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Author Topic: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere  (Read 178311 times)
Posts: 1

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« Reply #165 on: March 14, 2006, 09:59:12 AM »

 I am still a newbie but, I had my mother join and she is already talking of quitting.  I think that someone on another topic mentioned there are still many places on Dial up services.  So we have 2 things happening in my mind that can be solved by the same ideas discussed in recordings from www.wealth411.ws.

1.  People have slow connections and don't like to shift throuhg all this old message info becasue it takes along time to listen to Audio and video on dial up. 

2. People including myself are busy and don't always have the time

3. New people may not have a clue about BLogs-Audios-and the techie stuff eventhough interested in earning $$$.  We have alot of babyboomers out there that barely read e-mails but, need our help financially and so are initially interested.

I think we can solve this by creating a CD that can be recorded on your computer withyour voice and steps you took when you joined to start business networking and learning.  I am brand new so maybe the DVD covers alot of this?  CD's are dirt cheap now and there are free sound recorders that convert audio to mp3,s that can be burned to a website or CD like  Audacity.  If interested I also have software very inexpensive that helps create screen capture videos and you can burn those to CD's showing others how to do the GDI business if you have not hear of this new service to hold online meetings visit www.hotconference.com to see how to hold training sessions wit htose who have ig Speed interenet and windows PC.  Feel free to e-mail me with questions about any of the above.  Hope this help you all.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2006, 10:00:45 AM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
Matthew Green
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« Reply #166 on: March 14, 2006, 12:05:16 PM »

Hello Mark,

Welcome to the FORUM.
I want to expand on your CD idea a little.
First of all anyone can get free software needed to create MultiMedia CD's chances are most people have already got it and didn't know it was installed.

I think GDI have done a GOOD JOB already with the DVD's but it is up to the individual Sponsor to find resolve for clients with insufficient Bandwidth etc ... If making CD's works for you, do it... There are other ways of getting the Message across without watching all of the Movies. A plain TEXT email works fine with Dial-Up as do web pags that do not contain Images etc... E-Books too can be downloaded once and accessed as often as you want...

You added a link for HotConference;
Was this a bit hasty??  Yes a GREAT PRODUCT, but the link will feed the Company, not us affiliates that deserve the commissions... Many newcomers do not fully understand how Affiliate Programmes work so they will see a link, join and the person who introduced them, in this case - YOU miss out..

Maybe I am being too influenced by the notion of personal gain but is that not the aim here?

BTW The Wealth411 site opens a Pop-Up on exit and the Size is set wrong.. Only the top half can be seen.. Not sure if this is your website but it needs a tweak...
again welcome,

Posts: 34

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« Reply #167 on: April 09, 2006, 10:11:19 AM »

There are a lot of tire kickers. If they are not interested in GDI, or are afraid of a little hard work they go away. If you can't afford to spend $10 a month for a website and a excellent affiliate progam then they are never going to make it in any program.

It takes time for advertising to work and people to see that you are in it for the long haul.

It took me months to get my website to be ranked in google. Right now its at a 5 on the page rank meter.

Set a monthly advertising budget and stick with it.


« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 10:12:15 AM by Nicole Taylor » Logged

Scott Price
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« Reply #168 on: April 19, 2006, 10:09:11 PM »

I have been doing a lot of research online about home businesses and the top picks, and I have been reading tons of reviews and honestly, GDI hasn't gotten very good ones.  I am getting very skeptical now because there are about three home businesses that are actually cheaper than GDI and have gotten really good reviews from tons of different sites.  I was just wondering if anyone else is feeling this way.  I mean, I would like to hear from people who are in this forum and making a substantial income, and not just the top sellers that are making all the money.  Thanks!!! (Just don't want to waste anymore time or money!)
Posts: 23

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« Reply #169 on: April 20, 2006, 08:31:39 AM »

Hi Kimberly:

Every company/opportunity out will get bad press.  This is because every company/opportunity have
affiliates who lie, who are lazy and have unrealistic expectations.

I met a woman online recently who responded to one of my ads.  She told me she was in GDI, but
she quit “because it is a scam” (in her heart she really believes this).  She told me her sponsor promised
her $4000 a month after 4 months.  She was heartbroken and told me she can’t reach her sponsor. 
She has nothing nice to say to GDI and never will.  This is not GDI’s fault, but the affiliate who promotes
their business this way.

I know another person in GDI who promises the people who join him that he will build their business
for them.  Affiliates have to stop doing this.

I share these stories with you Kimberly because where ever you go, it will always happen.  It doesn’t
matter what opportunity you are in, it will happen.

You must follow your heart.  I know in my heart GDI is the easiest opportunity out there.  Besides
the unique and easy to remember domain name, I need hosting service so I can upload business
building presentations which can be played 24 hours a day.  Also in my 10 year experience, I do not
know of a better business building tool than the 7 minute Flash Presentation.  It is short, entertaining
and easy to understand.  It is the best and I feel it every day.

My honest advice, if you are not happy here and feel the grass is greener on the other side, GO FOR IT. 
Follow your heart but ALWAYS keep your options (and eyes) open. 

I hope this helps and wish you the best,

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« Reply #170 on: April 26, 2006, 08:37:10 PM »

hey guys, i just signed up a few weeks back. so im pretty new to this stuff. ok now to the problem.
i worked verry hard and emailed a lot of people and finally got 7 people to sign up in my first two days. i thought i was doing great. however, now a week has passed by, and most of my member have not put a credit card on file and are no longer active. i tried to contact them to ask them if they wanted any help. but most of them are international and the rest have given a phone number wich takes me directly to a voice mail, what goin on ? am i screewed, does this happen a lot. because i worked verry hard in the first place to get them signed up. and now this. i dont know if all this is worth it. 

please give me advice on what i can and should  do.

thank you
Roux M
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« Reply #171 on: May 02, 2006, 09:13:47 AM »

I want to build a good team in GDI therefor I would like to get your ideas on what you the the major reasons are why new affiliates drop out of a program like GDI (or any other affiliate program for that matter).  You answers would help me to look at those areas more closely and reduce the drop out rate in my team.  Hope not this question has been asked before.  Did not have the time to check.  Thanks.

UBUNTU - The Spirit of Togetherness!
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« Reply #172 on: May 12, 2006, 10:06:07 AM »

What a great issue to discuss. It take work to grow your organization, but you will loose your sales team if they are not presented with the tools and knowledge to get the success they expected. They never make the transition from customer to sales rep.

What makes a person leave?

What could have been to keep them satisfied enough to stay?

Is there anything you can actively do to prevent this problem?

Let's have a brainstorm session and list all the reasons an individual
would leave the GDI program. Get down and dirty. Tell us everything
bad about the program. Everything that could be improved and
then get replies about ideas to make it better. Much better.

There are a lot of us. Let's team up with our brain power
and plug the leak in the boat!

A downline quit, I thinkd that it's not he /her wants to save $10.00/month. Maybe the website or the mails boxes are not working  as desired. Myself, most of the time , when I click on INBOX a blank screen showup with error message: UNKNOWN Error. I rarely have this problem with Yahoo Mails Plus.
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« Reply #173 on: May 12, 2006, 10:53:41 PM »

Well, GDI member, I am sorry to say that i am given it till the end of may. I have had enough...I have worked hard Even to the point where i had my baby fall asleep on me while i was posting adds.  I have done alot to promote GDI.. I put a flyer in the local news paper and flyer a round town. I have done the internet and nothing. in the last week I have had 22 hits on my GDI websites and nothing. zip.

I have emailed my upline for help and i haven't had ANYTHING back WHAT SO EVER. 

I have done some research on GDI and most of the reveiws that i have found haven't been all that great. Some good. but not great.

for those of you that are making a income from this I wish you the best of luck. and more.

all the best.

Lisa Cry
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« Reply #174 on: May 19, 2006, 08:40:51 PM »

Hi All, been a member for a few months now and have promoted the site in numerous places and no action as of yet. It seems that you are pushed to buy the DVD's to make things happen. Is anyone having any success?
take care,
Paul Birdsall
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Paul Birdsall, Success Coach

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« Reply #175 on: May 22, 2006, 08:11:41 AM »

Here's my 2 cents!!!

This opportunity like any other opportunity is about mindset first!  Remember this quote "Whether you think you can or you think you can't...YOUR RIGHT!"

If you have a negative mindset it will do two things to make you fail everytime:

1) Lead you to other failing, blaming, negative and unsuccessful people on the Internet!  What can you learn from those type people other than being lead down the wrong path.  (If you listen to other failing people you will fail too - no brainer)

2) Keep you from seeking out and learning from more positive and successful people, which will teach you the most powerful ways to be successful on the Internet! 

If you think about it....Why does an opportunity work for some people and never work for others?  The answer....YOU!  Your not failing because of GDI, your failing because of you!  And you will continue to fail with a negative mindset evrytime, whether it's with GDI or any other opportunity!  A negative mindset prevents you from seeing or finding the right answers and direction for success because you are spending all your time trying to find other people who are failing so you don't feel like your the reason it's not working.  Cause if others feel like you then your right!  Think about it and try creating a mindset using "the captain & crew method".

Listen I hate to see people who could totally have anything in the world that they want, be held back just because they can't control there own minds!  Your mind is the most powerful thing in the universe and it's the only thing you really have true 100% control over.

So here's my suggestion for all the people wanting success...here's the SECRETS TO SUCCESS.  Find and seek out people who are successful instead of people failing and follow and learn as much as you can from them.  Do what they do!  You would be suprised how many people who are successful would be willing to share there knowlegde with you at no cost ;-)

To Your Success,
Paul Birdsall
Gladys Ayala
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« Reply #176 on: June 16, 2006, 01:52:26 PM »

Hello Everybody.
 It has been about 9 months that I've been a member in GDI, but after not success at all; I am thinking about cancelling soon.  I got only one downline, but nothing else.  Can anyone tell me a tip for success and that I could try before I cancel it?  Thank you very much. Sad

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« Reply #177 on: June 16, 2006, 11:53:59 PM »

How many flyers are you passing out each day ?.. How many business cards are you passing out each day ? How many people do you email per day? How many people do you talk on the phone with each day? If you are not going to work it then it don't work it's self.. Do you ever see the top leaders on here? Not many.. Because they are out there working their butts off for there GDI Business.. Getting people signed up. There are lot of tools to use from this fourm.. Alot of good answers to questions on this fourm too.. I make my own business cards, flyers etc.. I pass them out everyday I leave home.. I mail some to people I dont know... and put them in the return letters of my bills... There are alot of different things you can do that don't cost a lot or no money at all....
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« Reply #178 on: June 23, 2006, 09:41:59 AM »

I have tried this thing for more than 2 months and have signed one person so far.  I have e-mailed hundreds of people, used leads, advertised ALOT, ect.  I am at it EVERYDAY!!  Also tried "Lucky List", "Top Surfer" (seems you get hits from people that open and close your site to receive credit!! - I get about 30 JUNK e-mails from that per day) Obviously I must be doing something wrong.  Any helpful ideas would be greatful...
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« Reply #179 on: July 02, 2006, 08:14:13 PM »

I have been in this forum for over 2 hours reading the mail posted from last summer to current.  Lots of info given and lots of frustration vented.  I have been with GDI for 6 months and finally got my first $100 check last week.  I have sent out thousands of e-mails, but I think the one main thing that got me there was my upline gave me a couple good leads.  That is one key, the upline sharing their leads.  I don't know why they don't do more of that, they still benefit, they lose nothing by sharing.  It is such an encouragement to the downline.  One post mentioned that that is in the training manual, that the upline should use the 'spillover'.  Are you upline reading this?
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