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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / GDI Team Elite - is this allowed? on: January 10, 2012, 04:35:30 PM
I was contacted today through a traffic exchange by some one called Adam Stanley. I had asked in the chat stream if GDI Team Elite accepted members who were already in GDI. He said no and got very pushy and quite rude when I said I had two domains here already and even though I don't do a lot of promotion and recruiting, I was happy with my existing sponsor. He said it wasn't worth being in GDI if you don't promote and sorry I disagree.

Is there some rule against these people who try to get you to move into their team?
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Ashmax and similar on: August 05, 2010, 10:20:01 AM
I would suggest that a moderator from this forum contacts Powerpath GDI admin and asks to join - without of course saying who he is or that he is representing GDI. See what response you get. If you get an invite to delete your existing account and join with them, then case proven. If no direct inducement well perhaps they have learned their lesson.

Same with Ashmax. Maybe the personal message I got here is not typical and is not supported by their admin. However, GDI should be aware that it is going on and deal with the specific person concerned.
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: capture pages on: August 04, 2010, 10:39:46 AM

on the bottom left of your menu when you are in the members menu area, you will see the domain or domains that you have with GDI as an active link. Click on that and you go to a page where you can choose the 'Basic Hosting' option and get the FTP instructions for uploading your own HTML files. Ignore any references to the GDI sitebuilder if you have made your own page/pages offline

You are, in effect building a site, albeit with only one page, so at least one page name will have to be called index.html
However, you can make other pages which need not necessarily be linked from or to index.html 

I used a service called Mail-Maniac to make a name/email capture form which sends the details back to my email, but I get a lot of spam that way because web crawlers can pick up the target email address.

The alternative is to create a splash/capture page with a service like InstantSplash which host your splash pages on their own servers. Google for splash page maker and you'll find others. Some splashpage makers have a way to integrate with an autoresponder which gets around the spam problem.
4  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Hit log on: August 04, 2010, 10:39:46 AM
... and what if you didn't use the GDI site builder to create your site?
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Uploaded files but does not show on my webpage. on: August 04, 2010, 10:39:46 AM
Tim, what FTP software are you using?  I use CuteFTP which is free and shows you where on your PC you uploaded files  from, and the corresponding area on the host server. You can do a refresh of the host pane when the upload says it has finished and see all your files there. If you have a site structure which, for instance has images in a separate directory, then you can drill down and ensure that the files inside the directory also loaded, or choose to make and load that directory as a separate load job.

What is your GDI website name?
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Ashmax and similar on: August 04, 2010, 10:39:46 AM
How do you define 'cross recruiting' or 'cross promoting' ?

When someone joins your team, you want to help them promote in the best possible way so you pass on what works for you. In a world where most networkers are promoting at the very least one main business like GDI and perhaps a team build or two and a couple of traffic exchanges, where do you draw the line?

Turning it around, if someone joins any other networking activity I am in and they don't yet have a domain name/website then the obvious solution is for me to suggest to them to join GDI. Why would GDI object to something that directly benefits them? If I was cross-promoting a service that was IN DIRECT COMPETITION with GDI's services there might be some justification for objection, otherwise it is an unfair contract and an unreasonable restriction of trade.
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Ftp upload problems.. connects but denies permission to upload on: August 03, 2010, 03:44:36 PM
I had a similar problem when I was also connected to my ISP via Thunderbird email client. CuteFTP connected but would not do the upload.

It also happened the other way around. I was in CuteFTP and connected to GDI doing some updates to my site and I tried to download mail from my ISP in Thunderbird and the ISP  wouldn't verify my email details.

If you are using Thunderbird, Outlook or any other local email client, make sure it is closed down before you try your FTP again.

Not saying this is the only cause, but it certainly had an effect for me.
8  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Ashmax and similar on: August 03, 2010, 03:44:36 PM
Has anyone else had a personal message here in the forum, from someone in a GDI teambuild Ashmax called JackyLam, asking you to delete your GDI account and sign again with them?

I have notified a moderator and have warned Jackylam that he is in breach of GDI TOS

I have also been approached outside of this forum by someone different in Powerpath GDI who also wanted me to change sponsors and was extremely abusive and threatened me when I refused and told him he was breaking the GDI rules. Fortunately he's on the other side of the Atlantic, but a VERY nasty character.

There are some extremely good team builds around who are more than happy to add you to their co-op advertising and let you join with your existing GDI accounts and I am in two different ones resulting in two new signups in the last month.  But if you see ads for either of the above, don't touch them!
9  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Websites not accessible on: August 03, 2010, 03:44:36 PM
I did contact support about that and they have not replied to date.

I went out shortly after I posted in the forum and when I got back a couple of hours later, I discovered the same as you, that the sites were both active again.

I am now wondering if this was due to a server back up in progress, but I am not happy that it happened at all.
10  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Websites not accessible on: August 03, 2010, 10:20:07 AM
I have just discovered that my two domains are no longer accessible as http://www.mygreetings2u.ws and http://www.jennyfletcher.ws and I can only get to them via http://mygreetings2u.ws and http://jennyfletcher.ws

I have not received any notifications or explanations from GDI that this would be happening.

There are links to my websites from many places online, but before I go and change them all I want to know WHY.

My account is up to date, there are no warnings or flags anywhere in my member account - what is going on!
11  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Verification! on: July 13, 2010, 01:25:54 PM
I uploaded the requested documentation via the requested email address and requested that they email a confirmation of receipt. A couple of hours later, I get ANOTHER email from a completely different email saying send the documentation or I don't get paid this month. I replied to that one, sending a second set of documents. They still don't reply. there is no status ID on my account that I can find to say that my documentation is received and approved.

I'm in the UK and frankly, I don't see why I should waste a transatlantic phone call on people who can't even be bothered to acknowledge an email which has my passport details attached.

Any suggestions? I expected better service from an established company like GDI. Surely a status ID could be added to your account to show that your documents are received.

Jenny Fletcher
12  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Is there a document I can download... on: September 21, 2009, 05:49:00 PM
is there a document I can download, or a page I can send people to that talks JUST about the commission plan specifically?
13  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: My .ws Website on: September 26, 2008, 05:18:51 AM
I am somewhat surprised at the result of the poll.

CONTENT rules every time. Agreed your opening words and the overall appearance of the site needs to arouse curiosity and make people want to go on and explore further than your landing page. Content is ultimately the only thing that will get you ranked high with the search engines. You can put as many keywords as you like, but if they don't appear in, or have any relevance to your content or the content simply isn't there, the search engines will ignore your page.

What really makes me really angry is sites that offer you something free on the front page then when you have given them your name and/or email you find that the REAL product is on offer as an 'upgrade' or that the 'free' only applies for a brief period  and ultimately you are being asked to pay to get what is on offer.  Even if you don't buy then, if you've given your email you'll get spam forever.

There are also a huge amount of sites offering e-books at up to $97 that you can get for less than $10 on Clickbank or ebay or even free. Google for the title before you hit the pay button. 

These are basically dishonest marketing techniques, do you really want to copy them?  If someone is offering you something free, be VERY SUSPICIOUS. Either there are hidden costs and conditions or its a scam.

I checked out all the URL's in this thread. Only one or two showed ANY evidence that the owner had done any work of their own to create content. Others just cloaked affiliate sites for other opportunities. You have a fantastic resource in your GDI domain and hosting - why waste it like that?  If the person landing on your site has already seen that opportunity, 99% of the time, they will just click away immediately.

GDI is a great business but it IS going to cost you money to promote it to the point it becomes cash-negative or your commissions actually exceed your subscription each month. And don't forget, every second you spend promoting it is also a 'cost', so even the so called free traffic generators are not really 'free'.  To make it really attractive you have to add value to it in some way, by providing original content before you take the visitor to the opportunity.

So, to re-cap, if you hadn't found these sites here in this post, how WOULD you have got to them?  Basically unless the owner had sent you an email with the link, you had googled directly for the domain name or something similar and got it by accident,  or you had found the link on a site like Linkreferral, you would almost certainly NEVER have found them and if you had, except for www.blue-swan.ws, I can find nothing truly original whatever.

There are ZILLIONS of sites out there for people to look at. Ask yourself why people should look at yours rather than someone else's GDI site or another opportunity altogether?
14  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website...Part 2! on: September 25, 2008, 05:05:19 PM
Hello Everyone!

I am still hopeful and faithful for GDI! I hit the potential leaderboard twice last month with 18 new signups......kool yul! I am starting to get the hang of it now, but I do wish that most of my downline members stayed and duplicate my effort. My downline has yet to become exploded soon!

Here is my latest version of my .ws website simply called http://www.winglee.ws

To all our success,

Wing Lee  Cool


It is good to see that you actually bothered to build a website! So many GDI members do not realise that the brand they need to promote is THEMSELVES first and foremost.

Re-directing to an affiliate site, whether it is GDI or something else is just a total waste of your GDI domain name.  When it comes to traffic exchanges, a personal page, with great photos will catch people's attention.

Well done, love the creativity pages especially.

15  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website...Part 2! on: July 28, 2008, 02:22:19 PM
Juan, you need to login to GDI and click on your domain name in the left column. You will go to a page where you can select from sitebuilder, forwarding, hosting.

Select Hosting and you will get taken to a page where you can get the ftp details. You will get this in an email. Then you will need an ftp program like CuteFTP (free software - just google for it) to upload your site.

Whatever you use to build your site, this will work for you.

I have two GDI sites, one built with Sitebuilder and one with Frontpage, plus a great free mail form builder - pm me for details.

http://www.mygreeetings2u.ws (Sitebuilder)
http://www.jennyfletcher.ws (Frontpage etc)

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