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Author Topic: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere  (Read 178353 times)
Full Member
Posts: 136

"Repetition is the mother of all Skills"

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« Reply #135 on: December 31, 2005, 08:50:58 AM »

Hello Team,

When  we get someone who is interested in the business we first need to qualify them for are time and to make sure GDI is the

business for them.

If a person is not afraid to talk to their premuim leads via the different methods go for it this will not only impress potential business

partners but add rapore with them.

Set goals and understand that humans naturally want the easy way out.

If person quits don't take it personnel it takes a special person to be in home business and remember lead is only as good as the


God Bless
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« Reply #136 on: December 31, 2005, 04:51:49 PM »

Hi Y'all - I've been reading about people quiting and I'm sure it's hard to keep your focus sometimes.  I'm a REAL newbie - no downline yet - no business cards yet - no 800# yet - but I'm advertising and talking to everyone I can get to listen.  This is such a terrific opportunity I can't imagine why anyone would not want to stay a part of it  - after all - where else can you get a website with hosting for $10 - not to mention opportunity for additional income to boot!  What a DEAL!  Anyway - I'm trying to stay focused and thanks to a terrific WELCOME letter from Howard Martel (thanks H) I feel encouraged.  Reading this forum really helps and I'm learning more new stuff everyday.  Thanks again.   

Roberta Mc - Texas
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« Reply #137 on: January 03, 2006, 03:34:19 AM »

Hi... I am also a newbie. Just joined yesterday. I've been advertising and have had 48 hits to my site already but no sign ups. I also can't imagine why anyone would pass up this opportunity. How long have you been a member?
Carlos S
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« Reply #138 on: January 04, 2006, 12:54:53 PM »

I am somewhat of a newbie.  However this should be considered a long term effort.
Risidual income is a building not a tent.  I am just now finding out what a great opportunity this is but you really need to support your 10 downline people.
B Chappell
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« Reply #139 on: January 09, 2006, 01:53:45 PM »

Hello fellow GDIers,

Lets not lose track of the parable of the seed. You plant it and leave it to grow. If you stand over it and watch, it will seem to take forever and you will have wasted your life as you cannot MAKE it grow.

I find that if I plant the seeds(send out leads through my autoresponder, pass out cards, talk to everyone I meet) and sit in front of my computer flipping through my email boxes all day, at the end of the day all I will have is sore eyes, and whatever responses I would have had if I wasn't being silly.

There is an old proverb from the Old Testement that states, "The heart of the King is in the hands of the Lord". How this has taken shape in my life is the realization that I need to recognize that there are powers outside myself that mold and manipulate peoples responses to my messages in life. If I introduce 100 people to this opportunity it may take weeks before someone has an 'aha' moment and seemingly out of the blue have it come to their mind that I had just the thing they needed. You know, the "If you build it, they will come" sort of thing.

Plant the seeds, put out your intention to the Universe and move on to the next plot of land. It will grow as you don't fret.


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." The Talmud
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« Reply #140 on: January 16, 2006, 11:59:40 AM »

I think you are always going to have downline that doesn't respond. I think it's just human
nature for people to join things without knowing what they are getting themselves involved in.

The ones that don't respond, I woldn't could on them for the LONG run.

Stefani Partin

Well which is worse...the downline that doesn't respond or....an upline that does nothing???
Posts: 23

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« Reply #141 on: January 16, 2006, 12:49:18 PM »

Well which is worse...the downline that doesn't respond or....an upline that does nothing???

The upline that does nothing is worse.

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« Reply #142 on: January 22, 2006, 06:35:03 AM »

I talk to people after they have seen the red ferrari presentation,and some them tell me that they like the concept,but it takes too long to build a business.I give them my own answer,but I would like to hear how some of the other members would answer this.Any suggestions?
Posts: 26

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« Reply #143 on: January 22, 2006, 08:07:20 AM »


I know exactly how you must feel when you hear that as someone's answer.  Usually I have to bite my tongue before I speak next because I am afraid of realy getting the other person "pissed off"

Of course after biting my tongue and gritting my teeth I am ready to start a conversation.  I remember that I am the one who holds the "aces" and they are the ones who need them.  With all that said I try to establish some rapport by finding out what they are looking for in a business.  I then listen and continue to ask questions about them and what they want.  Then I can determine if my opportunity is right for them and if it is not I SAY NO FIRST!  What I mean is that I usually say something like the following;

"John from what you just told me I do not think that this business is for you, at least not at this time. You seem to be chasing after that all elucid get rich quick opportunity and I hope that you find it.  Thanks for your time and happy searching."

I do this because it helps me stary in control and handle the rejection factor better.  Try it and you will see what I mean.

Now Byron, I am also making an assumption that you first and most importantly started your conversation with getting a little rapport built.  If not than perhaps it is your leading the prospect into seeing this opportunity as one that has such little payoff that it isn't even worth their time to TRY IT FOR 7 DAYS to see if it is or isn't for them.

Hope this helps.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes

Teaching, Coaching & Mentoring individuals how to earn full-time incomes working from the comfort of their home.
Robert Neaves
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« Reply #144 on: February 03, 2006, 02:17:18 PM »

Hi my name is Bob Neaves and I have just started this month.
Perhaps this may help if someone tells you it takes too long to build the business.
If they compare it with a private pension plan which a lot of people don't actually have because the premiums are too big for a decent pension then you can say:
"You know, even if you only sign up 5 people each YEAR and they did the same as you, after 5 years you will have an income or a pension of $3900 PER MONTH, which will continue to grow month after month, right?  Did you know a man age 40 wanting to receive a pension of $3900 per month at the age of 65 would have to invest over $600 each month and every monthy to receive that kind of pension, and wait 25 years before he gets it!!!  Even then he might not live to receive it. So if it takes a little time to build up your business have patience and enjoy having a great website!"

Does that help your thinking?

Bob Neaves
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« Reply #145 on: February 03, 2006, 02:52:49 PM »

Wow, Bob - that's excellent! Five signups per year really isn't unreasonable 
- and though your downline may not all sign up five, you can sign up a few
extras yourself to make up for those.  I joined GDI last year, but haven't put
much time into it. This year I'm making it happen - and that pension plan idea
is a great incentive!

All the best
Full Member
Posts: 136

"Repetition is the mother of all Skills"

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« Reply #146 on: February 03, 2006, 07:27:12 PM »


All New and Old members wanted to add a post since think this is important for all members who are serious.

How many of you have a plan 30- 60 - 90 day and a 2 year or 5 year?

How many of you think getting 5 new to join your business is hard if so this is reality we are in a business.

No one said it would be easy but with a very supportive team globally you can take what you learn in the forum and hopefully from your upline and educate your downline.

So if you haven't contacted your upline on all 5 levels ask for help if not their plenty of serious minded individuals who willing to show you the right way to run a successful business with resources.

So stay postive and focused and don't let anyone say you can't reach your goals.

E Roach
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« Reply #147 on: February 06, 2006, 03:14:19 AM »

Bryan:  I read your post and just had to chuckle.  I returned to school late in life.  I had to go to school 5 years full time.  My education cost me a lot of money.  And the time I went to school cost me a lot of lost wages.  I did from 40 to 60 hours a week of homework.  I am now a degreed accountant.  That was a long hard journey and took a long time.  You might bring it to your new recruits attention that every business takes work and more important time.  What kind of income would he get from his boss if he did nothing.  Being an accountant I work for many companies.  These people put in much more than 40 hours a week and are struggling to make a living.  I too put in a lot of hours and still struggle.  All that education, a degree, and debt.  I am new to GDI but I too am looking for something that will help my future.  We don't stay young forever.  Maybe you can use my story to help in your recruits.  Most of us aren't going to be given life on a silver platter.  Oh that it would be so.  LOL   E. Roach     Roll Eyes
T Catalan
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« Reply #148 on: February 07, 2006, 03:17:37 AM »

Hey Logan...I have a lot of the same problems you do.... I also have:                                                           

- Unsupportive spouse
- very small budget
- Currently paying monthy for bulkmailer & I've bought 2,000 leads a day for a year.... not to mention lost tons and tons of money on a previous home business we tried... and totally got burned... after that my spouse doesn't support any type of home business - he's always on my back about this... and the more time that passes and I dont see results, the worse it gets.

I try to do all of the things on your positive list... the posts in the forum really keep my head up though! You guys are awesome!

Hi KLopez,

      I've been using the GDI services for almost 5 months already but i haven'y gone into sponsoring yet I just started last January 2006 when I analyzed that there's money in GDI. You know what I did, I placed an ad on a cheap newspaper here in our country for 4 weeks you know what I got? 15 prospects or leads they all watched the flash presentation, 1 signed up (I don;t know her) and she's already telling her friends about GDI.

     Print Ads works, do some offline advertising to get online prospects they are so many of them there looking. Remember MLM is a numbers game, the many people who see your GDI link the more you can get downlines. I'll run another ad on February 15, you know I stopped it just to check where my leads arecoming from and now I have no leads coming or seeing my GDI link. Do Print Ads it works.

timothy catalan
« Last Edit: February 07, 2006, 03:18:01 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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« Reply #149 on: February 12, 2006, 08:47:12 PM »

I've been promoting through traffic exchanges, and safelists.
So far: Total Records: 3147 Unique IP Addresses: 448 - But NO sign-ups  Embarrassed
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