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Author Topic: The Power of Network Marketing!  (Read 46156 times)
Tiehu Clarke
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« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2007, 10:59:47 AM »

 Smiley Hi guys i'm new to GDI I really think it is a great web site!!, so now i'm seeking ways to build a net working team how do i do that any suggestions. I have basically desiminate all my site on the search engines but now, i really need to find a way of building team.

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« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2008, 08:56:06 AM »

I am a New Member of GDI. I need Some Experience GDI Members Assistance. I didnt Get Any Downline Yet.

Hi There!
This is Sharanyan From Srilanka.
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« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2008, 03:44:04 AM »

G'day mates in MLM,

I was with GDI and two other MLM based companies several years back but I had to resign due to ill health, first with my wife then I too became ill. As I was seriously ill I could not use my computer or the net, anyway, I had more important things to think about at that time.
When I was released from hospital and my health improved, I decided to get myself another ISP and "try" to generate an income from MLM again... So starting from scratch I rejoined two of the companies I had been with before my bout of ill health, the third company, I found out later, has been renamed, but I had already found another long standing health company with a great reputation to take the place of the old health company and I plan on staying with and promoting them!

I had been with those first three companies since, 1, 2000, 2, 2004 and the health company #3, 20001 and I did use the three companies products, then a mystery illness hit me in Sep' 2006, after that I had a massive heart attack at the end of Jan' 2007 and was hospitalised for a procedure, I was released from hospital at the end of Feb' 2007 and I did not feel well enough to get a new ISP and get back online till Nov' 2007.
Once I got back online what was the first thing I did? I went and joined the companies I had been with "before" I became ill!
Anyway this saga is about MLM and promoting MLM programs so here's what I found.
Back in 2004 I bought a cgi script that would let me run my own downline club, I listed the programs I was with and started promoting my downline club URL and I did manage to recruit a couple of hundred members but...Not "one" of those members followed me into any of the Business Building Programs I had listed in my club!
The products I was promoting are great products that are in demand world wide, the monthly fees were very reasonable and I was using and recommending the products! But no-one would walk in my footsteps!

Okay! So what did I do? I dropped the club, dumped the members list and stopped promoting the club and the products but I continued to use the products myself...till I became ill, so I had been using those companies products for over five years...from 2000, up till I became ill in 2006!

When I got back online in Nov' 2007, I rejoined the companies because they all have great product which I use, I know these products are used by millions world wide and after five years or more of dealing with the companies, I know the companies are honest and above board.
I updated my downline membership script and published the script to a new domain I registered for that purpose and I am working on a few other sites (community site) for the members of my downline club, I want to build a MLM community where people/members can earn an income, can correspond with each other, share pictures and ideas with each other and more but... I feel I have little chance of success.

In the past, before I became ill, I had a couple of hundred members in my club...I wanted those members to take the easy way to making money in MLM by following me into the programs I "knew" to be honest and had in-demand world wide products but
Each and every one of my members wanted to promote a "Pay Your $25 And Become A Gazillion air Overnight"!
I got pretty fed-up receiving emails from members stating,

Bill, I have just found this great program, it's in prelaunch at present and will only cost you $25 or whatever to get in! This is going to be gigantic Bill, you don't have to do any promoting, no meetings, no phone calls, you just pay the money and reap millions! So let’s promote it to all the members so as they get in early!

Needless to say, I did "not" promote any of those rip-off programs to my club members but I did join two of them so that I could give an honest report to my members, with one I got in early and got my $25 back but that was all, with the second, I paid my $25 but got nothing in return! Anyway, I found most people "want" to believe the BS that says they can pay $25 or whatever and make millions by doing no work of any kind, just get one or two friends to join the program!

And so I don't hold much hope of people believing me when I say that making money from MLM is easy and fun, they only need to be prepared to "invest" around $1.50US per day in "their" future, follow me into two programs that I have been with for five years and they will be well on their way to MLM success! But too many people have the “Do Nothing” BS mentality on making an income online...and that’s a great pity!

Sorry for the long rambling post, I wish you one and all great success in your efforts to be successful with MLM.

Bill Whiteside

PS. Should you want any information on my Downline Building Club, PM me and I’ll get the details to you.


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Tremayne Robinson
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« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2008, 03:50:36 PM »

Thankk you Rhonda for such infomative information about Marketing. Very Nice.

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« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2008, 10:37:53 AM »

 Leadership is precious and a valuable quality one must respect at all times, including the leader himself.   Not respecting this privilege can lead to massive destruction to you and your sales force.

It doesn’t matter if you are in network marketing, a director of a strong sell force, or a manager of a bunch of customer service reps, you must value leadership.   Your team is more dependent upon your actions, thoughts, and speech more than you realize.   One false move or inaccurate speech could diminish the relationship between the follower and the leader instantly.

I have a good business partner of mine (I’ll call him Shawn) who I’ve also established a solid friendship as well, outside of business.  We often consult to one another about the ups and downs of business, how to expand, increase more sales, and more ways to motivate our network marketing team.  Often he complains that the person he follows and looks towards for leadership isn’t there.  He states he doesn’t answer or returns his phone calls, and hasn’t for filled his promise to him. 

The promise mentioned at the beginning: guide him to riches beyond his scope and help him become successful.  The problem:  Two years into his pursuit of happiness, he’s more successful than being armed with riches beyond his imagination.  Shawn now views his leader as misleading, not helpful and it seems he’s willing to give up being a follower of his authority and leadership.  The relationship that was once as solid as a rock is now weakened to the likeness as a sand castle built at the foot of the ocean shores.   

Was leadership in question with this scenario or not?  That depends on the time frame given, if it was ever mentioned.   But the point here shows how priceless leadership is to a follower seeking guidance.  It is a privilege and honor to whom possesses it.  The guidelines to becoming a successful leader in business and network marketing are priceless.  These rules should empower you to transform into the leader followers are seeking:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.       <!--[endif]-->The ability to develop in other people and others want to follow.  Good leaders will develop other leaders within their team or sales force.  Leaders can’t be intimidated when a followers develops into a leader.  A leader’s goal is to birth leaders and develop them into self sufficient soldiers.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.       <!--[endif]-->Unification. Getting everyone on your team doing the same thing. Constantly gathering the team together forms a strong bond of unity among each other. Leaders must consistently unify his group in order to develop them and help them grow.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.       <!--[endif]-->Decision makers.  Powerful leaders are decision makers.   They shall often make non-wavery decisions based on the team rather than themselves.  A leader without a firm decision is not a leader and followers will not continue to be lead by non decision makers.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.       <!--[endif]-->Getting the team paychecks.  Your followers believed in you enough for you to sponsor them, lead them to success, now you must show them the money.  It’s a leader’s obligation if the followers are coachable.  Show your team how to produce paychecks consistently, and they will gracefully trust and respect you.  Financial success is the main reason they started.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.       <!--[endif]-->Lead by example. This should have been number one.   You must walk the talk before you can give orders.  Whatever you ask your followers to do, it must be something you’re willing and capable of doing.  If you can’t run four miles non-stop then don’t expect your followers to do otherwise. Leading by example demonstrates that you have to know how beforehand.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.       <!--[endif]--> Loyalty.  Can your followers trust you?  This is a personal characteristic that must exist in every leader. Loyalty will last when everything else falls apart.  A disloyal leader is one of the major causes of failures within groups.

A leader missing anyone of these traits is doomed for failure, and his followers.  Possess and learn these principles, and you will lead many to success.  Swarms of people will follow you in all walks of life.  Be glad that you are chosen for leadership, because leadership is a privilege, and not a sacrifice.

Santos Jonathan
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« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2008, 03:15:24 PM »

Yes,  I am tired of the rat race and I am looking forward to making some stream of income with GDI.   So here I go...again. 
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« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2008, 06:05:42 PM »

I've always found it alot easier to market GDI to fellow network marketers!

That said, my network did not grow like I imagined it would.

I think it was because the majority of them were just believers of MLM but had no more friends and family to sell thier new network marketing business too.

I think everyone is jumping on the buying leads or generating leads and pestering them with spam bandwagon.

Come on guys, do you like spam?

Too many people are getting rich promoting this CRAP!

We need real duplication too make GDI work for all of us

I believe in the power of network marketing but we have to put our heads together and come up with a REAL answer to the DUPLICATION mystery.

Take a look at my blog to see where my head is at and comment back if I'm on to something.

This kind of colloboration is what we need to make GDI a REALITY for all who join,


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Preston Blarek
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« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2009, 05:29:08 AM »

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to share my marketing plan that I made with GDI. I am planning on marketing GDI to my local small businesses that do not have websites. I plan on telling them about how we don't charge for separate services, they can get ALL of our services for only $10 a month. Being that there are a lot of other sites out there that do website services, I tell them that we are able to keep our costs down by doing direct sales and the money we save we reinvest in our customers/clients. That's when I lead into the income opportunity, asking if they have ever gotten paid for recommending a book, restaurant or service. Your answer is almost always going to be NO! Then I tell them that for every person that they recommend our services to, that they get paid %10 on five levels (basically, I break down how our pay scale works and I have a print off of the commission pay document from the back office documents so they have something to look at and read) So, to give them ideas and help see the EASY EASY income opportunity, I tell them that if they know someone who needs a website (and I list examples such as a private music teacher, another small business owner, a garage band, etc.) or if they know someone who is looking for a nice income opportunity, to sign them up and tell them about the 7 day free trial! I also, use the marketing DVD's to go around my town to find willing affiliates looking for a nice income. There are certainly more than ENOUGH small business w/o web service that people would be able find plenty of clientele.   

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« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2010, 02:53:25 AM »

in the money im lovin it like mcdonalds
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« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2010, 07:24:12 AM »

I have been affiliated with GDI for some time now, maybe for a couple years, off and on. I have to say, I'm still learning everyday and will be for life. Im ready to get seriously active in here. Thanks for all the tips, and advice, everyone.
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« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2011, 11:05:26 AM »

this is all good post! thanks for the value.

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