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Author Topic: can someone help me with this  (Read 177006 times)
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« Reply #300 on: January 26, 2010, 06:58:00 AM »

Hi, I'm new to these business.

Can someone help explain or guide me through a bit on what do I have to do?
Posts: 38

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« Reply #301 on: January 26, 2010, 12:11:17 PM »

Hi, I'm new to these business.

Can someone help explain or guide me through a bit on what do I have to do?
  Well let me say first: Welcome to GDI .  Are you still in you're 7 day free trial?  Have you been sending out you're invitation e-mails? Have you been using flyers or drop cards in you're area, letting people know about the business? Have you been directing people to you're automated site? Have you been advertising on Google,yahoo or any other of the search engines? Have you been using twitter,facebook,myspace or any other social media? If the answer was no to any of these then you can see why you have not seen the fruits of you're labor because you have not put forth the effort to make you're business grow, sorry to be so outspoken but GDI is just like any other business that you might own.  It takes a determination and effort to put you're business out there for people to see before you will realize the building of you're down line.  If I can be of assistance feel free to message me. Eddie

"We strive each day to improve our lives and hopefully help others"
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« Reply #302 on: January 27, 2010, 03:13:34 AM »

Hello GDI Affiliates,

I had joined GDI since three weeks ago. I had posted my ad on free classified sites on the Internet also Facebook too. I am not getting no results and no money.

Could you please provide me a good creative GDI sample classified advertisment for posting on the Internet? In GDI Private Members Area, I cannot search anywhere that has sample GDI ads or messages section in the members' area page. With your help it will bring traffic to my GDI website and get new downlines and commissions too. Again could you please give me your sample GDI ad along with the title of the ad for me to post on the Internet? I am considering to advertise my ad in my local area soon.

I appreciate your time and support. Hope your GDI business going well for you successfully.

I look forward for your reply either on this forum or my email address below.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 03:15:10 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #303 on: January 28, 2010, 01:13:08 PM »

Hello GDI Affiliates,

I had joined GDI since three weeks ago. I had posted my ad on free classified sites on the Internet also Facebook too. I am not getting no results and no money.

Could you please provide me a good creative GDI sample classified advertisment for posting on the Internet? In GDI Private Members Area, I cannot search anywhere that has sample GDI ads or messages section in the members' area page. With your help it will bring traffic to my GDI website and get new downlines and commissions too. Again could you please give me your sample GDI ad along with the title of the ad for me to post on the Internet? I am considering to advertise my ad in my local area soon.

I appreciate your time and support. Hope your GDI business going well for you successfully.

I look forward for your reply either on this forum or my email address below.


Hi Anthony.  There are a few things to keep in mind when promoting GDI (or any business).  It doesn't matter how you promote, you need to take daily action.  What that means is, you need to write at least one ad every day and post it on multiple classified ad sites.  I'm sure you have noticed that there are hundreds, even thousands of people posting on classified ad sites about the very same kind of thing you are.  So, if you want a response to your ads you need to post at least one every day on multiple sites.  You will likely see little results for the first few weeks and even months of doing this.  But keep at it.  What you are doing is building a presence and making it more likely that when someone does a search they will come across your ad and not somebody else.

Also, be aware that building a business takes time.  You have to be patient and not think in terms of days or weeks.  Think in terms of months and years.  Every "overnight" success you think you see is backed by years of experience and failure.  The reason they finally became that "overnight" success is they never gave up and they took daily consistent action.  That's not just in internet marketing.  That's in every single profession and area of life.  Athletes work hard every day, play for next to nothing on unknown teams, fail over and over again, miss shots constantly until finally, one day, they make that game winning shot.  And then they start to move up.  An online business is not a quick fix, or a way to instantly make money.  It takes a lot of work, and a lot of time.

With that said, you can't just rely on daily consistent action.  This is perhaps one of the greatest secrets of internet marketers, but it is not the only secret.  The next secret is to constantly learn, grow and train (just like athletes).  So, you are asking about what ads you should write.  Instead of delving into copywriting I'm going to suggest you go out and get yourself two books.  There are many great books on the subject, these are just two that I think will really help you out.  "Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words" and "Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich: Create Winning Ads, Web Pages, Sales Letters and More".

These will show you how to write great copy, whether that be for your website, your ads or even your emails.  Copywriting is a skill that hands down all marketers must learn.

This wasn't what you were asking for, but it will help.  Do not give up, place those ads every day, send out your invitations every day and learn the whole time.

Here's to your success, Anthony!  Smiley

Vincent R. Parker
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« Reply #304 on: February 08, 2010, 03:00:35 AM »

So i have made my website and its missing one thing, a little button that takes them to the Register Page (a register page that i get credit for them signing up)

any help?
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Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #305 on: February 08, 2010, 07:35:54 AM »

So i have made my website and its missing one thing, a little button that takes them to the Register Page (a register page that i get credit for them signing up)

any help?

Hi Tyler.  I'm not 100% sure of what you are asking here.  If what you are looking for is the link to send people to so you get credit you can send them to https://www.website.ws/kvmlm2/dispatch.dhtml?sponsor=YOURGDIUSERNAME

Just be sure to replace "YOURGDIUSERNAME" with your GDI username.  Smiley

Hope this helps and if not, write a new post and we'll help any way that we can.

Vincent R. Parker
L Wadley
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« Reply #306 on: March 16, 2010, 02:52:17 AM »

I recently bought into a lead co-op the leads are funneled through a website that will show my GDI website, but I don't know what to do after.

I have been tweaking, deleting, and searching around the net for information. No matter what I do It leads me to the same conclusion.. All my sites are just getting the lead to watch the movie twice and sign up again.

This is the first big promotion that I have been involved in, but I think that I have gone over my head any help or advice?

What should my site do to keep the lead? I have an AR, but I can't just put up a page with just that.

Heeeelp  Huh
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« Reply #307 on: March 19, 2010, 06:38:52 AM »

This is my second post regarding this but for some reason the first post didn't go through. I am wondering why the .ws websites do not show up in the search bars? I need to be able to answer this question for potential sign-ups. Thanks.
« Reply #308 on: March 20, 2010, 08:03:26 PM »

This is my second post regarding this but for some reason the first post didn't go through. I am wondering why the .ws websites do not show up in the search bars? I need to be able to answer this question for potential sign-ups. Thanks.

.ws websites do appear in the search bar via the various search engines out there (Google, Yahoo, etc).  The .ws extensiion is no different than any others. 

To validate my response, I entered my .ws webiste in the Google search bar and it appeared in the #1 position out of 61,000,000+ websites. 

In order for any website, regardless of the extension, it must be crawled by the search engine spiders and bots before it is listed in the search engine.

Let me know if I answered your question completely and to your satisfaction.
Julia Ramirez
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« Reply #309 on: April 05, 2010, 02:57:58 AM »

How can you be successful, when you have not contact with the outside world?? I homeschool, and we live way out in the country, and I really don't have any contact with anyone. My kids and I are all we have. How do I find leads that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for?? Is there a training class for people like me? Where do I even start? I just need some advice to where I will need to start.Please anyone who would give me some advice please feel FREE to do so. I have to make this work because I have two teenagers now and it is time to buy cars and send them to college. We also just bought a new house. Thank you so much for all your advice and help in advance!

Only You can make yourself a success!!
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Chilling at The Hilton, NYC

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« Reply #310 on: April 16, 2010, 07:25:21 AM »

Hi I was wondering if anyone know what to do with free leads that you get from get leads 4 free site, can you place these leads in your autoresponder or is there a special mailer to use? Huh
Posts: 43

Kitty Brown [Kitty Jellinek maiden name]

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« Reply #311 on: April 17, 2010, 06:44:01 AM »

How can you be successful, when you have not contact with the outside world?? I homeschool, and we live way out in the country, and I really don't have any contact with anyone. My kids and I are all we have. How do I find leads that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for?? Is there a training class for people like me? Where do I even start? I just need some advice to where I will need to start.Please anyone who would give me some advice please feel FREE to do so. I have to make this work because I have two teenagers now and it is time to buy cars and send them to college. We also just bought a new house. Thank you so much for all your advice and help in advance!

Hi Julia,
Your computer is your contact with the outside world. You can reach more people worldwide via the internet than you could possible meet in person.
Personally I find Internet Marketing far more successful than direct marketing.
My formula in being successful with any Internet business including GDI is:

Great Product [GDI] + website [GDI hosting] + hoards of targeted Traffic coming to your website = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I have been making a full time income online for years. Everything I have learned is outlined in easy to follow step by step free tutorials on my sites.

Getting interested people to look at your offers is easy when you know how - so avail yourself of my free information 24/7.

Nothing will happen if you do not take action. Be prepared to put time and effort into your own business. It takes dedicated effective WORK to build your business.

Your work will be handsomely rewarded if you do not waste time on useless methods advertised by every would be if they could be Guru out there.



Kitty Jellinek is a published author and web developer. Online for over 12 years and loving it.
My contact details Private Messaging etc can be found at: http://mikode.net/ - the Worldwide Local Community Network site.
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« Reply #312 on: April 20, 2010, 11:19:38 AM »

Hi, arleady 2 days, i've requested only this kinde of messages !
in 2 days i have arleady 11 message of this kine, and no referral sign up !
why ?
Ther is a problem with my account or wath ?
And 1 more problem i don't see this guys in my downline , but GDI have mailed ther contact info to me .
i don't understend.....
Posts: 43

Kitty Brown [Kitty Jellinek maiden name]

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« Reply #313 on: April 22, 2010, 03:09:45 AM »

Hi, arleady 2 days, i've requested only this kinde of messages !
in 2 days i have arleady 11 message of this kine, and no referral sign up !
why ?
Ther is a problem with my account or wath ?
And 1 more problem i don't see this guys in my downline , but GDI have mailed ther contact info to me .
i don't understend.....

I'm having a little difficulty in understanding your problem.
If you believe you are getting notifications that you have signed up people
but do not see them in your downline - I think you should email support
from within your members area.



Kitty Jellinek is a published author and web developer. Online for over 12 years and loving it.
My contact details Private Messaging etc can be found at: http://mikode.net/ - the Worldwide Local Community Network site.
Posts: 2

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« Reply #314 on: May 01, 2010, 05:27:32 AM »

I'm from Switzerland and my english is very bad! I need somebody to help me, because i'm register today for 7 days free but I don't interessted because I don't understand english and this is very difficult for me!
How do I cancel my account? I don't see a button for delete the account! please help! thanks

Contact the GDI representative for this. All cancellation will have to be verified through phone. The contact number is in your GDI personal details.
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