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1  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: How would you like to generate more traffic? on: July 25, 2010, 07:24:56 PM
In my last posting I said I would show you how to generate traffic that buys your product with out you regurgitating a sales pitch. Well, here it is. It starts with learning how to prospect.

Do You Know How To Prospect?
Written By Lonnie Niver

Prospecting as a privilege that must be earned before a product or an opportunity can be presented. To earn the right to prospect people you must first gain their trust. By gaining their trust you eliminate that fear factor in doing business with you.

In today's network marketing, failure starts the minute you regurgitate a sells pitch. YUK! I know, but it's a fact that as soon as a referral joins an opportunity the first thing they want to do is tell the world. They put a names list together and start calling everyone they know. Before you know it they drop out and start bad mouthing the company. Maybe 60 years ago this kind of network marketing business model would have worked.

But not today!

There are too many scams on the internet and everyone is looking for the get rich quick business.

Sad to say there's not one!

We can earn the right to prospect by using Attraction Marketing. Attraction marketing is nothing more than teaching others or providing a solution to someones problem rather than selling a pitch.

But how...

A commercial you see on T.V. is probably one of the best examples of providing a solution to a problem with out using a sales pitch. When a commercial pops up does it say buy my product or join my business?

NO! They offer solutions to someones problem for example: A deodorant commercial doesn't tell you to go buy their product. Instead it tells a story of how to solve the problem of body odor.

You're product provides a solution so, you have to find out what your prospects problems are (Target Market) and teach them how your product will solve their problems. If you start with a sales pitch they will shut you off and then you lose. Start by using free tools such as blogging, writing articles, joining social networks and try out video marketing to tell people about your solution.

Have you heard the phrase "teaching sells"? Well it does and it can bring great wealth if used correctly.

Doesn't mean we can't promote a product or opportunity. You just have to earn the right to present it. I tell my boys that driving a car is a privilege and must be earned. If the laws of the road aren't followed the privilege can be taken away. Same principle applies to prospecting! If you use the sales pitch approach you loose the privilege to prospect. But by building a relationship and trust with a prospect through teaching you then earned the right to prospect because you have sold yourself.

Lonnie D. Niver

Look for my next post on targeting your market.
2  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: How would you like to generate more traffic? on: July 23, 2010, 09:42:00 AM
Everyone would like to generate more traffic, right?


But along with that traffic sales generation would be good!

So, how do we generate more sales with the traffic we get?

Everyone who has an online or brick and mortar business knows that to create
sales there must be some kind of plan. The first part of that plan should be
finding a market to target. How many times have you hear, "Find your Targeted Market"?
Sounds like a broken record but it is true and once the targeted market is found money
starts flowing in.

See, not everyone wants the same thing. Let me give you an example:
Let's say I was selling bras, Now, not everyone is going to need a bra.
Men don't want or need a bra, unless they are a cross dresser
and If I was trying to sell an A cup size to a D cup size woman I would probably
get slapped.

GDI, seems to be a really hard product to find a targeted market but it really isn't.

Just the other day I was thinking to myself, why would anyone want a domain
name or their own website  paying $10 a month. What I have learned is that we have
to give them a reason. A good reason is giving them a free website that makes them money
with affiliate programs. My targeted market are Affiliate Marketers. They need a place to put their
affiliate links right. What if they had their own free website that pays them money?

Do you get my point?

Don't try to force GDI on just anyone because even if you do sign them they probably won't stay in it long.
Find people who will benefit from using GDI like people who already own a website.

In my next post I will explain How to approach those people without regurgitating a sales pitch.

3  .WS Services / WebSite Development / How would you like to generate more traffic? on: July 16, 2010, 03:48:13 PM
The one thing we need is more traffic, would you agree?

I thought so,

Go to my blog and read How to Maximize Video Marketing Traffic

This is something everyone should be doing to maximize traffic to their website.

While you are reading my blog notice how I have created a somewhat landing page out of my blog. Why? Because I want to keep fresh content on my site so that the search engine robots will crawl my site.

This blog is getting a lot of attention and the best thing of all is that it is free.

If you have a hard time trusting people read what people are saying about me Testimonials

Lonnie Niver
Affiliate Marketer
4  .WS Business / Marketing / How to use Twitter to promote GDI! on: May 04, 2010, 08:37:05 AM
Do you ever get the feeling that posting to Twitter is a waist of time because your post
disappears just as fast as it was posted? I know exactly how you feel! I have felt the
same feeling until I fell upon a secret that probably most Twitter members don't know
about. This is not really a secret, it's just not something people come a cross when they first start posting.

What is this secret?

It is called using keywords! WHAT?

I know it sounds crazy but here me out for a second while I explain.

One day I was doing some research on Twitter. Some of things I found I all ready
knew about except for the one thing that mattered, using "KEYWORDS".

You have probably noticed a search box on the right side under all your followers
thumbnails. Well, it isn't there to look pretty! It's there for you to use as a tool to
find your targeted market using keywords. That's right I said targeted market!

I know targeted market is a stuck in the mud because people want to know how to determine their targeted market but just don't seem to get it so, they throw it to the side and forget about it. But if you take time and do a search you will find people who are talking about your  particular keyword for your targeted audience. When you add these keywords into your post it will appear under that search. Plus, you can save your keywords to keep track of what's working for your market.

When you think your posts are not being viewed you are probably right if you're not using keywords. But if you take the time and research the keywords for your targeted market you will get tons of traffic to your site.

5  .WS Business / Marketing / Why Can't I Get My Landing Page To Rank At The Top? on: May 04, 2010, 08:37:05 AM
Landing Pages or also know as a squeeze page. They are the marketing pipeline where traffic is sent to. Today, Landing pages are a crucial tool used to building any internet business no matter what the product or services are. But, there is a right and a wrong way to using them and if not used correctly they could hurt the business.

The purpose for using landing pages is to convert visitors into buyers. They provide
valuable information about the product/services and how much money a potential visitor may make.  If a visitor can not be converted from the landing page then nothing else will even matter. Meaning that the visitor didn't find what they were looking for.

Most people will use a landing page as a web page. Unless you have created your own landing page this would be considered the wrong way of using a landing page. The problem is that if a online business creates a landing page  for their affiliate program, how many landing pages would you say is on the internet. For one online business there could be thousands of the same landing page on the internet. Search Engines don't like duplication so, they won't bother crawling the site to give it ranking. Search Engines like fresh content to offer the surfers.

I use a landing page as an informational page that is linked from my blog or article. I created a blog that I update just about everyday. I keep fresh new content on the blog so the search engines will crawl my site in hopes to rank my blog at the top. Same thing with articles, as I write an article I place a link to the landing page at the
bottom of the article. When someone reads my article the link is offered.

The next time you are using a landing page type in keywords for the landing page on a search engine and see how many other people are using the same landing page. If they are on top they won't stay there long. You can and will get better results if you take the time to create a blog and/or article with a landing page link. You can even make the have similar information as the landing page and add the link as an opportunity for more information.


Lonnie D. Niver
6  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Someone help me advertise! I can't get people on: May 04, 2010, 08:35:49 AM
Get yourself a strategy to use everyday.

Day 1: Write an article and post it in article directories

Day 2: Record a video and post on you tube
[Video must be some type of how to helpful info]

Day 3: Respond to various questions at half a dozen forums.

Make sure you take an action everyday. Even if it does not
seem to be working.  The operative word {seem}. It takes
time to build a reliable source of traffic to your website,
blog etc.

The simplest way. Doing a solo ad campaign via ezines
and list building programs.................................

To Your Success

Well said Bruce! This is the most organized way to get started.
Plus you won't feel like you're not getting thing done. I would also
add to the list get some marketing training. Give yourself a day to
learn new marketing strategies.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More

7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Someone help me advertise! I can't get people on: March 02, 2009, 08:53:50 AM
Please help. Simplest way to do it?

Here is something that might help you!

I was having a difficult time referring others until my one and only referral started referring others. In January she referred over 11 people into my down line. Here is how she did it: updating or rotating ads on advertising sites. But she wasn't advertising a GDI, she was advertising a FREE site that offers money. When the referral signed up for the FREE site they were offered the GDI trial.

Think about it for a second; most people don't have a reason to join GDI unless they have a business. Offering them a FREE business site that produces an income gives them a reason to join GDI.

Plus when you advertise most of the time your ad will cycle through when other people add their ads. By updating or rotating your ads every hour or every day you will generate more viewers therefore more referrals.

If your interested in this website we use then contact me,


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