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GDI has a strict Anti-SPAM policy. Please do NOT send unsolicited messages via Private Message.
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Author Topic: Spam Policy  (Read 73289 times)
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« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2005, 09:25:00 PM »

Buying 100'000 GDI business cards and dropping them over a residial area from a C-130 transport plane is also considered spam.
I'm surprised its never been mentioned before. Now that could get you into real trouble!

I believe I received a letter form GDI about someone buying 50,000 cards and putting them on the cars at the Super Bowl.  Woundn't this be considered SPAM also.  Again this letter came directly from GDI.

Work to Live, Don't Live to Work
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« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2005, 09:36:06 PM »

I am new, and I read all of the posts only to find out this was solved four days ago. I said I am new, I mean just new to GDI.

I have two suggestions, use your own e-mail program, such as Outlook 2003. Import you purchased, surveyed leads. Write your own ads, and use the mail merge feature.  Introduce yourself to them, with the prospect of helping them to reach thier financial goals. Give them a link in your e-mail to verify they want such information. Make them understand you want their permission to send them the info they requested, but that out of courtesy, you want to verify they want it first. Include all of your personal contact information, I suggest a picture of yourself at the top. Once they have been verified you can freely give them your web address, and work them throug the system. Continue to e-mail and attempt to verify the rest of them until they tell you to stop. If you can't get verifications the leads are not going to be worth taking the risk of getting a spamming charge.

This is how you can build a data base where people know they aren't being spammed. It is a little work at first, but you can successfully process many thousands of people in a short period of time.

Secondly, print out all e-mails from respondants, keep the original list that contains the information they provided when they asled for business opportunities, thier IP address etc., and always put a link for them to opt out in your prospecting e-mails.

Of course, once you have a verified prospect, move them into GDI's program, (do not use the invite system, provide them with your links), be sure to follow the rules set forth by GDI. Let them know you will call them to see what they thought of the video, then follow up with a phone call whether they watch the video or not. You can verbally verify their interest, or lack thereof and proceed accordingly. Another e-mail is to risky because you may not know if they have notified GDI that they want to be removed.  Remeber we are not here to sell, once you verify, let the program do the work. 

Continue to try to verify people until they tell you to stop, you never know when a persons life will change and they are ready to move forward. Never move past prospecting for verified leads until a lead is verified. You don't have a good prospect until then anyway.  (You should never mention GDI until it has been verified that the prospect wants more information).

A little pre-screening will go a long way.

Now, having said all that, work up a circle of influence, at least 200 names, (we all know at least 2,000), talk to them all discounting no one, ask for referrals from those not interested, and really work your warm market, that is where most success comes from in networking. Remeber, a good referral is a warm lead, then follow up, the key is in the follow up.

I work both markets because I do havve time at home when I cannot work my warm market. I also work my meet market, give it a try. Whatever you do to promote your business, activity, consistency, and persistence are the keys!

Sorry for being a wind bag. Anybody who wants help to set this up can contact me.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2005, 09:38:58 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
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« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2005, 11:59:08 PM »

I am still not clear about what sort of removal link I need to include in ads sent to safelists. Can you clarify this?
J Hughes
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« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2006, 04:02:06 PM »

I have trying to find ways to work around spam.  I think I have found a way.  Can I legally send out inticing letters to people to draw them into e-mailling me so I can then send them my URL ?  I know that if I send them the e-mail with my gdi URL in it straight off the bat,  that this is considered spamming but if they were to email me back about what kind of business I had after reading my email,  could I then give them my URL ?  After all,  they are wanting to know what my business is if they email back.

Thanks to anyone who repsonds.  I really appreciate all the help I can get on this subject.  Please keep posting your answers.  Just cause' one person responds doesn't mean that I don't need anyone elses opinion on the matter.

GDI Freedom for Life
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« Reply #49 on: April 25, 2006, 02:53:44 PM »


I get a lot of emails about working from home off people tell me about there work at home busniess. if i was to reply to them with my GDI business  is that spamming?   I just want to be sure.

thank you
Derrick Janisz
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« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2006, 09:44:12 AM »

In the latest GDI newsletter this recommendation was made -

If you want to use free traffic to build your GDI organization, try this. The next time you are surfing, closely examine every page you look at. Determine if something about it tells you that the person who is advertising it might be a good prospect for GDI, and if they are - contact them with a personal message.

Could this be considered as spamming?

We have a saying here in Florida - "A day without sunshine is like...you know...night."
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2006, 12:37:09 PM »

In the latest GDI newsletter this recommendation was made -

If you want to use free traffic to build your GDI organization, try this. The next time you are surfing, closely examine every page you look at. Determine if something about it tells you that the person who is advertising it might be a good prospect for GDI, and if they are - contact them with a personal message.

Could this be considered as spamming?

It could be depending on how you do it.  Take it one step further and make the phone call if a number is available.  If you do decide to email, do not hide behind the email.  Introduce yourself, provide contact information.  In the email you would want to state something like this:

My name is so and so.  I visited your website www.website.com/whatever?/go/username and noticed that you do not have your very own domain name.  Ask them if they would be open to receive additional information in regards to domain names and webhosting.

Get the point? Just a suggestion.  One thing you need to realize is that most people do not open emails from people they do not know.  That is why you hear people complaining about they sent emails to their leads or whatever, and no one opened.  It's really simple, they will not open if they do not know you.  That is why if it is feasible, one needs to make the call, then send the email.  That works a whole lot better.

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« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2006, 09:56:38 AM »

What if someone has become very successful with GDI. Really so much successful, that they can quit their job. What then, if someone files a spam complaint against you? It could even be from someone who knows you and wants to harm your success. The next logical thing that's going to happen is that your account gets suspended. I never hope to get to this point, but I've already seen it happen to some people. I assume it will happen unnoticed. You would just get an email with "your account has been blocked/removed because of spam complaints" in it.

And even if there is need for proof of SPAM, what if you promote somehow some way in the wrong way. Of course that's your own mistake but I almost feel too scared to put GDI into major advertising, experimenting with newer things....Not that I have been a great success yet, but it has always wondered me. In one day you could go from the happiest and richest man to a sad, poor and jobless man.....
Peter Torgusen
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« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2006, 04:09:22 AM »

The whole spam thing is Rediculous.  Spam should not even be an issue in this business!  Not
just GDI but all network marketers!  When I get junt mail in my mailbox from CC Companies can
I cry spam and will they get suspended!  Or all the other crap I recieve in my mailbox every
week!  The thing is, we are offering them something!  If they don't want it, they can opt-out!
I have talked to lots of GDI Affiliates who agree totally with me!  Even the Heavy Hitters!  I
hope that someday the internet will allow all business to have Free advertising through the use
of email without Spam Complaints.  If you really think about it,  you can't send any email ever
without there being a way for someone to cry SPAM!

Just for the record!  This is not GDI's fault but the internet community!  GDI is simply following
the rules and we have to decide if the risk is worth it!  If you purchase leads of people who
are simply asking for help to start a home based business, you should be able to help them.  Not
call them 10 times to make sure they won't charge you with SPAM.

This is just how I feel about the whole Spam Thing!

God Bless GDIer's,
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« Reply #54 on: February 22, 2007, 01:23:34 PM »

Hello, I am Diana from Romania !
Please , I need some help !
I have forwarded my domain & email and since I receive 20-30 mails/day from "mail delivery subsystem" , or firewall somthing !
My email adress is for example info@mydomainname and it looks like someone send mails from xyzt@mydomainname or efgp@mydomainname, etc
Can I get some spam complaints because of this ?
I think is just another form of spam, but I can help worry..

Thank You
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« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2007, 01:02:15 PM »

I'm  new, realy newbee ...
And i'm  totaly afraid of spaming, cause I'm not 100% sure how to avoid it,  normaly  when I receve  some I onely delet it, with out crying out loud...
But  could  some one  ,  give me a  E-mail exemple,  everything  included, so I  may  edit it  for  my  use, but  that Is  1005  sure that I wont  be  considered as spaming...

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« Reply #56 on: June 21, 2007, 12:14:17 PM »


I have talked to a few people today who are suspended from GDI due to spam. They have to pay a $200 fine in order to be an active member again. I think it's important to address the spam policies so everyone is aware of what is considered spam and what isn't. You can find the information below in the FAQ's in your member's area.

Spam Policy
At WebSite.ws, we are fully aware of our responsibilities as honorable Internet citizens, and we maintain a ZERO TOLERANCE Spam Policy accordingly. We are highly sensitive to the privacy of and are dedicated to protecting the rights of all Internet citizens. We vigorously oppose the sending of unsolicited e-messages (Spam) and will make every effort to enforce our strict Anti-Spam policies.

WebSite.ws does NOT allow anyone to use our products or services for the purpose of sending Spam, nor do we allow our products or services to be referenced in Spam. If a customer sends Spam to anyone, his or her account will be terminated.

Definition of Spam
Spam is ANY and ALL unsolicited e-mail or alternative electronic messages. Any promotion, information, or solicitation sent to a person without their DIRECT prior consent is Spam. Examples of Spam (consist of, but are NOT limited to):

Any e-message is Spam if sent to a recipient who had previously signed up to receive newsletters, product information, or any other type of e-message, but later opted-out by indicating to the sender they no longer wish to receive additional e-messages.
Any e-message sent to recipients that have had no prior association with the sender or did not DIRECTLY agree to be contacted by the sender is Spam.
Any e-message sent to recipients obtained from "opt-in" lists with whom the sender has no prior association is Spam.
Any e-message sent to a recipient without a clear way for a person to opt-out or request future messages not be sent to them, is Spam.
Any e-message sent or posted via chat rooms, instant messaging systems, newsgroups, message boards, or Usenet is Spam.
Any e-message that does not have a valid reply-to address is Spam.

What is NOT Spam?
A message is NOT Spam if the recipient directly requested information be sent to them from the sender or the sender's organization, and that recipient has not subsequently asked for removal from their list.

If you are unsure as to whether a particular e-message violates this policy, the e-message will most likely be considered Spam. If you have any questions about our Anti-Spam Policy, or if you want to report a violation of our policies, please contact spam@website.ws.


      I have read the paper on spam, is putting a sig on your email, with your link to your page spam ? from what I am reading it seems like it sure is. If so I need to take mine off.
                                                            Thank You in advance
Nicole Taylor
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« Reply #57 on: June 21, 2007, 12:19:41 PM »


You have nothing to worry about as long as you are e-mailing people that have agreed to be contacted by you


I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
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« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2007, 03:22:31 AM »

Dear GDI,

Will someone once and for all answer the spam question. I recognize the antispam link is available in our back office for individual emails. But for christ sake, you cannot enter the persons names individually within that link if you are doing a mass mailing or even 100 or 500 emails. I just spent time completely overhaulling my lead delivery system because the one GDI had made up was not working at all anymore. In doing my overhaul, I made an effort to copy and paste the HTML, over into my own created email campaign hoping it works for heavens sake (because I know nothing about HTML, so I hope it's correct. However, when I request the service to send me test emails and campaigns, whicih it would never do under the GDI premade campaign (of which no one has sastisfactorily explained to me why), now that I have added the GDI unsubscribe link to my email campaign, plus the service sending my emails also have their own spam opt out in it as well, but say GDI requires I have theirs in it as well, now I cannot get test email campaigns sent to me now since adding the GDI link.  I still go back to my premise in a previous post that receives poor response, that Jesus !!! GDI if we cannot mass email, target traffic, learn search engines, and get traffic, traffic, traffic, and we need more tools of which to accomplish this, because the internet is changing so rapidly, we need to change as rapidly with upgrading GDI tools available to us, or recommended at least to keep us out of spam trouble, I feel I am tredding water.

Respectfully Yours,
Dale Parks
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« Reply #59 on: July 07, 2007, 05:39:21 PM »

In view of no public response to my post above, I have had a few more thoughts. If the GDI Spam Policy "that you have to know the people personally that you are sending emails too, or it is considered Spamming is adhered too, I do not see how anyone is able to do mass mailings with opt outs and unsubscribe links. There is no way in God's beautiful green earth that you can comply with the strict policy. I thought as long as you give people the opportunity to opt out or unsubscribe, you were following the AntiSpam Laws. But under the definition above other than safelists, developing your own mailing list and opt ins, which works if you are selling mutiple things, how do those of you perform mass mailings comply. Traffic, traffic, traffic. :-)

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