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1  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your best tip... on: July 07, 2005, 02:16:14 PM

1. Hand your GDI business card to people with cellphones in their hand.

2. Go to markets and bookstores and slip your card into "Home Business" magazines or books.

3.  Call your leads before they even see the website and tell them that you have sent them
     some information about home business that they requested and to watch out for it.
     Sales calls don't have to make the sale. They just have to move the sale up inch by inch.
2  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: The Secret to Success is... on: July 07, 2005, 02:16:14 PM

We said. One does not TELL to teach, but rather leads the learners to realize it for themselves.

Now Chip brings up a good point.
What makes the GDI website package more compelling than the competition?
Yes, an internet address and website is essential as a phone number now.
Anyone who does not have a website is left out of many things going on in life.

What makes joining GDI the right choice for this.
After all, you can get a lot from all the big companies
for free.

So what is the GDI unique selling proposition that will
make people happy, satisfied , loyal customers
and well paid affiliates?

Internet businesses are a dime a dozen (maybe even more)
Here we are. The adults in control of production. As affiliates
to a great degree, WE ARE THE COMPANY. So rather than
complaining when something could be better, fix it yourself
or bring it up to someone who can get it done. I have mentioned
MANY things to Bram and Mike and it dropped my Jaw to see
that it does get done. They are thinking the same things too!.
What do YOU have to offer? How can you serve the company
or your sales team>? Do you know that in Network Marketing
it is by serving your team that you improve your position.
Many people think it is by serving themselves in some way.
Doing that, where will the network marketing math kick in
and do all the pyramid money blasts?>

We are a group of people who work for ourselves. If this is
the first time you have worked for yourself, you just might
find out that it was great having a boss to blame everything on.
But when YOU really do work for yourself . . . How do you rate
yourself as the "Head of your company"?
If you were another person working for you, what would you be
talking about with co workers around the water cooler>?

I leave this question open.
My take on it is that it is good people with good communication skills,
talented trainers and mentors, a constantly updated product that is top
of the line and most of all CONSTANT AND NEVER ENDING IMPROVEMENT.

Remember. When a network marketing systems stops growing, the reps
with no customers are loosing money. Don't let yourself be at the bottom.
Build your organization, pay close attention to your leaders and if you are going
for the big bucks work hard to establish a large base. The dream is real.
The pyramid is right in front of it. Can you climb it, or are you just going
to take a snapshot?

  Huh What do you think?> Roll Eyes

3  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: A downline quit, now their downline is un-contactable by me! on: July 07, 2005, 01:17:10 PM

What a great issue to discuss. It take work to grow your organization, but you will loose your sales team if they are not presented with the tools and knowledge to get the success they expected. They never make the transition from customer to sales rep.

What makes a person leave?

What could have been to keep them satisfied enough to stay?

Is there anything you can actively do to prevent this problem?

Let's have a brainstorm session and list all the reasons an individual
would leave the GDI program. Get down and dirty. Tell us everything
bad about the program. Everything that could be improved and
then get replies about ideas to make it better. Much better.

There are a lot of us. Let's team up with our brain power
and plug the leak in the boat!

4  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: UP & DOWN the LINE! on: July 07, 2005, 12:54:55 PM

Yes Chip!

Creating a "GDI Leadership Persona" can be one of the most effective ways to generate a strong team.
I have always appreciated your leadership work because you "Do It" not just talk.

One of the most rewarding things that GDI offers is the chance to meet, mingle, learn and develop yourself through the people you meet through the GDI experience.

When an upline or downline member contacts me, they instantly step up in my mind. It is the people that communicate/network and get to know each other, those people . . . Are the ones I contact whith breaking news, product releases etc.

As for leaders, they should make contact with their entire sales team. Even just to say hi and establish a brief one on one phone conversation. I know that it was the relationship that Bram and I established that brought me into GDI. If it were not fior that feeling of honesty and dedication, I would not have gotten near this business. It turned out my impression was right. Bram ended up being the head marketer working for the company.

Many of my members thank me for taking time to communicate and I thank them when I see new members take the bull by the horns and take a leadership role.

Communication. The bottom line.
Is that not the difference between failure and success in network marketing?
5  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: .WS is long-term... on: June 09, 2005, 02:46:32 AM

What sort of things should we know about a long term business?
6  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: The Power of Network Marketing! on: June 09, 2005, 02:46:32 AM
There are some great books to read about network marketing and
they will really open your eyes to the power it has.

Here are some titles that can give you a firm grasp
on the subject and give you the knowledge and
understanding you will need if you are going to
go big and put serious time into this industry.
They are fun too.

Your First Year of Network Marketing

Wave 4 Network Marketing in the 21st Century

Wave 4 Building Your downline

The New Professionals

The Greatest Networker In The World

7  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Re: “Time for Summer School” on: June 09, 2005, 02:46:32 AM
Hi Chip
The The Internet Radio Show has great info in the archives!
So this will be summer school for reps and for tips targeted
at the summer season market.

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