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Author Topic: How I Handled Rejection From A Prospect  (Read 28458 times)
Posts: 5

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« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2007, 11:57:05 AM »

I have just had one of my downline members drop out-my direct doownline sponsored him and she told me he had a very negative attitude within 2 days of being in the biz.
He wanted to know WHEN he was getting his PROMISED downlines (he signed under our team offer).
After explaining to him that the downline placement was subject to his effort of getting 1000 hits to his site he got quite bolshy slamming GDI as a scam,pyramid etc.
This has left my downline who sponsored him deflated and scared of dealing with such hostility again.
I have exolained that you will ALWAYS find freeloaders who want an easy ride,success without actually putting in an iota of effort.
I spotted this straight away and told her his mind was already made up and no amount of explaining the potential for him if he stayed would make any difference.
He dropped out .So what?
To be honest I don't need such a negative force on our team -what would that do for morale?
I concentrate on my other downline members and email every two days with new ideas,checking in and links I find to boost our biz.
I am with GDI long term-it's the only business that has worked for me.
I had 4 downline members within 14 days of joining-compared to others on this forum it doesn't seem much but I am proud of what I have acheived and more importantly WHAT my team and I are going to acheive Smiley
Kelvin Andrews
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« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2007, 11:57:33 AM »

The perfect way to handle rejection - You do not need to convince anyone to get into this business. It’s a waste of your time and energy to try and do so.  You should be about getting the maximum return possible for your time and efforts.  The minute you run up against negativity there is automatic resistance and it’s not a good use of your time to try and convince someone who disagrees with your way of thinking.

“A Man Convinced Against His Will,
Is Of The Same Opinion Still.”

That person, even if they join your downline will probably not stick it out and will be a drain of your energy with constant demand on your time for support.


"-which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?  Lest haply, when he hath laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, all that behold begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish"
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« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2007, 03:38:39 AM »


The forum response was very well put and hit the key points.

I See your a professional networker.
Jr. Member
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Take That Step

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« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2007, 04:14:07 PM »

Hello everyone here in the forum. Wink

How do you handle rejection? By keeping your head about you. When someone lets
you know right off the bat that they have some ideas that this isn’t for them because.......

Well you can turn and walk away on this one, because they have made it easy for you.
You already know that this person can’t see it yet. Like the old saying goes” If it don’t
fit don’t force it”
You will have to grow a thick skin in this business. You can’t take the rejection as
a personal thing. Keep in mind nothing personal just business.

Sometimes when we ask people to look at our business it might not be the right time
this time.

Try not to forget that this is a numbers game. The more numbers you seek the better
your odds of success.

Keep on going, and follow your dream. You know that this one will be reality, and
a great reality one day.

                                                                           Ms Watersa

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« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2007, 09:10:47 PM »


Very well put,

You have to be in the right mental state and don't take things personal when they reject your business.

Just carry on smartly as we do in the military and find the type of person the business is right for.
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« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2007, 04:24:20 AM »

There will always be rejection for everything, even business. There is a saying, "What is for a man, he will get." Not everyone will say yes, and not everyone will say no, but you have to be determine in life to succeed. There are people out there who are looking for an opportunity. You will be the one to reach them, or it is going to be somebody else. Everyone is not going to buy the same things, but because someone rejects something today, does not mean, they will reject it tomorrow.  When I first came across GDI I did'nt bite at first, but I took it a year later, so you see, don't stop until the fish bites. If you believe you are a winner, then you will win in life, despite the obstacles. Recieve the obstacle or a mountain as gift, to help you achieve what you desire in life. A mountain will only be as big as you see it, but you have to say to that  mountain move, and it shall move to another place, and then you shall have great success, because you did'nt let the mountain stand in your way to achieve your success.

Deon Reid
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« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2007, 04:06:55 PM »

Either they get or they don't ... now some people just need the time to better understand and if you provide them solutions also that helps!
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« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2007, 07:52:08 AM »

Hello everyone,

Lets first take a moment of silence to honor those Veterans.

How do I handle rejection?

I love it when a person rejects me.

This is because their not rejecting me as a person their inner belief system is doing that inside their heads.

To be honest with you most people can't handle having a home business that is why at times to be very successful its takes lots of blood sweat and tears.

Failure is something we deal with and most overcome when running a home business.

Why may you ask? Its because we were brought up to land the dream job need a good education, study hard, and make yourself valuable to your company.

Wrong, How do you Donald Trump or any enterpeur started out they made themselves valuable by creating a brand and sharing this with like minded individuals.

Not everyone, should have a home business because you will not get rich overnight it will take many years of failures and successes to become successful.

7 years part time myself in this great industry and on top of that doing college, and a full time miltary career.

So time is not on my side so I make myself very valuable by providing something to help other like-minded people.

If you would like to know what that is contact me or visit my profile.

Alan Nunes
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« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2008, 03:15:23 AM »

Instead of trying to convince someone that it isn't a pyramid.  Just move on to the next person.  Time is money and those are closed minded thinkers and most of the time you can't change them anyways...
Carmel B
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« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2008, 08:03:58 PM »

You will always get people to knock something when they clearly do not understand it , or they are just dissapointed that they cannot get rich quick! Some people expect that doing business will make you rich overnight, anyone in business knows that is not true, and in fact it takes a while for any sort of business to grow,

If i set up a shop for example, fit it out with the latest design shop fittings, fancy window display, fill the shop with all the products open the door, and expect what? people to come running?

No way, you must research the market, you must advertise your product, you must give customers an incentive to buy from you, and give them discount or so sort of commission to get more people to buy from you, now with this shop i could spend thousands of Dollars/euros etc to set up, and make no sale if i do  not advertise it, if i do not give my customers an incentive to buy from me, , but if i do, then i will be in business, and it will grow in time, i will build my customer base.

With GDI, you have the research market done for you by the experts, you have the shop fittings ready set for you in your back office and you have your latest design window display, 'VIDEO PRESENTATION' you have the incentive for the customers to buy from you, 'COMMISSION' MONTLY INCOME' and you have the product 'DOMAIN NAME + WEBSITE + HOSTING '

and all for only €10 dollars per month

Any one who is negative about your business just forget it, dont bother about it, you are the winner here, only two type of people could ever say anything negative about this business , 1. those people who have no dreams     2, people who have dreams but expect to do nothing to get them


Today one of my prospects rang me to cancel her account on the 7th day of trial period
She explained to me that its not really for her,
I said to her, sorry to hear that but no problem just give me few mins to have a look for how to cancel on the website and ill send you email

I emailed her sometime later, with the link to cancel her account, and this is what i said:

' Hi ----------,

Sorry for delayed response, i had to find out how to cancel accounts, as no one ever asked me before so i didnt really know how, sorry for that,

here is the link :


got to go,
keep in touch

well later that night, i got email reply from her, saying
Hi Carmel;'

Thanks for your email, sorry to bother you but, has no one really ever wanted to cancel this with you, im surprised , well the real reason i wanted to cancel is  not that i dont think its good, well actually it looks great, but i have no clue how to do any of it.........i havent cancelled yet and was wondering if you maybe have some time to chat with me, and see if i can understand it better, i would really love to earn extra money, but im not very good at these things.......like selling and stuff, could you maybe show me how to do it?


so the ones that knock it, just dont know  how........lets show them!

Goodnight GDI'rs........

Jr. Member
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« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2008, 01:55:37 AM »

You can develope a thick skin,or let it roll off your back as if you were a duck.

You can take it standing or sitting. I prefer a Autoresponder system. it works
27/7 people have a chance to think about it and if they want it they try it.
I don't have to worry about spam.

The more information the better. Read it at your best time. If they want to talk
that information is there also.


Success Is What You Make Of It!
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« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2008, 08:50:20 AM »

There's always rejection in any business.
What I do is overtime I build a portfolio of different businesses or affiliate programs.
So even if I am rejected for this business, I will try to find out what do my prospects need and offer them alternative solutions.
If I can't solve it, I will direct them to other business owners in my team whom I think can help them.

This way, I build good rapport from those who are not interested in my business, at the same time help to expand the businesses of my other contacts.
So it's always a win-win.

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« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2008, 02:59:09 PM »

hi my name is don and a newbie... you had a message at the bottom of your thread stating something like getting 500 visitors to ur site daily...   that would be great... how do i do this???
There's always rejection in any business.
What I do is overtime I build a portfolio of different businesses or affiliate programs.
So even if I am rejected for this business, I will try to find out what do my prospects need and offer them alternative solutions.
If I can't solve it, I will direct them to other business owners in my team whom I think can help them.

This way, I build good rapport from those who are not interested in my business, at the same time help to expand the businesses of my other contacts.
So it's always a win-win.

Aprile Snyder
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« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2008, 09:18:21 AM »

Hi everyoneCheesy

One important lesson I have learned to help keep my frame of mind positive and flowing towards success is that not everyone we contact or who requests additional info from us about this awesome opportunity is going to be right for our own team. Some may disagree and think that doesn't make sense b/c this is a numbers business and the more numbers the better but would you rather have 1 good person who builds and helps you climb too or 10 who pull on your line trying to bring you down until they finally fall off? We can be and should be selective to find those who are willing to learn, be open-minded, and will treat this business like a billion dollar industry, which it is.
Even though we are in a recruiting business- I dont adopt the attitude I have to recruit just anyone- I look at as if I am an HR Asst looking for the best person for the job, for my team. If they are willing to learn then I will be help them with whatever resources I can provide. 

Have an awesome week, year, and life! Aprile
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« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2010, 12:30:13 PM »

I plan on not even dealing with rejection. I use the DVD, if they have questions afterwords I can answer them and fill the unclear spots. If they have some objections, I can try to deal with those too. But if they are completely not interested, I don't plan on dealing with them. Simple. Don't put more time or energy into it than you have to. The GDI program is not a difficult one.

Preston Blarek
Independent Global Affiliate
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