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Author Topic: The Secret to Success is...  (Read 27681 times)
Posts: 3

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« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2008, 08:20:06 PM »

Please why can i get a good and affordable autoresponder ?

Danna McNatt
Posts: 2

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« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2008, 06:04:17 PM »

Please why can i get a good and affordable autoresponder ?


Good question.  Where do you even look for autoresponders?

Richard Livingstone
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« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2008, 02:19:02 PM »

Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success - Christopher Lasch

Richard Livingstone
Onunu S. O
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« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2008, 04:29:24 AM »

Hi Chip.
I'm new to .ws and I'm so far having problems trying to convince others to visit my website.
So far I have not done anything new to my website because even the default is everything you need it seems.
You have some great ideas, I'm just not sure yet how to get everything moving.


Hi, I'm also very new to GDI. Infact I joined just very recently. As you comented in your message, I think we need to have some patience and contact as many people as possible to be able to get into grips with the business.

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« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2008, 04:12:26 PM »

P.S. So, what do you feel are the most important reasons to commit to YOUR Internet Address for LIFE?

My most important reason is to make money to care for my SO who became disabled and can't work anymore. After that, I like that I have something permanent and top level, it makes me feel more secure. After that, I look forward to the opportunity to join with others who have made similar decisions and to learn and be in community with them. Finally, I like the opportunity to make the website be anything I want and to reflect whatever. I ultimately want to have several domains to reflect different interests. Right now I am focusing on the money because of the situation, but I know that once I have more time, I'll be registering others to reflect me as a person more.

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« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2008, 01:56:08 PM »

Please what bulk mailing system can i use without having spam complaints.

Sr. Member
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« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2008, 03:31:10 AM »


Most bulk mailing programs don't last as somehow there will be spam complains.
What I use is an autoresponder which ensures that every email subscribers choose to double optin to receive my emails.
The email is broadcast without revealing the emails of others in the list, so privacy is mantained.

Please drop me a private PM or email me if you need more info.


Please what bulk mailing system can i use without having spam complaints.


Want to install a blog for your GDI domain name?
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« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2009, 08:33:27 AM »

 Grin Grin Grin
Hello folks
I would like to share a poem that has been with me for a long time. It blessed me and hope it will you too.
Also this goes out to you NEWBEES ( I am one too) that are thinking about quitting:
f you Think You Can, You Can!
You can be a total winner even if you're a beginner,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,
You can wear the gold medallion,
You can ride your own black stallion,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,

It's not your talent or the gift at birth,
It's not your bank book that determines worth,
And it isn't in the color of your skin,
It's your attitude that lets you win,
You can upset Connors or Austin,
Or win the marathon at Boston,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,

You can profit through inflation,
You can redirect this nation,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can,

It doesn't matter if you've won before,
It makes no difference what's the half time score,
It's never over until the final gun,
So keep on trying and you'll find you've won,
You grab your dream and then believe it,
Go out and work and you'll achieve it,
If you think you can, you can,
If you think you can, you can!

~ Denis Waitley ~
Posts: 2

whats crackin

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« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2009, 03:11:05 AM »

thanks for the poem. hehe.

Team work makes the dream work! Smiley
Stephen Toomer
Posts: 1

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« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2010, 06:14:17 AM »

The Dyslexic Network Marketer

How I overcame Dyslexia to become a leader in Network Marketing

Stories from the heart…

Hi friend, my name is Stephen Toomer, and I was, and somewhat still am, Dyslexic.  This is my story on how I overcame Dyslexia, to become a successful Online MLM.   I also would like to reassure you, you too can make it big in MLM, with Dyslexia or not…..

Success is within all of us, open your mind to its power and set yourself free.  Easier said than done right?.....  Not really; it’s just one decision that takes less than a second to make.  Everyone that reaches the pinnacle of their career knows this; Barrack Obama, Sir Richard Branson, Michael Schumacher, Muhammad Ali, they all know this. Hopefully after reading my MLM story you will know too.

I started MLM in 1995 with Amway.  Introduced by a friend, who just said “I need to show you my business - it’s going to blow your mind”.  For the life of me to this day, I don’t know why but I knew it was Amway and I also knew I did not want to do it.  But because he was a good friend I went along to my first meeting.  My friend was right, it quite literally did blow my mind, I was changed forever.
I got started fast with the help of my upline I did everything they said, the adrenalin was pumping, I wanted to be a millionaire overnight, and then it happened I had my first NO!! I just could not believe it, I was thinking what went wrong, is this person all there?  My upline laughed and said “Steve, its ok, some will, some won’t, so what”.  Ok to cut long story short, out of my first 50 leads my Mum & Dad joined.  Woohoo ……….NOT!!

So did I give up? Not a chance, I went to every function, listened to every tape showed, plan after plan sponsoring people, losing people, night after night after night. The one thing I was not doing that most likely would have changed everything (I’m laughing right now because I know what you are thinking, what I was not doing) yes that’s right I was not reading any of the books  Smiley I didn’t think I needed too, I was already motivated.  Friend, if you have been in MLM for more than six months and are not reading books stop now - MLM is not for you, you are not duplicatable.  I’m sorry if you think I am hard but that’s the reality of it.  MLM is like Chinese whispers once the signal is changed it all falls down.
So did I start reading books and become a successful Diamond in Amway? The answer is no, I could not read, I was dyslexic.  After five years I quit never to return, I found it extremely painful knowing I left the best business I have ever seen.  I still think that way today, no matter what anyone says. Am l in Amway today I hear you ask?  No.  Those five years in Amway lead to what I am doing today which I will get too shortly.

So I was broke, living at home with my folks and life sucked, for the next twelve months anyhow.  I wanted to learn to read. I knew if I was going to get a job I would need skills, and that’s when I got my first 386 Computer.  This was the tool that helped me learn to read. At first all I did on my computer was play games like Quake, and Anarchy Online, and I soon became a full time gamer.  Unknowingly playing games online helped me learn to read.
Four years went by and I finally knew what I wanted to do.  I started my computer Business buying, selling, and repairing computer parts.  I really enjoyed it and was doing ok.  In 2000 I won a scholarship in games development and came away with a Diploma in IT.  I was so proud of myself.
Something I have not told you about myself, I have a physical disability called Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, which in a nutshell is a lack of muscle and bone tissue.  For seven months in 2001 to 2002 I was in hospital and then another twelve months in rehabilitation. I had to have an emergency operation on my left hip, I had a full hip replacement.  The operation was not quite what I hoped for, I found it hard to walk again for many years.

As a result my computer business was no more.

During this time I gave a lot of thought about my life and what I really wanted to do. I decided on something that would give me satisfaction and to help others succeed in life.  As a result, I went back to college to study a certificate in disability work.  After I graduated, I immediately found a job as a Support Worker at a place called Help Enterprises caring for people with intellectual disabilities, this was my niche. I absolutely loved helping the guys succeed in their lives, and for the first time in my life I felt successful and very happy.  During this time I found the love of my life, Carolyn, she is an amazing person that also has overcome huge obstacles to be a successful business woman in her own right.

Not long after I met Carolyn I moved to live with her in Sydney. I left my job I loved but that was ok as I thought I would land a similar job in Sydney, well so I thought.  I was unemployed for six months and not happy again with my career. Then one day after Carolyn went off to work I sat down at my computer and typed in Google “how to make money online” and that was my starting point in this awesome Attraction MLM Business.

My mission with what I do is to help people prosper in their MLM Business, and to live the life they deserve to have no matter what MLM company they are with, through Attraction marketing online.
Friend, I would like to thank you for taking the time reading my story. I hope you can take something away from it and be inspired to take action to succeed in your life no matter your chosen vehicle.

All the best for Success
Stephen Toomer
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