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Author Topic: Share Your Best!  (Read 377840 times)
Posts: 17

"What would you do if you weren't afraid?

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« Reply #345 on: December 23, 2007, 08:03:39 PM »

Hello everyone~

I just wanted to post this about marketing. People make it so much harder than it is more often than not. One thing that people should do to market your business successfully is just tell them what you do. Everyone that I come into contact with, whether just someone that I walk by and they say hello in a grocery store, to someone that I see that I have not talked to in YEARS and I run into them somewhere. If we exchange words, they get a business card.

It is important that we do this. I am not sure if you are familiar with Jim Rohn, but he says that if you talk to enough people, soon a ratio will appear. This has to do with the law of large numbers. Obviously, the more people that you talk to, the more people you will sign up.

Here is what you can do to become more successful in your marketing/recruiting. Set yourself a MDC. That stands for minimum daily contacts. Make a goal to contact a specific amount of people PER DAY! Mine is 3. That is 90 people per month. If you are talking to 90 people per month, I guarantee that you will start signing people up. The cool thing about this method is, the more comfortable that you get in talking to people, the more people you will start signing up. It is not that hard to come up with a 35% to 40% average. You just need to take this very seriously and BE CONFIDENT!

One thing that you have to do right now is believe! Believe that you have the best product and business opportunity online today! If you stumble over your words, and you are not confident in your products and services, your prospects will see right through you. If you are not confident, then I encourage you to go back through your members area and re-evaluate what you have here. Gain confidence in it, believe that what you have is AWESOME and go out and tell people with confidence that they too will love our products, services and opportunity!

This all ties together with the phone as well. If you have people visiting your website, or you are ordering the phone verified leads from the back office, you NEED to pick up that phone. This world has become so impersonal, and we need to make it personal again. Take a personal interest in your prospects. You do not even have to try and "sell" them, you just have to let them know that there is a real person there to help them should they need it. That is all. Act as though you are a tour guide and they are a tourist. Just guide them through the information and ultimately get them back to your website and let this system sell them. That is why we have this system with that $250,000.00 video! Use that sucker! And if you have a prospect that is on the fence, send them a DVD. Get something in their hands that gives you credibility. One thing I always tell people is, that you do not have to be the expert...that is what the website is for. Just be the nice tour guide who just made sure that their questions were answered, and their needs were met, and that they WATCHED THE MOVIE!!!

I suggest that you tell people that they HAVE to watch the movie. 1, the movie is awesome and will wow them, and 2 it shows them that you have a system that is working. That way when they ask all you will say is, well all I do is send people to this movie, call them and see if they have questions and make sure they watched the movie, sign them up and tell them to do the exact same!

If you have an easy to follow "system" you will become duplicatable and that is the KEY to success with network marketing. You will attract people if they think that they "can do this". If you do things that scare you, chances are it will scare them. People only want to do what is easy, and showing people the movie could not be easier. Start making it a requirement before you work with someone. Tell them that movie is making people a fortune, and that you REQUIRE that people you work with watch it and get to know it, because they are going to use it too, to build THEIR businesses.

I hope that this helps! Just get out there and talk to people, and CALL YOUR LEADS!!! Don't be scared because you don't have to try and "sell" them, just visit and direct them BACK to your website and let IT do the selling! Again I say THAT IS WHAT IT IS HERE FOR. Get yourself out of the way...be a "tour guide".

Happy GDIing!

David Foster

"Practice a few simple disciplines daily, and you will succeed"
Brad Kamanski
Posts: 5

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« Reply #346 on: December 24, 2007, 10:43:19 AM »

Hello Fellow GDI'ers!

If you are not using a system to market your GDI business that might be the reason you are struggling to make money. You need to be able to follow up with prospects with an autoresponder that continues to make contact and allows you to broadcast messages to your prospects to maintain interest in GDI or they will hightail it into another program. You have to be able to do this affordably as well so your finances are not drained in the process. Well, I have found just that vehicle and I am starting to see some results already! I will keep you posted and let you know how I am doing...God Bless all of you and Happy Holidays coming up!

Yours In Success!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 10:44:27 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged

I Would Rather Be Hated For Who I Am Than Loved For Who I Am Not!
Posts: 17

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« Reply #347 on: December 25, 2007, 10:47:35 PM »


Thank you very much for your post. It contained a lot of good information, and I needed to see something like that to help me build excitement and momentum.

"Aim for the moon and even if you miss, you will be among the stars."
Wallace Clifton
Posts: 1

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« Reply #348 on: December 31, 2007, 03:12:56 AM »

There are a lot of uninformed people out there who think if they promote their affiliate
link a couple times they will be successful. This is not true as there are many people
out there who are doing the same thing and not making any money.

The truth is whatever you are promoting online; you must build your list and put all
prospects on a drip campaign. I am going to share with you how I build my GDI business
using the drip campaign technique.

FREE is the most powerful word in your advertising campaign.  I constantly advertise
the following FREE benefits of visiting my GDI site.

Submit 12 million Ads for FREE!
1000 FREE Leads per day for Life!
Free Sotfware Free ebooks Live seminars.

As you can see, I have something for everyone, whether you are promoting nutritional
products, movie and books clubs, legal and tax help programs. Something for everyone
and I am giving people a compelling reason WHY to visit my site. I am helping everyone
and at the same time building my e-mail list.

Everything on my site captures information.  I then put each verified person on a drip
campaign. I send an e-mail on a Sunday (first drip) encouraging them to see my GDI
Flash presentation.. 2 days later (drip) another e-mail reminding them again about
the GDI Flash presentation and 2 days later (drip) another one. Sunday and Tuesday
could be bad days to look, but Thursday might just be right. This again is called a drip
campaign. People are busy and don’t always have time to look.  After a while however, a
dripping faucet will cause someone to take note and take action.

By the way, all my messages say very little creating mystery and just encouraging them
to see the personalized Flash presentation.  Many people out there are saying way too
much.  Little is better.

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care,

Alan Zibluk
Bethany, CT
I just ran your small ad thru my ad program and it got a rating of 8.9.(bad).  You have ten (10) key words that will get your ad thrown in the trash bin with out even slowing down. Anybody  that is sending emails should look closely at the wording. If you would like more info contact me.
Wallace Clifton
Posts: 1

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« Reply #349 on: January 04, 2008, 02:30:45 PM »

Hello all,

I am new to GDI. I am considering doing some classified advertising. I would welcome any feedback on my ad.


FREE DVD explains how you can make money building websites. Call xxx or visit www.my.ws/xxxx for more information.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 02:32:37 PM by ChipSnyder » Logged
Posts: 17

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« Reply #350 on: January 07, 2008, 03:14:10 AM »


Personally, I don't think I would take the time to follow through on what i see in your ad. By using the text 'building websites', I think most readers will think that it takes a lot of work, and would require learning a whole new skill (HTML coding) that they do not have a desire to learn.

"Aim for the moon and even if you miss, you will be among the stars."
Roberto Fonseca
Posts: 1

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« Reply #351 on: January 09, 2008, 03:23:04 AM »

I wanted to know who might know and give me their opinion on what they would share the best tip when investing a few hundred dollars into GDI. What would be wise to do with a lump some of money when investing in GDI?

Thanks any help will be appreciated!

Posts: 6

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« Reply #352 on: January 14, 2008, 07:03:26 AM »

I've been at this about a year. I have nothing to show it. I'm not buying any of their DVDs and sending them out to PPL. It's a waste of good money! PPL sign up and when they find out you can't help them get signups they leave. Around here they advise you to advertise and promote but no one will say where they advertise or where they get their signups from. Take out ads in the papers. Ish don't think so. After looking in this forum I found a few pieces of ad copy to use but they have been unsuccessful so far. The only thing that keeps me with GDI is the fact that I have my own domain name for ten dollars a month. As for the money making end of it I don't see how PPL are doing it. When you ask for help all they say is read in the forum and go on the calls which to date have gotten me nowhere.

Not Dead Yet!!
Rashmi M
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« Reply #353 on: January 14, 2008, 07:10:52 AM »

Hello Every one !
I am Rashmi Mattu, from Andhra Province of India, Asia. I had joined GDl last year. But after 6 month also, I could not enroll a single member under me. May be I am only using the traditional methods of recruiting by daily invitations (100 everyday). People see the presntation. I ask them to take a 7 day free trial, but so far no one has responded.

Can anyone guide the best way. Today I have read about printing some visiting cards of mine and distributing them to everone all over the place.

Other than this do you have any ther method to promote GDI even better. Hope this form will make me prudent enough to earn few bucks with the guidance of you all oldies in this business.

Rashmi M
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« Reply #354 on: January 14, 2008, 10:00:42 AM »

Hi Alex,

You are right, most people are "riders" who hope that they just join and have you put sign ups under them.
It is often said that the Network Marketing industry is a numbers game, you just have to keep looking until you find leaders who are serious to build the business.
It is true to a certain extent.

What I do is to build depth. This keeps the 'free riders" happy and they will stay in the group.
After that I find deserving people in my downlines and help them grow the business.

I actually have a system to do that, if you are interested, please PM me.

To get people to sign up for your business, it is not enough just to directly advertise.
Try building a list with something free to offer (non MLM products or service),
when you build a relationship with them it is easier to tell them about the opportunity.

Hope that helps.


I've been at this about a year. I have nothing to show it. I'm not buying any of their DVDs and sending them out to PPL. It's a waste of good money! PPL sign up and when they find out you can't help them get signups they leave. Around here they advise you to advertise and promote but no one will say where they advertise or where they get their signups from. Take out ads in the papers. Ish don't think so. After looking in this forum I found a few pieces of ad copy to use but they have been unsuccessful so far. The only thing that keeps me with GDI is the fact that I have my own domain name for ten dollars a month. As for the money making end of it I don't see how PPL are doing it. When you ask for help all they say is read in the forum and go on the calls which to date have gotten me nowhere.

Not Dead Yet!!

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« Reply #355 on: January 15, 2008, 03:24:47 AM »

I've been at this about a year. I have nothing to show it. I'm not buying any of their DVDs and sending them out to PPL. It's a waste of good money! PPL sign up and when they find out you can't help them get signups they leave. Around here they advise you to advertise and promote but no one will say where they advertise or where they get their signups from. Take out ads in the papers. Ish don't think so. After looking in this forum I found a few pieces of ad copy to use but they have been unsuccessful so far. The only thing that keeps me with GDI is the fact that I have my own domain name for ten dollars a month. As for the money making end of it I don't see how PPL are doing it. When you ask for help all they say is read in the forum and go on the calls which to date have gotten me nowhere.

Not Dead Yet!!

Hello Alex,

I would be willing to take you under my wing, and share some of the same training materials I give my own downline, if you'd like?

"Aim for the moon and even if you miss, you will be among the stars."
Posts: 1

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« Reply #356 on: January 15, 2008, 03:24:49 AM »

  Roll Eyes GDI concept is amazing, yet I am trying to build my webpage and having no success.
I am new to the computer world and the language is somewhat foreign. 

I know if I build a simple but apealing webpage success is lurking around the corner.

Newbie since Jan 9th, help required..

Kris  Wink 
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« Reply #357 on: January 15, 2008, 03:24:49 AM »

How can you call members on your down line "riders"?
Have you sent them an email and asked them why they joined?
Maybe it was for the same reason as I did, for the product itself, to have my own website and a place to host it, all included for the same low price.
It's not my fault that I was automatically signed up in someone's down line, that's apparently a given when signing up for the product.

Hi Alex,

You are right, most people are "riders" who hope that they just join and have you put sign ups under them.
It is often said that the Network Marketing industry is a numbers game, you just have to keep looking until you find leaders who are serious to build the business.
It is true to a certain extent.

What I do is to build depth. This keeps the 'free riders" happy and they will stay in the group.
After that I find deserving people in my downlines and help them grow the business.

I actually have a system to do that, if you are interested, please PM me.

To get people to sign up for your business, it is not enough just to directly advertise.
Try building a list with something free to offer (non MLM products or service),
when you build a relationship with them it is easier to tell them about the opportunity.

Hope that helps.


I've been at this about a year. I have nothing to show it. I'm not buying any of their DVDs and sending them out to PPL. It's a waste of good money! PPL sign up and when they find out you can't help them get signups they leave. Around here they advise you to advertise and promote but no one will say where they advertise or where they get their signups from. Take out ads in the papers. Ish don't think so. After looking in this forum I found a few pieces of ad copy to use but they have been unsuccessful so far. The only thing that keeps me with GDI is the fact that I have my own domain name for ten dollars a month. As for the money making end of it I don't see how PPL are doing it. When you ask for help all they say is read in the forum and go on the calls which to date have gotten me nowhere.

Not Dead Yet!!
Eugene L
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« Reply #358 on: January 15, 2008, 03:24:49 AM »

Is anyone out there utilizing the fundraising idea first posted a couple of years ago, if so how's it going?( as I'm interested in pursuing the idea myself ) Many Thanks, Eugene.
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« Reply #359 on: January 16, 2008, 11:36:28 AM »

Hi D_Martinez,

I didn't intend to be offensive when I use the word "riders", perhaps I have chosen the wrong term.
I am really sorry if you were offended.

I would love to have people who are users like yourself, signing up just because they like the product.
But it is difficult to find such prospects.

Domain registration from Godaddy is just $8.95 per year
And you can find full hosting packages with 25G storage/300G bandwidth plus full script support for less then $2/month in the internet.

For your info, 100% of my downlines join me for the opportunity, not the product.
However, GDI has the advantage of allowing us to promote other opportunities along side this one on our domain name,
so this business is a stepping stone to multiple income streams.

That's why I love GDI  Cheesy


How can you call members on your down line "riders"?
Have you sent them an email and asked them why they joined?
Maybe it was for the same reason as I did, for the product itself, to have my own website and a place to host it, all included for the same low price.
It's not my fault that I was automatically signed up in someone's down line, that's apparently a given when signing up for the product.


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Send me a private message to get help
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