which I do and how you can put your own email addresses in of your family and friends.  And most of all go to the Forum, there is lots and lots of great stuff there . Well , I hope this has helped you a little . take care.


Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: DTarver on February 25, 2006, 07:44:24 PM
Fast-start suggestions: attend The.WS Training sessions, details at the Forum; listen to the archives at and, two sites worth close scrutiny are and

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: Matthew Green on February 25, 2006, 07:44:24 PM
I want to ask this question, to get some new ideas and also give others ideas on
what to do when this happens.

What do you when you get an email that you have a new prospect?
Hello Stefan,

I respond to my NEW PROSPECTS in 1 of 2 ways.
Both are the same up to a point...
I send an email which features their Opt-In details, Names + email + Time
The email thanks them for their time, asks for their oppinion about the movie.. It also contains a link to the Movie that has already got their details added to it so the Flash Movie already contains their name when they open it for a second look...
I invite them to contact me to let me know their views or ask any questions...

I also add a link to My Marketing System.. I only really use 1 Programme to Promote GDI etc, but that 1 Programme features over 50 other Programmes... I suggest that they should preview the Marketing System too before deciding whether GDI is for them or not...

I said 1 of 2 ways because If I am online when they subscribe the email is written for here and now.. If I am offline the email refers to the Movie they watched earlier...  The rest remains the same...

I have a third method 2...  I have an Auto-Responder set-up with some Lead Capture pages...  The Auto-Responder sends 1 email only... It is instant and it features a Personalised link to the Flash Movie...

I do not send any other messages to my Prospects because GDI does that for me...

Oh 1 other thing... My Signature contains a link to my Website and my FORUM with a note suggesting there is a lot of info for beginners...   Some people will set-up an Auto-Responder to deliver lots of emails to the Prospects but I do not do this because If the Movies are not enough I just move on.....   Plenty more fish in the SEA, besides I don't like my inbox filling with these emails so why do it to someone else...


Title: Tips on self reflection
Post by: Inatio Legorburu on March 18, 2006, 12:42:36 AM
At times we tend to over complicate what remains a simple business to market, or we forget an essential step in the prospecting process.

I have found it useful to self reflect on the following 3 prospecting themes/steps:


If prospecting is no longer going as expected, I will usually discover that I am not stimulating the curiosity of the prospect by asking enough questions up front, not stimulating their interest by inviting them to watch and checking up that they have actually watched the 7 minute movie, or not following up enough to get a clear "yes" or "no" decision.

This is a simple check list that, when used openly to self reflect on my prospecting performance, helps me to stay on track and remove the weak spots.  ;)

Title: Need help to mail potential prospects.
Post by: DaneshK on June 03, 2006, 08:30:09 AM
Hi everyone,

Could someone please type out a good, positive, impacting mail which i can forward/send to my prospects who have viewed the Flash Presentation. I have got more than 40 prospects in the past 1 month who viewed the flash but the mail i write to them does not seem to work as i have'nt got a single reply nor a signup.

Basically, i just write a mail thanking them for watching the flash. I think there is more to be added. So need help from all you experienced people.

Also, what should the second follow up mail contain? Let's say the prospect has'nt replied or what should the second mail look like? What should it contain?

Would be glad to anyone who helps me with this.


Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: KarlS on August 27, 2006, 03:37:26 AM
 I have the same problem here like Danesh. I am not English speaking, and here we don't speak english. That makes it a bit hard to write an attracting email message...

So, I also would apprectiate some email template we can use...


Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: ABoni on May 22, 2007, 03:00:45 AM there are some e-mail examples

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: DPro on May 22, 2007, 08:31:36 AM
I have some sample emails for home business, please drop me a message if you are interested.

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: V Lewis on August 11, 2007, 05:37:42 AM
What we do after a prospect vies our site we do the following:

1.     We email a Thank You for Visiting our site ASAP
2.      If there is a phone number we call, and say thank you again
        We are striving to establish a relationship.  We don't take long
         We have others to follow up on.  Ask if they have questions.
3.     Send them to the FREEDOM site, and the 20 min. movie
4.     Go for the close, by taking them to the MEMBERS site, and sign them up!

Dick and Regina Lewis

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: Dick Lewis on September 02, 2007, 06:30:23 AM
Handle an Objection:

We don't spend too much time with them on Objections.  One that comes up a good bit is this.

"Is this a pyramid?"  I say, Pyramids are illegal.  What we do is taught in many universities across the
Nation.  Does this sound like something you would be interested in.  Yes?  Good, let me direct you
to our sign up page.  It's FREE for 7 days.

Once you accept the 7 day FREE trial, we send you our welcome letter filled with info about how to
get started.  Then you can call us with all your questions.

That's just one of many ways to deal with prospects.  I will write more later.

Dick, and Regina Lewis

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: HowardMartell on September 02, 2007, 10:13:27 AM

Very well put about handling objections.

What we must all understand is that they're not rejecting you as a person their rejecting themselves.

The little voice inside says no you can't do this its a pyramid.

You see we are in control when interviewing prospects not them we pick and choose who comes to our team.

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: Paula Nernberg on September 02, 2007, 05:45:44 PM
True, sending a Thank you is definately the first thing to do with a new prospect.  Also sending them an invitation to view the forums, leader boards, etc.  An opportunity to search out the back office.  If people are stuck on the idea that this is a pyramid, unfortunate for them.  They are hard people to convince otherwise.  I believe that if people need convincing about this business, then they are not ready to take part.  Just my opinion.

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: HowardMartell on September 03, 2007, 03:35:07 AM
Paula, very well put.

You see when a person gets into this industry most don't get lucky enough to have a good support system.

Strike one

Strike two they fall victim to the voice inside saying this will never work

Strike three they run out of money and don't know how to create their own leads and secondary income to help fund their business.

You see their are two different types of people in this world their are the doers and the cannot doers.

I prefer to work with the doers and hope you do to.

So do yourself a favor if you don't understand how the leaders are making money in this 10.00 dollar business ask and you shall recieve.

See you at the top,

Howie Martell

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: MmD on October 31, 2007, 07:16:07 AM
When I first started, I asked questions but only got yes and no answers from my upline ...

It was like they didn't want to give "the secret" away. That doesn't make any sense with your team and line.

You only succeed if they succeed in MLM.

That's why one of my first priorities was to canvass the best approaches, get as many answers as possible and find low cost
methods with high return on investments ... took more time than I had imagined, especially given my background in marketing.

So now my prospects get all the tools, info and leads they need to take specific action daily ... the challenge is getting people to take 1 hour of action a day.

That's where sending e-mails and staying in contact helps. Just remind them that they have help, the tools and ability (if they try) to get sign ups-

I also provide more than 15 types of training modules on just about every MLM related issue so they can learn how to earn rather than just
follow blindly and in turn train their downline ... the benefit is less of learning curve to get started but long term learning opp to sustain their business and retain
existing sign ups.

The best benefit is that it's almost automatic & works like a true sales team ... I spend more time now maintaining the "sales kit" and tools ... I also constantly research new
approaches for us to use   ... so if you have anything that's working for you and are willing to share (I can keep "secrets") let me know and I'll do the same-

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: DPro on October 31, 2007, 08:28:18 AM
Than you for sharing that, MmD.

Step by step guide works best, if we can keep is simple then it will be easily duplicatable.

I learnt from expert MLM mentors that in order to generate momentum, it is essential to quickly build a group of 400 downlines in 3 months.
From then on it will just go viral.

Some information that I share with my group are:
1)sample solo ads and classified ads
2)where to post the ads for free
3)article marketing and where to submit the articles
4)how to generate some instant cash online while waiting for the residual income to roll in
5)ideas on how they can monetize their GDI website

Above all, the most important strategy is number 3, however I find that most people have difficulty in article writing.
Anyone has any suggestions on how to encourage your team to do article marketing?

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: Phil G on February 15, 2008, 03:35:44 AM
More about handling concerns, one I have heard about the monthly fee is "a legitemate business will not charge you to work for them". I point out that any newspaper is full of want ads for jobs placed by agencies that will want charge a placement fee if you are hired. Similar situation, labor unions require dues and participation, if you are not a dues paying union members, you do not get a union job. Then point out that the $10/monthly fee is for account maintenance and website administration, and that they could in theory run many other businesses from that web space concurrent with GDI participation.

Title: Re: How do you handle a new prospect
Post by: Gordon Milton on July 21, 2008, 08:43:27 PM
More about handling concerns, one I have heard about the monthly fee is "a legitemate business will not charge you to work for them". I point out that any newspaper is full of want ads for jobs placed by agencies that will want charge a placement fee if you are hired. Similar situation, labor unions require dues and participation, if you are not a dues paying union members, you do not get a union job. Then point out that the $10/monthly fee is for account maintenance and website administration, and that they could in theory run many other businesses from that web space concurrent with GDI participation.

Most people have to pay to travel to and from work, and in a month it's
normally much more than $10.

All the best,


Title: What to do when prospects say______?
Post by: H_Martell on August 03, 2008, 02:35:47 AM
How do I get my prospects to see the big picture like I do?"

"What do you tell people when they say that they don't want to sell?"

"Howie, What is your response when asked in a fearful quippy tone, "Is this one of those pyramid deals?" This MLM?"


Ok, I picked these three questions out of the mail bag today because the answer for each of them is exactly the same, but we'll get to that in a moment.

One of the hardest lessons everyone must learn when it comes to sponsoring is the willingness to "just say no."

I want you to read those questions again and notice what each of them have in common...

Do you see it?

In every case, a hard working networker is unwilling to let go of a bad prospect.

Please let this sink in... Sponsoring someone is NOT your goal here. Sponsoring the right person is.

The "right" person has a deep desire to start a home business and already sees the big picture.

The "right" person knows exactly that network marketing is because they've been doing their homework at the local book store for months.

The "right person" does not have ridiculous pre-requisites for owning a business like "I don't want to sell."

The "right" person knows that it takes money to make money.

The "right" person doesn't whine, complain, or make excuses.

So here's what I say when any of those questions arise...

"How do I get my prospects to see the big picture like I do?"

You can't get your prospects to do anything, nor would you want to. The desire MUST already be in place and it cannot be injected into them by you or anyone else. It can only come from within that person.

Answer: "Thanks for your time John, but I don't think this is right for you."

"What do you tell people when they say that they don't want to sell?"

Again, trying to sponsor a person who asks a question like this is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

They're obviously not right for this business. Let them go.

Answer: "Thanks for your time John, but I don't think this is right for you."

"Howie, What is your response when asked in a fearful quippy tone, "Is this one of those pyramid deals?" This MLM?"

This is someone who would "like" to make money from home, but they have no real intention of doing so at all. If they did, they would have done enough research by now to know the difference between a network marketing business and a "pyramid."

By now you already know my answer and here's my point...

You don't answer questions like these because the answer is irrelevant. These aren't the people you're looking for.

Let them go.

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