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1  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website on: November 26, 2006, 09:26:49 PM
I just updated my site!

2  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website on: October 09, 2006, 09:32:28 PM

While this is not a "new" .ws SiteBuilder website I wanted to share some of my experience.  Plus I'd like some feedback.

I originally built this as a training website for my downline and I started adding Google AdSense about a year ago and I have made almost $300 in AdSense earnings mainly from natural search engine traffic.  If you look on my site I have a section on Google Adsense.

TIP!! Make sure you are using the "Page Meta Tags" function on your site.

There are a couple of 100% Free tools you can use to track your visitors.  There are no affiliate programs of any kind assosiated with the links.

http://www.HitTail.com -  HitTail reveals in real-time the least utilized, most promising keywords hidden in your natural search results. We present these terms to you as suggestions that when acted on will boost the natural search results of your site.  Click on DEMO for a movie that explains how it works.

http://www.google.com/analytics/ - After you sign up for Google AdSense, sign up for Google Analytics.  - Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. 

You CAN turn your .ws SiteBuilder site into a money maker and promote your GDI business.

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA
3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 13, 2005, 08:19:03 AM
Here are a few generic images I've collected over the last few years.  Some of them can be used to make postcard sized fliers.

If nothing else, you can use them as a guide for your own ads.  Pay attention to the way they are structured.  Notice they start out with an attention grabbing headline.

Just right mouse click and save them to your computer.

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 10, 2005, 09:08:45 PM
Hi Deborah,

I have to disagree with anyone that says that GDI is an affiliate program and not MLM (aka Network Marketing).  By the way I don't really like the term MLM either, but it's much easier to type!  Wink

We do call ourselves affiliates, but I believe GDI is more like a hybrid combination of both, but it's more like an MLM. 

How do I know? 

I have been in the MLM industry for over 6 years now and I am also a very active affiliate marketer.  I have also developed several websites that promote true affiliate program links like eBay, JC Whitney, Amazon etc..  Those companies do not pay on multiple levels and I can't recruit other reps and get paid when they sell something. 

Remember, GDI pays on 5 levels!  (Doesn't that sound like Multi Level Marketing to you?)


MLM or multi level marketing is a way of selling products and services through distributors/reps.  An MLM program generally strongly encourages you to recruit other reps and generate sales. Commission payments are given for both recruiting distributors as well as generating sales. A MLM program also always involves an initial investment. 

Most MLM companies pay you a one time bonus for recruiting other reps, but GDI does not (leader-board doesn't count).

An affiliate program is way different from an MLM in the sense that it is referral based marketing and are typically not more than 2 levels (tiers).  An affiliate program requires you to generate sales referrals to the affiliate merchant's website and can earn you commissions based on the type of affiliate plan you opted for. For instance a pay per click plan involves you to get paid based on the number of clicks a visitor from your site generates on the affiliate merchant's website irrespective of the sale he makes. Most affiliate programs are free to join.

The vast majority of affiliate programs DO NOT pay you a monthly residual, only a one time commission!

Two tier affiliate programs do exist, and in a way a two tier affiliate programs can be considered to be somewhat near to a MLM strategy but not close enough. In fact the laws and restrictions change dramatically when you go over 2 levels.

Major differences between an affiliate program and a MLM program*

  • Firstly an MLM program involves you to pay a small joining fees as compared to affiliate programs that are generally free
  • MLM program needs a person to develop a networking team that an affiliate program does not involve
  • Most of the MLM programs need you to buy their products and use them before actually carrying out the marketing process. Something that an affiliate marketing program does not involve.
  • An MLM program involves being part of a team that an affiliate program does not involve

I hope this clears any confusion

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA[/color]
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters....Share your best!! on: August 08, 2005, 07:00:03 PM
Hi folks,

If you are having success marketing the product, then I would tell you to keep doing what you are doing. But you might want to start experimenting with marketing the opportunity too, because that is the reason 68% of the people join. I would think there would be less people looking for hosting and more people looking for opportunity out there.

In my opinion, promoting the product is like fishing in a pond and promoting the opportunity is like fishing in the ocean.  Oh by the way, when you fish in the ocean your chances of catching a large fish or a whale is a whole lot better than fishing in that pond.  What I mean by a large fish or whale is describing the people with prior MLM experience and may have a whole school of fish following them right into your net called GDI!

Let's talk about the physiology of advertising:

I'm sure most of you have heard of a company called clickbank.  They help people that have created e-books a place to sell what they have created.  If you start clicking on some of the links and checking out their sales pages, you will notice one common thread.  They are all structured the same.  They start off with a compelling and attention getting something like this:

"Here's Exactly How My Software Will Help You Get TONS More Traffic As Easily As Turning On A Water Faucet!"

Read On To Discover Just How Easy And Simple It Is For You To Be Uncovering New Traffic Streams That Won't Cost You A Red Dime In Just Minutes From Now!

Then they go on to tell you how their idea will benefit you, potential buyer.  Throw in some testimonials, and voila!

The point I am trying to make is that they punch you right between the eyes with your own problem then offer you some ice to make it feel better.  It's purely physiological. 

They are using "Jedi mind tricks" on you.  And it works like crazy.

What are the top 2 problems in peoples lives that are causing them to sign up in MLM???

You guessed it! More Money and More Free Time!

Tell them how GDI can fix their problems.  "Hit them between the eyes Shocked" with your ad and say GDI will make it feel all better! Then let the 7 minute movie do all of the talking.

I hope none of you think I am trying to be sarcastic, I'm just trying to help people understand the truth.  I'm not going to teach my downline to create a flyer, run an ad, create a biz card that turns off 68% of the people..  There is only a short window before your new sign-up decides to quit if he/she is not getting results.

I've seen too many people advertise the wrong way only to come to me and say GDI doesn't work.  I wan't everyone on this board to be here next year and the year after that.  I want to build a strong GDI that becomes a force to be reconed with in the MLM world.  Let's build it together.

To you MASSIVE success!
Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA
6  .WS Business / Marketing / Part 2 - Ads, flyers and business letters.... on: August 07, 2005, 08:34:52 PM
I wanted to start a new thread because the original one was getting very big.
Hi all,

I realize I posted a few times on the original post and didn't answer some of the questions or concerns and I'll try to do that now.

Someone on the original thread said he doesn't agree with my "Don't market GDI (domains/hosting)." statement...  My initial answer to his statement is in the form of a question.  WHY did you join GDI?  My broad answer to that question is that I joined for the opportunity, simplicity and low start up and monthly cost.  I could have joined any number of product based companies and pay a minimum of $100 per month auto-ship.  Personally I have never really liked that concept and have always shyed away. 

Prior to GDI I was involved with Excel a MLM telecom company.  It was expensive to join and hard to get people to fork over $400 to get started, not to mention all of the other monthly website fees, etc.

The point I am trying to make is I didn't join GDI to get hosting, email accounts and a domain. I joined for the money!

I did a little searching on Google on why most people join Network Marketing (MLM):

#1 - More money 49%
#2 - More free time 19%
#3 - Material Goods 18%
#4 - Purchase products 8%
#5 - Other 6%

This question asked for a basic, fill in the blank response. "More money" responses included those which involved any financial gain, such as "funds to invest," or "retirement account." "More free time" responses included such goals as "waking up later," "spending more time with family," or "work at home/no more commuting." "Other" usually involved personal goals such as "Security," "Self esteem," or "meet more people."

68% of the people joined for the top 2 reasons versus 26% joining for the 3rd and 4th reasons.

If 68% of the people are interested in More Money and Free Time then why are you wasting your time advertising to the 26% that joined for Material Goods or Purchase Products. Huh

As much as you and I are excited about GDI and it's domain package, it's not the real reason MOST people joined.

So with all that said, don't advertise the product, advertise the dream, which it more money and free time.  Even if you don't agree with me, don't reinvent the wheel, don't go against the grain because the grain is filled with the people that quit and gave up after advertising the product.  It's hard to argue with the facts.

To your MASSIVE success!
Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA
7  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Downline stacking on: August 05, 2005, 10:52:26 PM
I'll reply to a couple of posts with this one:

Sherri - Glad you had a good time in Lake Charles, and Kyra's answer is correct.

Like I said in my post the ONLY person that really benefits is the person doing the stacking

I understand it's your business and you can do what you want, but like my mom used to say, "It's all fun until someone gets hurt".  That someone could be YOU if you don't make your downline aware that this is a bad practice that should be avoided at all costs.  Not to mention it's "unofficially unethical".

If someone on your 3rd level signs up their spouse under them (on your 4th level) and then build under them, you just lost 1 whole level of potential earnings.

What if they sign-up their child under their spouse and started building? That would put them completely out of your 5 level organization.  You just lost 2 levels of potential earnings.

...and that hurts!

8  .WS Business / Team Building / Downline stacking on: August 03, 2005, 11:29:15 AM
I want to point out the negative impacts of a practice some people use called "Stacking".

Q: What is stacking?

A: Stacking is a term used by network marketing companies to describe a distributor’s attempt to manipulate compensation in the marketing plan by placing members of his or her household or family in the downline sales structure. It is frowned upon, and most companies have rules that are intended to discourage the practice of stacking.
source: mlmlegal.com

Stacking is a problem, and this causes commissions to move out of your payline very quickly.

The effect of stacking on your organization and earning potential as well as for your downline is dramatic and very negative! And once it starts, it is often duplicated.

After all, isn't this business about duplication? Only, the good and the bad gets duplicated equally well, and sometimes the bad a lot easier.... The only person it benefits is the person doing the stacking.

It may not be technically against GDI's rules to stack, but look at it this way...

What if you signed up a superstar, he/she then signed up their spouse, then their children and then started building his/her business on YOUR 4th or 5th level.  You would lose out big time!!!!  Especially if the person on your 5th level who was actually signed up by the person on your 1st level signs up another superstar.  They win and YOU lose.

When people view their upline and see the same last name and find out what you did they might do the same thing.

Don't do it... Don't teach it!

It seems harmless and profitable when you do it, have someone in your downline do it and your attitude changes very quickly.

Build wide, the depth will come.

I refuse to help people in my downline that practice downline stacking.  You should make your downline aware of this immediately and strongly discourage it.

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA

9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Cheapest flyer to mass distribute!!! on: August 03, 2005, 11:29:14 AM
It's been said:  The fastest way to get rich in life is to solve other people's problems.

Don't market GDI (domains/hosting).  That's just selling people another problem. 

Market a solution! 

Don't market AT people.  Think newspaper.  Most people scan the headlines, then make a decision to read the article.  You need a killer headline that will grab the prospects attention, then they can read on to get more information.  Not too much, just enough to get them to want even more.  Have them watch the movie to get the rest.  Let the system work for you.

Here is another way to look at it... When you type a search term into a search engine like Google, you get a short headline, then a short description.  You then click on the links that catch your attention.  Hopefully the website you choose will provide you with more information.  It should be a step by step process to get even more information.

What ever you do don't, make your ad say something like: "Earn $10,000 per month..."  or anything like that The internet has become infected with people advertising like that.  Just don't do it.

How many people do you personally know that earn $10,000 per month with any network/internet marketing program?  Sure it is possible to earn $10,000 per month with GDI, but what if you showed them a way to pay their car note or house note within 6 months.  That is more believable.  Put yourself in their shoes.

GDI is a vehicle to get you where you want to be, what ever that is.  The domains, hosting, etc. are just part of the package, it's the product.  You can get hosting and domains from dozens of other companies.  The difference between them and GDI is those other companies don't pay you through 5 levels of referrals every month.

The bottom line is this, most people don't really care how many email accounts or megabytes GDI's hosting has.  They want to know 3 things: 
1)  How much is it going to cost them? (Risk)
2)  How much money can they make?
3)  Do they believe they can do it?

Primary reason most people get involved in MLM:

Make More Money..........70-75%
Have More Free Time.....19%
Make New Friends...........4-7%

I hope this helps,

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA
10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Ads, fliers and business letters....Share your best!! on: July 27, 2005, 03:07:59 PM
I have been doing a lot of reading on prospecting/advertising methods, what the amateurs do and what the top money earners do.  What I found is that it's not what you say, it's how you say it that makes the difference.

Which ad would you respond to?

"Join my company XYZ and make 6 figures in 3 months!"  ( Does this look like all the other ads being places by everybody else: "Mine is better than yours" game?)


"Revealed: How I built a million dollar business from my home on a shoe-string budget.  Step-by-Step Instructions."

If you're like most people, you would choose ad #2.  It holds a higher perceived value and it's generic.  This is not a real ad , but the point is that it doesn't exclude anyone.  It's helpful and hopeful, so it will get a much higher response rate.  Not to mention that you already went down road #1.  It sucked.  You lost money, time and possibly valuable credibility.

REMEMBER THIS: The fastest way to make money is to solve other people's problems.

Don't market GDI.  That's just selling people.  It's marketing AT them.  In his book "Unleashing the Ideavirus", Seth Godin says stop advertising AT people. 

Market a solution!  Fix their problems.

Most people don't really care about how many gigabytes GDI's service has.  They want to know how GDI will solve their "lack-of-money" problems. 

I didn't join GDI because of the hosting, I can find hosting cheaper on the internet, I joined for the opportunity!  Those other hosing companies don't and won't pay me to build a 5 level organization, much less pay me commissions EVERY month.

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA
11  .WS Business / Marketing / Pass out 5,000 flyers (or more) in 1 hour... Here's how. on: July 14, 2005, 03:27:00 AM
I just posted this idea to my training newsletter.

by Steve Farber © 2005
How would you like to get a flyer about GDI in the hands of 5,000 or more people in about 1 hour? This little technique works and several years ago I tested out myself. Unfortunately I do not have any statistics to share with you but seems like I remember getting dozens of calls from a previous MLM company I was promoting.
The first step is to have some flyers http://website.ws/home/flyer printed up at your local print shop. To keep down costs, I would get them printed in black and white on a brightly colored paper like fluorescent yellow or orange. If you have the ability and know-how, I would design your own and create a flyer.
Ok you have your flyers here's what you do.  This is so simple your going to say how come I didn't think of this.
Go to a place where people are seated "stadium" style like at a football, baseball, basketball, concert, etc.  If you can, grab a friend or two who is hopefully a GDI rep in your downline.  Using your teenagers works well too.   
Here its the process step by step:
Step 1: Grab a handful of flyers and walk up to a row that is either full or almost full, tap the person on the end on the shoulder and say "Please do me a huge favor... Take one and pass it down".  You will look in amazement as your flyers are distributed by hundreds of complete strangers. 
Step 2: Repeat step 1 until all flyers have been handed out.
That's it!  People always want to help others out and they will do exactly what you asked them to do.  They typically don't even look at the flyer until they have passed them down. That's why this method works so well.
Most of your flyers will end up on the ground but you would be surprised how many people actually call or visit your website.
Typically anytime I use a method like this I don't put my personal contact information on there because every once in a while the manager will call and tell me not to do it again.  So to avoid this problem I only list my website.
Remember this before you go out. "It's easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission"!
You won't get arrested, but you may be asked to leave if the wrong person spots you but I wouldn't worry about it at all.
About the author:  Steve Farber is an independent rep. of Global Domains International - ATTN: GDI REPS: Before you republish this article in any way, send me a Private Message so can provide you with the proper "About the author" signature. Click on the icon on the left

Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish this article electronically, within ezines, websites or blogs as long as you leave all 'live' hyperlinks in place, do not alter the content and include the "About the author" and copyright information without modification.

12  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Ok..webite touch up..what ya think? on: June 05, 2005, 02:55:17 AM
Hi Gore,

The links on page 1 don't work.

If you are looking to link to a page on the right side of your site, copy and paste the link from the live site not from within WebBuilder.

The link in GREEN is the correct link and the one in RED is not.

http://www.cashperclick.ws/page2.html  vs. http://site-builder.ws/viewpage.do?pagenum=1

Hope this helps.

Steve Farber
Lake Charles, LA
13  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share your WebSite... on: May 24, 2005, 01:25:41 PM
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