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Author Topic: Newbie, definitely lost...  (Read 4613 times)
Jim Armbrister
Posts: 5

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« on: June 04, 2010, 09:04:34 AM »

Hello, I am just in my trial period and really want to make financial progress with the GDI opportunity.  I am a bit discouraged with my ignorance of the internet and need to learn some things in really simple terms.  I picked a replicated site and thought if I picked GDI hosting it would be posted on the internet for all to search and find.  As best I can tell right now I need to go online, find something like Godaddy.com, register my .ws domain there and pay them to put it on the internet if I can figure out how to get them the site..then I wonder if it will still communicate back to GDI?  I found my sponsor by searching the internet using keywords such as business opportunities, affiliate marketing, etc...I want people to be able to find me that way plus market in many other ways as the training teaches.  Right now I am not giving information to any of my friends because I feel my lack of simply being able to get on the internet keeps me from furthering myself to learn through experience and pass that on to them in a experienced manner with confident integrity.  I have looked diligently for over two years for this opportunity and never felt good about all of the mainly scams listed as opportunities.  This is the one opportunity after so much searching that feels right for me and what I am looking for..please help!  Thanks, Jim
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Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 04:40:43 PM »

Hi Jim,

First and foremost, welcome to GDI!

Don't be discouraged.  Yes, you have some things to learn.  But that is an ongoing process and I challenge anyone, even those of us that have been developing our business for years, to say that they do not learn something new on a constant basis. 

There IS a learning curve, there is no doubt of that.  But, isn't it so with anything you want to do?

You absolutely DO NOT need another hosting company to host your website.  GDI has it all for you already.  If you want to have a replicated website show through your personal domain and not the http://website.ws/YOURGDIUSERNAME affiliate link it's very easy to do.

Go back to your GDI back office and click on "Domains".  Now, under the domain you want this to happen click on "Change DNS".  The link is on the same line as your domain name.  On the next screen you will choose "Domain Forwarding" because what you are wanting to do is display another site on your domain (the GDI replicated website being displayed when someone goes to your website).

Click continue and on the next screen there will be a box on the same line as your domain name.  This is where you are going to paste the URL (the address) of the replicated website of your choice.  You can choose to mask this domain as well here.  Masking basically makes it so your domain name is displayed even though they are on another website.  If you choose to mask, please be sure to read about masking right on that screen.  There are some positives and possible negatives to doing this.

I bet your next question is...how do I find the URL of the replicated site to put in this box?  Didn't know I was psychic, did ya.   Wink

That is easy to find.  Look at the links on the left of your screen and choose "My Replicated Sites".  Once here find the page that you want displayed.  Now, click the LINK for the page you want displayed.  The link is under the column that says "Page (click to view)".  It will open up in a new window.

Now, copy the URL that you see in your browser's address bar.  For instance, if you choose "GDI Video 1 Autoplay" the window that pops up will have an address that looks like this => http://website.ws/kvmlm2/index.dhtml?sponsor=YOURGDIUSERNAME&template=11

Note: If you want to use the link I just provided (no opinion here, this is just the first one my mouse found) please replace YOURGDIUSERNAME with your actual GDI username.

If you have the link but are now once again lost as to where you need to paste this URL just go back to the top of this post and read it again.  I tend to babble...    Embarrassed

And that's all there is to it!  Please note that it CAN take some time for it to change and display what you wish.  If it is not displaying like you want it immediately after you change it just check again in a few hours.  I would even say it can take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect, but for me the change has always been extremely fast and almost instant.

If it STILL has not changed contact me and I would be happy to walk you through it more one on one.

Now that you have the website displaying correctly let's move onto your other comment about having people find you by searching for certain keywords.  This is going to take some training on your part.  Don't worry, it is entirely possible and once you learn how, actually quite simple.

We won't delve into that here.  That would be a long post as there are several things to consider.  However, don't let your lack of knowledge stop you.  Because you have an upline, and I bet if you called them with a question from a friend they would be happy to answer or even get on a three way call with you to answer your friend directly.

Keep this in mind, though.  You are not in the minority with not knowing how to market.  The same as I am not in the minority when it comes to being a brain surgeon.  Knowing that, understand that anything you learn (even what you just learned) puts you ahead of quite a few of the people out there.  Simply by being able to answer this one question you will be viewed as an "expert".

So, if you make it a habit to learn something new about marketing or websites every day, then every day you will be increasing your value and worth to other people.  The more value and worth you have, the more people will want to follow you.  The more "attractive" you will be.  That's the fun thing about "Attraction Marketing" and that is exactly what you will be doing by making a goal to train yourself every day.

I agree with you.  GDI is a truly great opportunity because of GDI's honesty and their product.  In the May 28th GDI Webinar I think it was Bart that said (forgive me if it was Tim or Tissa, I'm getting old) "We do not make money off of individuals.  We make money off of revenue generated.  We help people to make money.  That’s what we do."  The money we make from GDI is from a real product and a real service.  We do not make money from people.  We make money from the revenue generated when people use our products and services.

Jim, I wish you all the luck in the world.  Many people allow themselves to get discouraged very early on and as a result quit.  And I can promise you that the only way you can guarantee failure is to quit.  Period.

But if you increase your worth, if you increase your knowledge and if you take action on a daily basis.  Well then, you will soon enough learn what "Income For Life" truly means.

Good luck, my friend!

Vincent Parker

P.S. I mentioned the GDI Webinar in this post.  That is a great place to be!  If at all possible try to be on the live webinars each Tuesday as at the end you can ask questions and Bart, Tissa or Tim (or whoever else is on the call at the time) will be more than happy to answer you.  And this gives others a chance to learn from you as well.  Chances are, if you have a question, others will too.

P.S.S. You can watch the previous versions by going to http://www.gdiwebinars.ws .  AND if you want to send one of your prospects or friends to this webinar and have them on your team if they click on the join button, just use http://www.gdiwebinars.ws/YOURGDIUSERNAME .  Pretty nifty, huh?  GDI thinks of everything!   Grin

Vincent R. Parker
Jim Armbrister
Posts: 5

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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2010, 06:48:16 AM »

Hello Vincent, wow!!! I will give it a whirl to do as you have detailed.  I cannot thank you enough and know it took considerable time to respond with such detail and in terms I think I understand.....I will let you know how it goes and one of these days hope to return the favor as I learn each day...THANK YOU! Jim
Posts: 3

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« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 11:15:25 PM »


I also am new to GDI and are looking for advise. I just wanted to thank you for sharing this information for i also wasnt sure of this process!
Thank you much!
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