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1  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: October 26, 2009, 04:17:39 PM
Hi All, my name is Shaikh Yassear Arafat Bin Shaikh Ahmad and I'm from Malaysia. I've joined GDI for the past few weeks. Still on the learning stage. Hope all of us can grow together with GDI... thanks. Cheesy

you are welcome to the GDI Forum family.
If you treat it as your buisness I am sure you will be a successful affiliate.
Please give daily atleast one hour and you will be successful sure.
Mohammed Khan
2  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: I am new and need help!!! on: December 08, 2008, 05:36:19 PM
I have had like 20 people show interest and for some reason I am showing that nobody has signed up!!!!!!!  I am sending out ads all day and I get at least 30+ calls a day and still nothing.  WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?Huh?   Huh

You are doing nice.
Do not desperate, carry on you will get success, all these responses are showing your success.
M Khan
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: HELP NEEDED ON ADVERTISING MY BUSINESS!!!! on: July 26, 2008, 09:25:21 PM
HI,  My name is Karen.. I have been w/GDI for almost 2-Mths. and I still haven't
gotten any sign ups. I am really getting frustrated, I too have been doing the invite-emails but, I still haven't gotten
any.. I don't know what to do, because my money situation is getting really bad, I'm on Social Security which is not
much and one child to support, that's the reason why I joined GDI, I know its a very good business, but, If I cannot
get anyone to sign up soon, I'm afraid that I'm, going to have to cancel, and I know I don't want to but, Money is
really getting scarce for me.. I need all the help I can get right now, So, if anyone has any ideas on how I can get sign
ups fast. Please, let me know.. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
                                                                                           Karen (Mi)

 I have been here 3 months and so far have no one either under me. I am very disheartened and on the verge of canceling.In fact i got on here trying to figure out how to cancel my acct. I cannot afford to keep paying 10   a month with no money gained. I think that is way so many cancel.It is hard to get epole to join.I just quit MPM for the same reason and all I had to do there was give away free malls and I couold not even do that.So I know how you feel. When you are doing a program that depends on a downline it is very risky to say the least.I am about to quit all program such as these. Does anyone know how to cancel these accts. please email me at patricia at logantele dot com thanks


You may have already cancelled by the time you read this. But if
you are still in GDI you may not have realised this... There are
thousands of people all over the world making a profit from GDI.
They are living proof that it works.

This fact also applies to most other top rated team building
business opportunities.

That being the case, it stands to reason that it is not the
company, or the compensation plan, but you. You are doing
something wrong with how you are trying to promote GDI. Either
you are not doing enough, or you are promoting to the wrong
market, or both.

There are three markets.

1. Those people who want a domain name and hosting but only want
to "pay as you go", rather than paying a whole year, or two in
advance. Also they don't need all the bells and whistles such as
hosting their own wordpress blog, or hosting their own forum,
that some hosting services offer.

2. Those people who are looking for a way to make some extra

3. Those people who want a mix of 1 and 2.

What you need to focus on is discovering where these prospects
are located and how you can get them to ask for more
information. I suggest you start looking in your own location.

Start distributing fliers and drop cards. Create some simple 3 x 5
postcards and place them in newsagents shop windows,
especially at newsagents that have bus stops outside their shops.

Leave dropcards at ATMs, in library books about

There are all sorts of ways to generate inquiries for little or no

Just to recap; If others in GDI are making money then it's not
GDI that is at fault.

Therefore, for things to change you need to change the way
you are doing things.


Hello karen,
yes Gorden is right that you should not feel dishearted so early.
Try , try and try I am very sure that you have a sincere desire and you will get success.
as Gorden said peoples are getting suceess then why you can not, sure you will but please try in really sincere way.
If need any support just ask for it in free and without any type of hesitation as your brother any time.
M Khan
4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: PLEASE! STOP Focusing on the GDI Opportunity! on: July 08, 2008, 12:23:33 PM
welcome again to GDI family.
Even now you are not late and now you know better the net than before.
Have a nice time.
M khan
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hey GDI Members - Anybody From Victoria or British Columbia or Canada? on: May 12, 2008, 02:06:59 AM

Hello Ron,
You joined GDI since long back.
can you share with juniors like me that how much you are earning now per month from GDI?
M Khan
Hey fellow Canucks!

I was born in Montreal and l have lived here all my life. I'm sooo happy that Spring is here 'cause we
had a wicked Winter with all that snow piling up on my lawn.

I joined GDI in December 2005. That means that I kept my domain name and web site for over 30 months.
Time flies when you're having fun.

The internet world is phenomenal because one can reach out to anybody with a few strokes on a keyboard.

On my web site I promote ways to make money including GDI.
GDI is an affordable $10 a month program. If you can't afford that then forget about making money on the internet.
Still it's not that easy to make money but it's possible.
I'm involved with an excellent Network Marketing Company selling REAL greeting cards that you select from the internet,
and there's over 12,000 cards to choose from,
then you type in your message and press "Send".
Our company prints out a real card, stuffs it, stamps it and mails it
for less than what you would pay at a Hallmark Store.
It's great to send a real Welcome card to a new GDI member in your downline.

What I like about my MLM company is that I get a residual income for every greeting card sold each
month. That's what I like about GDI, a sign-up can generate a residual income every month.

Everybody knows what a greeting card is just like people know what is a domain name and web site.
Many people can use both things. Both businesses can be done on the internet.

Good luck to all the newbies in GDI.

Let's hear from other Canadians out there!

From Ron

6  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hey GDI Members - Anybody From Victoria or British Columbia or Canada? on: May 11, 2008, 09:05:43 PM
Hello Ron,
You joined GDI since long back.
can you share with juniors like me that how much you are earning now per month from GDI?
M Khan
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: March 30, 2008, 03:29:10 PM

George, from California, USA. This is the latest addition to my multiple streams of income up to 9 now. Llove working for me since i am a very nice boss and don't even scold me for being late or lazy. Look forward to growing quickly and be happy to help anyone that needs what i have to offer.

Hello G Trapp,
I need your kind help to get started in any other good opportunity if you can send me link to join that.
M Khan
8  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: March 28, 2008, 07:41:59 PM

I am very new, I have signed up for GDI a little over 7 days now I have doing those traffic pages but have not had any sucess at this, I live in califonia and I do see the potential I just hope I can remain positive..

hello Satoya,
Welcome to GDI and forum family.
Just keep TE and other way of traffic to your website. You will get sure success.
M Khan
9  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Share Retention Techniques... on: March 20, 2008, 10:23:38 AM
I've added a library of training modules to my member site in the hopes of better educating my team on principles of marketing and online business related topics.

I want them to become more successful than me! The goal is to stimulate them and become innovative and focussed on 1 hour a day of solid marketing and results instead of chasing guru hype.

Good thinking you want to make your downline more success than you, really it is great
If all of us thinking like this then success is very near for everyone.
M Khan
10  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Ads, Flyers and Business Letters on: March 20, 2008, 10:20:38 AM
Can anybody guide me how I can get a good flyer
If someone send me sample.
I will appreciate for your support.
M Khan
11  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: March 20, 2008, 10:13:51 AM
Welcome to our all new members and wishing all of you great success in GDI and in your life.
M Khan
12  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: WHAT DID YOU DO BEFORE DISCOVERING GDI? on: March 19, 2008, 06:31:51 AM
Hi Brad,

I've been in online business since 1999. Been everywhere,
done everything. Mostly wasted my money.
The programs I made some money
and I stay some time with were:

SFI and Empowerism.

I dropped both of them and decided to dedicate
all my time to GDI!


Hello Sanjinka,
I checked leaderboard and I found you are real success member of GDI.
I congratulats for your great success.
If you do not mind can you please guide me few tips for success in GDI.
M Khan
13  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: Don't Give Up on: March 13, 2008, 09:54:16 AM
I have been in GDI for over 2 years now.  In the beginning I was soo GUNG HO.....then I LOST MY FOCUS!  I got involved in soo many other things, tried starting my own things......THREW TONS of MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN.....all the while I had the BEST and EASIEST OPPORTUNITY to make a RESIDUAL INCOME sitting right in front of me!  How STUPID can a person be?

I have been receiving a small check every single month, and it is GREAT.  It would be soo much bigger if I wouldn't have LOST my FOCUS and got drowned in everything else out there.  NOTHING COMPARES to GDI!

The Product
The Price
The Opportunity

You can't go wrong!

DON'T EVER GIVE UP ON GDI!  It is YOUR OWN GOLDMINE - if you let it be!

I am finally getting on track this year and KEEPING MY FOCUS!

There was a post that I read about reading the Book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.....I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT!

You can find it online many places or you can even find it in your local library.  I am currently working on a revised edition of it.  When I am done, if anyone would like a copy, just PM me and I will get you a copy.  I am not sure how much longer it will take me.....a couple of weeks I think!

Anyways......I am GRATEFUL for the OPPORTUNITY that we have with GDI!


A TIP - Make a SIMPLE BLACK AND WHITE FLYER, Make 100 Copies a week and HAND THEM OUT!  Don't let them sit there and collect dust, like I have!  It is time to get off of our BUTTS and do something about it!

If you want it BAD ENOUGH - You will get it!  Like in "Think and Grow Rich" it says - YOU HAVE TO HAVE A STRONG DESIRE - The NUMBER 1 KEY INGREDIENT TO SUCCESS!


To your success,


Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for your these kind encouraging words for new comers like me.
Really I appreciate for your these kind words.
I also suggest to all our new fellow members that please keep constant promoting your site and get good results.
GDI is the best opportunity on net at present.
M Khan
14  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello Im Asmani on: March 12, 2008, 10:35:21 AM
Hello newbies, im a newbies too... im from indonesia and currently residing in singapore...hey im looking for friends that might want to do business together in the asian region.

I am ready to buisness with you please let me know
M Khan
15  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Social Networks - Which ones? Filters? on: February 02, 2008, 08:59:17 AM
I have been with GDI for a few months and have had some success with invites.  I am now turning to Social networks.  According to my hit counter, I get very few hits from having my site on my profile.  Yet, I get warnings that my content is spam.

Which social networks are you using?  Which are the most "easy going" about what is on your profile?   Undecided

Let's brainstorm...

Hello Robert,
Please try to classified ads sites these are more effective and you will get more hits.
In traffic exchange you can use traffic hoopla approved site more useful.
m Khan
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