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Author Topic: GDI Real Training Done In Reading Time!  (Read 9135 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« on: September 13, 2011, 08:34:57 AM »

I am going to give this away for free. This is the correct way to create something right the first time. By the way, GDI requires no selling at all. Your focus should be on getting people to watch a movie. That is it. GDI pays us to do just this. Make sure it is ethical and do not tell of anything. Let the movie to it's purpose. By you telling anyone and everyone all their questions will be answered when they watch the movie. There is no selling needed. If you must speak on something make sure it's the follow-up and then only speak on how you will support their business and personal growth. No one is left alone. It's only about them and that is your teams only focus, them. You place yourself out of the equation. There success as they determined is the end result. Now, below is how to duplicate the process. This is being given free. People join people and not products or services. If your supportive persistent and reachable. That is what building that relationship bonded on trust is all about. People will purchase a roll of toilet paper for $10.00 if the like and trust you. Tell people what you will do for them and give them examples of support. You be the go to person who gets things done. Brand yourself and not products or companies. This is what keeps members growing and you business alive. This is a lifetime journey not a race. It will become a lifestyle for you as it has for many of us. Help enough people on a daily basis with an attitude of gratitude. That is all it takes to only do what makes you happy everyday and get paid to do it. Hey, if men can get paid to play a child's game(Baseball) why can't you get paid to do what you love and enjoy? If one can do it, why not you?

The Ultimate Team Existence

We loose focus on well, what is the product. I believe your the real product. You build your name to a level of greatness. One such as with character, and thus, respect.

Your the product, and what ever venue you choose to accept, as one of the many projects, to generate unlimited revenue. To coach, mentor and empower others, to achieve their success as they determined. Can be established with any company. The business system that each company has works, with the right supportive team of dedicated hungry people. Each being responsible for one or more weekly tasked to grow the team larger. To train all members. To motivate with webinars. To call and utilize other means of communication at least twice a week. To empower those team members, who have not reached the higher level of confidence as leaders, coaches, mentors in our industry. Those who have reached these levels start to duplicate the working process of evaluating more projects to add to the team, another source of revenue. Then just duplicate the same actions as complete with the first company.

This is how it is done correctly. Keeping every team member achieving each goal and taking on the responsibility as the original members. Each project has new members of the team taking one or two supportive roles. More member will able the team to add another project without original member over worked, and stressed. Thus, keeping it real with having a home base business, with multiple generated revenue. Plus, each member works less and have more time to share with loves and travel. Then start telling their stories globally adding more new members to the team, from all parts of the world. This is how to establish the “Ultimate Team Existence” worldwide.

We who have accomplished understanding being great coaches, mentors, leaders and visionaries. Have the obligation to ask each person who we recruit, if they have complete due diligence on us, our team and the company. You have nothing to worry about being ethical in all your actions. Your accepting to support, motivate and empower people who are giving their trust in you. Your responsible to their success as they determined, and the health and welfare of their loved ones. This is imperative, to the overall success of the team that you are developing. This is true character. It will be reflected by each team member.

You lead by example. You live the passion for supporting others without expecting anything. Then all things will be possible. There will not be any limitation as you believed, based on prior institution education. Now, having before you , conscious of the truth. Your leadership will be duplicated within people who believe, not only in you. Yet, in the vision that you have planted the seed in their minds. 

Now, you have the hole truth and system that works with all businesses and all teams. This is a real usable blue print for success, as you determined. This is the blue for achieving success, as each member determined themselves. It really works.

The how’s, do not matter, with driven passionate, hungry, supportive, loving and giving people. This is the formula to build real relationships, of people to be included, in your lifetime team. Remember, this is a journey and not a race. These people are going to be around your loves, and develop into powerful friends. You will be traveling around the globe, with these people. So, create your team with the right mix, of dedicated  passionate, ethical,  positive people. It just works!

We respect each person’s insight to the subject presented. So, please leave real content to help clarify this article. I thank you for the time spent reviewing and hope you will return soon.


2011©All rights reserved. William Earl Amis, Jr. III - U.S. and International Copyright Laws. 

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Jr. Member
Posts: 83

CLICK Globe Below to Visit my GDI Training Blog!

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« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 12:05:20 PM »

Thank You William!

I couldn't have said it any better. This is the kind of insight and mindset that develops after many, many years in the trenches and without a good mentor by your side.

If you combine this knowledge with the proper tools & strategies for automation than your a force to be reckoned with.

What a great post, straight to the heart of the truth and very inspirational.


Where do you get your traffic from and where do you direct that traffic?



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Stop Struggling in GDI and Start doing  'GDI the Smart Way!'
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 11:51:14 AM »

Thank You William!

I couldn't have said it any better. This is the kind of insight and mindset that develops after many, many years in the trenches and without a good mentor by your side.

If you combine this knowledge with the proper tools & strategies for automation than your a force to be reckoned with.

What a great post, straight to the heart of the truth and very inspirational.


Where do you get your traffic from and where do you direct that traffic?



Joe, I have one location to get unlimited leads from and direct them to my blog. I would be glad to share this procedure that works with you and all. Just contact me with your schedule and I will Skype or call. I am only here to serve others. No worries. The more people my team and I support. The better quality of members GDI receives. Keeping all you members happy and generating the results they want. This retaiins everyone and never have anyone left alone.

Just issue me you schedule with a day and time you are free for just a few  minutes and I will have you up and running with unlimited opt-in business leads. Also, share our workable procedure that has only received positive results.

Looking forward in hearing from you and others.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 09:30:54 AM »

So many of our members are not aware of all the training we have within GDI. I will never understand how all are hungry for a lifestyle so few of us have accomplished. We did not get here alone and will never tell such a fable.

You should get over all fears and listen to others. Not hearing, but really listen when they have what you want.

Too many times people contact me daily and request for my help. I will call once and they blow me off? I setup one more time and if they do not show up. That is their continued failure to accept and be accountable for their lives. I can only help those who are hungry enough for change. This training I give free for life. This is a journey and not a race. You just do not commit once.

I have a dedicated team of professionals and we have been doing this for over 27 years in our industry. Training real people to accomplish success as only they can determine. We keep our feelings and accomplishments out of the equation. It's only about you.

So, if you want and desire real GDI training there is tutorials and they are state of the art. Also, you have our GDI weekly (2) live training. Do the math folks, if you do not desire to change. Please, don't waste my time. I give this lifetime support for your whole operation and it works. I refuse to leave anyone out in the cold. My team is well qualified and we are hands on people.

I will never forget how hunger feels. I still have it. I manifest things into being by faith. You should take some from me. Lets get this thing working for you and your family. It takes 24hrs once we train you to have your blog (GDI) setup for free. Unlimited business leads that request your daily contact. Then their records are destroyed.  I do not know how to make this any easier than that. Wait, we do not stop there by any chance. We stay with you for life. Develop real relationships bonded on trust.

No hidden agendas and no gimmicks. 100% focus is all on you. It cost nothing to get serious about your revenue growth. Now is the time, yet our team has been doing this for over 27years and will still be doing it the rest of my life. What will you be doing? If one can do it, why not you?

Contact me day or night. Once we meet will be the first day of your new lifestyle. This is not a race and you will not make millions of dollars overnight. Get real and keep it going. Do something daily to grow personally and within your Business. Wake-up and get hungry!

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Posts: 2

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« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 08:57:23 AM »

Hi William:
I am new in GDI, I am eager to make a lifestyle change ASAP, I especially need help in growing my business.  Can you guide me along the way.  Thanks.  jds
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2012, 09:23:27 AM »

I just wanted to update this area. I love what my passion is and I have no more searching for that one thing to keep me going. I love and live to serve others. I empower people daily and bring hope back into their lives as they tell me.

Once all of us find that one passion that has nothing to do with self pleasure yet serving others in your own unique way. You have made the first step in creating a real lifestyle that only a few of us in this glorious industry are blessed with.

It is a feeling that has joy and excitement daily. Did you know that each night you can create every activity that will happen the next day? Now that you know this to be true what are you going to do with the little time we have left here to make a difference for everyone?

Just get involved by making that first move out of your comfort zone. Find that passion to build your first real business from. GDI is the greatest solid foundation to launch your business. You do not need to pitch GDI and that is were most newbies miss the way within our GDI family.

What is the first thing everyone does. It is just crazy but everyone just creates a pitch page just like the ones GDI give us. We have over eight free pitch pages you can direct traffic to for people to get emotional with all the hype and glamour. Yet, if you remain transparent and create your blog without any ads and pop-ups. Have nothing to sell and do not self-promote GDI it doesn't work. Hey, you can get crazy numbers of people joining yet before that 7 day trail they all will leave. You must get it right the first time and creating a duplicate GDI pitch page or sales page is not the way. Can you hear me now? Stop thinking you have a blog when all you do is duplicate pages or sites that already exists that just doesn't make sense. That is why you must start to take just a few minutes a day and visit real blogs that have no selling and give quality content that helps massive people globally. Then you will get a feel of what to do. Those days of selling are dead. Who cares about another sales page of something. We want to feel good about ourselves and be inspired with stories of courage and greatness from within. Do you get it now?

A clean blog that you write all the articles and only produce one a week. Yet, it is full of your own experiences and write it in an exciting way. Relate it to personal growth and business establishment. That is when you need to be with experienced supportive visionaries, mentors and coaches in our global industry. We are all over yet hard to find based on all the junk out here. There is so much stuff that makes you too hyped when you fall victim in reading it. It brings emotions that it is design to fear, doubt, selfishness, and greed. Lots more negative reactive emotions that make you jump in and out loosing money and relationships. So just stop it!

Just stop for one moment and think. Did you know that thinking in a quiet place is the hardest thing to do? With the right support and no hidden agendas you will create a lifestyle and share your passion on that real clean blog. Then that is when people from all over start to ask you questions and request meetings for you to coach them. They want what you make them feel, joy  excitement and to get away from all negative emotions. They want to be loved and needed. They want you to empower them to manifest their passion into being.

Just give it a change and hope it to be. Then find that supportive group that has no interest in hype and sales. Just real support and showing you hands on how to get it done right the first time. Just do your due diligence before jumping into anything again. That is what I have been coaching for over 32 years and growing.

I would love to hear from you and please share your insight here on our topics. That is how you first start. Then the rest is history and it will be yours.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2012, 12:04:56 PM »

Like I said before is all one must do is ask and we are here to guide you through a lifetime of adventure and results you can be proud of with GDI as the core part of a solid foundation. You have chosen to take the first step with joining GDI. That takes courage and you have to continue with persistence.

We will hold you hand per say and show you how to master navigation first through GDI. This is also with giving you the clear understand on how to use GDI for what it is and never add a single cost to you. That is how people should be within GDI as a real source of support.

If you like unlimited others daily who contact me, is tired of all the hype out there. Now, you may have found it hard even to keep up with the required monthly GDI fee. So, do not give up when challenges are to be faced. Yet, ask for help is the only cost and we will support you for a lifetime.

This is not just within GDI yet, being a part of a group that looks for others who need help. The people who hunger for change and tired of being worried about just old anything from loosing that 9-5 or going hungry another day. Well, we are the solution to each area of your life and GDI is the core part that will get you the foundation you need. Then we will coach you to create that lifestyle that only so few of us have been blessed with.

I do look forward in helping you and anyone else and all you have to do is contact me from my 24 hour contacthttp://my.vcita.com/william.amis?preview=true. Just setup a one on one. No sales and junk just pure hands on support for free. Yes, no cost and that is what GDI is all about helping others without expecting anything in return.

You must have yourself surrounded by people of passion. Ones that have made it to the levels you are seeking. That is how you make choices on who is right for your support. Also, no added hidden agendas with other additional cost except that of GDI monthly fee. That little fee shows how determine you are in creating a real unique business of your own. That fee will not be for long and based on your empowering activity should take no time to be free.

I do look forward to many years with supporting everyone who just ask me for help. We are strong and many yet always looking for just the right hungry new person to add to our inner group. Focus is always on you and your growth.

Thank you for listening to me and I pray all is well with you and your family. Just take a look and listen to what I have to say. I never will nor am I now one who makes sales of any kind. I volunteer my energy to supporting others 100%. That is my passion so what is yours?

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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