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Author Topic: 2014 Active Area You Answers Making GDI Work!  (Read 8113 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« on: February 04, 2014, 10:02:04 AM »

Hello to all our GDI family Members and that is exactly what you are as of the first time you registered. We would love to just chat yet this is a real core part of a solid foundation. Everything in life worth something must have a foundation or it will not work. There is no difference in building a house. Without a solid foundation it will fall.

You will get over all the excitement soon from our amazing video's which makes each viewer take action sooner or latter. Hey, it awakens a person who has the Entrepreneurial Spirit which can not be taught. It is a spiritual thing and being Spiritual Beings, we can not be aware of it until something awakens it. You are awaken and no matter how many times you leave GDI you will be drawn back here. Each time you will be confident as now, yet without understanding how to create a solid foundation with GDI being the core part. You will be wasting time and money.

Now, that is all clear let us have you watch all the tutorials in the main memeber's area and then navigate through every single part of that member's area. You will then see the fundimentals which is key to making real growth in members and residual revenue. The amount of money you will make is based on your own efforts not the support of your Upline. You are 100% responsible for your personal growth and business.

Remember, GDI is a source of revenue not a business. That one point will keep your mind from making things up and getting this GDI thing wrong each time. You will have quit several times before it clicks in that head of yours. You and only you can make GDI work or not.

When that pride resides then contact me anytime for just email me a message saying I need help. That is all that is required to gain one of the best help with mastering the fundamentals of GDI properly. I nor anyone else can do the work for you. You are accountable for everything in your life which means GDI growth.

It is simple to walk you through setup of a foundation and make it work for your life. There should never be any other Operational Expenses just to grow your GDI members and start to receive revenue from your growth. I did it and you can to or you will with the proper support I will give you.

Catch is, I will just have helped one out of thousands understand the formula of GDI. We will talk more once you email me with that message. You can find my email below in my signature. I will personally respond to you and be the one to teach how to create a solid foundation and generate real spendable revenue from getting it right the first time.

Thank you for allowing us in your life and looking forward in learning your experiences and listen to what it is you want from registering with GDI.

Welcome to GDI the one stop everyone needs to create from their imaginations a solid foundation for their business. Hey, even if you just want to create a "Clean Blog" to share your passions, GDI is the place. Grin

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2014, 10:07:06 AM »

This is a duplicate of another area that I created some helpful guidance. I would like to do my part in helping everyone in our GDI family so please take a look through the link below. I look forward in serving you if you ever have a need of support through one of your daily challenges. This would be an honor and what I have a passion for. Serving others without a cost and giving them the hope, empowerment that was given me many years ago. This helped me accomplished so much for others and that is how my life is formed. A real life of serving others without cost!

There is always those who would love to dream while we are helping them face reality now. They leave our support they thing, with bad attitudes based on their wrong thinking of someone doing the work for them. You can not put a time on what will happen and when. What happens to others has nothing to do with if they will even work for you. You have to believe in what your doing and it has nothing to do with who is mentoring. You are responsible to learn and grow by your actions which you can never give up. If you love what you do, there is not stopping.

Take a look:


"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 10:19:44 AM »

Very interesting that most people will join GDI and only spend not even 3 minutes their first day navigating through this forum. Most will never understand how important it is to not get off daily until you have spent at least 1 hour each day. You can interact with us within the forum yet it takes 24hrs to see each others response.

You also can have instant chat if you learn to navigate through our various parts in the main area and within this forum.

I would love to speak to each new member and answer direct all your questions. We are all on GDI Family and let us prove it by you remaining active within this forum and the site. You have to learn the fundamentals and there are 3 that can and will help you through life and business.

1.Get Started.
2. Be consistent.
3. Never give up.

No matter how many people you must share you replica URL with. Do it until you have the number of people beyond 11 that will take care of all your funding needs, desires both person and business.

You can fund your causes and that alone is with GDI. You can use your Blog as your voice so everyone globally can learn about your passions and gain trust. Then you interact for the bond of a real professional relationship. That is how "Referral Marketing" is done which Affiliate Marketing gets confused with all the time.

Making sure you understand the difference is Affiliate Marketing is driven by money. That is the old way of doing things and never was a business. It is just one source of revenue and that will never defined your company once it is created. First you have to create funding source.

Make a difference and get real. Get with your sponsor right away and if no luck get with your upline all of them. If you feel nothing is working never give up? Contact me directly when you have exhausted all you attempts of support. No worries.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 11:54:32 AM »

I am not going to repeat myself here. I have a location within the forum which is going to take this area's place. I will be back after tomorrow to place the perm link for you to follow. I will give weekly quality usable content. This information is free and always will be.

We are a real Global Family within GDI, so let us really give supportive information that helps people. I live to serve and will not forget anyone who just ask for help.

Be looking our for the link after tomorrow.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2014, 11:39:02 AM »

During this week, I accept an invitation to be a guest speaking on air. I never would have done this, yet I felt compelled by my friend who offered. He is a great young man, who has a way of excitement, such as we who live for the journey. I could not wait to speak, and knew the format is free style. We do not rehearse or write down a speech.


I am use to this, as I do this each week, for almost my entire life. That is when I write anything to share information.  I will just start writing about a great adventure, (Things that I do practically each day) I accepted to take part in. I love sharing quality activities, and just watch to see what type of seed it will plant, in the readers mind. It takes time, like anything worth value. You must call upon all the patience within, and do not try to push people into doing something they are not physically or mentally ready to take part in. How, you know, is by being observant and just ask how they feel about this or that.

Know to my point. Well, the whole show was on perception. This is something I have been practicing each day, for over 10 years. You focus your mindset/way of understanding, during challenges, daily. I can call upon this practice, to view everything in my own way. Most people find this funny. Everyone believes that there is only one common way, to look or view everything we know. That is wrong, based on perception.


I walked hundreds of people through exercises, for being aware of how to use perception. I use an example of how you would view setting up an email account vs. establishing a department. They had a blast and so did I.


Well, now I would like to share how just learning each day from others, is a must. We owe ourselves to grow personally each day. The only way is to start getting involved with various causes and learning how others things. You must read books, and blogs of other people with that inner hunger. It will become second nature soon. I was one who did not like anything that was not technical, in nature. Now, I can not put books down nor stop reading others blogs.

I search for just one new person, to meet each day. I really do not give it much thought, because I am a people person. So, it could be while on an elevator, going to meet my sister for lunch. I will start a general interaction with anyone. I do not use a line that is given to everyone. I just can feel if a person feels comfortable speaking with me, not at me. They may have a cup of coffee and I will ask, where did they get it from. What type is it? Just anything to get them to feel in control of information, being share in less than 3 seconds. Then, I will always end up giving my card out to people and gathering their emails. I will also try to gather all contact information. I will continue contact for the rest of my life. I will become a new contact, with them and share my gratitude for their time.


It is, all about perception and you will learn the more you practice the better it gets. It is a naturally ability, we all have and just put away for some reason, long ago. The younger you are, the more you will remember when, people use to say “You are in your own world”. That is exactly what is feels like, when using this gift. You start to feel empowered and know not where from. Yet, your insight, is off the charts, per say. You see things in a different way and it will not change back to the same boring way, of the past. Everyone feels the need to see things the same. When, we are made to share how we perceive things, for a common understanding, yet being unique in getting there. That is how we know we are being genuine, and using perception the right way.


Hey, thank you all who start interaction on our site. I appreciate each person and would show it if you use the free tools I share at the end of each article. Gravatar and Shareaholic with CommentLuv. Just get right and sign up for free. That way myself and others will be able to share the love.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
A Atienza
Posts: 2

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« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 12:54:46 PM »

Hi man. It is my first time in doing affiliate marketing, I just signed up yesterday. I am very happy and excited although to be honest I don't really know what to do. I did all the task that is available for me to do in the "Learning Bonus". I hope someone out there who is willing and kind enough to coach me all the way. I will work hard to make things work and be beneficial for both me and the GDI family.  Grin
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2014, 11:54:57 AM »

Hi man. It is my first time in doing affiliate marketing, I just signed up yesterday. I am very happy and excited although to be honest I don't really know what to do. I did all the task that is available for me to do in the "Learning Bonus". I hope someone out there who is willing and kind enough to coach me all the way. I will work hard to make things work and be beneficial for both me and the GDI family.  Grin

Hello, and welcome. Please contact you upline and then if they do not respond. Contact me today! We would love to walk you through setup the right way the first time. Just email me and ask for support. Do not give up!

Look around and start to enjoy reading. That is how we grow personally. I have written all over this forum each day almost. Just get with us and allow the easy way to do this GDI thing. It is more than what you current perception stated----Affiliate Marketing. One minute with me. Your perception of everything will change. We just want to enhance your lifestyle.

Two reasons people are online.

1. Looking for information. Even playing games.
2. Make some money. No matter how small or large.

The questions is...which one are you?

Now, once you answer this question. We can walk you through sharing our screens in getting it done right the first time. Think about this the next time you have a question.

All the people who read this. Copy it and keep it with you. This is so when you finally make contact with me. You will be able to tell me what you need free lifetime support for. Either one or the other is what GDI will help you accomplish.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
Hero Member
Posts: 1016

It's only about, what you determined as success!

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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2016, 07:58:15 AM »

Who are you? Just got here and have no idea what to accomplish for your vision becoming reality?

Well, start first with establishing your foundation. GDI is the tool to make that happen. Get with you Sponsor and if you can not gain access to that person. Fear nothing and reach out to me below. Make sure to do that right away.

While waiting for a response for free support. Just navigate in the member area. That is every area. How else would you become knowledgeable?

Welcome to our GDI family.

"Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful"

"All Is Well" Together We Will Make It!
William E. Amis,Jr.III
(888) 888-9802 ext. 75152
24hr request for support http://www.vcita.com/william.amis?
(Hands On Trainning)
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