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If you are a new member please make sure to read the "Forum Rules, Forum Tutorials, and GDI FAQs" section.

Please avoid posting any questions which may require us to discuss detailed information regarding your GDI account. Such questions should be submitted to support@wsdomains.ws.

GDI has a strict Anti-SPAM policy. Please do NOT send unsolicited messages via Private Message.
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Author Topic: Newsletter Archives...  (Read 152208 times)
John V
Posts: 5

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« Reply #90 on: May 31, 2006, 07:48:08 PM »

Good job, Jon - holding yourself accountable to your
people is THE priority.  You did good.  Thank you.
And, i am a new member - and seeing your letter,
although i did not experience any downtime or
inconvenience, tells me a lot about this company
i have joined.  Keep up the good work.

john vance
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

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« Reply #91 on: June 02, 2006, 05:29:07 PM »

GDI: July 2006, Network Marketing Business Journal's "Company of the Month" and Featured Success Story.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: Network Marketing Business Journal Feature Story [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued this month! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in June, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus.


The Network Marketing Business Journal has named Global Domains International, Inc. its Company of the Month for July 2006, and says GDI "Has the potential to become the largest direct sales/network marketing company in the world in terms of number of distributors and customers!"

If you're an active affiliate, you'll probably be seeing a copy of the publication in your mailbox within the next few weeks, including a feature story that spans 5 pages. This kind of worldwide exposure is great for you as an affiliate, especially when it's in a publication that is a widely recognized leader in the network marketing industry.

There has been a lot going on at GDI behind the scenes, and you'll soon be able to reap the benefits.

As you know, we recently upgraded our hardware, which included upgrades to our phone system. You'll soon be able to refer people to our 1.800.MY.DOT.WS phone number (1-800-693-6897), and have them create their GDI 7-day trial account right over the phone after listening to a short message.

They'll then be able to IMMEDIATELY start referring others to the same phone number, using a temporary access code (their email address), and it will all be tracked to your organization. If there is a more simple method of duplication, we don't yet know of it!

The speed at which growth can happen with this new RDM (Rapid Duplication Method) technology is astounding. Literally a few minutes after you have someone call our 800 number, toll-free, and give your access code, they could be tracked as a member of your organization without ever having ever having to sit down at a computer. We'll send them further instructions by email.

Although you'll likely receive a copy of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, we thought you might like to take a sneak peak at the article.

GDI Company of the Month Feature Story - PDF

Please note the special account ID we are using specifically for this ad. We are having our call center process the leads generated by these ads to create phone verified leads, as well as testing various closing methods - the results of which will be shared with you.

Reprints of the Company of the Month Feature Story and centerfold ad will be available starting sometime next month at an approximate cost of $30 per 100 copies, plus shipping and handling, and all usernames will be stripped from the ad so you can write in your own username.

We'll be sharing more information on our RDM automated phone duplication method and the system behind it shortly. Please keep your eye out for a special field mailing or newsletter about this very soon.


NEW Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Marketing Support: If you are in need of marketing support or advice, contact the members in your upline by clicking the "Upline" tab within your members area. If your upline is not providing any assistance we suggest using the GDI Forum within your members area to get the assistance you need.

Hardware Migration Updates: If you are still experiencing problems, please contact the Support Department so that we may address your concerns.

Leads: The leads offered in our back office are now phone verified. With this type of lead, we still recommend contacting these leads via telephone to introduce yourself and follow up with them. They are specifically generated to be receptive to phone calls.

Cancellations: Leaving a voicemail or sending an email to cancel your account does not mean your account has been canceled. You must speak to a Support Representative.

Affiliate Access Codes: Your affiliate "access code" for any of our sites is your username.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

  4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Posts: 31

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« Reply #92 on: June 02, 2006, 07:51:51 PM »

WOW!  This is exciting new NEWS.  I wish I had gotten my GDI newsletter direct so I could open and read the PDF mentioned here, but I am not receiving any newsletters direct from GDI.   Could you possibly send me the link to this PDF???   I sure HOPE I receive the full 5 page publication as soon as it is available!

G. Smith
Posts: 3

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« Reply #93 on: June 02, 2006, 11:48:43 PM »

hey do we have presentation in chinese version, I think I need one
Posts: 1

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« Reply #94 on: June 03, 2006, 12:16:35 PM »

Hi, Gordon Reed here,

I think that the link to the PDF file on the Company is


Thanks for taking the time to inquire about this. Some of us might have overlooked it.

Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

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View Profile WWW
« Reply #95 on: June 09, 2006, 10:00:24 AM »

Recruit Your Way to an Enormous Downline in Just Minutes Per Day.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: Work smarter, not harder [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued this month! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in June, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus.


At least once a day, we get an email from a new affiliate that says something to the effect of: "I have my affiliate link on a free traffic program, and I've surfed and earned 250 hits but I still don't have any signups. What am I doing wrong?"

Sure, we've heard of leads being generated from these sites, but it's doubtful that you're even going to build a million dollar organization that way. However, you can benefit from them if you start using those free services a little differently than most people do. Read on.

Just because you've built up a certain number of credits doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have that many people actually viewing your site. These days, a lot of people use automation software to get their credits without really doing the viewing. As a result, these sites don't work as well as they used to when they first came into existence.

However, if you think outside the box, you'll come up with some ways you can use the popular traffic exchanges to build your organization, one of which we'll talk about below. Don't ever rely on completely untargeted traffic to build your organization for you. You won't be satisfied with the results.

Think of this in scientific terms. The traffic you generate and your GDI affiliate site are just two parts of a larger equation that equals MONEY!

YOU are the important unknown variable.

Targeted Traffic + Effective Lead Generation + The Right Product + YOU = MONEY!

If you can change YOU into the correct "value" for this important equation, then you'll see the money. The problem that a lot of affiliates face is that they are not willing to change what they do, or to step out of their comfort zone. Instead, they'll change their advertising source, or create custom lead pages - and still experience the same or similar results.

So, how is it that some of our affiliates have referred 100+ new members in less than a week, using the same types of advertising and the same lead pages that everyone else does? They put themselves into the equation, and put in an effort that was the correct effort for THEM to be able to achieve that result.

The effort that YOU will have to put into building your own organization will definitively be different than EVERY other affiliate we have. Each of our affiliates is an individual, who must put forth an individual effort - both in terms of energy and direction. No two affiliates are the same.

If you want to use free traffic to build your GDI organization, try this. The next time you are surfing, closely examine every page you look at. Determine if something about it tells you that the person who is advertising it might be a good prospect for GDI, and if they are - contact them with a personal message.

Be on the lookout for people who may already have large contact lists of their own, and remember that referring just ONE person who can refer FIVE HUNDRED is as good as referring FIVE HUNDRED on your own - and it takes a lot less time and effort. In fact, in just minutes per day, you can locate and contact several great potential new affiliates for your organization.

Actively recruit if you want to experience the greatest results, don't just passively advertise. Nobody has ever become a millionaire by simply surfing the net. However, plenty have become millionaires by putting their own creative ideas into action, or by associating with the right people.

Put yourself back into the equation and be flexible and creative. You'll be surprised by what you can achieve.


NEW Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Business Presentation in Spanish: A few paragraphs above in this newsletter, you'll find your links for the new Spanish version of our online flash presentation.

Marketing Support: If you are in need of marketing support or advice, contact the members in your upline by clicking the "Upline" tab within your members area. If your upline is not providing any assistance we suggest using the GDI Forum within your members area to get the assistance you need.

Phone Verified Leads: Click on the "Leads" tab in your member's area, and you'll find information on our new phone verified leads. These leads have expressed an interest in working from home, and then their interest and contact information is verified by phone. The phone numbers are guaranteed, and we even guarantee that these leads will have a good attitude!

Affiliate Documentation: When you send in your affiliate paperwork, please be sure to include your username so we can correctly process and file your documents.

"Guaranteed Signups" Warning: Way too many online newbies fall victim to these online scams. Do not purchase "guaranteed signups" for GDI. Their use is strictly prohibited in our system. In the years we have seen these being offered, we have not once seen a profitable guaranteed signups campaign. If these companies can really recruit valid members for you at such a low cost, why would they not be signing them up for themselves and reaping the monthly commissions instead of getting paid just ONE TIME by you? We think you know the answer to that question. Please don't order guaranteed signups for GDI from ANY company. Doing so will put your account at risk for suspension.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #96 on: June 16, 2006, 02:00:20 PM »

Attack by Land, Air and Sea to Put Your Very Own GDI Empire on the Map.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: The importance of multi-channel marketing [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued this month! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in June, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus.


Have you ever noticed that on the Internet, you face an ongoing battle for success?

In fact, it surprises us how many parallels there are between WINNING your own success in home business, and actually winning a war. Think about this: The Internet is littered with misinformation. Trying to navigate your way through all the good information is like walking through a mine field.

One wrong step, and you're wounded by information that not only won't help you get where you want to be, but might actually take your attention away from the things that work, and propel your business forward.

However, to really succeed big, you must posses certain knowledge that will allow you to do so. That knowledge can be learned by absorbing good information in written form, by partnering with people who already know what you want to know, or through a lot of hard work and trial-and-error.

Obviously, there's a time benefit to the first two methods of adding to your knowledge. You gain knowledge quickly, without giving up anything except the small time and effort required learning it.

That's the case with what we're about to tell you. You can spend years of your own trial and error learning this, or you can read this article in its entirety and decide to accept or not accept the importance of this method. It's up to you.

Let's go back to our 'home business is a battle' metaphor for a minute. In this day and age, does anyone ever win a battle with just one kind of weapon? Of course not. You must have the right tools for the job. Sticks and stones never brought down a fighter jet.

If you're going to SUCCEED TO YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL, you must learn to attack by land, air and sea. Multi-channel marketing is not only important, it's VITAL to the success of your business.

When you have a prospect, there are a couple of fast ways you can deliver information to them that you're probably already aware of, primarily email and phone. Obviously, if you use both methods of communication, you're going to reach more people with your message, you're going to close more sales, and your income is going to be higher.

However, have you ever considered the importance of using multiple channels of communication PRIOR to someone becoming a prospect? In the field of advertising, you've probably heard the word "targeting". To an advertiser, that means "zeroing in" on who you know to be the best kind of prospects for your business, and then finding methods that drop your advertising right in their lap, so to speak. And not just once, but many times, and through various channels.

Wal-Mart might have gained some customers if Sam Walton just stood on a street corner wearing a big sign that said "We have low prices", but to become the largest retailer in the world, they employed advertising on such a LARGE SCALE that it is next to impossible for ANYONE to not know about Wal-Mart and what the company does.

The same goes for most of the popular products you buy. Think about some of the most popular soft drinks in the world. They're advertised by radio, TV, newspapers, special promotions, direct mail coupons, billboards, and on the Internet. There's probably twenty or more additional ways they're advertised if you really sat down and thought about it.

We're not saying that you should run out and buy radio ads. That's not the point of this article at all. The point is that you learn the importance of hitting your target audience by land, air and sea. In other words, get your message out to the same qualified prospects in enough ways (and enough times) that your message becomes impossible to ignore.

Here's an example. Say you have a mailing list of people who have expressed an interest in home business. Chances are the people on this list have requested information elsewhere too. On the Internet, they're bombarded with thousands of ad impressions daily. Nothing makes yours stand out and scream louder than the rest.

So what can you do? The answer is to attack from various angles.

If Joe Prospect receives a postcard from you, and you put the GDI name in front of him he's likely going to remember it when a few days later, he gets a voicemail from you. Another few days passes, and he receives a copy of GDI's "Company of the Month" cover story in the Network Marketing Business Journal (reprints available next month) and he reads it because he's seen or heard "GDI" a couple times now, and he wants to learn what this opportunity is about.

When he gets a personal email from you a few days later, letting him know he can take a FREE TRIAL and giving him the link to do it in minutes, don't you think it's going to be much easier to close him than someone you just randomly sent an email to?

If you want to start making the most money possible as an affiliate of GDI, begin employing this method, which ABSOLUTELY works - and that is used daily by the world's richest companies. Multi-Channel Marketing. It's a GUARANTEED jump in your results.


You'll soon find a new member's area link under the tab for the LeaderBoards. It's called "Order Goodies". This new member's area tab will consolidate many of our available marketing tools such as DVD ordering, and leads, and put them all in the same area so you can easily find them. The link is not there yet, but we just wanted to give you the heads up so you'll know where to find these things when the changes go live.
NEW Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Business Presentation in Spanish: A few paragraphs above in this newsletter, you'll find your links for the new Spanish version of our online flash presentation.

Marketing Support: If you are in need of marketing support or advice, contact the members in your upline by clicking the "Upline" tab within your members area. If your upline is not providing any assistance we suggest using the GDI Forum within your members area to get the assistance you need.

Phone Verified Leads: Click on the "Leads" tab in your member's area, and you'll find information on our new phone verified leads. These leads have expressed an interest in working from home, and then their interest and contact information is verified by phone. The phone numbers are guaranteed, and we even guarantee that these leads will have a good attitude!

Affiliate Documentation: When you send in your affiliate paperwork, please be sure to include your username so we can correctly process and file your documents.

"Guaranteed Signups" Warning: Way too many online newbies fall victim to these online scams. Do not purchase "guaranteed signups" for GDI. Their use is strictly prohibited in our system. In the years we have seen these being offered, we have not once seen a profitable guaranteed signups campaign. If these companies can really recruit valid members for you at such a low cost, why would they not be signing them up for themselves and reaping the monthly commissions instead of getting paid just ONE TIME by you? We think you know the answer to that question. Please don't order guaranteed signups for GDI from ANY company. Doing so will put your account at risk for suspension.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

  4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #97 on: June 23, 2006, 11:51:05 PM »

How to Create an Overflowing Pipeline of Great GDI Prospects.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: Building your prospecting pipeline! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued this month! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in June, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus.


Did you know that it's often easier to warm up aged leads than it is to generate completely new ones?

Most companies value their customer list so highly because they know that it's less expensive and time consuming to sell to their past customers than it is to find completely new ones. That's why even companies who do most of the their business offline are starting to collect email addresses from their customers by offering freebies or bonuses in return for "registering" with them.

The more they know about you and your buying habits, the easier it is for them to turn you into a repeat customer. If you are sent a coupon by email that's specially coded to you - and you redeem it - that's valuable information for a company to have. It tells them something about you and what you like.

Companies are doing this more and more because it's profitable and it costs them little or nothing. Just last week, we witnessed this tactic being used at a local BlockBuster Video.

In exchange for an email address, we were offered four free local movie rentals and a one month free trial of their new online "get your DVDs by mail" service. Isn't this "bonus" the exact same offer they're making to the millions of people who see their national television ads?

It is, but that didn't prevent it from working on all four of the current customers in line in front of us.

So, now that BlockBuster is collecting the email contact info for their customers, by the millions, they can send special promotions any time they want by email - and generate millions of dollars in extra sales at almost no cost. We would estimate that an email broadcast to one million of their current customers costs them a fraction of the price of one radio or TV spot.

You can jump on the bandwagon!

No, we don't mean registering your email address with BlockBuster. What we're talking about is marketing to people you already know. Anyone who has already expressed an interest in your business, people who are on your marketing lists, or people who were at one time a part of your network marketing downlines.

Over time, some of our affiliates build up lists of thousands of prospects who have seen their GDI movie. Even if the timing (or the opportunity for that matter) was not right for them three of four months ago, it might be today. Perhaps the additional bonus opportunities we now offer would have been enough to sway their decision to take a free trial of our product.

Maintaining your own personal list of people who have expressed an interest in online business some time in the past can be a gold mine for building your business in the future. In fact, since our product has such wide appeal, just building an email list of people you come into contact with can be profitable.

If you're not the kind of person who enjoys selling, telling or explaining, just ask people you meet if they use the Internet. If they do, ask if it's okay to write down their name and email address, and let them know that you'd like to send them a free trial of a product that you're involved in marketing. Most people won't say no, and all you'll have to do is enter them into the invite system when you get home.

Keep a nice, clean email list of people you meet and people you've corresponded with in the past. If you do this and you continue marketing to them, you'll be rewarded with growth and income.

Payment Method Now Required for Account Creation

Until recently, if a new affiliate signing up for a free trial failed to enter a valid payment method, their account would still be created - but it would be listed as Inactive. We have just initiated a change in policy. From now on, if a person does not enter valid payment information when registering for their free 7-day trial, no account will be created for them. You will no longer receive signup notices about affiliates who have not entered the information we require to bill them once their trial period is over.


You'll soon find a new member's area link under the tab for the LeaderBoards. It's called "Order Goodies". This new member's area tab will consolidate many of our available marketing tools such as DVD ordering, and leads, and put them all in the same area so you can easily find them. The link is not there yet, but we just wanted to give you the heads up so you'll know where to find these things when the changes go live.


NEW Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Phone Verified Leads: Click on the "Leads" tab in your member's area, and you'll find information on our new phone verified leads. These leads have expressed an interest in working from home, and then their interest and contact information is verified by phone. After we have delivered your leads, we highly suggest following up with them by phone. We guarantee their good attitude!

Marketing Support and Advice: If you need more marketing support and advice than your sponsor can provide you with, we suggest checking out the GDI World Forum at http://www.talk.ws. GDI Support does not give advertising or marketing advice on a one-on-one basis, but we'll provide you with effective techniques in our weekly newsletters.

Invitation System: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with OUR anti-spam policy.

Account Cancellation: Simply leaving a voicemail with support does not cancel your account. You MUST speak to a support representative to cancel your GDI account.

"Guaranteed Signups" Warning: Way too many online newbies fall victim to these online scams. Do not purchase "guaranteed signups" for GDI. Their use is strictly prohibited in our system. In the years we have seen these being offered, we have not once seen a profitable guaranteed signups campaign. If these companies can really recruit valid members for you at such a low cost, why would they not be signing them up for themselves and reaping the monthly commissions instead of getting paid just ONE TIME by you? We think you know the answer to that question. Please don't order guaranteed signups for GDI from ANY company. Doing so will put your account at risk for suspension.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

  4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #98 on: June 29, 2006, 09:19:53 PM »

Dreams will do nothing for you unless they are followed by action. Here's how to kick the procrastination habit.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: 10 Ways to Kick the Procrastination Habit! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued into July! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in July, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus.


Occasionally we come across material that we feel can benefit our affiliates. The following article by Julie Plenty is one that everyone can relate to and take something important from.

10 Ways to Kick the Procrastination Habit
Copyright ? 2006 Julie Plenty

I recently read about a survey (by the University of Chicago) which suggested that those who relish challenge are more likely to live up to 10 years longer than those who spend their lives inhibited by timidity.

Trying to realize our ambitions, even if we don?t always meet them, is preferable to not having the courage or motivation to take the risk. So not making any resolutions because we fear that we?ll break them is having a defeatist attitude, as we allow procrastination to become an insidious habit which stops us from leading more fulfilling lives.

The following offers 10 ways to kick the procrastination habit!

1. Personal values development. Take the time to find out what you really want in life, what your personal values are. Do you want more time, more money, better health, greater self esteem and confidence, more fulfilling relationships, a different career, set up a business? When we procrastinate it?s often because what we are planning to do is not really aligned with what we truly want. We may be scared of our skills (or perceived lack of) or fear ridicule from others.

2. Make health a priority. Without good health we are less likely to have the energy and dynamism needed to make positive changes in our lives and it?s easier (and necessary if you?re very ill) to procrastinate. So ensure that you have a nourishing diet, sleep well, exercise and meditate. Incidentally, it is thought that regular meditation helps delay the worst effects of the ageing process.

3. Visualize your life without procrastination. See and feel the benefits in your life if you didn?t procrastinate. What could you do and achieve? Begin to act as if you?re not a procrastinator. Write down, draw, and imagine your life as a film. Use affirmations to help you.

4. Banish the Gremlin. That little voice which runs on auto in your head ? that dismisses any idea that you might have. It says things like ?I?m not in the mood? ?I don?t have time? ?I can?t do this?. Stop running on auto, replace the ?shoulds? ?oughts? ?have tos? with ?want to? ?desire?. You have a choice. Acknowledge your choices and banish the Gremlin. Again, using affirmations can help you replace the Gremlin with more positive alternatives.

5. Over commitment. Saying ?yes? to everything ? often leaves you feeling tired and without the energy to focus on what is most important to you. This leads to procrastination as projects and tasks are dropped. Identify what is most important to you and only focus on those areas which will make the biggest difference to your life. It will enhance your focus and motivation.

6. Setting personal professional goals. It?s hard to motivate yourself when you don?t have a good idea of what you want to accomplish. So when setting goals think about what you want to achieve in the short term and long term. Techniques for doing so include the SMART strategy. S = specific M = measurable A= Action R = Realistic T = Time based. Use goal setting software to help you in goal planning and setting.

7. Prioritize Your Goals. Develop a plan or schedule to help you reach your goals. In doing so you will begin to identify whether some elements need to be included or enhanced or dropped completely. Also remember to be flexible, revisit your goals regularly and modify or drop if appropriate. Just because a goal is written down doesn?t mean that it is set in stone!

8. Divide and conquer. Once you?ve prioritized your goals, divide them into smaller chunks. Sometimes we procrastinate because a project seems really large that the scale of it overwhelms us and puts us into a temporary form of paralysis ? you don?t know where to start, so you don?t start at all! Approach each project ? especially large ones ? on a step by step basis.

9. Reward yourself. Once you start to complete tasks, reward yourself by giving yourself something that you want. So instead of seeing a film before you complete a task, see it afterwards and make it a reward for you.

10. Just get started. No excuses. Don?t wait until you?re ?in the mood?. The mood never comes! It is a clever camouflage and a delaying tactic. What you resist persists! Start with what is easiest, so that you experience immediate success, which will give you the fuel and motivation to upgrade and take on larger projects.

Do any of the above and you?ll be well on your way to Kicking the Procrastination Habit. And if you?re procrastinating over doing any of the above, then remember that life is the biggest deadline of all!


Julie Plenty is a Personal and Business Coach who specializes in coaching self-employed professionals to live more creative, fulfilled lives and increase the success of their business. To learn more, visit: http://www.self-help-personal-development.com


You'll soon find a new member's area link under the tab for the LeaderBoards. Itwill be called "Order Goodies!". This new member's area tab will consolidate many of our available marketing tools such as DVD ordering, and leads, and put them all in the same area so you can easily find them. The link is not there yet, but we just wanted to give you the heads up so you'll know where to find these things when the changes go live.

Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Email Marketing: When sending out emails from your own email address, make sure you have the correct referral link for your site and not another affiliate's URL. You should not be email marketing on behalf of a downline affiliate. Also make sure all mailings not sent through the Invite System are in compliance with our Anti SPAM Policy.

WebSite Design Ideas: You can use the GDI Forum as a place to look for web design ideas for your site(s). There is a gallery of sites made with our SiteBuilder there. GDI Support does not provide assistance with web page design.

Outside Leads: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with our Anti SPAM policy.

Phone Verified Leads: We now have Phone Verified Leads! Within your member's area, click on the "Leads" tab. These leads are generated in a way that makes them exceptionally receptive to phone calls!

Access Codes: Your access code for any of your referral sites is the same as your GDI username. (nicoletaylor)
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

  4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Posts: 5

View Profile
« Reply #99 on: June 30, 2006, 08:29:07 AM »

Thank you Nicole,
Your article on how to keep from procrastinating was right  on.  I think in network marketing, when so much of this type of business is done in cyberspace, the tendency is to feel disconnected from it sometimes, and that can lead to procrastination, or a lack of staying focused on the goal of achieving the kind of income you really want from this.  Appreciate the tips.

Kevin Jude Badger
new member
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #100 on: July 07, 2006, 12:22:02 AM »

Make Every Day YOUR Independence Day.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: The Benefits of Independence! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of July! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in July, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


A couple nights ago, this Fourth of July, 2006, I watched a grand fireworks display in celebration of America's Independence Day. The sheer magnitude of the events surrounding Independence Day has always amazed me. Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people, coming together to watch fireworks, and to appreciate and celebrate life as we know it here in the United States.

In years past, at least for me, it's really just been a reason to get together with friends and family and to have a great time. This year though, I stopped to think about WHY people celebrate "independence".

Why do towns and cities across the country, ranging in size from the smallest little farming community to the largest metropolis, spend so much money to celebrate Independence Day?

MILLIONS of dollars are spent on fireworks that disappear into smoke and ash in less than an hour's time. While I'm sure some events are designed to make a profit for the organizers, for the most part - the costs of these celebrations are paid by the communities that hold them. Big bucks spent, simply to celebrate independence. Why do we do it?

Simple answer: Independence is grand.

If the independence of a nation is something worthy of this kind of celebration, then how meaningful is your own PERSONAL independence? Personal independence can be defined as possessing the resources and the ability to live your life as you choose to.

Consider all the "independence benefits" you enjoy as someone who works for him or herself. Just starting out, you might not have the luxury of taking a week or two off and traveling to your favorite destination in the world, but most likely it's because of a finance issue - not because there's someone else telling you that you can't do it. As you reach higher and higher levels of success and income working for yourself, you also benefit from a greater freedom of time.

How many billionaires do you think beat themselves up over taking a day off to play golf every now and then, when they feel inclined to? Our guess is: not many.

Only when working for yourself will you ever have complete independence; freedom of time and money. And when you have freedom of time and money, you are afforded the opportunity to grow in other areas of your life, such as improving your relationships with those important to you, learning new skills or taking up a new hobby.

So, as someone who is self-employed (or that we presume WANTS to someday be completely self-employed), how can you get a boost down the path to personal independence?

Here are some suggestions.

Examine your past: Think of the periods in your life when you've felt "trapped", or controlled by others, and try to plan your future in a way that will allow you to live your life as you please, by avoiding similar circumstances.

Improve your energy levels: If you want to quickly increase your lot in life, one of the best ways to do it is to increase your energy. People say that "time is money", but when you're investing time into making money - you're not getting the maximum benefit from it unless you are also putting focused energy into it. There are several ways to increase your energy levels, such as eating healthier, getting more or better rest and our personal favorite - making a living by doing something you love.

Evaluate your days: At the end of each day, spend a moment to recreate your day in your mind. What energy did you put into doing things that brought you a step closer to personal independence, and what energy did you spend doing things that just passed time? What energy did you spend doing things that took you a step in the wrong direction?

Chart your expenditures of time and money: Keep track of how you spend your time, and your money. You might be surprised by what you learn, and by what you'll want to do differently.

Spend less money: Consider your purchases. Don't purchase goods or information that are not in line with your overall plan. Buy the off-brand as long as you're pleased with the quality. Don't spend every night at a restaurant when you can eat at home for much less. Kick the lottery ticket habit!

Earn more money: Put your time and energy in something you enjoy doing, and find a way to profit from it. The quickest way to increase your income is to put time and energy into your own ideas. Nobody ever became wealthy on hourly wages alone. Realize that between your mind, your life experiences and your imagination, you have everything needed to make a million dollars in the next few years. The key is to properly focus your thought, your time and your energy into making it happen.

If you're not already actively working towards your own independence, you should be. Millions of other people might not dedicate a day to celebrating YOUR independence, but you'll celebrate it EVERY DAY.


You'll soon find a new member's area link under the tab for the LeaderBoards. It will be called "Order Goodies." This new member's area tab will consolidate many of our available marketing tools such as DVD ordering, and leads, and put them all in the same area so you can easily find them. The link is not there yet, but we just wanted to give you the heads up so you'll know where to find these things when the changes go live.
Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

Email Marketing: When sending out emails from your own email address, make sure you have the correct referral link for your site and not another affiliate's URL. You should not be email marketing on behalf of a downline affiliate. Also make sure all mailings not sent through the Invite System are in compliance with our Anti SPAM Policy.

WebSite Design Ideas: You can use the GDI Forum as a place to look for web design ideas for your site(s). There is a gallery of sites made with our SiteBuilder there. GDI Support does not provide assistance with web page design.

Outside Leads: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with our Anti SPAM policy.

Phone Verified Leads: We now have Phone Verified Leads! Within your member's area, click on the "Leads" tab. These leads are generated in a way that makes them exceptionally receptive to phone calls!

Access Codes: Your access code for any of your referral sites is the same as your GDI username. (nicoletaylor)
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Posts: 5

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« Reply #101 on: July 07, 2006, 12:27:39 PM »

Thanks Nicole for keeping us updated on what's happening.  Sure appreciate your efforts.  Regards.
Kevin J Badger
new member
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

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« Reply #102 on: July 14, 2006, 04:23:34 PM »

When Perseverance Meets Ability.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: The equation for success! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of July! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in July, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


We recently came across an article by Abi Motala, the CEO of Vista Information Publishing, Ltd. that talked about perseverance and how you can increase your "perseverance quotient." How important is perseverance to your success in network marketing?

We'll discuss and elaborate on some of Motala's ideas, but first - ask yourself these simple questions.

Out of the top 100 income earners in the network marketing industry, how many do you think have continuously jumped around from company to company until they found the "magic product" that would make them rich beyond their wildest dreams?

How many do you think decided on a company (and course of action), and then stuck with it through all the learning experiences, mistakes and failures - and finally, huge successes? We have no doubt that at least sometime in your life, you've had to work your way through enormous frustrations and hardships before you saw the beautiful light at the other end of the tunnel. But, when you got there, it made it all the more worthwhile, didn't it?

And everything you learned along the way taught you valuable lessons that you've remembered and used MANY times since, making your failures fewer and farther between. In a way, success becomes easier. Really, it's more a matter of perseverance than ability. For most people, network marketing is not a "natural ability." It's learned, and it can be learned by anyone. You only have to look at the various people from ALL walks of life that have become major successes in our industry. With failure and subsequent perseverance come new knowledge, ability and future success.

Out of those 100 top income earners mentioned earlier, how many do you think new how to succeed the first day they entered the network marketing industry? Probably ZERO. In fact, we'd be willing to wager that those same people have FAILED more times than most.

The great thing about our industry is that it doesn't really matter how many times you experience hardship or failure as long as you learn from your mistakes and keep on pushing forward. You only have to get it right once and you'll be set for the rest of your life.

According to Motala, here are some ways you can improve your "perseverance quotient." We've added our own thoughts here on how these relate to our particular business.

You may not have control over what happens to you in every season or cycle of your life, but you most certainly have a choice as to how you deal with everything that happens to you. You may experience health problems, business setbacks and personal difficulties, and have to face the consequence of extensive devastation and loss of lives caused either by the evil of man, such as 9/11 and the bombs in London on the 7th July 2005, or natural calamity, such as the tsunami of 26th December 2004.

It is your choice to view the glass as being half-empty and wallow in self-pity by letting your grief and misfortune get the better of you by taking the easy way out. Instead, as a disciple of perseverance you can adopt a positive mental attitude. Your rescue will start with viewing the glass as being half-full, and your recovery from the trials and tribulations of every cycle of your life will continue with your efforts to make a difference in this hurtful world.

You know that IQ measures raw intelligence. Well, Perseverance Quotient or PQ measures your "staying power."

Here are 13 ways in which you can improve your PQ:

1. Take Responsibility for Yourself

You must deal a deadly blow to the single greatest cause of human misery, which is the myth or false belief that our life is governed by some secret, external force. For some, this mythical, hidden force may be race, religion, gender, upbringing, social class, education, physical features or handicaps, and even their parents.

2. Select Positive Influences

You must intentionally select positive re-enforcements. When you purchase books and audio tapes, films and other media for your entertainment, you must seek those with strong, uplifting themes. Select those which nurture your spirit. How this applies to network marketing is obvious. Choose to work with and learn from people who you respect and that are in the position you wish to be in yourself.

3. Manage your Stress

The word stress evokes scenes of breakdown, unhappiness and disruption of normal body functioning. Actually, stress is the effect of any external, physical or mental pressures on your well-being. The primary causes of stress are anxiety and tension, which may arise through different events or conditions, such as money hardship, job/business problems, moving home, sexual difficulties, loss of friendship, loneliness, demise of a loved one, marriage failure, tax investigation etc.

4. Healthy Living

Healthy living is crucial for you because your energy and stamina are necessary for perseverance. You need to be in top form for focus, resilience, self-confidence, optimism, clarity and intensity. You'll notice that if you don't have energy or excitement when talking with prospects, it's not likely that they'll be inclined to join your business.

5. Be True to Yourself

In order to be true to yourself, you must know who you are. To do that successfully, you must nurture self-knowledge through self-searching, contemplation, meditation, observation, and reflection. Develop your own personal plans for success, and base it on this self-knowledge.

6. Seek the Best Source of Advice

When seeking advice, you must consider the source very carefully. If you want to shorten the distance from perseverance to achievement, you want to learn from the mistakes of others, rather than repeating them yourself. And you want to use the methods that have brought others the success you seek.

7. Avoid Inaction Alibi

Planning paralysis is a very real hazard when you set out to develop your plan to such a level of detail that you are unable to take action. Beware! You can only gather so much information and define so many steps towards the realization of your dream. To make it happen, sooner or later you must put that plan into action.

8. Plan your Work

When you have identified and set your goals you will need a plan to turn your vision into reality. Planning is a vital step in getting what you desire. I have met people with extraordinary goals and even well written goal scripts, but they never developed a plan for putting them into action. It is not surprising that their goals were never accomplished.

9. Eliminate Counter-productive Habits

Firstly, you must identify the counter-productive habits or thoughts that you would like to discontinue. Then dump them!!! You must focus on what you can do, not what you cannot do.

10. Forgive Yourself and Others

You must willingly forgive yourself and others. Do this for your own sake, and for your own peace of mind. Harboring grudges, disapproval, hatred or disappointment can poison your spirit of perseverance.

11. Take Reasonable Risks

You must not be afraid to take reasonable risks. Without risk, there is no reward. Risk management is more important than risk avoidance. Risk avoidance dampens the spirit, undermining the will to persist in the face of obstacles and reversals.

12. Get Support

You deserve to be around people supportive of your aspirations. All good psychologists, counselors, coaches and teachers will tell you that you must have exposure to a positive environment.

13. Do not Quit

When you feel yourself slipping, remember the people who overcame failures and rejections to achieve their dreams. People like Thomas Edison, Ray Kroc, Colonel Sanders, Charles Schulz, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the endless list of other persistent great achievers, who found that success inevitably arrives for every person who perseveres.

Although life is not an unending succession of problems and crises, you must nevertheless accept that problems have their time and purpose. Consequently, by increasing your PQ you will equip yourself, whatever your circumstance, not only to avoid becoming a victim of that circumstance, but also to face up to your fears with a resolute refusal to be beaten into submission.


The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, will be available soon. We'll give you information on how to order as soon as possible. The reprints will include an area where you can write in your affiliate information so you can be sure to receive credit for any new affiliates you refer using this as a marketing tool.
Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

New "Goodies" Section of Member's Area: You will find that we have now added a new section to the member's area called "Order Goodies." This is where you'll find all of our marketing tools such as leads and DVDs. Coming soon, reprints of the GDI Company of the Month article from the Network Marketing Business Journal will be available. DVD 10-packs are also back by popular demand.

Email Marketing: When sending out emails from your own email address, make sure you have the correct referral link for your site and not another affiliate's URL. You should not be email marketing on behalf of a downline affiliate. Also make sure all mailings not sent through the Invite System are in compliance with our Anti SPAM Policy.

Guaranteed Signups: Under no circumstances should you be purchasing and/or using "guaranteed signups" to promote GDI. Guaranteed signups are any service that promises to get you actual signups for a fee. Almost all of these services are scams. Do not use them or you are putting your account at risk for suspension.

Outside Leads: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with our Anti SPAM policy.

Phone Verified Leads: We now have Phone Verified Leads! Within your member's area, click on the "Leads" tab. These leads are generated in a way that makes them exceptionally receptive to phone calls!

Access Codes: Your access code for any of your referral sites is the same as your GDI username. (nicoletaylor)
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

  4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***


Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
Jr. Member
Posts: 84

Take That Step

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« Reply #103 on: July 19, 2006, 06:41:40 PM »

Thank you so much for the heads up info. You are one smart lady Cheesy
People that read can't help but be informed.You take the time to post
on line and off, so who can complain they never seen it. You go girl.  Wink

Success Is What You Make Of It!
Nicole Taylor
Full Member
Posts: 177

Welcome to Talk.ws!

View Profile WWW
« Reply #104 on: July 21, 2006, 12:56:13 PM »

Modern Day Network Marketing: No longer just a home business.

In this newsletter:

Feature Article: 21st century network marketing! [read more]
New Spanish Version Animated Presentation! [read more]
The GDI Wealth Guide [download it here]
SPAM WARNING: [read more]
Suggestions from the Support Department [read more]
Compensation Outline [read more]
Read this carefully: Our Unlimited Bonus Contest will be continued throughout the month of July! For every 5 confirmed (paid) referrals you make in each week-long referral period in July, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus!


There's no doubt about it, network marketing has become big business. Some of the world's most innovative products got their start in the network marketing arena.

More people than ever are taking notice of all the excellent benefits of working for themselves in this wonderful industry. Some major universities are now teaching direct sales and network marketing in their classrooms.

However, if you've been around the industry for awhile, you know it hasn't always been this way. There are a lot of people who have either had a bad experience with MLM, or know someone else who has. As you know, negative experiences often stick with people longer than positive ones.

As a professional networker, it is your responsibility to ensure that those you come in contact with know the truth about network marketing - that it can be a very positive life-changing experience for those who do their homework and consider it a real business.

If properly trained and motivated, any person with the drive to succeed can find a place in network marketing. Global Domains International has worked hard to create an opportunity that allows the masses to be successful in generating an income from home. Many of our affiliates take the business many steps further, and earn incomes that they never dreamed were possible by putting in extra effort and imagination.

How to Recruit People Who Have Negative Views of Network Marketing

You must remember that there are people out there who at one time or another were probably "tricked" into attending a "party" that was nothing more than a business presentation for old-school MLMs.

Obviously, GDI is a much different type of business, but to a lot of people - ALL companies who promote their product or service through network marketing are "pyramid schemes." It's strange how even some seemingly educated people are totally ignorant when it comes to the truth about the legitimacy of the network marketing industry. When talking to a prospect who has this attitude about MLM, how can you get around it?

First, you must determine if their attitude is truly their own, or if it's based on an experience of someone they know. If the latter is the case, it's not difficult to replace incorrect facts with correct ones. Think about it this way: "Just because my friend had a bad experience at XYZ Restaurant doesn't mean my experience will be the same."

More often than not, bad experiences with network marketing are because someone is not properly trained. This can mean they are not properly trained in how to choose a company that is right for them. It might mean that they are not properly trained on the use of, or the sale of the product. It might even mean they are not properly trained in recruiting.

If you guide your prospects into more positive beliefs about network marketing without being pushy, you'll do much better in your recruiting efforts. It's more a matter of asking the right questions, and allowing them to elaborate on their answers. In most cases, they'll find out on their own that another person's attitude - or even their own - is based on improper training.

Network marketing businesses, especially companies with a high-demand and easy-to-market product such as the one GDI has, works for those who believe in it and are willing to put forth a proper and focused effort. Push your creativity and effort to the limit and you'll reap rewards that you've never seen in a traditional business.

Company of the Month Reprints!

The reprints of the July 2006 Network Marketing Business Journal, featuring Global Domains International as the Company of the Month, are now available! If you haven't read this impressive multi-page article from the industry's most respected publication, The Network Marketing Business Journal, you should read it immediately.

This is a sure-fire way to show your prospects that Global Domains International is a credible business opportunity that has the potential to change their lives. The reprints include the full article published in the July 2006 issue of the Network Marketing Business Journal.

There is no specific sponsor information in the article reprint. Instead, there is a place for you to write or type in your own ID and contact information so the people you send these to can join with you as their sponsor. Visit our new "Goodies" section of the member's area and click on "NMBJ Reprints" to order your own copies of the reprints at a very affordable price of about 35 cents per copy.


Spanish Version of our Online Animated Presentation!

The Spanish version of our online animated flash presentation is ready for you to use. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish or you would like to advertise to a Spanish audience, you might try getting another domain on your GDI account that you can redirect to your Spanish version flash presentation.

Here are your two affiliate links to the presentation in Spanish:


You can use either of the above links in your promotions. They both direct visitors to the Spanish presentation.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The multi-lingual versions of Freedom.ws and DVD.ws are now available for use in promoting your GDI business. This should be a tremendous marketing boost to those of you who have International contacts, or to anyone who wishes to start building their business worldwide. Congratulations. Your number of potential prospects just took a huge jump.

URGENT SPAM WARNING: Please make sure to review our complete SPAM policy now. Just because an email contact is in your address book doesn't mean an email you send to them is not SPAM.

Ultimately, SPAM is determined to be SPAM by the recipients who report it. Please be advised that there are other types of mass advertising that can also be considered SPAM, such as making inappropriate posts to message boards, or mass submitting the same classified ad over and over using mass submission software.

Make sure you review the polices of any site that allows advertising or personal posting BEFORE you place a link to your GDI affiliate site, and that you have reviewed and know our SPAM policy.

Learn More About our DVDs and How to Order Them at DVD.ws

Suggestions from the Support Department

Have Questions? Don't forget, you can use the Request Support and FAQ links in your member's area for answers to commonly asked questions. When replying to an email that our support department has sent you, be sure to include any previous correspondence in your reply. Include your username and domain name when leaving a voicemail or when you are corresponding with Support via email.

New "Goodies" Section of Member's Area: You will find that we have now added a new section to the member's area called "Order Goodies." This is where you'll find all of our marketing tools such as leads and DVDs. Coming soon, reprints of the GDI Company of the Month article from the Network Marketing Business Journal will be available. DVD 10-packs are also back by popular demand.

Potential and Confirmed Leaderboards: There are two types of leaderboards shown in the member's area, potential and confirmed. Potential leaderboards show the potential bonus standings in real-time, but your signups must also convert to paying members to be counted towards a confirmed bonus. Being listed on the potential leaderboard does not guarantee a bonus winning.

Required Paperwork: There is required paperwork that each affiliate must fill out and send to us. You'll find this paperwork in the "Documentation" tab of the member's area.

Outside Leads: We do not condone the use of outside leads being entered into the invite system. You may use your own mailing system but all mailings going out with the mention of .WS or GDI MUST be in compliance with our Anti SPAM policy.

Web Design: If you need WebSite design ideas or help, please look to the GDI Forum for answers to your most pressing questions.

Access Codes: Your access code for any of your referral sites is the same as your GDI username.
How you get paid!

We wanted to make sure you understand the many ways you are compensated for your participation in the GDI business. We've made the program as lucrative as possible for you, and want to insure you get the most out of it, so be sure you take a look at all the ways to get paid below!

When we make updates to the contests we are running, we will list any changes in our contest updates email that is sent weekly, so you are always aware of the many ways you can earn with us!

* Our 5-Level UniLevel Compensation
* Our "Master Affiliate" Infinity Bonus
* Weekly Unlimited Bonus Contests
* $5,000 Heavy Hitter Bonus
* Dynamic Upward Database Compression 

The WS Internet Show!

New program scheduling for The WS Internet Show will be announced soon! You can hear our past shows in the archive at the WebSite link above for great tips on promoting GDI and using our products.

Now is a great time to listen to our archived shows, and share them with your prospects, at www.wsinternetshow.ws.

We'll update you with program specific information for the WS Internet Show after our next run of shows has been scheduled.

Bonus Contests

In your member's area, you'll notice our "Potential" and "Confirmed" Leaderboards.

These leaderboards display the winners from our contests, and you'll find winner information from our prior contests in the same area of our WebSite.

"Confirmed" shares are earned when sign-ups convert to paid accounts, and then only if payment is successfully secured on the first charge attempt.

Bonus winnings are paid based on the results of the "Confirmed" leaderboards only.

Be sure to read the dates listed at the top of each leaderboard so you know what time period the board is for.

If you are listed on a CONFIRMED leaderboard, then you may collect your referral bonus by following the requirements to the right.

4 Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:

Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws

Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success

Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to ws_testimonials@wsdomains.ws.

The .WS email address to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only a .WS email address on your .WS WebSite domain. (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.

*** You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money ***

Unlimited Bonus Leaderboards Can Now Be Viewed in The Member's Area!

I make a good income right from home while I am drinking Starbucks and eating my cinnamon crumb cake.
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