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Author Topic: Creating your first real Blog  (Read 8611 times)
Hero Member
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It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« on: June 29, 2012, 09:24:38 AM »

Everyone should hold on to their egos at this point and allow me to share the truth about 97% of our members are not clear what a blog is. Yes, that is right and you may say Billy that is your opinion and that is just what you believe. Wrong!

You must understand that I am a professional researcher and gained my vast experience reviewing thousands of documents to find mistakes. I have worked in our Government IRS for over 10 years in my prior life. Then after an early retirement( Awakening to support others instead of take from others.) opened more doors for me to subcontract my skills to collections, taxes and business establishment. Project management and other supportive roles. Who needs titles, none of us but I am a servant of all people. I live to support everyone who ask for help. There I said it, I am a servant of man.

Now, back to the point of creating your first real blog. You may believe in SEO, Google Ads and other foolish monitization methods that use to work with the weak minded people new on the internet. Hey, some people still fall for all that junk and hype. Yet, we as real passionate business owners need guidance like any corperation leader. Get real and take that ego and leave it as I did ask in the begining.

So, what makes the perfect blog is one thing, interaction and allot of it. There are no easy ways to put it. You write only about your experiences in an exciting way to make people jump at a chance to interact and share their insite on each weekly subject. Then your job is to reply to each comment left. You will develop a rythm about this skill. It is fun and the end product is huge. Your site also stores all names and emails of each visitors who leave comments. That is a gold mine of active people to connect with in a proper ethical way. You do not self-promote ever. You do not place ads or sell anything through you blog. You only give free real usable content that empower courage, hope and ehtusiasm within each reader. Hey, there are over 1200 visitors and more who leave comments daily on my blog and only 18% I allow to be approved. The others are stored until I can get in contact to help them with their lives. They just drop nothing as a comment yet pitch junk to sell to our vast commited readers. Hey, it is just me who is the webmaster here so it does take time yet I answer everyone even the storage people. They all join me in my mission to create solid real lifestyles without selling stuff. The best business in the world is one that is just sharing your passion. That is all I do everyday and all day. I do what I want and when.

This is the only way your blog will be a real interactive place that enriches readers' lives. It will also bring unlimited contacts, and friendships that will grow for a lifetime. It will generate prosperity in every area of your life. Yet, the point in making your passion generate real spendable revenue is something I must keep to myself for now! Hey, you have to contact me anytime and ask for help. Then the flood gates will open with abundance and prosperity. There are no limitations and your visions will manifest if allowed to blossom.

It is said that the hardest thing to realize is that no one can survive without others. That is the human makeup just as seen in our primmates. They will die if not surrounded with emotion of love and pampering. We humans need the same as being loved with feeling it. Then we also desire to be needed in just about all areas of supporting others. Everyone even those you dare judge needs to be loved and feel loved. They just have not been able to look at themselves in that mirror, per say.

Hey, just me keeping it real and being transparent. Those who disagree must have forgotten to leave their egos in check. Hey, be bold as a loin and leave your comment to start learning to interact with others in our industry. It is just easy to leave your insight on a given subject. You write from feeling not book smarts. That is what people fail to understand.

Capture others by tapping into their positive emotions and you will gain hope in your life. Refresh others and you to will be refreshed. Give to other and receive unlimited prosperity. There is enough to go around and then some. Stop with being selfish and give more of your time and experiences in a positive way. Search for the good in everything and life will become the daily adventure it has for me and all our group of positive passionate supporting people here for you. Your unique and should be told that!

Thank you for spending time here and get involved if anything. Stop sitting by and shaking that head yes, yes without expressing your feeling on a given subject. We know everyone has their point of view yet we ask that you share your feelings and leave all those views alone. Life is more joyful if your spread some hope in others, don't you think?

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
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(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 10:17:50 AM »

I will start bringing all I know from over 32 years in this industry for no price here only within our GDI family so keep in touch and make sure to start to get involved. This is about being yourself and making sure you give your passion in writing usable content.

Let us agree to stop all the self-promotion and get serious in helping others get it right the first time. You got to get with sharing your experience in a way that will inspire others to want do leave legacies. That is just simple as listening to a new member and guiding them weather or not they belong to your sponsorship. Hey, there is unlimited prosperity for all and you just need a person to show you to apply your God given talent in a constructive way.

I love all our members and seek to find everyone within GDI that do not get what this is all about. It is not about money and fame. It is about changing lives and giving hope to all who lost their way. The hows to not matter it is the why and that = you passion. Allow us to manifest that passion and show you step by step how to apply it within using GDI as what it was built for, your one solid foundation to launch your business.

No one ever would tell you the truth until now. Yes, I will help all without excepting anything in return. I love what I do and have a real lifestyle and only answer to me!

I just want you to get up and spend more than 58 minutes in the forum and working your business. If you created a site and pitching or selling GDI as a business. It will not work in the long run. People are not looking for all the hype that will leave. You must learn first to harness GDI as the solid foundation that will help them expose their unique passion.

More on this later. Just contact me day or nigh and stay tune within GDI forum for more updates.

I am coaching everyone how to use due diligence which is just research before jumping into the next best thing. Hey, we got you here by using the old method of hype. What happens now is up to you. So let us work together to do it right the first time.

Loving you all, keep it real and be transparent.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Posts: 44

Success Start in the Mind

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« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 10:39:49 AM »

Hey Bill, you have mnastered what REAL caching mean.... Thanks so much for being you :-)  Looking forward to learn more and more from you so I can TRULY support others as well, just as you are supporting me and more.
Thanks a lot for all you are doing.
nick catricala

__"I Help You Help Your Self"
Nick Catricala - MicroConsulting
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« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 10:03:33 AM »

I have wrote a post on my blog helping people who have no writing experience write a blog post. Just basic writing tips. My blog is down for maintenance right now or I would give you the exact link but the website address is http://webhostingforprofit.ws I will be posting another blog writing tip tonight or tomorrow. I hope to add a number of writing tips in the coming weeks. Writing is one of the things I can really help people with as I have been published a number of times for a couple of different publications. I will add the links when I can.

Webhosting For Profit Blog
Blogging, Coaching and Website building tips
Posts: 17

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« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 10:03:33 AM »

Here is the article:

One of the best tools you can use to drive traffic to your affiliate sites is a blog post. Many people get scared or intimidated about the prospect of writing because they think, "How am I supposed to write a blog? I don't know how to write."  So they never write anything and maybe repost some form article. Check out most affiliate program blogs and see what I mean. They contain the same articles over and over. Heck, I've been there and I have done it too. So what if I told you that good blog writing is as simple as following a formula?

There are two main ways to structure any article. The first is to go from a wide focus to a narrow focus. That is what I am doing in this article. I am starting with a wide topic of blog writing and narrowing it down to specific tips about blog writing. The second way is to take a specific instance and move to a broad topic. These are really great for taking aspects of your daily life and turning them in to informative blog posts. You take something that happened to you or that you witnessed and you draw some conclusion from it.

The beauty of blogs is that they do not have to be huge articles. 200 to 500 words are ideal lengths of blog posts. Pick a topic and spend 10 minutes writing about it using one of the two formula's above and save it. DO NOT PUBLISH IT RIGHT AWAY! If you are writing for a business, you need to be professional. No professional writer ever publishes his first draft. You shouldn't either. Grab a coffee, take a break and come back to it. Spell check it and look for awkward phrasing or idea flow. Now you can publish it.

Congratulations! You have now become a blog writer. Do this once a week and you will begin to drive traffic to your site.

Hope that helps,


Webhosting For Profit Blog
Blogging, Coaching and Website building tips
Posts: 17

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« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2012, 06:22:59 PM »

I wrote another blog post about how to choose topics for your blog. Here it is:

In my previous post about writing for blogs, I talk about how blogs are a crucial part of success for network marketing. However, one of the biggest challenges for new network marketers is coming up with good topics to write about. If you browse the blogs of successful network marketers, you will see lots of blog postings about how they have succeeded in various aspects of the business. But when you are new to the business, writing about your success is impossible, unless you lie which sadly a lot of people in this industry do every day. So what can you, as a new network marketer, write about?


Well one option is to do what I am doing, that is take an aspect of the business you do know about (in my case writing or coaching) and write about that. You can use your insights from your success in other areas and apply them to network marketing. This will give you some meaningful posts that can help people in the industry while you build you own positive experiences to share latter on. However, what if you don’t have any skills that easily relate to network marketing? What can you write about then?


If you are like most people in this industry, you have failed with many systems in the past. A common number thrown about is that 97 percent of network marketers fail to make even 10 dollars from their businesses. What about looking at those failures as a source of blog articles? Human beings learn by failing, we gain experience by attempting something new and that often leads to failure. Failure is not a negative thing if it leads to success in the long run. So what have your failures taught you about network marketing? Where have you gone wrong and how can you help people from making the same mistakes?


People will read your blog if it gives them some insight in to questions they may have or motivates them in someway. In my experience, the people who never fail are of very little use to me as either motivation or examples to learn from. I want to see how people failed and what they did to overcome it because I know that I will fail many times in life and how I overcome that failure will be what defines me, both in business and in life. So embrace you failures and turn them in to successes by using them as topics for quality blog posts.


Hope that helps,


Webhosting For Profit Blog
Blogging, Coaching and Website building tips
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2012, 06:22:59 PM »

I have wrote a post on my blog helping people who have no writing experience write a blog post. Just basic writing tips. My blog is down for maintenance right now or I would give you the exact link but the website address is http://webhostingforprofit.ws I will be posting another blog writing tip tonight or tomorrow. I hope to add a number of writing tips in the coming weeks. Writing is one of the things I can really help people with as I have been published a number of times for a couple of different publications. I will add the links when I can.

Hey, now you found your true passion and that is what we can build your foundation with GDI and then your business just sharing what you love and creating a prosperous lifestyle just showing people your passion. Then show them how to find theirs and do the same. That is what giving to others is all about. It works and I am so excited for you, great job!

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
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It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2012, 06:27:33 PM »

I just thought to return with updates. You must understand that we who remain clean with our content within our blogs have the most visits and interactions. We are not placing ads and pitching any products. There is no self-promotions on any of mine or our huge members blogs.

We are dedicated to serve others with usable content and they in return wish for our lifetime support. No hype and gimmicks allowed.

When you create a blog it is to represent you. You are the product and people want to read about your exciting courage and adventures. Everyone has a real story and you just write about a little each week. Then related it to personal growth and business creation.

I have personally coached over 31017 and growing members on just this method of being transparent. 98% have never wrote publicly before and now can't get enough. You write one part of you life story each week. Yet, the responses will keep you far to busy and making global contacts with real people who need hands on support. They become part of our global family and all join GDI.

We may be the only active supportive group within our family that takes people by the hand and show them how to get it right the first time. No expenses and purchasing junk and stuff. Just having a great time empowering others to find their passion. Then we show them how to prosper by just doing what they love. It is that simple and has no cost?

Yes, this is real people who care about you. You have GDI as a part of the solid foundation required for anyone who wants to have a real business. You just do not know how to use it and what to do next.

It is not about sales and hidden messages with  links to sell junk on a site. That is old and unethical. You must build a foundation first and then we can show you all the procedures in no time.

If you learn each step in building a real foundation with GDI as a part of the solid material. Then and only then will you begin to have clarity. Wasting your time and money doing nothing but playing a business person is very expensive.

When you want it bad enough the door is open and we are not going anywhere. Sharing real procedures that has worked over 32 years is what it is all about. Not having you pay for junk and convince others to do the same. That is not a business.

Let us be real and transparent. Get sick and tired of being played with you time and money. Take a stand and change your thoughts to supportive activities.

More on this next time and I pray all is well with  you.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2012, 09:04:49 AM »

The one thing about blogging is it will not work if you do not share you passion with others. You should be sharing what makes you happy and not selling junk on it. The more people read about positive things going on with your life. The more you create activity with your readers.

Share how you have created a real solid foundation and learned what it is you want to do with your life. If you are a support coach. Then right about how you empower your clients and the methods you share with them

Give us readers a story full of adventure and keep us wanting to return for more. This is how you keep a real "Clean Blog" receiving unlimited visitors. Ones who will want you to help them. That is how you build a brand of knowing you stuff.

Do not get in that phase of selling junk on your blog. Stop with the ads and pop-ups that over clog your blog. Make it clean and have your article, then a me page, then you steps of how you will help others find their passions and share it. This creates a lifestyle that is prosperous and supportive of others.

Keep your site free of self-promotion. Do not give in to the hype of selling books and other things on this one location. You can accomplish so much by telling your story of your life with all adventurous stories of courage and persistence.

Much more is needed to learn to get it right the first time.

Hey, just ask for help and we will be here to support you all the way.

Looking forward in becoming part of your lifetime journey. That is what having a real business is all about. Only do things that make you happy. Do not settle for routine junk. Think different without limitations. Create your own unique message.

Each of us are different and that is why your needed within GDI. Get your message to our global audience.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2012, 09:33:05 AM »

I just wanted to update if anyone want to learn how to create a real blog with visitors who get involved which makes you site come to life. Just keep reading or contact me day or night.

Most believe that you are to promote. That is your first mistake and will kill your site. People will not read sales pages. You think that self-promotion is the way to do it, that is wrong information from people who want you to purchase their products.

They main thing is tell your own story in a way that will empower and bring courage to the reader. There is a rhythm to it all and that is something everyone need guidance with. I always say leave you egos at home and come learn the right way.

We are here to serve all our GDI members and will always keep it real.

I live to serve others with a true servant's heart. Get it done and do it right the first time.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Posts: 100


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« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2013, 11:12:48 AM »

Great information Bill! I have read from the beginning.. I was a little afraid to write about my past experiences
on my blog and didn't know what others were going to think about me after I wrote this, But then I started thinking
about it and I really didn't care what they thought. I needed to let others know about me! Yep this was a great learning
experience for me and one I will share with others.. Thanks for al you do Bill and I look forward to learning more from you..

God Bless
Your Friend Chery Smiley

Chery Schmidt Friend & Mentor
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