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1  .WS Business / Training / Re: What are the BIG Hitters doing? on: August 30, 2006, 09:43:17 AM
Sorry Jason,

I don't mean to be vague, but the rules of the forum are clear.

I CAN NOT post links in the forum. 

However, the forum moderators DO allow Instant Messaging.

Jason Klein

2  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Very excited new member here! on: August 30, 2006, 03:36:29 AM
Welcome to GDI Michael,

This is the place to be!

3  .WS Business / Training / Re: Leaderboard Questions on: August 17, 2006, 10:56:45 AM
The Leaderbord has quite a few repeat weekly leaders.
Does anyone know how these leaders promote/advertise GDI?
How do they do It?

We use a 100% generic system that is not free to use, bit also virtually guarantees our success!.

In fact, users of this system now make up more than half of the GDI leaderboard and 70% of ALL the bonus money.

These guys are my upline and my downline.

I've helped my own downline get on the leaderboard in their very first month.

Best of all, unlike other systems, it's open to everyone and free to join!

I work with several GDI members who are not even in my downline.

By helping others, more people will come to love GDI and I in turn get to network with other
successful Internet businesspeople in which I can collaborate and learn from.

Best of Luck To All!
4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Best way to advertise? on: August 11, 2006, 10:32:12 AM
I get numerous signups with different methods, both free and paid, but so far nothing
beats Google Adwords and good solo ads in ezines.

For Google, I use keywords such as:

work at home
work from home
make money at home
make money from home
moms make money at home
moms make money from home
home business
easy home business
easy home biz

Of course these words need to be formatted with [keyword], "keyword", and also
broken up into adgroups.

I also send my traffic to a simple 3-Step site that tells my prospect "exactly" what to
do and how to make money with me.  This converts MUCH better than just sending
traffic to the GDI site (which everyone else is doing).

More info about landing pages and free Google tips can be found at my website.

Best of Luck to All!
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Target Other Network Marketers on: August 07, 2006, 01:26:35 PM
Hi Everyone,

I suggest you all try to target other network marketers who haven't yet discovered GDI, in addition to just the "biz opp" seekers. 

These can be people who are losing money with a company and need extra income, people with MLM experience who need a new company, or people who need their MLM fire rekindled with an good quality program like GDI.

MLM has a 95% failure rate and GDI is what the industry needs to help turn the failure rate into a 95% success rate

  • network marketers understand MLM and you don't need to teach them anything
  • network marketers are happy to spend money if they can make a long term return on it
  • network marketers are drowing in failure and will listen to a $10/month plan that will make money for them
  • network marketers don't need "baby-sitting".  They will hit the ground running and start sponsoring people on their own quickly
  • network marketers are the ones who will step forward to be leaders in your GDI downline, and will allow you to form a powerful "mastermind" team to become even more powerful.

Whatever you do though, DO NOT go out and try to "poach" people from other companies!

Just let them know you can offer them a simple and inexpensive opportunity with a proven system.  People don't like to be "sold".

Happy Marketing,
6  .WS Business / Team Building / Do you move your downline members? on: August 06, 2006, 01:03:31 AM
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion out there as to whether or not
we should move our downline members or not.

Some don't do it because they fear losing their GDI weekly bonus, but it seems
clear to me that GDI gives bonuses on your referrals, not your placements.

Also, GDI send out emails suggesting we build a stable organization of 10 wide, 5 down matrix.

That's what I'm doing now.  I figure if I help all my first level members get into
profit ASAP, the more excited they will be and I will have eliminated any chance of attrition.
It makes sense.

Why do I need to build a mamoth-sized first level anyway when my 3rd, 4th,
and 5th level are so much smaller? 

I think it makes a lot of sense to move members to help our downline.

What does the rest of this forum think?

7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Google Adwords is a very effective way to get many prospects! on: August 06, 2006, 01:00:51 AM
Google Adwords works VERY well with GDI, but....

you need a good landing page to bring them to.  Simply dropping them off at the GDI site may be waste of money.

I write simple ads, aimed at the work from home crowd and then send them to my landing page.  There, they are presented with 3 Simple Steps to success.  Cheap and simple.....that's what the biz opp crowd wants.  It works like a charm!

This is the same thing that GDI heavy weight, Paul Birdsall does and he is sitting on a $1300 bonus (68 new members) for this week!

If you want help writing ads or more info about landing pages, I'm happy to give anyone a hand.  Just send me a private message.

See You On the leaderboard!

8  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Best way to advertise? on: August 02, 2006, 10:20:43 AM
Good ideas here,

I would recommend Google Adword instead of newspaper ads.  In Google, you only pay if people click on your ad, so you won't waste your money as easily as a newspaper ad.  Get a good ad on Google and when it converts well, THEN you move that successful ad to other media like newspaper, ezine solo ads, etc.

You may also consider using a generic and educational capture page that will help you stand out from all the other GDI members who are promoting their .ws sites.

The most successful members of GDI use a combination of all these methods and more to build their GDI incomes.

Happy Marketing,
9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: August 02, 2006, 10:20:43 AM
A lead capture page is simply a short webpage that asks for a person's name and email address in exchange for offering more info.

The name and email is then entered into an autoresponder email system that send messages regularly to the lead.  This repeat contact builds a relationship and converts leads into members at a much higher rate than  a one-time exposure ever could.

See You On The Leaderboard!

10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Or on: July 13, 2006, 04:59:22 PM
Joel is spot on here.

My success with converting interested prospects to paid downline members has increased dramatically since I started using a fantastic lead capture page and auto responder message campaign.  I suggest you make a capture page and then clearly state HOW you will help the prospect promote GDI using your system.  After all why should they join your GDI biz as opposed to the thousands of other people promoting it?

GDI is a great company with an outstanding comp plan.  What's missing is an automated system that will first educate propects about the business, build their trust, and THEN send them to GDI. 

My teammates, using the same lead capture page, are raking in more than 50% of the GDI bonus money. 

With so MANY other people promoting GDI using the same sales page, how are you going to get prospects to choose yours?  Rely on luck? 

Best Regards,
11  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: July 13, 2006, 04:52:53 PM
I use ad tracking to show me what works and what doesn't.  From that I was surprised to find that over 90% of my signups come from Google Adwords.  Google is quite simply awesome!

Link exchanges are also good, but I avoid lead companies.  (lead companies dig up  "bottom of the barrel" type people and then charge you through the nose for the contact info.)

However, I don't send my prospects to the GDI site.  So many thousands of other people use that exact same site.  Instead I send them to a generic but catchy lead capture page that builds a relationship with them first.  My page tells the prospect WHY  it will be different with me and HOW they will succeed with me.

You could build a site such as this yourself, but I use a free site with a built in autoresponder and just forward my .ws site to that instead.

All the best,

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