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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: New Member on: May 18, 2008, 08:42:23 PM
Hi Imran, 

Welcome to the forum, please tell us how you have been promoting your business so far, and we will help  you get started on the right track.......

Best wishes...

2  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: April 27, 2008, 08:32:34 AM
i am trying to add a banner using html, it will not convert either, can anyone help..........i dont know what im doing wrong.....i see other members sites advertising with banners etc.....please i need help

appreciate your answers

3  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: How I Handled Rejection From A Prospect on: April 21, 2008, 08:03:58 PM
You will always get people to knock something when they clearly do not understand it , or they are just dissapointed that they cannot get rich quick! Some people expect that doing business will make you rich overnight, anyone in business knows that is not true, and in fact it takes a while for any sort of business to grow,

If i set up a shop for example, fit it out with the latest design shop fittings, fancy window display, fill the shop with all the products open the door, and expect what? people to come running?

No way, you must research the market, you must advertise your product, you must give customers an incentive to buy from you, and give them discount or so sort of commission to get more people to buy from you, now with this shop i could spend thousands of Dollars/euros etc to set up, and make no sale if i do  not advertise it, if i do not give my customers an incentive to buy from me, , but if i do, then i will be in business, and it will grow in time, i will build my customer base.

With GDI, you have the research market done for you by the experts, you have the shop fittings ready set for you in your back office and you have your latest design window display, 'VIDEO PRESENTATION' you have the incentive for the customers to buy from you, 'COMMISSION' MONTLY INCOME' and you have the product 'DOMAIN NAME + WEBSITE + HOSTING '

and all for only €10 dollars per month

Any one who is negative about your business just forget it, dont bother about it, you are the winner here, only two type of people could ever say anything negative about this business , 1. those people who have no dreams     2, people who have dreams but expect to do nothing to get them


Today one of my prospects rang me to cancel her account on the 7th day of trial period
She explained to me that its not really for her,
I said to her, sorry to hear that but no problem just give me few mins to have a look for how to cancel on the website and ill send you email

I emailed her sometime later, with the link to cancel her account, and this is what i said:

' Hi ----------,

Sorry for delayed response, i had to find out how to cancel accounts, as no one ever asked me before so i didnt really know how, sorry for that,

here is the link :


got to go,
keep in touch

well later that night, i got email reply from her, saying
Hi Carmel;'

Thanks for your email, sorry to bother you but, has no one really ever wanted to cancel this with you, im surprised , well the real reason i wanted to cancel is  not that i dont think its good, well actually it looks great, but i have no clue how to do any of it.........i havent cancelled yet and was wondering if you maybe have some time to chat with me, and see if i can understand it better, i would really love to earn extra money, but im not very good at these things.......like selling and stuff, could you maybe show me how to do it?


so the ones that knock it, just dont know  how........lets show them!

Goodnight GDI'rs........

4  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Codes on: April 21, 2008, 04:44:54 AM
Hi Tracey,

Welcome to gdi, YOU can find the banner codes when you go to your back office, on left hand side you can see all the links, scroll down until you see 'BANNERS' click the link and it will take  you to the page for the banner codes..........

Hope this helps


p.s to get to your back office,  log on to . www.website.ws         On top you will see 'ACCOUNT' click and then you must login using your USERNAME +PASSWORD
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Suggestion for New Members... on: April 20, 2008, 06:18:43 PM
I think for anyone new, it is a good idea to purchase a couple of dvd's, but a small amount, however, as soon as your business grows, i would suggest your marketing budget will grow so buy your dvd's in bulk--

Giving someone a dvd to watch at their leisure, is a sure sign up

Best of luck
6  .WS Business / Training / Re: Upside-down thinking? on: April 19, 2008, 04:08:50 PM
Please do not quit!, Your thinking is negative to start with, if your sponser is not  helping, then just ask someone else, spend some time reading all the forum posts, back as far as 2005, send some questions on here, you can do this business We are all here to help

1.You own a Business.-------------How do you feel?   EXCITED/ SCARED/ NEED TRAINING?
2. Watch the video 2 or 3 times a week yourself...GET MOTIVATED
3. How much money do you want to earn from this new business.-------------You have to earn it......work for it.
4. GDI is your opportunity to succeed your financial freedom.----------

Best of luck, if you need help just message me

7  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Questions about GDI on: April 19, 2008, 04:08:17 PM
Hi, yes that would be fun, also would be an idea to have some of the top affiliates come and do some organised demo, using big screen tv hosting to 100 people getting them all to sign up, might be an idea for the sponsers to do this, if they could for their downline..........could be organised i think i would love to do it, for my downline

what do you think?
8  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: If you have $100 a month ad budget to promote GDI, what would you do? on: April 19, 2008, 12:42:29 PM
Hi, i think google adword is difficult, well the reason being you are competing with the big networkers and it could cost you more than $100 a month without success, i think you might benifit from reading my entry in 'marketing tips and ideas'  something im thinking of doing myself, also i got a professionally made up advert for newspaper , and it works.....check out your local papers cost for advertising, most of them here in Ireland anyway will give you 1 month credit.......so you have this time to get sign ups, before you have to pay........message me with your email address if you want a copy of the advert, i will send as attachment as its in jpeg formet, i cant copy and paste.......cheers

9  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Don't Be A Dead Sponsor! on: April 19, 2008, 12:42:29 PM
Hi, I agree that your sponser should stay in touch, but not if they are going to blast other programmes to you, if you are new to internet marketing then this behavour will get you lost in this industry, and you will lose hope of making it,

One thing to remember, if this is your first Internet Marketing business or your very first programme for a work from home business, then stay FOCUSED.

Think GDI, sleep GDI, talk GDI, love the company, love what you are selling, focus on your long term business.........it is a real businesess folks......you have a real chance of success with GDI........ a real income FOR LIFE...........but.......you have to work at it........

The other thing i would like to say is........if your sponser is not being in contact with you, dont worry, log on this forum every  day for a few mins, check out what other members are saying or doing , hey message them, ask questons, send email if they allow,

No one is ALONE, in this programme, we are all GDI affiliates..........we all belong to the same team......and we are all here to help each other new or experienced.

Get some good advertising set up, make a folder , have your emails ad's text ready, saved , get your business cards if you can afford it, get some dvd's if you can afford it, its an investment and hey they really work for you,

Dont be dissapointed with a slow response, but keep at it......put classified ad's in online free classified, and spend some money on reall copy newspapers........make flyers..........etc......get it out there,

When you do get some sign ups, make sure you just talk GDI with them, at least until their business is growing too...........get to know them

Give them all the help they request from you, if you cant answer their questions, then ask someone else here at the forum first , then send answers

Wishing you all the best of luck..........GDI is your lifetime income, its really up to you if you want to earn big or small.........'sow what you shall reap'

Work hard, but work smart

10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Marketing Methods/Ideas on: April 18, 2008, 09:08:40 AM
Hi GUys and GIrls, i have an idea and i wanted to share with you all, i have a friend who is a life coach and he is helping me with this BRILLIANT IDEA

1. Place an advert in your local paper, keep it simple advertinsing that a promotion is being held at your local Hotel conference room to teach people to earn an extra income from home, ( havent got the exact advert up yet but you get the idea)

2. Book your local hotel conference room to hold 100 people

3. people that reply to the advert have to send their tel. num + email address to book a place

4. make sure the conference room has a big screen tv

5. Play the dvd

6.  hold questions and answers

7 get signups

tell me what you think

i am thinking of doing this each week in different areas for 1 month..........to get as many as i can

any suggestions about it?
11  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: I've been buying solo ads for GDI for a month now... on: April 18, 2008, 09:08:39 AM
I've been buying solo ads for GDI for 4 weeks now...

I bought 5 ads $20 each at various websites

my opening line was "Can $10 really improve your life for the better?"

I only got 3 signups and 1 of the signups canceled before the trial period ended

Could someone give me some tips or anything i'm really frustrated???

Hi, i have the cards, and they are worth every cent of $50 , yes they are glossy double sided printed , and its a very effective way of promoting your GDI for very little money, you can hand them out to work friends family, people you know, also leave a bunch at post office, banks, libraries...........pertrol stations etc........people do look at them and they do sign up, oh and also another way of doing it, is put small classified in your local newpaper, thousands of people get to read it.....

Keep it simple, dont go spending money that you dont have......
When you do start earning good put a portion of this money to advertise more.........thats how the system works

By the way, i have never had anyone taking a business card and NOT signing up.............so there!

12  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: April 17, 2008, 09:22:11 AM
Hi Everyone,

I just want to say few things about GDI........

1. i joined sometime back in 2007, my sponser blasted me with emails immediatly after i joined, i trusted him and t hought i was going to be successful , but i was a newbie to internet marketing and so i just followed on everything he told me to do, well, to my dismay and several restless night not to mention maxing out my credit cards and getting no where, i gave up!

2. But not completely.

3. Heres what happened, my sponser decided to blast me with other income opportunities that he was using.....i didnt know what he was doing so i joined so so many programmes , i got lost............completely.

4. i stayed a member of GDI......well it is only $10 a month, and that is around€6 in my country (im from Ireland)

5. i had bought the business cards and left them in my cubboard for all that time not using them or even knowing how to

6, i spent all my time learning internet marketing researching it.....talking to experts....etc..........and i learned a lot

7, now ..........im back to basics with GDI

8, 2 weeks ago i got out my business cards

9. i passed them to some of my work colleagues........friends....busssiness associates.......etc

10. i left them in shops, post offices, pertro stations.......bank atm 's etc

11. i joined online team of professional internet marketers..........and entered my primary business (GDI)

12. and its worked

13. from my offline work done, i received in 2 weeks...............30 paid members

14. from my online team membership , i receive 3 or 4 members per day ............yes per day!

15. this business is better than anything else on the internet.......

16. This business is quality , and will make you rich over time.........(months-years) who knows. how hard you work

17, This business will earn you no money............if you are not willing to work at it......

18 , so people , those ofyou who are n ew.........those of you who are dissapointed , start again like i did

19. THink of it as a growing business that you will be proud of..........

20 and my last word is, when you get sign up's or referrals, or clients whatever you can call them, DO N OT SPAM THEM WITH OTHER INCOME OPPORTUNITIES

Chances are they do not know what they are doing, and they will get lost just like me, email them and introduce yourself, make sure you send your address and telephone number, online contact details.......let them see that you are real peson, show them your blogs, your websites....etc. and then

LEAVE THEM ALONE, unless they contact your for help

that is my entry for today...............WISHING YOU ALL MUCH SUCCESS WITH GDI..........

and have a great day!
13  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Questions about GDI on: April 17, 2008, 09:22:11 AM
Hi, my advice to you regarding your friend wanting to sign up and receive a dvd also from you, just email that person saying

'Your dvd will be on its way to you, In the mean time while you are waiting to receive it,  as soon as you sign up then you can show the video presentation to your friends directly from your site, to get your own sign ups straight away '

or something like that, i dont recommend sending free dvd's to people but that is my own opinion, if you want to , then just cancel the order, and as soon as your balance on your cc account is in credit you can order some......

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