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1  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Share Your Website...Calculator on: September 16, 2007, 08:20:02 AM
Hello ,

Calculator - here it is http://www.website.ws/kvmlm2/st_calculator.dhtml

just add a redirect to a frame in your html code


Alan J Chapman
2  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: September 16, 2007, 08:20:01 AM
Dan ,

I think you need to put a ? at the end of your url to make your isp update your files.

so if you were wanting to get an updated copy of http://www.website.ws then you

would type http://www.website.ws?

this is a common problem as your pc and your isp's servers will give you the cached

option for any webpage you ask for as its quicker and uses less bandwidth than going and getting

a fresh copy every time you ask

3  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: August 23, 2007, 03:14:02 AM
Hello ,

yes , I have been using purchased leads now for 3 months - the facts are self evident . I send out the 100 each day thru the GDI Invite System and get 2 people looking at the GDI movie on average each day , this has not varied over the 3 months - for those wanting a quick fix then this may not be for you , because out of the 60 who look at the movie each month only one will join - its a numbers game but one I am happy to play as it only takes me 5 minutes each day to send to 100 emails and as I am a great believer in the " Power of One " - its only a matter of time before my downline just grows and grows !

After 3 months I have a Downline of 11 , which means after just 3 months I am ahead of the Power of One Method which says I should only have 7 - Play the numbers and build day after day - just look at the leaders Board and realise that for the 10's on Thousands in GDI only a few ever sign up 5 in a week - it takes time !

4  .WS Business / Marketing / Marketing: Others having success on: August 13, 2007, 05:44:32 AM
hello Tim ,

you are correct , I have tried this approach a few times without success , even with direct questions they seem to beat around the bush. The fact is that those that are successful have worked hard to get there , you will notice some of the top in GDI have 30 years of experience in MLM , they have paid their dues as it were and have finally found GDI and are making it work.I have looked at their methods and there is no " silver" bullet , they have strategies that require time and effort each day , some claiming that in 2 hours they can do what the rest of us take 8 hours.The leaders are focused , they use all opportunities to promote and close GDI to prospects.Soem of the younger ones who are Net savy have developed programs of there own that allow them to draw others in to join thier internet marketing ideas and build their GDI downline in the process - look at payit4ward,profitwildfire and of course the popular 3in7 , there all have someone at the top who started it and now everyone joining is below them

- for me , I work full time ( 12 hours a day ) so I just buy leads and put into the GDI Invite System - can I suggest that if you have one or 2 or more in your downline thats not promoting GDI then to ask them if you can use their Invite System to send out more invites , that way your downline will feel encouraged and you increase your chances of signups - just a thought

- I do this and it takes me just 15 min a day - have 18 in my downline doing just this in less than 3 months , when you understand the "Power of One" you will see the growth that this will bring in the next 12 months

- to our success Alan
5  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Use The Invite System on: August 13, 2007, 05:44:32 AM
the invite system is as you say , "supposedly" just for those you know , in reality if you have all the details of someone who is looking for a home biz opportunity then that is valid - by details I means - first and last name , email , home address , phone number , ip address.

I believe thats how most people are using the system , if it was not allowed then GDI would be canceling memberships all over the place and you would come across posting on the net to that affect.

GDI has set up it wonderful autoresponder series , I think its for 7 days - what a waste if people couldn't use genuine bought leads from the top lead providers !
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