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16  .WS Business / Marketing / Conducting interviews with your upline! on: August 08, 2008, 03:11:44 AM
What I'd like to ask everyone is, "What specific questions do you think would be best for this type of interview?"

My outline so far is:

1. Introduction

2. Tell me a little about your background

3. So, tell did you end up joining this company?

4. What specific techniques and tools have you found to be the most effective in growing your business?

5. What specific support and additional training do you offer to those in your downline?

6. What are the biggest mistakes that you see new distributors doing?

So that's what I have so far. My main concern is that my sponsor, who is actually a 6 figure earner, did not build his business through the attraction marketing model.

So, if anyone has insight on what other questions I should ask or how to address old school business building advice that may come about in the interviews, I would definitely appreciate it!
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Give your network marketing business a serious boost!
17  .WS Business / Marketing / 50 Ways To Make More Money In Network Marketing on: August 06, 2008, 09:00:04 PM
1. Use your products regularly.

2. Make a total commitment to your program for at least one year.

3. Sell yourself first, then the products and the marketing plan.

4. Spend 90% of your business time with distributors, customers

and prospects.

5. Present your products and marketing plan personally to at

least one person daily.

6. Let everyone know what business you are in. Advertise.

7. Make "understanding people" more important that product


8. Duplicate yourself by making distributors independent of you.

9. Motivate your group monthly by offering money, travel,

recognition and other rewards for specific achievements.

10. Praise your distributor's accomplishments.

11. Mingle with top distributors and ask how they made it.

12. Be persistent - only one out of every 20 people you approach

may get serious about the business or be interested in your


13. Lead by example. Never stop recruiting, training and retailing.

14. Keep it simple: do things others can easily duplicate and copy.

15. Keep in touch - communicate by newsletter, meetings, weekly

calls, postcards, voice mail - pass on pertinent information


16. Conduct simple, brief, dramatic presentations.

17. Listen 80% of the time, talk 20%.

18. Satisfy all complaints immediately.

19. Concentrate on what you can do for your distributors and

customers, not on your own profits.

20. Ask for referrals from your best customers.

21. Give customers more than they expect. Everyone loves a free


22. Develop at least 30 retail and/or wholesale customers.

23. Provide one-day delivery service.

24. Believe in your products so much that you know every person

you talk to is going to buy from you.

25. Tell your customers how much you appreciate their business.

26. Don't accept "no" as a final answer - approach each prospect

at least 12 times a year with new information.

27. Send customers monthly promotional information. Don't your

forget your customers and don't let your customers forget you!

28. Speak enthusiastically about your business and products.

29. Work on top priority projects that produce the highest returns.

30. Build your list of contacts daily while you build your


31. Approach former top producers. They are always open.

32. Fit the needs of a prospect with the benefits of your products

and/or business opportunity.

33. Organize your files so you can locate any piece of information

in 30 seconds.

34. Use an answering machine or service, and return all calls within

24 hours. Use a cellular phone for best service.

35. Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals - and do whatever

is necessary to achieve them.

36. Do not pass negative rumors downline! Check the facts yourself.

37. Listen to cassette rapes on multi-level tips from top earners.

38. Subscribe to multi-level magazines. Read self-help books.

39. Expand your distributorship world-wide. Think big!

40. Tell others what they are interested in knowing, not what you

think they should hear.

41. Spend money on things that will make you more money.

42. Schedule important tasks at the time of day when you are your


43. Delegate - do those things only you can do.

44. Read biographies of successful people to be inspired by their


45. Present business opportunities and training regularly.

46. Plow your profits back into building your business.

47. Know that if others can do it, so can you. Challenge yourself.

48. Give yourself a reward for reaching your goal and a penalty for

falling short.

49. Have so much fun in your business that others want to join you.

50. Do it now!


See you at the top

Howie Martell
18  .WS Business / Marketing / Training Yourself For Success In Network Marketing on: August 03, 2008, 02:40:01 AM
As Denis Waitley puts it, we are all born winners and then trained to fail. If you want to break that chain, you'll need to train yourself for success. Why would you want to do this instead of staying in your nice cozy comfort zone? How about, more money, better relationships, more friendships, better health, more fun! Here are the steps you'll need to take to train yourself for success:

1. Prepare Your Mind for Success - your mind is like a garden. You can either grow beautiful flowers or weeds. Either will grow just fine. If you prepare your mind, plant good seed, fertilize and water, weed your garden regularly, and then harvest at the right time. Whatever goes into your mind will dictate what comes back out.

An old biblical principle that has been used in the business world for years is, as a man thinketh, so is he. What this means is that you will become what you think about most. If you think you are fat, you will get fatter in order to fulfill the picture in your mind. If you see yourself as a financial failure, you're mind will continue to recreate that picture in your life.

So, what you are going to need to do first is to quit putting garbage into your mind - newspapers, radio, television, trashy books and movies, etc. You're mind stores it all and it affects your ability to succeed.
Instead start putting good stuff in - motivational and inspirational books and tapes, classes at the local community college, seminars, teleconferences, bible studies, church, etc. If you put good stuff in, you'll get good thoughts back out.

Next, you need to change your mental picture. Take a piece of paper and describe in detail your perfect life. When you are finished, read the description out loud and picture it in your mind. Feel the emotions of excitement, fulfillment, accomplishment, and so on. Now, when you start each new day, read your life description, so that your mind can work that day to move you closer to fulfillment of that mental picture. Take a little time each day to close your eyes and visualize your perfect life. By doing this you make it reality in your mind. It has been proven through many scientific studies that the mind cannot tell the difference between reality and a vivid mental picture.

By preparing your mind for success, you are about 90% there. As, Napoleon Hill wrote in his epic bestseller, Think and Grow Rich, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." A properly prepared mind will enable you to focus on your business, family, health, spiritual life, with incredible clarity. You'll be amazed at what happens.

2. Prepare Your Body for Success - success takes time, energy, and brainpower. It's not going to be possible if you are tired and worn down. Make sure that you are eating a healthy diet, exercising daily, and taking good nutritional products. It's time to develop a lean, mean fat burning success machine, so that you can live a long and productive life.

3. Prepare Your Business for Success - make sure that you have received the training that you need in order to succeed. Know what to say or ask in order to get someone interested in your business. Be capable of handling the basic objections - network marketing, time, money, sales, etc. Learn how to answer common questions about your company, the products or services, compensation plan, getting started, etc. You should have in place a system that generates leads on a weekly basis. Develop a list of at least 100 people you know and be contacting them regularly via phone, mail, e-mail, fax, and in-person. Arrange to do a 3-way call with both your upline and downline. Learn how to train a new downline distributor. Discover the differences between a legal network marketing (or
multi-level) company and an illegal pyramid. Develop a strong enough belief system in your company and it's products or services that people who say negative things about your business, won't bother you. Learn to give a presentation to one person or a large group.
If you don’t know can't do these things, you need to immediately contact your upline leaders and have them coach you.

Next, you need to have the tools necessary to succeed. You will need a telephone with a flash key, 3-way calling and call waiting on the phone, if you have a family (particularly teenagers) you should have a separate line put in for your business, voice mail or answering machine, company voice mail (if available), Internet access, company literature and marketing materials. If you are part-time (under 20 hours a week), you should have enough supplies on hand to hand-out or mail at least 20 new information packets per month. Keep a small portable filing system in your car, filled with marketing materials; so that when you encounter a great prospect, you'll have what you need.

Every day treat your business like it was a multi-million dollar company. Set up a work schedule at the beginning of each week and stick to it every day. Consistency is one of the major keys to success in network marketing. Treat your business like a BIG BUSINESS and it will eventually pay you like a big business. Treat it like a hobby and it will pay you like a hobby. It's your choice.

Work through fear. When you run up against fear - making those initial contacts, follow-up calls, and public presentations - run through the fear. As Nike says, Just Do It! and the fear will go away. The more you do what you fear, the more fearless you become. Soon, nothing will get the way of your success.

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare - your mind, body, and business. The better you prepare, the greater the success. The quicker you get started with the preparation and resulting action, the quicker you will start seeing the success you seek - checks, bigger checks, pin levels, awards, and rewards.

19  .WS Business / Training / What to do when prospects say______? on: August 03, 2008, 02:35:47 AM
How do I get my prospects to see the big picture like I do?"

"What do you tell people when they say that they don't want to sell?"

"Howie, What is your response when asked in a fearful quippy tone, "Is this one of those pyramid deals?" This MLM?"


Ok, I picked these three questions out of the mail bag today because the answer for each of them is exactly the same, but we'll get to that in a moment.

One of the hardest lessons everyone must learn when it comes to sponsoring is the willingness to "just say no."

I want you to read those questions again and notice what each of them have in common...

Do you see it?

In every case, a hard working networker is unwilling to let go of a bad prospect.

Please let this sink in... Sponsoring someone is NOT your goal here. Sponsoring the right person is.

The "right" person has a deep desire to start a home business and already sees the big picture.

The "right" person knows exactly that network marketing is because they've been doing their homework at the local book store for months.

The "right person" does not have ridiculous pre-requisites for owning a business like "I don't want to sell."

The "right" person knows that it takes money to make money.

The "right" person doesn't whine, complain, or make excuses.

So here's what I say when any of those questions arise...

"How do I get my prospects to see the big picture like I do?"

You can't get your prospects to do anything, nor would you want to. The desire MUST already be in place and it cannot be injected into them by you or anyone else. It can only come from within that person.

Answer: "Thanks for your time John, but I don't think this is right for you."

"What do you tell people when they say that they don't want to sell?"

Again, trying to sponsor a person who asks a question like this is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

They're obviously not right for this business. Let them go.

Answer: "Thanks for your time John, but I don't think this is right for you."

"Howie, What is your response when asked in a fearful quippy tone, "Is this one of those pyramid deals?" This MLM?"

This is someone who would "like" to make money from home, but they have no real intention of doing so at all. If they did, they would have done enough research by now to know the difference between a network marketing business and a "pyramid."

By now you already know my answer and here's my point...

You don't answer questions like these because the answer is irrelevant. These aren't the people you're looking for.

Let them go.

20  .WS Business / Marketing / How To Evaluate A Home Based Busines Opportunity (Part 1) on: August 03, 2008, 01:38:15 AM
A lot of people ask "what is it that I should look for in a network marketing company?". It's a question a lot of new comers ask because of many reasons, skeptical, tricked/scammed in other deals, curious, looking for the right company etc...

When I was approached with an opportunity when I was 18yrs old I was skeptical, scared and also curious. After being around in the industry here are some things I learned to look for when choosing an MLM Program that may be helpful for you.

When trying to evaluate which Network Marketing or MLM Program you should join, you need to look at several universal factors:

1) How Long Have they been in Business?

2)How Good are the Companies Products?

3) Are They Certified by the Better Business Bureau?

4) How Competent is your Upline/Coach to Properly Train You?

5) Is the Company You want to Join currently having any Legal Issues?

6) Do they allow On-Line Advertising?

7) Is the vechile going to get you to where you want to go in life?

Cool Do they offer Yearly Conventions, Training Calls or Special Training Events?

9) Can you contact the Owners OR top producers in the program.

10) How much effort (work) will you put fourth in YOUR business?

There are hundreds of great, honest MLM and Network Marketing companies out there to promote that will be happy to pay you a residual income check for the rest of your life for work you put in today.

The only real problem when researching the appropriate Network Marketing or MLM for you in the end boils down to HOW YOU FEEL.

For example, some women can easily make thousands a month in Avon, but a young single male just starting in MLM and Network Marketing might prefer a Health & Wellness company.

Bottom line!!! When you join the Network Marketing or MLM company of YOUR CHOICE that you follow basic Due Diligence rules to make sure that the MLM or Network Marketing company you join is financially sound, offers great support, offers great products and will be there to train you when you're ready.

Your Partner In Success,

21  .WS Business / Marketing / If YOU were your prospect, what would YOU want? on: July 31, 2008, 03:38:05 AM
If YOU were your prospect, what would YOU want?
I know what I’d want.

1. When you talked with me, I’d want you to LISTEN first and foremost,
to find out what I really want. I’d need to feel you and I were simpatico.
This is where you must kick butt. Start your relationship-building immediately.
TELL me what you’re doing and WHY you’re doing it, and let me know that part
of your system is to help me build those key relationships.
I want to believe you consider MY success crucial to your life.
Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player ever. A big part of that was,
he just plain WANTED to win more than the other guys.
You ever watch Jordan the last few minutes of a close game – ANY clclose
game? He CHANGED!! He’d psyche himself into a zone where he couldvirtually do no wrong. He had total disdain for whomever he was playing.
He didn’t just want to beat them. He wanted to EMBARRASS them!
He’d focus on his skills and become a human winning machine.
YOU need the same focus when you talk to your prospect. The ONLY thing that
matters is what your prospect thinks, wants, wishes for, desires and needs.
If I’m your prospect, YOUR entire universe better revolve around me when we
talk. What YOU want doesn’t even exist, as far as I’m concerned. And it shouldn’t
exist for you, either … not when you’re talking to me.
THEN you and I will have an identical viewpoint!

2. I would want you to make a very clear, short, compelling case –
based on what I’ve told you – as to why YOUR opportunity is better for
me than all the competition.
I’d expect you to be able to answer every marketing question I have.
Don’t tap dance around what you don’t know. Know your company resources
well enough to get me to the exact right source (hotlines, web pages, brochures,
etc.) to answer any questions you can’t answer.

3. I would want a simple marketing system that’s inviting, informative,
non-threatening, educational, & fun.
The more complex it is, the less chance I’ll be able to execute. You are in a cutthroat
contest for my time and attention. One of your key weapons in this battle
is simplicity. Making the complex clear is hard work. Few people do it well.
If you can give me all the information I need, clear & organized so I can make a
quick choice, your chances skyrocket.
Plus – it helps YOU work smarter.
A System That Works
Again … you need to do lead generation, prospect follow-up, sponsoring and
training. If you can do them all with one system, so much the better. If your
company or group does not provide systems to accomplish these actions, you
will absolutely have to set them up yourself. It’s a lot easier to go someplace
where they’re already established.
You can have a lead generation system that brings ONLY
the most qualified people into your group. Then I’ll train
them FREE, 5 nights a week, to build relationships and become
Top Sponsors who will build YOU a lifetime residual
How does this work?

1. Get visitors to your website (see step 2 for your website).
There are a ton of ways to get visitors to your site. If you can’t spend money on
traffic generation, that’s OK. Many effective traffic generation methods are free.
And even if you can afford to buy all the traffic you’ll ever need, many of your
reps won’t be able to. So you are best to start NOW learning how to generate
traffic at zero or very low cost. There’s a good tutorial, listing several traffic generators,
giving you exact steps to get started.
22  .WS Business / Team Building / 6 Powerful Leadership Qualities you must Possess As A Top Notch Recruiter on: July 30, 2008, 10:37:53 AM
 Leadership is precious and a valuable quality one must respect at all times, including the leader himself.   Not respecting this privilege can lead to massive destruction to you and your sales force.

It doesn’t matter if you are in network marketing, a director of a strong sell force, or a manager of a bunch of customer service reps, you must value leadership.   Your team is more dependent upon your actions, thoughts, and speech more than you realize.   One false move or inaccurate speech could diminish the relationship between the follower and the leader instantly.

I have a good business partner of mine (I’ll call him Shawn) who I’ve also established a solid friendship as well, outside of business.  We often consult to one another about the ups and downs of business, how to expand, increase more sales, and more ways to motivate our network marketing team.  Often he complains that the person he follows and looks towards for leadership isn’t there.  He states he doesn’t answer or returns his phone calls, and hasn’t for filled his promise to him. 

The promise mentioned at the beginning: guide him to riches beyond his scope and help him become successful.  The problem:  Two years into his pursuit of happiness, he’s more successful than being armed with riches beyond his imagination.  Shawn now views his leader as misleading, not helpful and it seems he’s willing to give up being a follower of his authority and leadership.  The relationship that was once as solid as a rock is now weakened to the likeness as a sand castle built at the foot of the ocean shores.   

Was leadership in question with this scenario or not?  That depends on the time frame given, if it was ever mentioned.   But the point here shows how priceless leadership is to a follower seeking guidance.  It is a privilege and honor to whom possesses it.  The guidelines to becoming a successful leader in business and network marketing are priceless.  These rules should empower you to transform into the leader followers are seeking:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.       <!--[endif]-->The ability to develop in other people and others want to follow.  Good leaders will develop other leaders within their team or sales force.  Leaders can’t be intimidated when a followers develops into a leader.  A leader’s goal is to birth leaders and develop them into self sufficient soldiers.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.       <!--[endif]-->Unification. Getting everyone on your team doing the same thing. Constantly gathering the team together forms a strong bond of unity among each other. Leaders must consistently unify his group in order to develop them and help them grow.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.       <!--[endif]-->Decision makers.  Powerful leaders are decision makers.   They shall often make non-wavery decisions based on the team rather than themselves.  A leader without a firm decision is not a leader and followers will not continue to be lead by non decision makers.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.       <!--[endif]-->Getting the team paychecks.  Your followers believed in you enough for you to sponsor them, lead them to success, now you must show them the money.  It’s a leader’s obligation if the followers are coachable.  Show your team how to produce paychecks consistently, and they will gracefully trust and respect you.  Financial success is the main reason they started.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.       <!--[endif]-->Lead by example. This should have been number one.   You must walk the talk before you can give orders.  Whatever you ask your followers to do, it must be something you’re willing and capable of doing.  If you can’t run four miles non-stop then don’t expect your followers to do otherwise. Leading by example demonstrates that you have to know how beforehand.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.       <!--[endif]--> Loyalty.  Can your followers trust you?  This is a personal characteristic that must exist in every leader. Loyalty will last when everything else falls apart.  A disloyal leader is one of the major causes of failures within groups.

A leader missing anyone of these traits is doomed for failure, and his followers.  Possess and learn these principles, and you will lead many to success.  Swarms of people will follow you in all walks of life.  Be glad that you are chosen for leadership, because leadership is a privilege, and not a sacrifice.

23  .WS Business / Team Building / Being Successful - "You Gotta Wanna!" on: July 28, 2008, 07:03:53 AM
Here are some thoughts on something that I get to talk about
a lot when I ask my team members:

"Why do you want to be in business for yourself?"

This is a basic question that suprisingly, only a small
percentage of people EVER answer. And, the answers I do
get back are all over the board. So, what I've been
replying to them with is the following:

"Dear mr./ms. subscriber, here are my thoughts for you:

All goals in life can be broken into two areas


Don't believe me?

List your top goal in life right now:

Now ask yourself whether this goal requires more time in
your daily schedule in order to accomplish this. This could
be hours in the day or hours doing your goal instead of
whatever you spend your time on each day.

If it's not time then ask whether it will require more
money in your life to accomplish it. Can you do it with the
funds you have available to you now?

See what I mean? Time & Money are the elements you must
conquer with your business to make it worthwhile.

All goals can be broken down into "time and money" so
if you are getting as much time as you want and you are
making as much money as you want then I would recommend
that you NOT waste your energy starting a business or else
you will get bored quickly.

The hardest people in the world to motivate are those that
have other options. Either they are rich, expect to be rich
or are just in business because they are bored and don't
really need the business to succeed at all.

So, if you have a goal that is time or money based then let's
work together to achieve it!

Your coach in success,


BTW,in my experience if you find someone in your business
that is "playing business" and has many other money options
(or if that's you) be cautious because it will be hard to
motivate them over the long haul. You will just waste your
time and your money trying to motivate them and as the adage
goes, if you try to make a "pig sing" it will just annoy both
you and the pig. And in the end nobody will be happy.


I tell the new members of my team the following:

1.You "gotta wanna" be successful at this more than
anything else or guess what . . . you won't.

2.ALL goals can be broken into either "Time" or "Money" and
you need to figure out what yours are.

3.If YOUR goals don't revolve around this then I would
rethink why you got into this business in the first place!
24  .WS Business / Marketing / Keys to success in your business on: July 26, 2008, 07:06:46 AM

Hello everyone in GDI,

I wanted to share with you some keys to running a successful business which doesn't cost anything except your time and planning.

1. When your first in business do you remember the excitement you had the first 72 hours?
 Well bottle that up and provide that type of excitement each time you talk to a prospect.
2. Don't sell the opportunity first add value to the prospect get to know them the first time and their wants and needs.
3. Its not about who we know its about who are team knows.
4. Qualify people for your time provide them something in return and educational newsletter and provide some information about what you do.
5. Offer tools and proven techniques which could fit into your prospects agenda.
6. Be open listen to what the prospect has to say and make sure to repeat back.

The key to having a successful home business is to show people you truly care and are willing to work with them if there is a fit.

Not everyone can have a home business and I commend you on choosing GDI.

25  .WS Business / Training / How To Change Your Lack Of Money Into A Prosperous Flow That Will Bless You on: July 23, 2008, 04:32:17 AM
This simple technique will change your limiting beliefs and flow with money.  Use this technique to open new avenues of money to flow to you.

If someone were to ask you, “Do you have any money?” What would be your most common response? If it is frequently “No,” then you are telling your subconscious mind you have no money and you will continue to have no money. Always carry money in your wallet or billfold. Always be able to answer, “Yes, I have money. I have plenty of money.” That is the message that will help you create more money.


Whenever you spend money, notice how you feel. If you feel uncomfortable and nervous because you are worried that the money you are spending might not be replaced, the signal you are sending out is one of lack and lack will be returned to you.


When you spend money, create a positive, peaceful feeling and trust that as you spend money you create a vacuum for more money to come into your life. Always stay within your current means of income and at the same time create a vibration of prosperity to create more coming in the future. Every time you pay your bills, be in the energy of gratitude that you have creditors that trust you and offer you their services. Acquire sound money-management skills to assist you in staying in integrity with your money.


When you communicate about money, do you talk about not having enough and focus your words on lack and struggle with money? Notice your communication patterns with money and choose to speak positively and reference your state of abundance with money. Do you trust your family members and perceive them as capable and competent when it comes to spending money? Or do you fear that they will create debt and spend more than you have so you need to control them? Create perceptions and language that reflect a state of prosperity consciousness rather than poverty consciousness.


The Universe does not know your bank account status; it only reads the signals you are feeding it. So create a vibration of wealth by playing the following game:


Pretend you have an unlimited supply of $100 dollar bills in your wallet. Every time you spend a $100 dollar bill, imagine another one magically replacing it. Throughout your day, think of the many things you could spend that $100 dollars on. Act as if you are spending it over and over and over. Rejoice and have fun with all the things you could buy, all the people you could share it with, and all the experiences you could create. As you do this you will send out a vibration of wealth and prosperity that will assist you in creating more wealth.


As you shift into a vibration of prosperity consciousness, you will create and attract new avenues and opportunities for more money to come into your life. Money is a resource that God has given us to bless our lives—not to interfere with our daily happiness. If you are creating your experience with money as a negative distraction, choose to clean it up.


Create money to be like your experience with air: something you know there is plenty of for you and everyone else. Money, like air, is a resource to assist you in creating and sustaining a life of joy and happiness. You never worry about air, you just trust and let it be there for you. Stop worrying about money and start trusting that you will be provided for and trust that you will make choices and manage it in a way that blesses your life.


26  .WS Business / Training / The Problems With MLM Opportunity Hopping on: July 23, 2008, 04:24:16 AM
There are so many MLM opportunities available these days that 'hopping' between them is becoming more common. The chance to join a new venture at the ground floor can seem extremely attractive and many network marketing professional can be found dropping their existing business and jumping into a new opportunity - often taking their whole network along with them.

Of course, there are good and bad points to moving between companies, but switching your loyalties is a decision that should never be taken lightly. There are pros and cons to be considered before making a hasty decision:

1. Many people are attracted to the idea of being number one in a new company, thinking that will be one of the few who forge the way ahead for everybody else. There is nothing wrong with this pioneering attitude, but abandoning everything you have worked long and hard for is a potentially disastrous step. You have to consider your downline - what would you do if they suddenly jumped ship and joined another MLM opportunity?

2. The company you jump to might not even survive past the initial set-up. We can all think of numerous examples of companies who fail - even when they seem like winners. Look at Enron! Your existing network offers you security and stability. Can you say this of the new opportunity? The majority of new start-up companies don't survive beyond their fifth year. Is this a risk you, as a professional, can afford to take?

3. Think about your existing network marketing opportunity - how much support does it offer to you? New companies often have very poor support structures initially, they don't come into their own until past their tenth year (if they even survive that long).

4. As attractive as being a pioneer is, they are the ones who have to slog long and hard to build the business up from nothing. With a proven MLM opportunity, you have a model to follow, you don't reinvent the wheel, and you can avoid the mistakes of those who have gone before. Not everyone can be a pioneer - how will you motivate your own downline to go the distance with you if you can't demonstrate the same ethos?

5. Is your position important to you? Starting at the bottom again means you will be pressurized into lowering your ranking within the company. Think of what you will be giving up as well as what you will be getting - are you happy to put status and income into the hands of an unproven opportunity?

So how can you ensure your new opportunity will be a success?

Firstly explore the track record of the management team with the MLM opportunity. Check out the marketing potential of the product yourself, don't rely on their figures. If you plan to take your downline with you, ascertain their willingness to come along. And think of the consequences of taking your loyalty elsewhere - what if it didn't work out and you wanted to return? Try not to burn your bridges.

Do your research with care. Your livelihood and that of your family depend on how well the new opportunity performs. Don't be fooled by all the hype and try and think things through carefully however exciting it seems.

So why is GDI a good business model low start up cost and with a little effort you to can be financially free!
27  .WS Business / Marketing / How To Find Home Business Prospects LOCALLY on: July 23, 2008, 04:18:37 AM
Where are all the good network marketing prospects at?

Many networkers seem convinced they don't live anywhere near them!

I say that because they'll spend hundreds of dollars a month on leads or genealogies all the while insisting that there are no decent prospects in their area.
Fact is, there are. (No matter how small of a town or city you live in).

Virtually everywhere there are people who would like to change their lifestyle, but who have no clue how to do that. There are also people in need of your product or service.

So, what's the best way to "tap in" to this goldmine of MLM prospects known as the "local market"?

We'll answer this by approaching it from two directions:

1) People you naturally come in contact with and

2) Services that can put you in contact with even more people who may be candidates for your opportunity (or product/service).

To get started, let's define terms.

"Local Market Prospects" refer to people who live or work in the same general area as you. In other words, people you come in contact with (or COULD come in contact with) on a daily basis.

They are not necessarily people you know (although they can be).

Approach Number One: Think about places you go and the people you cross paths with and practice alert living. Be on the lookout for sharp prospects wherever you go.

Example: You visit a local restaurant. You have a sharp, friendly food server who catches your attention. Right away, you observe this person has great people skills, a strong work ethic and is "on the ball".

Here's how you can EASILY prospect this person. Let's call him "John", and here's what you can say:

John, listen want to thank you for your great service this afternoon, it's some of the best service I've had in a restaurant this year (Now at this, "John" should be all smiles as you've just paid him a well deserved compliment). You then proceed: Listen John, I own a business here in the area and always keep an eye out for sharp people and you definitely caught my attention today. Let me ask you a question: do you keep your work options open? (Now, if John really is a sharp, heads-up person what's he gonna say? Obviously "yes", to which you respond): Good for you, John. I think you'll be glad you do! Tell you what, you're working right now and I'm busy myself, I'm heading off to meet someone, but let's do this.

Let me get your contact information and I'll drop you a line tomorrow (or when he get's off later the same day) and give you some more information on our opportunity and who we're looking for and see if we've got a match". Then you simply write down his information and you've just generated a strong local lead. Now, what makes it so strong is this: you've had a chance to MEET your prospect personally, observe their work ethic, their personality, and their people skills. How much stronger is THAT than simply calling a prospect "cold" on the phone? This is powerful.

And it's not just limited to restaurants (although people in this industry often make excellent networkers). No, you can do this in virtually anywhere.

Approach Number Two: Now, what can you do to come into contact with qualified local prospects in a "leveraged way"?

Join a lead referral network!

These are groups that meet locally and refer prospects to one another.

You simple attend a small meeting in your area and share a little about yourself and your business and you can immediately tap into the leveraged power of business networking.

An alternative organization (which is limited to the USA only at this time) is called: LeTip. For more info, visit

Be sure to look in your local area and you may find additional organizations like these to expand your reach even further.

That's it's for today...

Take care
28  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: July 22, 2008, 11:39:26 AM
Hello everyone,

Lead Generation this is a good topic to cover.

I can tell you with the lead generation system me and my leaders use it always us to qualify and talk to the right type of prospect.

The system I use is has help create almost 1000 network marketing leads in which to contact.

Keys to successful business and lead generation is to followup and ask questions to qualify these networkers as serious or just curious.

Other ways to create leads is to ask for referrals and come up with a nice 1 or two sentence mission statement about what you provide any one who wants to help others earn money from home.

Discussion forums are other great places to meet like minded people and chat rooms.

29  .WS Business / Training / Re: What if my upline never contacts me? on: July 21, 2008, 04:23:38 AM

We at GDI wanted to thank you for the inspiring words and leadership.

To be honest with you the industry in a whole has a problem with people not treating this like a business.

Why do you think only 10% of us make money while the other half is completely lost and frustrated.

Keys to success:

1. Postitive mental outlook (Count your blessing and humble yourself)
2. Education make sure to read books on the industry, find leaders within your business and work with them.
3. Provide them the tools for success (Lead generation system or way to put more money into their pockets by attracting people to them.
4. Training join the numerous free calls mentioned in the forum and see how the successful people simply the business model.
5. Dedication every day before you go to your Job set goals and get your business in front of people.
6. Ask for referrals
7. Advertising free or low cost methods(Business cards a most)
8. Lead capture page with your BIO and information on how you can help those in need.
9. Never quit understand there are many benefits to a home business (I.E Tax savings)

If you would like any information visit my profile and please feel free to contact me:

Remember if a person in the military can do this business any one can:

30  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Build a SOLID team and retain them! on: July 20, 2008, 06:26:40 AM

Very well put you are a prime example of the 10% who have what it takes to have a successful home business.

What I have learned from my 8 years online part time is networking is about relationships first and product and opportunity second.

We must work with like minded people who understand having a home business is not easy.

It takes effort and some money to invest into your business.
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