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1  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Use The Invite System on: October 18, 2010, 02:00:12 PM
I facebooked my daughter on the chat and was talking to her about it and she called me immediately thinking that someone had hijacked my account. She was not interested in it. I gathered she thought it was a scam deal even when I told her about the great support, the website, etc. After this happened, I got to thinking about it. I believe it would be better to call people or send a personal e-mail instead of using a generator. That way they know it's you and not someone pretending to be you. Also, many of the people I know have jobs and unless I could prove to them it works by having money coming in they won't go for this.

I need to contact people who are looking for opportunities like this who also know people who are looking for people that want this type of business to start it up.

Any ideas?
2  .WS Business / Marketing / Is there a list somewhere of where & how you can and can't market your business? on: October 12, 2010, 10:21:56 AM
I sometimes need things just laid out in front of me (I like a nice and neat list) and I was hoping someone could tell me if there is a list of ways and places you can and can't market your business and no no's that you shouldn't do. I feel I am getting bits and pieces here and there of how to do this. (please forgive me, I just started)

I have a face painting / airbrush temp. tattoo business and was going to have business cards to pass out or grab at my booth at events.

I am probably going to have to go the non friend and relative route as I know how most of them feel about Internet work at home or jobs/ businesses and won't believe me until I can actually show them a paycheck.  Undecided

I get the spam issue. This is a no no.  Smiley

Also, since this is my own business, can I make up my own business cards? I can probably print them off my computer cheaper than I can buy them.

Thanks for the advice, Dawn
3  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Showcase your website! Part 3>>> on: October 11, 2010, 09:53:17 AM
I just joined GDI a couple of days ago. I really like the concept that they have. This is probably the first Internet based business I actually get and feel is legit. I've checked into many hoping to find a good work at home opportunity so I could stay home for the most part and finish homeschooling our last child. We have already graduated 3.

Anyway, I have a new business that I started that is an airbrush temporary tattoo and face painting business called Razmatattz. So that is the subject of my new website. I put a page on my site to lead people to my GDI business.


blessings, Dawn
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