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If you are a new member please make sure to read the "Forum Rules, Forum Tutorials, and GDI FAQs" section.

Please avoid posting any questions which may require us to discuss detailed information regarding your GDI account. Such questions should be submitted to support@wsdomains.ws.

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Author Topic: Newsletter Archives...  (Read 152195 times)
« Reply #120 on: September 28, 2006, 10:23:01 AM »

Marketing and Advertising. What's the difference?

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Are you really marketing GDI?
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of September! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in September, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


Here's a question that anyone in home business should be able to answer. Are you actively marketing your business, or simply advertising it?

Believe it or not, a lot of people use the words "marketing" and "advertising" interchangeably. Sadly, most people who consider themselves "network marketers" or "online marketers", should actually be calling themselves "network advertisers" or "online advertisers".

There's actually a huge difference in the two. Advertising is only one small piece of the marketing puzzle. We were recently reading an article by Jay Conrad Levinson (of "Guerilla Marketing" fame), one of the top marketing experts in the world, and he hit the nail on the head with the first line of his article.

    "A WebSite is an island."

Think about that for just a minute. The referral WebSites we give you ARE islands, and until you start providing the roads and bridges for people to travel to them, they are going to remain empty islands.

The "roads and bridges" are of course: ADVERTISING.

Advertising is a necessity to bring people to your island, but it SHOULD NOT be your entire marketing plan. Decades ago, money spent on advertising was close to 75% of the marketing budget for most companies. Since the Internet took the world by storm, and the importance of customer relations and back-end promotions were realized, that 75% has shrunken to a mere 25%.

Why? Because it's more profitable to have an overall marketing mix, rather than just advertising. The term "marketing" is much broader than "advertising". It's much like a square and a rectangle. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. All advertising is marketing, but not all marketing is advertising.

If companies, on average, are only spending 25% of their marketing budgets on advertising these days, what else is "marketing"? Well, for today's "average" company, 50% of their budget goes into trade promotions, and an additional 25% or so goes into consumer promotions.

We'll continue with the metaphors to make our points on the difference in advertising and marketing, and why if you're serious about growing your GDI business, you should be doing both. Speaking of islands, we recently noticed that the State of Hawaii has been advertising THEIR ISLANDS on TV, with the intention of marketing their tourism industry.

It's not a long ad spot, perhaps 30 seconds in all, but it's effective advertising. In no way does this ad attempt to completely sell you on visiting Hawaii. It doesn't tell you how to order your Hawaiian vacation, nor is there a phone number to speak to a sales representative selling Hawaii.

Instead, this Hawaii ad serves a LOT more simple purpose - to invite you, the potential Hawaii tourist, to visit an informational WebSite to view beautiful pictures of the islands, and to learn about the other amazing benefits of visiting Hawaii. From the WebSite, you can send interactive postcards, download the Hawaii Visitor's Guide and find any other ammunition you'll need to convince your significant other that you need to visit Hawaii, and soon.

They also give you ample opportunity to provide your contact information. Now that's what we call marketing!

Advertising no longer has to make the sale. Global Domains International has designed our free trial program and our back-end email promotions to market our products to the leads you generate through advertising, but you shouldn't stop there if you want to maximize your income as an affiliate of GDI. You should also be doing your own marketing to convert as many leads as you can to new customers and/or affiliates.

All your advertising has to do is explain a few of the major benefits of working with GDI or using the GDI product, and invite people to learn more on your WebSite. Once someone has visited your site and viewed your movie, in a way they are raising their hand and letting you know that they are open to further marketing. After all, they had enough interest to take the simple action of visiting your WebSite.

If you remember this, you'll be a more effective promoter: Advertising generates leads. Marketing to those leads generates sales.

It's simple, right?

We challenge you to become an expert marketer in your own right.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

One Account Per Affiliate: Each affiliate is only permitted to have ONE account. You may have multiple domains on your account, which you can purchase through your member's area.

Marketing Materials: For flyers and post cards you may use to market GDI, log on to www.1.ws/flyer or www.website.ws/mlm/postcards.

Marketing Support: You may contact your upline for marketing support or advice. If they are not able to provide assistance you may refer to the GDI Forum.

Required Paperwork: There is required paperwork for each Affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab. When faxing us paperwork, each Affiliate must fax their documentation separately. Multiple affiliates sending all their documentation as one large fax is not acceptable.

FAQ Page: Reviewing the FAQ section within your account can provide you with useful information.

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.


Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
Posts: 1

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« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2006, 07:25:54 PM »


I have promote my URL address and DVD show to some friends but nothing turn to joint this businees. Did I make the wrong way. As I joined this business since Sept 06 but single cents I got from this kind of business. What shoul I do next?


Kayin Fauzi
Peter Torgusen
Posts: 6

View Profile
« Reply #122 on: October 07, 2006, 04:06:00 AM »

Are you sending out your 100 invitations a day?  I believe this is a must for all affiliates.
After all, GDI did the work for us and we just need to put as many people infront of
the movies as possible!
« Reply #123 on: October 18, 2006, 04:24:47 PM »

Honing Your Phone Skills Can Propel You to New Heights and Income.

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Talking to prospects
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of October! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in October, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


It's a known fact that a lot of our affiliates do business on the Internet because they don't enjoy the daily grind, or working in commission-based opportunities where they would be required to make cold calls.

It's one of the reasons our email invitation system remains so popular, and is the most used marketing tool we offer our affiliates. Using the invite system and advertising your lead capture pages can generate good leads, but in many cases you'll still have to be a part of the closing process to get new prospects signed up. Finding the leads is only part of the overall equation.

That's not a bad thing as long as you're working with good prospects. We don't like cold calling any more than you do. The invitation system and your lead capture pages, such as the one at www.my.ws/%handle% work great at getting prospects into your "informational web".

From there, you can do a lot more to increase your signup rate. Here are some simple and non-threatening phone tactics proven to work well for our affiliates who use them.

You'll only need to make calls to people who have already expressed an interest in GDI through your WebSite or by clicking on a link in your invitation emails.

First, you must grab a prospect's attention. They will have likely looked at more than one opportunity if they want to make extra money online. You can easily refresh their memory of GDI by reminding them they have viewed one of our presentations online.

Next, ask your prospect if they understand what they heard and saw. See if they have any questions. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge of GDI. By asking the right questions in response to their answers, you can usually find out WHY a person didn't signup right away, and in a lot of cases, it's not a huge step to get them started on a free trial.

Personal contact makes a huge difference. Sometimes all a person needs to be assured that the GDI opportunity is real is a quick contact from a real person, YOU.

Always repeat your WebSite information and access code for your prospects while you are on the phone. Here's what we recommend saying at some point before you end the call.

    "Let me give you my WebSite address again, and my special access code so you'll be able to start a free 7-day trial with us after you've done all your research on this opportunity. Trying our products and seeing how our affiliate tools can make you money is the best way to decide if this is for you, and remember: it's free to try out for 7 days. You can start your trial at any time by going to www.Freedom.Ws and then entering my special access code, which is %handle%. At the bottom of the page, you'll find the big red button to start your free trial."

It's also a good idea to provide your prospects with a way to reach you if they have questions. Give them your email address or phone number, or any other method of contact you feel comfortable with.

Provide social proof: Also let your prospects know that we have tens of thousands of affiliates worldwide, including some in their area, and the email communications they receive from you will contain links to our testimonials WebSite, where they can hear from real affiliates who are succeeding with GDI.

Ask for the signup: Before you hang up with a prospect, ask them to take a free trial. It's easy, just use these exact words.

    "NAME, since this is free to try and could potentially be the perfect home business for you, would you be willing to signup for the trial today so you can really see what this is all about?"

The worst that can happen is they say "no", in which case you can just move on to the next prospect. Talking to prospects on the phone doesn't have to be difficult or scary. As long as you follow a set method of speaking with your prospects, and either have answers to their questions OR KNOW WHERE TO FIND THEM, talking with prospects can be an easy and effective method of building your organization FAST.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Member Re-Activation: If you know people that have left the program - let them know they can still come back, simply by logging in with the same username and password as before. This will take them through the reactivation process.

One Account Per Affiliate: Each affiliate of GDI is only permitted to have ONE account.

Required Paperwork: There is required paperwork for each Affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab. This paperwork must be submitted by each affiliate individually. We cannot accept one long fax including the paperwork of multiple affiliates.

GDI Forum: If you need marketing support or advice other than what your sponsor can provide you with, please use the GDI Forum at www.talk.ws for assistance from moderators and other experienced affiliates.

Access Codes: Your access code for any of your GDI replicated referral sites is the same as your username (%handle%).

.WS Internet Show: Be sure to tune in October 22nd and October 29th for the latest info about GDI and interviews with members who have developed successful marketing systems. Please be advised these programs are geared toward those ready to go to the next level in their GDI business. The guests are all top achievers and anxious to share their methods with you to help spread the ".WS = WebSite" message. Please direct any questions or suggestions for show content to Chip Snyder via PM (username ChipSnyder) at the GDI Forum (www.talk.ws ). We look forward to setting the stage for an exciting year end and launch into 2007!

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Reply #124 on: October 19, 2006, 12:43:59 PM »

How to Find Affiliates Who Will Work Hard.

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: Providing realistic expectations
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of October! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in October, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


Do you know the number one reason that approximately 90% of people who join an affiliate program or business opportunity never make the kind of money they expect to?

Here's the reason: HYPE

There's way too much hype on the Internet. Most of you who have been around the block a few times with affiliate programs know how to see through the hype, but many people who are new to affiliate and network marketing do not.

As a result, they come into a business opportunity with unrealistic expectations, they get discouraged easily, and they end up not doing much for the growth of your organization.

Think about it for a minute.

If you're using an advertisement that says "Earn $5K per week for doing nothing! I'll build your downline for you while you sit back and cash your checks!", that might attract a larger number of prospects than an ad that contains no hype, but is that really a good thing?

When you're using an ad that's full of hype, you're attracting prospects who expect something for nothing. If you're serious about building a large and sustainable organization that will grow with each passing month, that's the opposite of the kind of affiliates you actually should want.

You should be focused on working with people who come into the business with realistic expectations and who are willing to put in time and effort to make the business work. You're looking for people who aren't expecting free handouts, and who won't jump to the next opportunity they find that offers even more hype than what you provided.

You probably know the type; the kind of affiliate marketer who is always jumping on the bandwagon of "the next big program", and as a result always ends up spending more money in affiliate marketing than they make. It's not pretty. Simple hype costs a lot of people a lot of money, maybe even you.

Be truthful with your prospects and tell them honestly what they can expect. As an affiliate of Global Domains International, they can expect some great things.


      The opportunity to build a long-term sustainable income.

      The opportunity to win bonus money IF they work hard at it.

      The opportunity to use our great products for only $10 per month.

However, they should also expect to work if they wish to build a substantial organization and perhaps someday quit their day job and create a dream lifestyle for themselves.

For the average person joining GDI, it doesn't happen overnight.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, you're advertising to people who are not already Internet marketing hot-shots. That doesn't mean they can't become one if you are up front with them and they know coming into GDI what's going to be required of them to achieve the results they desire.

We'd much rather have 10 good affiliates who are willing to work, advertise and put time into building their business than 1,000 who join and expect to make money by doing nothing.

Quality is more important than quantity, and when you're attracting quality affiliates who have realistic expectations of the business, they are likely to stay affiliates and work with you to obtain your mutual goals.

Here's another thing to consider. If you're advertising using paying per click methods, such as with PPC search engines like Google, would you rather get high click-through rates on your "SUPER HYPE" ad, or would you rather receive fewer but higher quality clicks on an honest and straightforward ad? The obvious answer here is: Less is more.

Why pay for clicks from people who aren't likely to join or work hard when you could be paying less money to recruit an army of hard-working affiliates over time, using a PPC ad without all the hype?

Over-hyping an opportunity, even one as good what GDI offers, is a mistake. In the long-term, it's only going to do damage to YOUR reputation and to that of the company.

Focus your efforts on recruiting hard workers who know and accept that making money takes time and effort, and you'll reap the rewards of that way of thinking for a long time to come.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Automated Follow-Up Calls to Prospects: We are currently beta-testing automated follow-up calls to certain prospects who fill out the lead capture forms on your replicated referral sites. If our testing shows a positive effect on signups, the calls will be continued. These recorded promotional calls are currently only being made to prospects who reside in the US and Canada and who provide a valid phone number.

Systems Upgrade: Our DNS system has been upgraded. You'll no longer have to wait 24-72 hours for updates to your domain to occur.

Telephone Support: We are now able to provide telephone and email support in English, Spanish, French and German.

Single Account Limitation: Each affiliate is only permitted to have ONE account.

Required Paperwork: There is required paperwork for each Affiliate. This paperwork is located within the members area by clicking the "Documentation" tab. We cannot accept one long fax of paperwork for multiple affiliates. Each affiliate is required to fax in their paperwork separately.

.WS Internet Show: Be sure to tune in October 22nd and October 29th for the latest info about GDI and interviews with members who have developed successful marketing systems. Please be advised these programs are geared toward those ready to go to the next level in their GDI business. The guests are all top achievers and anxious to share their methods with you to help spread the ".WS = WebSite" message. Please direct any questions or suggestions for show content to Chip Snyder via PM (username ChipSnyder) at the GDI Forum (www.talk.ws ). We look forward to setting the stage for an exciting year end and launch into 2007!

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
Posts: 22

View Profile WWW
« Reply #125 on: October 22, 2006, 10:10:51 AM »

The gentle art of making money

Making money is an art. Some will thoughtfully maintain that it's a science, but they're largely wrong. But... what's the difference? Easy: to succeed in science one needs lots of work and dedication, to succeed in art one needs dedication, lots of work, and a serious stroke of madness.

Yep. The "mad scientist" is the exception, the "mad artist" is the rule. And that's exactly how the cosmos seems to like it: mad scientists soon disappear from history, while mad artists are honored, on and on and on, forever. The only painful truth is that they tend to die poor, while their offspring get richer every day (sad grin...)!

So... wouldn't it after all not be slightly better to combine the artist and the scientist, when it comes to making money? Yes, it would. But there's still one component lacking, because... in order to make good money working at home on the internet, one needs to be three things: a scientist, an artist and... a lazybones! The latter is often overlooked, which not only leads to disappointment, but also contributes to 95% of all aspiring internet entrepreneurs failing miserably.

"Now what's that?" one might surprisedly ask, "Isn't building an internet business hard work and endless toil then?" Sure, it is. Absolutely. You don't even know how much work and toil! But there's one glaring difference with building a brick-and-mortar business: you need to do it sitting down!

I can't emphasize this enough: to succesfully create an internet empire you need to be able to sit down behind your computer and keep sitting down, not only hours but often days on end. It's not for the active types, the restless kind, the itchy folks, the "I can't sit down for any prolonged time" guys 'n gals. Those won't make it.

So you'd better enjoy sitting down on the wrinkled butt. Becoming an internet tycoon is not for the restless or the jump-arounders, which is exactly why 95 percent of all "tryers" fail. Will you? Yes, probably. The odds are desperately against you. Unless, like me, you are too lazy to fail.

Jaap Verduijn,
"The Man Who Is Too Lazy To Fail".
Posts: 1

View Profile
« Reply #126 on: October 26, 2006, 04:46:18 AM »

I realy like this" TOO  LAZY TO FAIL" Smiley  hope me too!
« Reply #127 on: October 31, 2006, 12:13:45 PM »

Explaining the Benefits of GDI to a Prospect.

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature Article: What are the main benefits of GDI?
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of October! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in October, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


You joined GDI for a reason, or perhaps for many reasons. However, you should not assume that every potential prospect will share your reasons for getting into a home business.

In this article, we'll cover just a few of the main benefits of working with GDI as an affiliate. These are benefits that anyone can enjoy simply by working with us.

1) Low Cost: Anyone can get involved as an affiliate of GDI for just $10 per month. In comparison to other home businesses available, this is usually at the very low end of the cost spectrum. We've proven that it's possible to earn BIG incomes in GDI, without spending a fortune to get a business up and running.

2) Huge Target Customer Base: Another great benefit to working with GDI is that potential prospects for our product are EVERYWHERE. Individuals, small businesses and even non-profit organizations are great potential customers for GDI. The benefit to you is that you don't have to be a seasoned advertising expert to attract new business. Even just starting out as an affiliate, most people are able to get referrals with just a little work.

3) Easy to Run: One of the nicest benefits of being an affiliate of GDI is that there is no product that must be stocked, and your business can be run by just you. As a result, you save a lot of time and effort most brick and mortar businesses would spend training employees, doing payroll and managing stock. Instead, you just show people the GDI product and you get paid!

4) Flexible Schedule, No Geographic Limitations: As an affiliate of GDI, you can work your own hours. You decide when and how much you work. You can also decide WHERE you work. It doesn't matter if you're working from home, an office or even the beach. As long as you have the basic tools necessary to run your GDI business, you can do it from anywhere, and at any time. You can also recruit people from anywhere in the world, not just locally.

5) No Pay Limitations: This is one of the nicest benefits of being a GDI affiliate. Most "jobs" pay you based on your qualifications, work experience or what degree you hold. With GDI, what you earn is dependent on the overall amount of business you help bring to GDI. Even if you never graduated high school, you can earn $20, $50 or even $100's per hour after you've worked to build an organization. Some of our affiliates earn as much for each hour of work as many doctors and lawyers do.

We're sure as you sit and think about it, there are many benefits to working with GDI that we haven't even mentioned here. Think about tax advantages, having fun working with friends or taking days off whenever you need them.

Every prospect that you talk to about GDI can benefit from building an extra income with us in their own way. Your job as a GDI affiliate is to share those benefits with them. If you're successful at doing that, the financial benefit of being a GDI affiliate will belong to you.

Give Your Commission Check a Big Boost!
Be on the Lookout Tomorrow!

Keep an eye out! Coming soon you'll receive an announcement about our our latest pilot program, Refinancing Leads. This program is part of our never ending efforts to create new revenue streams for every GDI Affiliate. The forthcoming announcement, will provide you with all the details you need to know about our new program.

The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the first show of the new WS Internet Show season, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 17 other archived shows with tips from GDI affiliates and online marketing experts.

With 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike. You can listen to the archives here, then get ready for the next show, coming October 29th at 12pm Pacific. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air date and time just mentioned. No phone or radio needed!


Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Lead Type Reminder: The leads we offer for purchase are meant for calling. Even though we send out emails to these prospects on your behalf, you should ALWAYS call our phone verified leads to get maximum results from them.

Recorded Call to Prospects: We are currently testing a recorded call to prospects once they have entered their phone number in the movie ticket on your capture pages. During the test period, the call will work only to prospects residing in the US and Canada.

Domain System Upgrade: DNS has been upgraded, so you no longer have to wait 24-72 hours for changes to occur.

Single Account: Each affiliate is only permitted to have ONE account.

Marketing Help: You can use the GDI Forum for marketing support and advice, or to get answers to your questions.

Coming Revenue Streams: Keep your eyes open for a special field mailing about a new stream of revenue available to you as an affiliate of GDI. This will be a separate email sent early next week explaining how you can earn more with GDI.

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Reply #128 on: November 03, 2006, 04:03:49 AM »

Extra Service You Can Now Offer Leads to Increased Profit Potential for All GDI Affiliates!

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature: GDI Special Products FAQ
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of November! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in November, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


We've recently added some new commissionable services you can now offer to prospects to increase your earnings in GDI. For the time being we're in a beta-testing phase, which means the available service area is limited geographically.

However, every GDI affiliate, regardless of location, is eligible to offer and profit from the special services we are now offering. Think of this as one more way you can earn from GDI. The rest of this article will answer some of the questions that our affiliates are having in regards to our new "Special Products" section of the member's area and how you can use your new referral URLs to earn extra commissions.

    1) What are GDI "Special Products"?

In your member's area, you'll notice a new area called "Special Products". GDI will occasionally enter into new ventures with third party companies on your behalf, giving you new products and services you can offer as an affiliate of GDI. When you generate a lead or sale for one of these companies, both you and your upline affiliates will earn a commission.

Likewise, you'll also earn override commissions when one of your downline members generates a lead or sale. How you are paid for each of these special services is explained in the "Special Products" section of your members area. We are currently beta-testing this program with our first partner company, Rockwell Financial, Inc.

    2) What is Rockwell Financial, Inc. and what does the company do?

Rockwell is a highly respected and well-known finance company that specializes in home loans, loan refinancing and debt consolidation. They have access to over 200 banks that will compete for your business, or the business of the prospects you send to them using the special referral page we've created for you to generate leads for the company. With over 30,000 different financing programs, one is sure to fit your needs. If you own equity in a home, you may be able to refinance with Rockwell and get cash, while lowering your payments at the same time.

While Rockwell operates all over the United States, during our beta-test the only geographic area open to us is the State of California. After our testing is complete, we will open more geographic areas with a goal of operating in all 50 U.S. states as quickly as possible.

    3) Can I use Rockwell's services?

If you own a home in California or plan on purchasing one, then you are eligible to get information from Rockwell by filling out the form on the page below and should definitely contact them to see what they can do for you! If you know someone in California that could benefit by having reduced mortgage payments or who would like to obtain cash from the equity they currently have in a home, you should let them know about Rockwell as well.

    4) How can I make money by recommending Rockwell's services?

We have created you a special page to promote Rockwell's financial services. It's located at http://website.ws/gdi/loans.

Each time someone you refer to this page completes the forms and is qualified as a potential lending lead for Rockwell by our call center, you earn $50 and the four people upline from you earn $10 each. You can promote this page no matter where you live, but only people in California are qualified leads during our beta-tests. If you do not know people in California but would like to promote Rockwell's financial services, many pay-per-click search engines such as Google and Overture will allow you to target your ads to specific geographic locations (in this case, California).

    5) What counts as a "qualified lead"?

A "qualified lead" is a prospect that has completely filled out the loan information forms located at your replicated referral page for Rockwell, who lives in California or is looking to purchase a home in California, and who has been verified by our call center as being a valid prospect. An "unqualified lead" is someone who does not fit this criteria, or who cannot be verified as someone who is genuinely interested in Rockwell's financial services by the lead verification agents at our call center.

    6) How am I paid for the leads I generate for Rockwell?

You are paid for qualified leads you generate for Rockwell exactly as you are paid on new customers/affiliates you refer to GDI. As mentioned earlier, you are paid $50 for each qualified lead you generate directly, and $10 on those generated by your downline through 4 levels.

Rockwell pays a total of $90 to our affiliates for each qualified lead we generate for them using the URL below.

Here is your Rockwell Financial Lead Generation Page

The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!


Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Real-Time Automated Call Beta-Testing

We are currently testing an automated follow-up phone call to certain prospects in North America. This is a beta-test lasting one month. Any time a prospect fills out one of your lead capture forms on any of your GDI replicated referral pages, they'll now receive a recorded phone message from our automated system as long as they have provided a valid US or Canada phone number. If beta-testing proves that adding this to the marketing mix increases the signup rate dramatically, we'll consider adding this functionality for prospects in other geographic locations.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

"Track Orders" Area: From this special section of the member's area, you're able to track your orders for DVDs, Leads, Network Marketing Business Journal reprints and business cards.

"Special Products" Area: This is a new area of our web site that is dedicated to new products and services that you'll be able to offer as an affiliate of Global Domains International. See the main article of today's newsletter for information on the first special product we are beta-testing.

One Account Per Affiliate: Each affiliate of GDI is only permitted to have ONE account.

Commission Payments: Commission payments are issued on or before the 15th day of each month, for the previous month's commissions. However, there is not an exact payment date each month because audit times vary. GDI has no control over postal mail delivery or the time it takes your bank to post a wire to your account.

Multi-Lingual Support: We are now able to provide telephone and email support in English, Spanish, French and German.

Marketing Support: If you need more marketing support and advice than your GDI sponsor can provide, look to the GDI Forum at www.talk.ws for further assistance from other affiliates and GDI marketing experts!

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.


Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Reply #129 on: November 14, 2006, 11:29:03 AM »

New Banners Added to your Member's Area for Better Web Promotion Results!

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature: How to use our GDI banners.
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of November! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in November, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


We have just added new online promotional content for your use in promoting GDI and our new income stream, Rockwell Financial (see below this article for more info).

You'll find banners for both GDI and for Rockwell Financial in your member's area at the link that says "Banners".

From there, you can preview each banner that is available for your use in promoting GDI and our 3rd party services, such as Rockwell Financial.

Sample Banner Code for the Rockwell Banner Above
<a href="https://www.website.ws/kvmlm2/refi.dhtml?sponsor=%handle%"><img src="http://images.website.ws/banners/kvmlm2/refi_490x126.jpg" border="0"></a>

All banners are loaded from our WebSite, so you don't have to worry about bandwidth, uploading or downloading the banners. All you have to do is copy and paste the banner code for the banner you want to use into one of your web pages where you want the banner to appear.

Here's how to do that.

First, select the banner you wish to use by previewing the banner images on the banner page. Next, click the link that says "Show me the code!" below the banner you've selected for use.

You'll be taken to a page that contains the "banner code" for that banner. Banner code is simply the HTML code that you'll paste into your web pages where you want the banner to appear.

Highlight all the code for the banner by right-clicking your mouse and choosing "select all". Then right-click your mouse again and choose "copy". This will copy the banner code to your clipboard.

Next, open the HTML code for the web page you wish to put the banner on, and when you have selected a position on the page where you'd like the banner to appear, right-click your mouse and choose "paste". This will paste the banner code into your page. Save the page and upload it to your site.

If you are using our SiteBuilder domain option, you'll add the banner using the function that allows you to add HTML content, since the banner is loaded from HTML code.

If you are still unsure about how to do this, see the help features of the SiteBuilder for more information.

Also note that the different banners available for your use link to different referral sites. Make sure the banner you choose actually links to the page you wish to promote.

Rockwell Financial: Additional Income Stream

We've recently added some new commissionable services you can now offer to prospects to increase your earnings in GDI. For the time being we're in a beta-testing phase, which means the available service area is limited geographically to the State of California, but you are eligible to promote this new program regardless of where you live.

Rockwell is a highly respected and well-known finance company that specializes in home loans, loan refinancing and debt consolidation. They have access to over 200 banks that will compete for your business, or the business of the prospects you send to them using the special referral page we've created for you to generate leads for the company. http://website.ws/%handle%/loans

If you own a home in California or plan on purchasing one, then you are eligible to get information from Rockwell by filling out the form on the page and should definitely contact them to see what they can do for you!

Each time someone you refer to this page completes the forms and is qualified as a potential lending lead for Rockwell by our call center, you earn $50 and the four people upline from you earn $10 each. You can promote this page no matter where you live, but only people in California are qualified leads during our beta-tests. If you do not know people in California but would like to promote Rockwell's financial services, many pay-per-click search engines such as Google and Overture will allow you to target your ads to specific geographic locations (in this case, California).

Here is your Rockwell Financial Lead Generation Page


The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!


Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

New Freedom.Ws Marketing Features Added

We have recently added lead capture forms to our flagship affiliate referral WebSite, Freedom.ws, as well as adding a function that allows prospects to request a DVD from you. When that happens, you'll be sent a notification about it and can either approve or deny sending of the DVD. You'll be given the price to have us ship a DVD directly to a prospect prior to making that decision. If you deny a request, it will be sent to your next upline affiliate. You can approve your active DVD requests in your member's area under the "Track Orders" tab. Go there, then click on the "Professionally Produced DVDs" banner to see your pending requests.

The lead capture form at http://www.freedom.ws/%handle% will add prospects to your GDI autoresponder system when they fill it out. Make sure to follow-up with the prospects who provide valid phone numbers.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Email Account Recommendation: We recommend taking the time once a month to clean your .WS email addresses by deleting any unwanted emails and saving important emails. This will help you stay organized and be able to manage your email.

Email Tech Tip: You must delete your mail from the "Trash" folder to remove it from your mailbox entirely and free up space.

Contact Preferences: You may manage which mailings you receive from us from within the members area by clicking on the "Contact Preferences" tab.

Adding Domains: You may register as many domains as you wish to on one account. There is no need to create another account. Just click on "Domains" in the member's area and enter the domain you are interested in purchasing in the domain search box.

Single Account: **** Each affiliate is only permitted to have ONE account. ****

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

« Reply #130 on: November 17, 2006, 04:28:10 AM »

A More Direct Approach to Prospecting Yields Excellent Results!

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature: A more direct prospecting approach
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation!
        * The GDI Wealth Guide
        * SPAM WARNING
        * Suggestions from the Support Department
        * Compensation Outline

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of November! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in November, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


We've noticed that people in network marketing tend to be "mysterious" when they first introduce their business opportunity to their warm market. Our guess is that this tendency is because of the old-school recruiting techniques that still flood the information super-highway to this day.

A couple decades ago, almost everyone in network marketing used the "mystery" approach to prospecting. They believed it was necessary to "get one over" on their prospects by being indirect, and just giving enough information to get a prospect's attention before inviting them to a meeting or business presentation. Sometimes that meeting or presentation was even disguised as something else, such as a "get together" or "dinner party".

In today's more grown-up world of network marketing, and especially with an inexpensive and easy-to-explain company like GDI, such underhanded tactics are not necessary. You don't have to keep your prospects guessing.

We've found that our affiliates who are using a much more direct approach are the ones who become powerhouse recruiters. You should proudly and confidently tell your prospects who you are, what you do and why they should pay attention to what you're presenting to them.

It's true that some of your prospects will have had a negative experience with network marketing in the past, or know someone who has, but they will also likely know the industry has evolved over the years. Front-end loading and loosely disguised pyramid schemes and chain letters are not near the kind of problem they once were.

We've also found that people who have been in network marketing in the past, even if their experience was a negative one, are among the best prospects! At one time or another, they had a dream of abundance and prosperity. Their internal fire may have been reduced in size by a negative experience, but for most people, it's still there waiting to be fanned - as is their interest and fascination with the industry.

When you beat around the bush and try to be mysterious about what it is you do, it only serves to reinforce the misconception that the network marketing industry as a whole is "shady." At best, your prospects will ask themselves why you're not being up-front with them about what you want to talk about. In some cases, you'll full-on insult their intelligence and lose an otherwise great prospect.

Someone you have to dupe into viewing a presentation about GDI (or any other business for that matter) is not really the best prospect to have anyway. The best prospects are people who are aware of network marketing and who have an interest in the inner workings of the industry.

You'll hear a lot of people say that success in network marketing is a matter of numbers. It's true. The more people you can talk to about your GDI business, the better. When you have plenty of people to talk to about your business, you won't spend so much time trying to convince prospects that GDI is right for them, and you can spend more time answering questions for people who believe it might be.

If there's one bit of advice we can give you, it's to be as direct as possible with your prospects. When you begin doing this, you'll instantly learn who is worthy of your time and attention and who is not.

Some of our top recruiters tell us their secret to successful recruiting is to keep their phone calls as short as possible and use an assumptive close. 100% of the time, this lets them know which people are good prospects. Here's an example.

    "Hello John, this is %first_name% %last_name%, an affiliate with GDI. I see you watched the short presentation on my web site and I'm calling to get you started on your free 7-day trial with us. After watching the presentation, are there any questions you have for me before you join and try this free?"

After starting a call like this, the next thing your prospect says to you is going to tell you whether or not they are a good prospect. If they want more information, have questions or say they are willing to take the 7-day trial, they are a great prospect! If they hang up or tell you they are not interested, they are not a good prospect. It's that simple.

We've found that someone who is well-practiced in recruiting can signup 60% or more of the people who fall into that first category. Remember that GDI is free to try, it's only $10 per month after that and we have a great reputation and a legitimate product that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. We're an Inc. 500 listed company that has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and the Network Marketing Business Journal, and our opportunity is simple to present!

Be direct, spend LESS TIME on each call, and ask the simple question:

    "Would you be willing to try this free for 7-days and see if it's right for you?"

Instead of trying to be convincing, allow people to decide for themselves, but don't be afraid to ask for that decision. Again, we're only talking about $10 per month. It's not much of a risk.

When you are direct, and confident in yourself and the GDI opportunity, you'll begin experiencing much greater results. The key is to talk to more people, and to gain the knowledge of who is a good prospect and who is not as quickly as possible. When you spend your time corresponding with people who have a genuine interest, that's spending your time doing something that's going to make you money. Sometimes the best way to free up more time to do this is to become an expert in determining who is not a good prospect.

There are a virtually unlimited number of people on this planet to talk to about your business. Remember this and you'll do just fine.

Some will be interested in your business. Some won't. So what! Next prospect please!


Here is your Rockwell Financial Lead Generation Page

This special referral page can be used to promote our first 3rd party program, Rockwell Financial. Rockwell offers financial services such as loans and refinancing. For additional information on this company and how you are paid for generating leads for them, login to your member's area and click on the link that reads "Special Products".

The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

New Banners Available: We have recently added some new banners for marketing GDI and the Rockwell Financial offer. You'll find them in your member's area by clicking "Banners". From that page you can choose the banner you want to use on your web site and get the banner HTML code for displaying the banner.

DVD Hard Copies: Prospects can now request that their sponsor send a hard copy of the DVD. GDI handles all the packing and shipping, you just choose whether or not you wish to honor the request by logging into the member's area and clicking on "Track Orders". If you have pending DVD requests, you'll immediately see a notice of this upon logging in.

Multiple Domains: As an affiliate, you may register as many domains as you wish on one affiliate account. There is no need to create another account to get additional domains.

Single Account Limitation: Each affiliate of GDI is only permitted to have ONE account with us.

Referral Links: Here are your replicated referral sites you can send prospects to:

    www.website.ws/%handle%/show (direct link to animated movie)




    www.freedom.ws, then give your username, %handle%, for the access code.


How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Reply #131 on: December 01, 2006, 04:08:29 AM »

CPM, ROI and Creativity! Is Marketing GDI a Science or an Art?

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature: A convergence of creativity and science [read more]
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
        * The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
        * SPAM WARNING: [read more]
        * Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
        * Compensation Outline [read more]

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of November! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in December, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


If it seems like all of our the top income-earners in GDI are each doing things a little differently, you're right. Creativity and thinking outside of the box plays a big role in attracting new prospects to the GDI business.

However, SCIENCE is just as important...

The people who are doing the best at making money in GDI are carefully balancing the art of creative promotion with the science of tracking results, making adjustments and then doing even better on their next promotion.

While sitting at your computer, you might think you have come up with the perfect advertisement for GDI. It's catchy, it gets your point across and it's edgy enough that people are going to click it and maybe even remember it, right?

Well, maybe.

The strange thing about advertising is that you never know what works until you try and test it scientifically. There have been times when a promotion we thought was excellent completely flopped when tested with actual prospects. We're not embarrassed to admit that because it's all part of the marketing process. You won't find winners without finding the losers too, and usually first.

We would estimate that 90% of our affiliates never test and track what's working for them. Do you?

If you pay money to run an ad, do you have any way of knowing if it's getting results or if it's worth your money? That's good knowledge to possess, don't you agree? If an ad is working great for you, generating leads and signups and basically making you a lot more money than it's costing you, it's a safe bet that you can run that same ad in more places similar to the venue or medium that you are now, and it will do well there too.

The problem is that most people never take the time or effort to setup tracking to see what's working for them. Many of you have probably produced a killer ad and never even knew it, from lack of testing.

It's great to think creatively and artistically, but it's even better to think creatively and artistically while also being scientific about every ad you place and every dime you spend on marketing and promotion. If there's one thing we know every one of the highly successful Internet companies have in common, it's a great marketing department that knows how to manage and evaluate the data behind the sales, so that more and more sales come in.

Let's talk about the two acronyms you see in the title of this article, CPM and ROI. Do you know what they mean?

CPM, in advertising lingo, means "Cost Per Thousand". In other words, your advertising CPM is what you pay for 1,000 pairs of eyeballs to see your advertising message. It's one of the the things that might help determine your advertising budget with a company. If one place to advertise costs three times as much as another, it still might be a much better deal if the CPM is lower. The lower your Cost Per Thousand, the better.

CPM is just one of the various scientific terms used in advertising. Consider some others you'll find on the Internet. CPA means "Cost Per Action". When you're purchasing leads, you might pay for them on a CPA basis, with the "action" being someone on the Internet filling out your lead generation form. CPC is similar to CPA. It stands for "Cost Per Click". This is what pay per click search engines use for bidding. You bid what you're willing to pay per click.

All of the above help you determine the master of all numbers, your ROI - Return on Investment. Your "Return on Investment" is how much money you made above and beyond what you spent on advertising. To determine ROI, you must carefully be tracking what advertising is leading to your sales. If you run an ad for $10 and you know it leads to $20 in commissions, then your ROI is positive. You made more than you spent. In this case, it's a safe bet to run that same ad again.

If you spend $10 on advertising and you only make $5, then your ROI is negative. Your ad in this case should be adjusted and retested.

The purpose of this article is not to teach you everything there is to know about the science behind advertising, but rather to let you know that there is a scientific side of advertising, and you should be pursuing other means of learning about it. It could play a vital role in your success or failure.

You can be doing everything else right and still not succeed if you don't track your results. That alone is reason enough to do some exploration of your own on this topic and begin seeing your marketing results in a new light. Your success may be closer than you think, perhaps even one simple change away.

Here is your Rockwell Financial Lead Generation Page

This special referral page can be used to promote our first 3rd party program, Rockwell Financial. Rockwell offers financial services such as loans and refinancing. For additional information on this company and how you are paid for generating leads for them, login to your member's area and click on the link that reads "Special Products".

The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

New Banners Available: We have recently added some new banners for marketing GDI and the Rockwell Financial offer. You'll find them in your member's area by clicking "Banners". From that page you can choose the banner you want to use on your web site and get the banner HTML code for displaying the banner.

DVD Hard Copies: Prospects can now request that their sponsor send a hard copy of the DVD. GDI handles all the packing and shipping, you just choose whether or not you wish to honor the request by logging into the member's area and clicking on "Track Orders". If you have pending DVD requests, you'll immediately see a notice of this upon logging in.

Multiple Domains: As an affiliate, you may register as many domains as you wish on one affiliate account. There is no need to create another account to get additional domains.

Single Account Limitation: Each affiliate of GDI is only permitted to have ONE account with us.

Referral Links: Here are your replicated referral sites you can send prospects to:

    www.website.ws/(username)/show (direct link to animated movie)




    www.freedom.ws, then give your username, for the access code.


How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 04:23:45 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
« Reply #132 on: December 08, 2006, 03:44:29 AM »

Principles of Success: "Going the Extra Mile"

    In this newsletter:

        * Feature: "Going the Extra Mile" [read more]
        * New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
        * The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
        * SPAM WARNING: [read more]
        * Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
        * Compensation Outline [read more]

Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of December! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in December, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


Have you ever considered what factors play the most important roles in determining your success or failure in any endeavor?

Is it the compilation of the little successes in your business or personal endeavors that make you a success in life, or is success in life something completely separate from success in business?

How do you define success, and what are you willing to do to achieve it?

Most of the top success coaches in the world agree that one factor that will help insure your success in anything you decide to take on is your willingness to "go the extra mile", but what does "going the extra mile" really mean?

Let's consider that for a minute.

Think about how many opportunities you have each day to go the extra mile. You'll find that there are dozens. "Going the extra mile" simply means doing something better than you have to, or going above and beyond what is expected of you in any given situation.

When you meet someone new, how you relate to them is a choice. You can do what is expected of a normal person, which is to introduce yourself and maybe force a smile. Or, you can go the extra mile. You can flash a big smile, pay the person a sincere complement and let them know that you are genuinely pleased to have met them. You can take interest in really getting to know them. Perhaps using your intuition, you can say or do something for this person that would brighten their day.

Is it difficult to go the extra mile in social situations? No, of course not. However, most people don't do it.

Use that to your advantage. When you decide to start really going the extra mile in every area of your life, it's going to set you apart. It's what's going to give you an advantage in every area of your life. It won't be at the expense of anyone else, except maybe your business or romantic competitors who are failing to go the extra mile.

People are going to like you more. Doors will open. Success will follow. But first, you have to make a habit of going the extra mile EVERY chance you get. Soon, it will become second nature to you, something that's just built into your personality and work ethic. Most people don't even recognize their opportunities to go the extra mile because they aren't looking for them, but you can.

From this point on, make a conscious decision to be on the lookout for your opportunities to go the extra mile - and take them. Once you make a habit out of going the extra mile, you'll begin to enjoy it. If you're paying attention, over time you'll recognize how going the extra mile pays off for you, and it always does pay off over time.

Let's consider an example of going the extra mile that almost everyone has experienced at one time or another: Romantic Courtship.

At some time in the past you've probably met a person who was highly desirable to you. Because you found this person so desirable, you did not find it difficult to smile bigger, to do small favors or to treat the person in a very special way in order to "win them over". In effect, while courting this person you were going the extra mile. Was it difficult or undesirable work? Our guess is that your experience was not negative, but very positive. You got satisfaction and happiness out of going the extra mile, and perhaps even a lifelong partner that you still enjoy being with today.

Whether it be in your personal relationships, or in your business relationships - going the extra mile always pays off, even if the payoff is not immediate or simple to recognize. Do a little more or better work than is expected of you, or than what you are compensated for now. Pour a little more of your energy and soul into your phone calls or emails.

Take the 5 seconds to add "have a great day" at the end of your emails. When you see an opportunity to complement someone on what they are doing right, take it. It has been said that everything you do or think, both positive and negative, comes back to you in an ever increasing quantity. We've found this to be true about going the extra mile. Never has it failed to pay off big dividends.

We'll end this article with a super example of someone going the extra mile, which we found published in and relating to Newsweek Magazine. It pays tribute to a man, Harry Quadracci, now deceased, who went the extra mile for Newsweek back in 1977.

    Quadracci had a small printing press in Wisconsin. Not usually a supplier to Newsweek, he took an urgent order when they were unable to get work done by their regular printer. They sent him the layouts, but the plan was diverted by a snowstorm. Unable to trace the package, Newsweek staff called him "in distress." They discovered that, despite the weather, he had already sent a car through the blizzard to claim the package, and that the job was already being printed. One might say that Quadracci went the extra mile. Certainly it paid off handsomely, because he later became a regular supplier for the huge publication. But he did not know that when he proactively challenged the snowstorm. For all he knew, as soon as the magazine's temporary problems with their regular suppliers were over he might never hear from them again. But he did it anyway.

Going the extra mile does not always pay off so handsomely as it did in this case, but in terms of personal and business growth, of the growing feeling of confidence that we experience when we stretch ourselves, it pays off every time.

Starting right now, begin to recognize your opportunities to go the extra mile and make certain that you take them as often as possible. The dividends will come back to you in various ways and at unknown times, but at some time - YOU WILL be compensated for going the extra mile every chance you get.

The WS Internet Show Archive and Live Broadcasts

If you missed the last WS Internet Show with great tips from successful GDI affiliates Bram Smith and Janet Legere, you can now listen to the show archive at the URL below, along with 18 other archived shows with tips from other GDI affiliates and online marketing experts. With over 40 interviews and great tips for promoting GDI, this show is a must for all affiliates, new and experienced alike.


You can listen to the archives here, and get information on future shows. To listen live, all you have to do is visit the WebSite at the air dates and times announced. No phone or radio needed!


Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.

Spanish Version of our
Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:

You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.
URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.


Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws


Suggestions and News from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

WebSite Development Help: If you need assistance in developing your site, you can find excellent tips and contacts in the WebSite Development section of the GDI Forum.

Email Clarification: Please note that when you are using the "Forwarding" or "Own DNS" domain settings, you can not setup individual email accounts on Email.ws. When using forwarding, ALL email for your domain will be forwarded to the email address you specific in your forwarding settings. If you are using the "Own DNS" setting, then you will need to setup your email accounts on your own hosting account.

Changing Domain Settings: When you change from the "SiteBuilder" domain setting to "Hosting", your work does not transfer. Only content from one service option at a time will display on your WebSite.

Single Affiliate Account: ****Each affiliate is only permitted to have ONE account.****

Access Codes: Your "access code" for any of your GDI replicated sites is your username.

How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!
* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression       

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show as they are scheduled.


Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

    Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

    Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

    Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

    The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!
Jr. Member
Posts: 84

Take That Step

View Profile WWW
« Reply #133 on: December 14, 2006, 04:17:28 AM »

Dear Chip,

This is a very inspiring letter. All who take the time to read it should
be inspired to really "Go That Extra Mile".  Smiley Thank you for these words
of wisdom.

Success Is What You Make Of It!
Posts: 1

View Profile
« Reply #134 on: January 07, 2007, 12:37:13 AM »

Hi Chip,

We use the thumb-up as a big part of our Australian culture! This opportunity is like everything available in the world with the same amount of effort and determination required to make it happen. If one secured a corporate sales executive job/consultant for example, they would be doing exactly what you describe as the path to success anyway. To secure the high paying position, the person has put in the hard yards and gone the extra mile already. It isn't a mystery how one becomes successful. GDI offers someone like me the chance to utiilize my skills and learn new ones. I have to 'believe' in something whole-heartedly to be credible. I do believe GDI is simple to comprehend, easy to set-up and different to any other network marketing 'gig'. All others require you to buy expensive, imported (from the US products) per month to stay in the game. Most Aussies don't like that, I don't either. We also do not go for hype, as we learnt it isn't the reality here. There is some hype with GDI, but it is low-key and gives you the freedom to make your own mind up with the 7 day trial. It is Day 3 for me and I am absorbing everything at my pace. It is another key to success, I believe!!!! Cheers, Deborah
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