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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Simplify Life in 2014 and Stay Focused on: January 15, 2014, 03:12:05 PM
It’s time to focus, 2014 come on us like a avalanche, so let’s focus of what’s important and finish strong.

This is the beginning of the 3rd week of the year, how is going for you?

Did you find yourself rushing each which way to get going on all your goals set for the year?

Do you feel overwhelmed already? If your answer is yes, you are not alone and it is not your fault…

Now that’s out of the way, let’s dive into what we need to focus-on and move forward at our own pace knowing we will make it and we will make it according to our focused commitment and our sincere core desires.

Tony Robins, said: One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.

How we work on our focus starting today, YES this week?

Not sure about you but I know I truly need to focus on my goals,.... READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE HERE: http://catricala.ws/?p=2603
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Closing Life Circles… on: August 07, 2013, 08:17:45 AM
Closing Life Circles…

It all started when I first heard a tale from a Roman Catholic priest…
one of the great tale included the saying “When God close a door
for you, God open up another one for you”

That was more than 20 years a go… but since then, I heard many
other versions but I like to stick to the original… hope it resonate
with you and we get the proper and same meaning.

This is where the title of this new article come up from… “Closing Life Circles”

This article is over 1200 words… hope it is not too long for you :-)

Check it out and let me know how can I support you in anyway...
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Why people sign up with GDI and THEN DO NOTHING? on: May 13, 2013, 09:11:39 AM
Hello to you that is reading this short note... love to
congratulate you personally as soon as possible and in the
meantime, wish you all the best in all you need, want and desire.

The headline is here for a reason... a great reason and hope you are keep reading so you can benefit.

"Why people sign up with GDI and or with any other program and THEN DO NOTHING?"

I signed up with GDI last year.. and have a couple of team members that signed up under me... BUT you know what?

I did not sign up with GDI to sponsor anyone... ho, yes, it is nice when I do, BUT the MAIN REASON was so I could focus on building a solid foundation for my business.. it took a while since my bad and old habits keep on coming back... BUT NOW I can truly say that they are all in the past and LOVE what come out of it.

Now I work from home, expressing my passion and what I do is simple... coach, guide and advice, people for free and for life...

Coach, guide and support people to do what I did, and succeed... and that is to get out from the trap of buying into everything that come into my inbox every day... or follow this and that so called "gurus"... I succeeded to take control of my time and directions in life and business, and you know what?  I love it..

So far, have been successful to change a few people lives and get them started to build a very solid business and yes, PERSONAL base... and love it, just love it because I know they will succeed soon in all what they truly desire and have passion for it... I know because this is a no brainer... once you have a strong and solid foundation in life... nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.

Are you ready to build your strong and solid personal and business foundation? Do you have a strong team of professionals in the field you are interested in, to support you?

No matter what you have answered.. it's fine, what is important is that you read this short note above and now you know that in case you like to receive support for free and for life... this is the place to be... and I am always available to guide you in the direction that you want to go... and I know I will love doing it and you will love the results.

Thanks for your time and wish you all the best in every way and always.

4  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / As a bus driver and operating streetcars and subway trains.... on: May 13, 2013, 09:11:39 AM
During the period of the divorce, I was working as a bus driver and operating streetcars and subway trains in Toronto, Canada.
On a hot, muggy day of July 1987, I had a serious work related accident and injured my low back to the extent whereby I was declared unfit to drive public vehicles from that day on.
After numerous attempts to go back and start working at some capacity with the same company, the situation changed dramatically, from bad to worse.
The medical doctor with the company diagnosed me as unfit to do any work with that company and from then on, all the arrangements had to begin to make certain I would stay home, receive sick benefits till a permanent disability pension would be approved and stay away from normal activities for the rest of my life, with no hopes to get fit to work again....
To continue reading, Click this link: http://catricala.ws/?p=1878 -
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / What are you talking about Nick? on: May 07, 2013, 10:54:21 AM
What are you talking about Nick?

Once my friend recovered from the surprising statement, she looked at me with a strange look on her face, since she knew how much pain and suffering I had been going through lately, and how stressed and scared I was… she quietly asked me what I was talking about.

That was when I related to her the whole experience at the oncologist’s office and what I was told by the previous new doctor, who started the whole chain of events.

I say to her that people with multiple myeloma and with painful and long lasting symptoms like mine do not have a chance to live for long.

I was also told the only option for surviving and live longer was to go through the usual mainstream route or bone marrow test and eventual bone marrow transplant, radiations, chemotherapy and/or operations, also called “Slash, Poison, Burn” by my friend David Merrill, a freelance writer who did some research on the subject.

When I say to my friend that I would make history by getting back in optimum health again and survive without any more invasive tests, prescribed therapies, medications, protocols and/or going through the standard main stream medical establishment routes as suggested, because I plan to survive alternatively with God as my Guidance, she was stunned.

Cont.... Please click this link to read more....http://catricala.ws/?p=1948

Thanks fro reading the story and hope it will be beneficial to you and yours.
6  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello to all from Ohio on: April 15, 2013, 11:41:29 AM
welcome to GDI,
I love to support you anytime.. just reach out for me and we'll make it happen.

You can reply here or use my contact page (its free) http://www.contact-nick.com

BTW... my support come with nothing attached.. this is what I do every day and love it.

I do it for free... no charge for my time now or ever.. and look forward to support you achieving your desired goals.

Thanks in advance for allowing me to be of service.
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello I'm new to GDI on: April 15, 2013, 11:41:29 AM
Hello Kevin,
I can support you.. please connect with me anytime here or by using my contact form (its free:-) http://www.contact-nick.com

Look forward to chat with you soon and some how support you to succeed to achieve your goals.

Please be aware that I am not charging anything for my time to support you.. this is what I do everyday and love it.. Thanks for allowing me to serve you.

8  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Life Story.. a true one on: April 15, 2013, 11:41:29 AM
Hello my friends,
for sometime I have been asked questions regarding what my life story is and how in the world I become who I become even after going through so much in life.

As far as I know we all go through some ups and downs along the pathway of life and for certain we are all unique... my journey so far have been with LOTS of ups and downs... but heck, that is life my friend.

So to stay on the topic.. here is the first part.. I will keep on publishing what I can gather every day or weeks to come and you will be reading it IF that is of any benefit to you and others you care for.

Please make any comments that may you be inspired to, and yes, if you have any thing else to chat.. well, I am always open to listen and perhaps dialog along the way. Thanks,.. To read the first part PLEASE go to: http://catricala.ws/?p=1681 if the link is not clickable... please copy and paste on your browser.. thanks again.
9  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Do you get emotionally touched? on: April 09, 2013, 02:54:52 PM
Do you get emotionally touched?
The counter on the youtube video I was watching said: 1:00:50 and that is when I could not hold on my emotions anymore… and cried! How about you?

Do you get emotionally touched at time!

Please continue reading by going to: http://www.catricala.ws NOTHING to buy and everything to gain... it may be the most precious self-growth time, just as it have been for me. Enjoy! here is teh link again: http://www.catricala.ws

BTW... I am always ready to offer you personal and business support for free and for life... this is my passion and love it. Let's get to know each others and grow together towards the Greater Good...
10  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Everything Happen for a Reason... on: March 28, 2013, 11:19:14 AM
Everything Happens For a Reason.

This 3 minutes and 40 seconds video, can make Your life much easier…

Ok, why did I start with the title; “Everything Happens For a Reason”.

Everywhere you see this title, this is too common, well, you will know soon because this powerful short video will explain better, is only 3 minutes and 40 seconds, so sit comfortable, read the quotes shared, contemplate on them, stop the video and make notes of the slides or mentally reflect on them.

Enjoy the nice music and be thankful for who you are, where you are, and why you are here now.

The simple answer why I chose this title is;

1… I was contemplating what to write this week, many thoughts come to mind, but somehow focused more on the topic of that “Everything Happen for a Reason” because deep down, I truly believe... to continue, Click this link: http://catricala.ws/index.php/2013/02/everything-happens-for-a-reason/
11  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Step In The Success Process... on: March 28, 2013, 11:12:48 AM
Hey RaymondRichard,
is Raymond or Richard that you like to be addressed?

Sorry for not noticing your comment.. I am getting use to the forum :-)

I like what you wrote.. please share with me how you support others and how you "Build Them Up"... I know you been here for a long while, so perhaps you can share more with me...

BTW, how things are going with your main business?

Please reply when possible and hope I can see the message faster this time haha :-)

All the best.
12  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Spring is Here… What’s Your Plans? on: March 22, 2013, 05:08:10 PM
Hey my friends, this is a short post, actually it may be called an open letter… hope it is helpful to you and yours on this first day of Spring.

Hello fellow Global Team Member or soon to be,

How are things going? I mean, how are they REALLY and TRULY going for you right now… this moment?

“Educate YourSelf Why 3% People Control 97% of the Wealth”

Yes, that was the headline I read this morning and even so I already read this...
To continue reading http://catricala.ws/index.php/2013/03/spring-is-here/
13  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Are You Hiding Behind a Mask???? on: March 21, 2013, 09:30:48 AM
Hello and welcome to everyone who happen to read this short message...

I just encountered a long time friend that I was not seen for ages and in less than two minutes I could sense he was hiding behind a mask that he was terribly trying to wear...

After a few more minutes it was so clear that he himself noticed.

Ok, I will not go on with the full stry to annoy you.. BUT I will ask you a simple question: Are You Hiding Behind a Mask?

No matter what your answer is... I love to hear from you... love to be of support in any way... this is what I do every day and I love doing free of charge, since this is how I receive my support when I truly needed and is still going on now.. all at no cost for my mentor time... that is wonderful, right?

Please visit my latest blog article... and if it is in your liking, I love to hear from you in my comment box or directly by email, telephone  or in anyway you see fit... there is nothing advertised and nothing to buy or sign up on my blog... just information that I truly wish will help you along your pathway of life... Thanks in advance for your support. http://www.catricala.ws


14  .WS Business / Marketing / Step In The Success Process... on: March 07, 2013, 09:49:05 AM
Do you feel like your life or business hit a plateau?

You feel down, or the numbers are down or you're just stuck and don’t know how to get to the next level?

Face the truth my friend, because you are not alone. Sooner or later almost everyone’s life and or business you can think of, will face it, because it’s part of life and business.

Now tell me, do you remember when you started out in your teen years or adult life, or when you started out on your first business?

Do you remember that you “knew” what to do and at the same time you were failing miserably… do you remember how quickly you learned the simple philosophy that changed your life and the lives of many other people around you forever?

Hope you do remember, and if not… then, please keep reading and I will share my two cents with you here, because I know that:

YES!!!! You Reached out to Someone and ASKED FOR HELP!

It’s this correct? Reaching out is what you did? Well my friend, you where not the only one, and you will NOT be the last one either.

Read more by going to: http://catricala.ws/index.php/2012/10/reach-out/ There is NO SELLING, nothing to buy... just pure info you may be able to use along your journey to success... and Yes, I here to support you for Free as best as I know how.

Thanks for being YOU...
15  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Hello on: March 06, 2013, 12:45:06 PM
Yes Liam,
learning how to earn passive income can make a difference.

Please share what you are doing now and How can I support you.

Nice to meet you here.

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