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Author Topic: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere  (Read 178343 times)
Posts: 6

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« Reply #120 on: November 01, 2005, 10:54:14 AM »

Don't give up before you have had an HONEST attempt people. You only have to be HONEST with yourself.

Ask yourself this; Have you really done everything that you can to get new prospects to your websites?

I don't know if everyone has seen the new Freedom.ws website but I think its a great improvement on the last one. Thats where I'll be sending my prospects. I'm sure it will convert a lot higher, only time will tell. Remember that this is a duplcable system, so if you can teach others how to do it right, at the end of the day your income is going to benefit.

The snowball effect once you have 10 fully trained downline is going to blow everyones mind.....look forward to that for sure!

I can't say Ive had any help from my upline, but I'm pretty self motivated when it comes to things like promoting something I truely believe in. This is a great, well thought out, SYSTEM!

If you really believe in this and you really want to succeed at being stinking rich, then treat this as a carreer and learn what has to be done to be the top earner.
The only way you can fail is 'give up'

I'm not sure if I'm permitted to post a link for the best affiliate course I have ever seen. The guy that wrote the course is one of the top earning affiliate marketers on the internet, and he doesn't treat you like a mushroom (left in the dark and fed bullsh@t) He tells you EXACTLY how it's done. Now, I can hear you saying 'Yeah Iv'e heard that before' Well take it from someone who has read just about every "Guru's book. This is different.

If anyone wants the link to it just email me and I'll send it to you - I have just started implementing some of the tactics he reveals and the results are starting to speak for themselves. After all....this is a numbers game! If you like it or not, there's always going to be drop outs, but they're normally the ones that can't be bothered putting in the groundwork to get the 'snowball' rolling.
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« Reply #121 on: November 19, 2005, 12:48:46 PM »

This thread is Awesome and needed a little bump...

What I wanted to point out this is a people business. You need to treat these people like people not downlines! Tell them about the things you have done in LIFE like enjoying a movie, trick or treating, what you have planned for thanksgiving. They don't want to hear about your struggles and you should NEVER EVER tell them you are having a hard time with this business. In the long run anyone that you help make say $5,000 a month is going to be your friends Treat them like your friend now and you have a WAY better chance of keeping them around to get to that $5,000. I make a fulltime income online before GDI and I will with or without my downline. But GDI is helping me CHANGE PEOPLES LIVES!!! Talk to them like people who you TRULY want to help. People you would like to be friends with after all they are your BUSINESS PARTNERS! Treat them like it! They will and do respond all the time!

Warmest Regards
Jim Hall

« Last Edit: November 19, 2005, 12:49:05 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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« Reply #122 on: December 10, 2005, 07:27:46 PM »


I agree with you the key is not to give up, because who can you place the blame on?

When you look in the mirror who was the person said this wouldn't work.

We need to surround ourselves withh postive, uplifting material, books, friends who share the same vision, and finally you must have the backing of your family.

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« Reply #123 on: December 19, 2005, 12:17:23 AM »

This thread is Awesome and needed a little bump...

What I wanted to point out this is a people business. You need to treat these people like people not downlines! Tell them about the things you have done in LIFE like enjoying a movie, trick or treating, what you have planned for thanksgiving. They don't want to hear about your struggles and you should NEVER EVER tell them you are having a hard time with this business. In the long run anyone that you help make say $5,000 a month is going to be your friends Treat them like your friend now and you have a WAY better chance of keeping them around to get to that $5,000. I make a fulltime income online before GDI and I will with or without my downline. But GDI is helping me CHANGE PEOPLES LIVES!!! Talk to them like people who you TRULY want to help. People you would like to be friends with after all they are your BUSINESS PARTNERS! Treat them like it! They will and do respond all the time!

Warmest Regards

Jim Hall

I like your style of thinking  J.Hall. I wish you great success and I have a strong feeling you will  achieve it. Cool also would like  to congratulate you on your lovely website and beautiful products quite unique.  Smiley
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 12:30:06 AM by P_Gringel » Logged
Posts: 6

"It's think and grow rich not work and grow rich."

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« Reply #124 on: December 19, 2005, 12:14:02 PM »

Hi All,

I wanted to chime in and add something if that's ok...

I have certainly read a lot of great stuff here and some
not so great stuff...

But the reality is -- starting a post like this may be interesting
to read because as humans we are all guilty at times of being
drawn toward the negative aspect of things.

Where's the post that says "Why people are staying in GDI"
(if it does exist I didn't see it) Hang on, I'll start it...

My point is this...

Like many before me have said...

Who cares why people quit?

You will never be able to figure it out. And it's my stance that
spending any amount of time on this topic is just plain insane!

Instead, why not ask those that are staying, why they stay?

Find out what is working and pass that crucial bit of information
along to the newbies.

Why they stay is the only real thing you can possible know unless
you are emailing those that quit and asking them why (which you
should be doing anyway) -- but most don't reply.

Try this... find out why people like GDI, why they work this
business over other businesses out there and then use that
info and apply it to your prospecting and teach the same to
your team.

If you ask me "why" I like GDI I would answer like this...

GDI offers a simple product with mass appeal :-)

There is no potential of government agencies like the FDA
coming in and shaking things up because a few of the affiliates
made bogus claims about the product curing some kind of
disease. (my business is safer with GDI)

It's low cost.

If I build a team of 10,000 and 100 quit... I just lost $100
dollars per month (no big deal) If I was in a company where
I earned $10 per month from each person in my downline
versus $1... what would that mean if 100 people quit? I
would lose $1,000 in monthly residuals or 10% (big deal -
no thanks)

GDI's compensation plan rocks; it rocks because they only
pay us $1 per person in our team and with long term effort
that will equal a much more secure income stream.

That is just a small list... I have many more reasons why.

Find out the reasons first, then seek others who want
the same. You'll save tons of hours of frustration and
start to have more fun :-)

As Jim Rohn says...

"Some Will...

Some won't...

Who cares...

Who's next!"

Happy Holidays!


To Our Success in GDI!

James & Trinette Grandstaff
« Reply #125 on: December 19, 2005, 02:33:46 PM »

Very Positive info, James!

Creates the 'right' mindset for a great 2006 and beyond.

B Chappell
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« Reply #126 on: December 21, 2005, 02:12:44 PM »

I have taken to attempting to contact the next person up from my direct sponsor as I have sent 4 emails to him with absolutely no response. BUT, I must thank Howard Martell who has been more help than I could have ever expected seeing as I am not in his downline at all. It's people like him that will make this company work.


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." The Talmud
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« Reply #127 on: December 21, 2005, 06:57:34 PM »


I wish you the best of luck with your Business since you've shown your serious about GDI.

May you continue to learn and grow as you mature in this wonderful rewarding home business.

God Bless
Joseph J
Posts: 16

"Learning is the key element to persuation"

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« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2005, 04:07:54 AM »

It only make sense that in order to get we have to give. So in terms of GDI when you really look at it,
those of you that really put an effort to make something of your business and help others to help transform
GDI, can only be given what you trully deserve.

WE have to sometimes sacrifice all for the greater good of others to then be rewarded in full.
It is a journey, not an easy one but, I think if we stick together we can overcome any obsticles.

Your Partner in Success,


B Chappell
Posts: 11

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« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2005, 12:47:41 PM »

I believe that success in this business, as in ANY business, is meaningless if it doesn't come from a place of integrity.  Personal and corporate integrity are paramount in my mind for a succesful venture. If in my mind I view gaining more money to be simply an avenue to being able to help others than, in my mind, I have a healthy attitude toward wealth, but this MUST be met with a healthy relationship with a company that ALSO views wealth in those terms. This is my primary reason for partnering with GDI. I have been involved with a couple of companies in the past that proved to be, shall we say, "shady' in their dealings as it turned out, and this is the attitude that has given the Affiliate Marketing industry a black eye. The 'anything to make a buck' mentality is arcaic and harmful in the long run, which is why the GDI mission statement was so attractive to me. We DO help ourselves by helping others.

"Work can provide the opportunity for spiritual and personal, as well as financial growth. If it doesn't, we're wasting far too much of our lives on it."

~James Autry~

This is a wonderfully practical spirituality taught by don Miguel Ruiz in his book "The Four Agreements" which have been abbreviated here: 

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

What this has to do with people quiting is; we need to be, people expect us to be, rolemodels for success. If we bring them in and simply orphan them without taking them under our wings and nurturing them along, then we can never be surprised when they stray off discouraged and following the next shiny pretty that comes along. We are making friends, and friends don't give up on friends.

Sorry to be so long winded and philosophical...I'm getting over a cold. Yeah, we'll blame it on that.


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." The Talmud
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« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2005, 11:47:20 PM »


I am very impressed with you vast knowledge of such motivational teaching.

You will be a future leader within GDI.

Take care

Howie Martell
Posts: 6

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« Reply #131 on: December 24, 2005, 04:43:16 AM »

I so feel your pain people the problem is that people dont want to work
we gotta come up with a plan on how to get people motivated, and start working hard for this

When your born you cry and the world rejoices, live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries, and you rejoice!!
B Chappell
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« Reply #132 on: December 24, 2005, 02:09:30 PM »

It has come to my attention that I need to concentrate my efforts on the product. We have a great package to offer, what with the multi-faceted web hosting (complete with the web design tools), domain name, complete back office at your fingertips 24/7. All this (and much, much more) at an unbelieveable $10.00 a month. Have you priced all of these individually? This is a wonderful service we are providing, and one that anyone with a computer and network access would LOVE to take advantage of. And yet, I haven't found one of our splash screens that is geared toward that audience (which is fine as it allows me the opportunity to get creative myself) but rather stresses the Home Based earnings aspect, which is marvelous beyond words in itself. The problem, as I see it, is that if people ONLY see this as a Network Marketing Opportunity they will be less likely to take it seriously as the wonderful, fun filled package of creativity it ALSO is.

For an example: I have set as my immediate goal to find five dedicated, motivated, honest people to pour my time and energies into in training them how to train and motivate five people to train and...you get the idea. I am therefore looking at, realistically, at the end of a year, an income of around $4,000.00 a month. This is very comfortable for me (my wife and I choose to lead a very simple lifestyle). But at the same time, as I am seeking those 'chosen few', I can also be providing a wonderful service to EVERYONE I come into contact with that has a computer and a product, whether it be the local flower shop owner, the family accross the street that would like an inexpensive way to keep in touch with their family on the East Coast...whatever their product (physical, intellectual, spiritual etc) I have the perfect service.

So say in the first year I have trained my five people through the five levels and through local adds I have 1,000 families that are taking advantage of this wonderful product (and absolutely loving it because they ALSO have a personal guide (your's truly) and a zillion new friends at the forum which they will never have anywhere else) and I am bringing in about $5,000.00 a month. And that base will grow exponentially by word of mouth as the families are thrilled with the product. This is very do-able and realistic.

In my mindit works like this; get excited about the product and the company, work with a few to get them excited and share the product with anyone that has a computer.

Good luck, Brad

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." The Talmud
Craig S
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« Reply #133 on: December 24, 2005, 07:46:44 PM »

brad  nice to see possitiveoutlook simplely put....yes followed these simple rules to the letter with a smile,and walk  in paradice ....looking at the nay sayer's  they just don't get it, great mean's the one's that do are on my downline .
craig says have fun & enjoy
K Erickson
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« Reply #134 on: December 28, 2005, 04:05:29 AM »

For the folks who posted in August, how's it going now?
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