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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: September 16, 2008, 03:27:16 AM
Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere can be a huge challenge for many of us!!
Practice, patience, persistence, dedication, repetition, duplication and to Never Give-Up will gradually lead to Success some day!

Never Give-up!
2  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: How many of you are using social networking sites to build relationships? on: March 05, 2008, 06:04:17 PM
I do, this can be the best option to make contact with others!! Grin
3  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: GDI Made Easy on: December 17, 2007, 03:04:19 AM
Very Very nice job!...You deserve an applause! and cheers!


4  .WS Business / Team Building / Show the Movie, Build a small team and Teach them to do the same! on: August 15, 2007, 07:21:53 AM
Show the Movie, Build a small team and Teach them to do the same!
Build a foundation of 5 and teach them to do the same.   5 x 5 = 25

25 x 5 = 125
125 x 5 = 625 ……

DUPLICATION... It's Simple!...It just needs to be applied!
Simple!!...Show the movie, and go to the next!

5  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere on: August 11, 2007, 06:23:08 PM
Hello Shaun,

Your thoughts are like mine...give and we will ALL receive. Smiley

Some people are "greedy" and sadly enough if they are putting 50 people on their 1st level without helping ALL of them...they will continue to think that programs like this are a "scam".

Run your business to the way your "heart" talks to you. Smiley Mine tells me to bring as many people with me on this journey. Smiley

What a change in the world if we ALL thought like this...actually got down and personal with the people we bring in and really meant it when we said that we are here to help. Smiley

I believe it will happen...it's a BIG world and to bring change into people lives who "fear"...the odds are against us...but I feel if I can help lighten the daily burdens in peoples lives a bit...than I will be in it for the long haul because that is worth it to me. Smiley

Take away the "greed" and build a community of everyone helping each other = teaches duplication and achieves longevity for everyone. Smiley


I agree with you, that’s the way I think it should be done (ex: help 5 get five each before going wider) this would build a stronger team, if there would be an incentive to do so maybe GDI would grow even faster!!!...More duplication,…more active members,…more income!!.....More Income = more motivated members = more action = more duplication = more results = Bigger GDI........Whooooo.Hoooo

Build it right

6  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: HTML Questions? Ask Here! on: July 30, 2007, 03:00:20 AM
Hi Sanjinka,
Your question was "Is there any HTML code for including
video presentation (same one as on DVD)"

This is a banner HTML code, when you click on the banner it will open your affiliate page to show the dvd movie, copy the following into a web page (insert html):

<object  classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    width="468" height="60">
    <param name=movie


    <param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src="http://images.website.ws/banners/kvmlm2/468x60_02.swf?


    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high"
    width="468" height="60"
    pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" >

username is the username you chose during sign up, remember to change username to your own.
You can choose a variation of Banners, check in your Banners for the list.

Have a great day,

Joel  Smiley
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: can someone help me with this "what is HTML code stand for" on: July 30, 2007, 03:00:20 AM
Hi Phatthira_V,

Your question was, "what is HTML code stand for and what does it do?"
I have an answer for you,

HTML stands for the HyperText Markup Language. HTML code is the major language of the Internet's World Wide Web. Web sites and web pages are written in HTML code. With HTML code and the world wide web, you have the ability to bring together text, pictures, sounds, and links... all in one place! HTML code files are plain text files, so they can be composed and edited on any type of computer... Windows, Mac, UNIX, whatever.
You can insert HTML codes into web pages that you personally create, you can create your codes using HTML Builders or use existing HTML codes from others sources
The benefits of adding HTML code to your web pages are huge! For example, Google Adsense has been making thousands of "every day" people thousands of dollars a MONTH in additional revenue... simply for placing Google Adsense code (provided by Google) on their web pages. Now it's YOUR turn!
PayPal is another easy example. Set up your free PayPal account and follow their simple instructions to start collecting orders from your web site immediately! For Helpful Hints and details you can PM me.
To use HTML you will first need a web page to add your HTML code to.

Examples for code 
(Your access code is your username)

URL   to promote the GDI business opportunity

If you want to be referring show dvd to your affiliate link (you can find it in Hit Logs)

This is your Affiliate URL to promote it:


username is the username you chose during sign up, remember to change username to your own.
 This is a banner HTML code, when you click on the banner it will open your affiliate page, copy the following into a web page (insert html):

<object  classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    width="468" height="60">
    <param name=movie


    <param name=quality value=high>
    <embed src="http://images.website.ws/banners/kvmlm2/468x60_02.swf?


    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high"
    width="468" height="60"
    pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" >

You can choose a variation of Banners and other url’s, check in your Banners for the list.
Hope this will help you for now,

Joel  Wink
8  Administration / Announcements / Re: GDI is a DSA Member on: July 14, 2007, 05:29:55 AM
Congratulation to GDI to be a full active member of the DSA!

This will help grow GDI even bigger and faster and this will be good for us too !
Does your new partnership with the DSA mean that there would be some possibilities to do some kind of co-op advertising with them ?...We could all benefit from this !
Would it be possible ?
If it’s not possible with DSA, do you think GDI could set-up some kind of advertising co-op, banner rotator or URL rotator for the benefit of all of us, this would give a chance to all GDI members to benefit from bigger advertising campaigns !
GDI is a great business to be in and sometime I'm sure there are a lot of hard working members that are not getting the results they deserve from their own advertising !

The Future Looks Good !

9  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome To All New Members! on: June 24, 2007, 08:53:43 PM
Hi everyone!

This looks to be a great big friendly community! I am  just starting to promote GDI and I am glad to be a part of a good online business. The sky is the limit and will have a piece of it!   I only have to find the best way to promote GDI to others now!!   Lots of reading to do here, hope to find lots of good tips around the forum!

Hope to make some new friends too!
Have a great day everyone!   Grin

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