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Author Topic: Downline Questions  (Read 88108 times)
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« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2005, 12:11:01 PM »

1.   If a new sign up does not input a payt method, but then updates their record with a valid payment at some time during the trial week , do they change from purple to blue, then to Green if they stay? Or do they stay purple then straight to green. How do we know if they have put in a payment method. ?

2.  How can I tell which of my downline has opted out of recieving my downline messages? I currently have 1 orange person, 1 blue trial, 1 purple trial, and 3 green members. The last time I sent a message the confirmation told me I had 1 person who had opted out of recieving my messages. I am assuming at this point that it is my 1 orange person, but I wondered if there is a way to tell for sure.

I know that these seem like trivial things, but i want to learn as much as possible about how the system works, in case I am asked these questions myself in future

« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 12:11:46 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2005, 09:20:38 AM »

Yes it will change from purple to blue , then to green after they are done the trial. And for the question number 2 i think they will be brown if they opted out. hope this helps
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« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2005, 11:30:09 AM »

Thanks Chris
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« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2005, 04:12:50 PM »

I received a question from a Prospect tonight that got me thinking.  The question was; "Can the 'deadwood' be removed from the group?"  My answer was, that as far as I was aware the only way to have an account deleted, was to ask the person who created the account to do it.

Like I said though, this got me thinking.  I have 29 Inactive Accounts and the list is increasing every day.  People are signing up and going Inactive.  Frustration doesn't even describe how I feel.

However, what if after 7 days - which is the free trial period for Active Accounts - an Inactive could be deleted by the Sponor and/or Referrer?  By doing this it would help in te following areas;

1.  It would make looking a the Tree a lot easier.

2.  Clear up a lot 'wasted' space on the database.

3.  Give an incentive to those Inactives to do something - even it was to delete their account!

I have been in GDI since the 8th September this year.  I posted an advert on Google and have received 34 created accounts, though not all active.  Though I am happy with the response I am getting I am 'cheesed off' with what I can only describe as Freeloader who are hoping for something that they will never get.

Sorry, I do tend to get carried away.

I'm hoping that my idea might be picked up by those in charge and be considered.


A sightly happy bunny, Chris
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« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2005, 10:05:18 PM »

Have you tried to contact these inactive members and find out why they haven't remained active.

Some keys email them first called them second and then give them time to respond.

Explain to them you our serious business person and looking for individuals who want to help people and show them a simple system.

I do this for all my members who become inactive and have had a good amount become members after explaining the training and support we have to help them get what they want so you can get what you want.

Treat GDI like business sort and sift identify leaders and understand no everyone will have the light bulb go off in their head.

take care and if you have any questions please email or ask for support from your upline

See you at the top!
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2005, 11:59:07 AM »

I received a question from a Prospect tonight that got me thinking.  The question was; "Can the 'deadwood' be removed from the group?"  My answer was, that as far as I was aware the only way to have an account deleted, was to ask the person who created the account to do it.

Like I said though, this got me thinking.  I have 29 Inactive Accounts and the list is increasing every day.  People are signing up and going Inactive.  Frustration doesn't even describe how I feel.

However, what if after 7 days - which is the free trial period for Active Accounts - an Inactive could be deleted by the Sponor and/or Referrer?  By doing this it would help in te following areas;

1.  It would make looking a the Tree a lot easier.

2.  Clear up a lot 'wasted' space on the database.

3.  Give an incentive to those Inactives to do something - even it was to delete their account!

I have been in GDI since the 8th September this year.  I posted an advert on Google and have received 34 created accounts, though not all active.  Though I am happy with the response I am getting I am 'cheesed off' with what I can only describe as Freeloader who are hoping for something that they will never get.

Sorry, I do tend to get carried away.

I'm hoping that my idea might be picked up by those in charge and be considered.


A sightly happy bunny, Chris

Hello Chris!

The following is an exact excerpt from the September 22 GDI Newsletter.  It explains quite a bit! 


We have had quite a few questions and comments directed to our support department about the issue of "incomplete signups". Awhile back, we started entering a person's profile information into our database and creating their account as "inactive" if they did not provide payment information.

There are several reasons why we do this, including the fact that these are the hottest "prospects" you can get. After all, they at one time made the decision to join GDI. All that's missing is their payment info.

When someone joins as inactive and we don't have a valid payment method from them, we send them a series of email messages reminding them to activate their account by providing us with a valid payment method. Many of them do this and become active members.

You can also call or email the people who join as inactive accounts and encourage them to complete their signup and give GDI a week long trial.

It may seem that you are getting an unusually large number of these types of accounts, but keep in mind that we keep a close scientific eye on everything we do. We know through constant testing that this method has led to an INCREASE in the total number of paid signups, which means more recurring commissions for you.

So instead of seeing new "inactive" members as a bad thing, think of them as the best kind of lead you can get. They are only one step away, and probably only one conversation away, from being a fully active member of your organization. Many people who started as inactive members because they didn't have a credit card handy, or because their PayPal account was a little low on money at the time, go on to become high producing affiliates.

I hope this answers your question/concerns!


Deborah H
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« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2005, 01:55:14 PM »

Well someone said to consider them the best prospects we have yet. I can say that every email I have ever sent them has gone unanswered. This makes me wonder where the email is going?? In the spam filter maybe? Then if calling them doesnt work after emailing them-what? No emails have ever been returned, I am tempted to just start sending them invites every 3-4 days and invite them to death. Or untill them opt out-or sign up or after I suggest it-delete their account. We have their info when they were active. IF they gave a phone number anyway. They for sure gave an email addy. Ive had mine for months inactive and orange guys. I would love to delete them. Take delete to mean "whatever" you want it to.  Grin
Deborah H
Tatjana Prelog
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« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2005, 04:03:49 PM »

Well, Deborah, I would agree with you until today. You wouldn't believe, but one inactive member from August 16. on my 4th level becomes active and what's the best, he has 7-days tiral periode again.

So from my todays experience - The inactive members got 7-days trial when they become active and all the possibilities with this to fully use their back offices and all the tools provided, they can build their webpages and invite people to the GDI business. Maybe these inactive members don't know that they could have their 7-days trial when they become active and we just have to inform them about that.

But on the other hand it's really true, that mails we sent to inactive members usually are never answered and some of my downlines from all levels (and I have 77 inactive members on all levels) opted themselves out of my mails also so there's really a dilema what to be the best ...


Have a better day than I ever had!!! Charish the life, true friendship, love and honesty!!

Deborah H
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« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2005, 03:56:11 PM »

Yes and the weird thing is I have even TOLD them they can opt out of my emails and none have!!! So who knows. I do know I hate looking at all those oranges and getting nowhere with them.
So I keep sending them info and invites..Jeeze!
Deborah H
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« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2005, 09:48:53 AM »

I've read the posts about inactive (orange) members and the advantages of keeping them in the downline - they are contactable, are your warmest prospects, and could change their minds any second and become active.  However, this argument only holds if you are talking about your level 1 because we don't have info for levels below that.   This fact leads me to my main point.......

I recently had a level 1 signup who rapidly added to his downline during his trial period. I wrote and congratulated him, and when I returned from holiday expected to see that he had become a full member.  Surprisingly, he had not , and a few days later had been cancelled for abuse.  I decide to act quickly and contact his signups, but the only way to do this was by broadcasting to all my level 2 and 3 - not ideal.

I am pleased to say that a number of his level 1s have become active members, but I have no way to directly contact his inactive members and try to encourage them to join - I don't think they will have had much, if any support from him.

Questions:  Does anyone know .......

1)  How long are deactivated members given to repent and become active again or permanently terminated?  It's been over 2 weeks now - I would really benefit from downline compression so that I can contact his lost signups. 

2)  I have one of his level 1s who became active but now has gone grey. She has not been tagged for abuse so I think she has chosen to cancel though I'm not sure why.  Same question - are such cases going to stay in the chart for an indefinite period?

3)  If someone is disabled for abuse, is there any way that their level 1 information can automatically be revealed to their sponsor so as to avoid leaving groups of members and potential members without direct upline support at a crutial time?

Apologies if this has already been covered - it's amazing how many posts there are to catch up on when you've been away!!

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« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2005, 04:30:17 PM »

I understand your concern with the orange people but these prospects only one step away from becoming part of your team.

What I do is simple go to www.website.ws/username and find out their email contact them telling if you need any assistance at all please contact me at phone number or email or skype me.

I have had members contact me and become paying productive people on my team.

The key is in the followup and follow thru we must allow our prospects the time to seriously think over the business.

We give them the tools to be successful creates winning situation for all parties.

Lastly find out why they decided to go inactive show them the support and guidance become a leader not a follower.
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« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2005, 10:12:23 AM »


Thanks for your response, but I think you missed my main concern - the impact of grey deactivated people disrupting the info flow.  Can you answer the questions about greys?

Unfortunately, your suggestion for contacting inactive orange level 2s, does not work as you described - yes, I can find their username from my downline chart, but I get an error mesage when I insert it into the url you gave.  I tried it for 2 different users just to be sure.  In both cases it states that it is an invalid username and, asks for the sponsors id.  If you enter the sponsor's username you get a page that says the site has been disabled because of abuse.

Ever get the feeling you are going round in circles?

Can any one else make any suggestions?

Deborah H
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« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2005, 04:41:30 AM »

Just as a precaution so you do not loose the info on these people as time goes by and they become inactive.
Everytime your downline display changes.
The one that shows all their info.
Copy and paste that into an email or a word document and save it.
Its going to change, so be prepaired and save this information for when later you want to contact these people for whatever reason.
If you fail to do that you loose that info forever if they go inactive.
Deborah H.  Smiley
Tatjana Prelog
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« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2005, 05:03:08 AM »


Thanks for your response, but I think you missed my main concern - the impact of grey deactivated people disrupting the info flow.  Can you answer the questions about greys?

Unfortunately, your suggestion for contacting inactive orange level 2s, does not work as you described - yes, I can find their username from my downline chart, but I get an error mesage when I insert it into the url you gave.  I tried it for 2 different users just to be sure.  In both cases it states that it is an invalid username and, asks for the sponsors id.  If you enter the sponsor's username you get a page that says the site has been disabled because of abuse.

Ever get the feeling you are going round in circles?

Can any one else make any suggestions?


Contact them via "contact your downline" system and you'll be able to send a message to all. You can also choose the level of the downlines to contact. This is the best way as you don't see the whole info of your downlines from 2nd level down ...

Hopw it helps!

Good luck!


P.S.: That option (to contact the members on all lwvels via contact downline system) is not available anymore and as I don't agree with this, I've already contacted the support team the first minute I've discovered this. They replied that they passed my mail to the Executive Comitee for further discussion. So what we can do now is sit and wait ...


P.P.S.: If you noticed, you now can see all the emails of entire your active downline so use them to contact each one separately. That's the only way so far!!! Well I'm glad if my email to the support Team has helped to this at least a bit ...
« Last Edit: October 25, 2005, 04:39:05 PM by Tatjana Prelog » Logged

Have a better day than I ever had!!! Charish the life, true friendship, love and honesty!!

Deborah H
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« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2005, 02:32:50 PM »

Yes. And I always move my sign ups to another level under older sign ups. So it gets a little weird. I just keep copies of the downline info, that way no matter what happens, I have the info. Even on the grey guys.
Speaking of grey guys. People need to remember the grey guys that opt out in the invite system too. I also make copies of that. And re-invite from that list too. But make a speacial list of the opt outs in that list..
Also the invite system can be manipulated. You can set it to forwarding and choose the promotional site the invites see. You can also put what you want in the subject line of the email they will get. Remember-those that dont "get it" right off may take many exposures to the GDI invite.You cant have the same header " Joe Blow's website for life" in the subject line or they will only delete it right off. I do wish more would include their phone numbers though when they become real prospects that watched the movie. So many dont and that's a wasted contact opportunity for us. But if they dont opt out-they are still in the game and I keep inviting and or sending marketing and motivational tips to them. I have had none opt out of that yet-so they must like getting the info. I hope so. They sure do get it from me. Every day..LOL  Cheesy
Deborah H.
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