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Author Topic: Share Your Best!  (Read 378157 times)
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« Reply #480 on: March 01, 2009, 08:08:02 AM »

In the Network marketing world, the “haves” are at the top of the food chain, not by fancy marketing campaign’s but by more common sense methods; such as simply paying for traffic. After hearing that, most people are probably saying to themselves, “You can do that!?” Yes! Imagine the possibilities, 10,000 new leads generated in a month. I can already hear the skeptics, “but that would cost a fortune!!” Nope, for only thirty dollars, you can get 10,000 new leads, in a month! Spooky, isn’t it?  Even crazier is that most guarantee: if you don’t get 10,000 new unique leads, you get a full refund.  Out 10,000 say for instance, only 500 signed up, you would be set for a year! This is an old idea of the internet, but there are plenty of sites you can sign up with such as thetrafficstream.com (who also guarantee 10,000 people). Only you can decide if traffic is worth the cost.

Some things to consider:
•   The traffic is not highly qualified, so only about 1 to 3 percent will actually sign up.
•   It’s hard to get someone to sign up after the one initial contact, so send the traffic to a place where either you blog, or somewhere where there are articles listed that will prep them for your proposition (make sure there is a link to your sign-up page).
•   For the people who do signup make sure there is a place to collect e-mails, for future contact.

Another way to pay for marketing is pay per click advertising.

This type of advertisement will help you drive traffic for cheap. You set up an account on one or more of the sites, based of the content of your site. Then you select the amount of money, your willing to pay for each click, whoever will pay the highest for your category will be first. Caution: if you put a higher price just to outbid the rest of the people you could end up with a really nice bill.
There are plenty of sites you use such as, google.com and yahoo.com to name a couple. But if you’re going to do it, remember it’s important to learn how to get a lot of sales because otherwise you will be wasting your money (check out my post on sale increasing). Due to the fact that you’re paying for all the people that come and nobody is buying. To calculate the amount of money to offer simply calculate a ratio out of 10 or 100, for instance if you sale a product for 25 dollars and out of every 100 people that come by, 2 are paying customers, take the profit which is $50 and divide 100 into it to get your limit on what to spend. In this case its, no more than $0.50. Anymore than that you would be in debt that amount, times 100! So if you go over 5 cents, you would end up owing $5.00 for every 100 people that visit your site.
David Minns
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« Reply #481 on: March 18, 2009, 09:51:06 AM »


I have many years of selling experience and I hope this information helps you.

Selling is always a number name. You can sell any product, it all comes down to a sales conversion rate. For example, 1 in 100 may buy, or 3 in 100 may buy.

From 10 years experience in online sales I can tell you that an average conversion rate is between 1% to 3%.

So to make GDI work for you the first thing you need to do is ensure your HIT LOG is full. You want to be seeing 10 to 20 visitors per day. This will result in a great downline. Don't give up if you have no downline members. GDI works well, just make sure you have the traffic. I will leave you with 3 comments:

Senaro 1: You can contact 1000s of people, you tell them about a poor product and you make no money.
Senaro 2: You have a great product, you tell nobody about it and you make no money.
Senaro 3: You have a great product, tell 1000s of people and you make a lot of money.

GDI is #3! So just get out there and tell people!




Ask me for my free PDF GDI sales guide. 29 pages of ideas that helped me grow a good downline. Or click on my name above my photo to get the file now.
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« Reply #482 on: April 06, 2009, 07:36:04 AM »

Well I am pretty new here and I have been reading some great ideas on how to market my website and they all are very good. There is no doubt if any of these ideas are followed on a consistant basis some serious money can be made. I was able to get my business off and running by following suggestions on launching onto the search engines and got some pretty good contacts. Well money was limited but I was determined to get this thing off and running by duplicating what I have read but in massive quantity. Ws has me up all night just thinking of my success to come and when it cost nothing to launch my site it will always be in cyber. I look forward to the day when I can take another vacation and go visit my grandchildren. This is the first company I have been in that my wife has been just as excited as I have. I look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible I believe this company can get money flowing and get all economies back up and running!   
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 07:36:35 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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« Reply #483 on: April 28, 2009, 08:44:09 AM »

This is crazy, but I have two really big poplars behind my house, which backs up to a main residential road.  I was thinking of hanging a vinyl banner between the two trees facing the road.  I would say something like "Income For Life!  dscott.ws".  The cost would be high to make the banner, so I haven't done it yet.  Anybody tried anything similar?
Paris C
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« Reply #484 on: April 28, 2009, 08:44:09 AM »

Hi everybody... this will be a page where everybody can add an idea or technique on "100 WAYS TO ADVERTISE, MARKET, GET PEOPLE FOR OUR GDI BUSINESS!"
So read my options and add your ideas until we make the TOP 100 TECHNIQUES!

1) Normally, its guys that are interested in online businesses! So go to the TOP SPORTS web pages like MANCHESTER UNITED or BARCELONA fan club websites! 2 of the most popular soccer teams in the world and place a banner!
2) Make a FACEBOOK or MYSPACE profile and upload some videos and text! add EVERYBODY to your profile... and then just talk to them on a 1-to-1 basis! lead them to your link!
3) Design a cool attractive flyer and pay the post office to distribute to everybody in your area or town or city! (THIS IS AN INVESTMENT! BUT IT DOES MAGIC!)
4) TORRENTS! Make an e-book, PDF or VIDEO! put an original catchy phraise and let the world down load it! make sure your link is all over it!
5) Go to kiosks! and Fast food stores! the people who are working there are people who have no option and they took a low paid job for desperate cash! give them all a flyer/business card/dvd! get their email and telephone number! TRUST ME! if they will work for KFC!!!.... they will definately work for US!

If you are reading this... please add an idea or two. Lets make this the biggest GDI BIBLE for everybody.


Jr. Member
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« Reply #485 on: April 28, 2009, 10:18:40 AM »

Join Power5Plans Cause...

Help transform GDI into a Lottery!

All thats required are your YouTube votes and video's to funnel traffic back to Power5Plan's Randomizer.

Get your name on the randomizer list today! FREE!!!

United We Stand• A Chance Online

• Get step-by-step instructions
• Copy & Paste ease
• FREE regardless of your upline

Stop Struggling in GDI and Start doing  'GDI the Smart Way!'
Posts: 34

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« Reply #486 on: May 01, 2009, 02:55:50 AM »

If you have the time I would post adds on any free site out there. It takes alot of time, but its FREE. I have the business card and insert it in any mailing I get in the mail, I send it with bills, etc. If its FREE I do it. I also buy banner adds, etc. Another thing you can do is market it to local business owners. The .WS extension is wide open, so for $10 a month what business wouldn't want there own name on the web. Not everyone you market to needs to be looking to make money online. If you want to you could offer to local business's stating signup and I will create a FREE starter website for you. That is if you have the time and you can create nice looking websites.

Good Luck to all.


Scott Price
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« Reply #487 on: May 10, 2009, 06:22:10 AM »

The only problem I see with some of the tactics I've read and seen
eg: putting a banner across trees, slipping cards in peoples pockets and bags,
stapling fliers to trees, is it puts a bad taste in my mouth you get one or two
maybe ten customers, but you also put the word out to 95% of the people
that see it tacky can I trust it? That might sound very British, but I've lived in a few
other countries and they think the same.
I think being honest and being seen to be honest will have a better effect in the long run.
So its important to hold yourself to a high quality standard when advertising your business.

Maybe I'm idealistic
But thats the angle I'm going for and I hope what I have gives food for thought.

Well what ever method is used good luck with it
Take care
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« Reply #488 on: May 25, 2009, 03:04:26 PM »

Hi there

I wish to propose a marketing strategy to increase sales on a layer based structure
I called it “marketing segmental upgrade”

1.  Have 2 types of accounts: for example: starter (S) – full privileges (F.P)

Your campaign should be “Imagine how 5$ could change your life”

The starter account - only 5$ 
-   this account is only for the domain name, replicated sites, without web hosting option)
-   this account has only 2 levels (2 on upline and 2 on downline).
-   each customer gets paid 2$ per referral on a 2 layer structure, even if his structure develops into a 5 layer network
So, if a customer would refer 3 people (6$) and those 3 would refer only 3 (18$) he/she will have 24$ /  month on a 2 layer network.

If a person has over 24$ per month his/hers account will automatically  or by user choice be update to full privileges (F.P) with web hosting etc, having access to his/hers 5 layer network.

A S referral will pay 5$ / month – therefore
- 4$ go to his upline members (on 2 leves) if they are also S. referrals
- if one of both members of the upline are F.P referrals they will receive 1$ each (only on 2 levels)

F.P customers can only receive 1$ / referral but they have access to the entire 5 layer network
Also S customers will receive 1$ is they have F.P referrals in their downline

Implement automatic payment
If a person has over his/hers 10$ limit, this money should be automatically retained, from the commission. 

2. Have 3 account types - a 2$ account named Guest with only 1 level, and the other S and F.P mentioned above.

Imagine how only 2$ could change your life! Achieve financial freedom with a 2$ investment !

Therefore each member will get 1$ per referral and 1$ will go to the company
This idea will make people refer more people on their 1st level

Members will be updated to Starter account when they reach 6 downline active members, and then upgraded to full privileges when they reach 24$ in commissions

So what do you think ?  Cool

Posts: 34

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« Reply #489 on: June 01, 2009, 07:37:40 AM »

All marketing is a numbers game in my opinion. I put in 100 leads a day in my invite system and I get a few signups a month. But it is working and working pretty good. I also do banner adds, alot of them and they seem to be working ok.

I also have the business cards and put them in bills, or leave them with people. Alot of people toss them but some keep them.

Marketing and building a business takes time, but it is well worth it. Don't expect to be rich is 6 months, but once it starts going its like a big snowball and works.

One more final thought, make a blog about yourself, people need to trust you, see you, and a blog is a great way to get it going. Just don't try to sell anyone, just get them to the movie and let it do the job.

Take Care

Scott Price
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« Reply #490 on: June 22, 2009, 03:10:52 AM »

If anyone has ideas for effective Internet squeeze pages in order to funnel prospects into joining GDI as a downline, please share.

I figured I do some in the same style as most Internet Marketing stuff - maybe have an opt in form in order to get real interested people, and then once they opt in mail them the link to my GDI site with the video.  The key here is getting the traffic of those searching for opportunities to the squeeze/opt-in page in order to get their email address.  That's my plan, anyway...


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« Reply #491 on: June 27, 2009, 10:52:09 PM »

Sorry to intterupt. But I am totally lost.. I would like help with knowing 1. What is my affiliate link I can promote? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Michelle M1
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« Reply #492 on: July 02, 2009, 02:47:23 AM »

Sorry to intterupt. But I am totally lost.. I would like help with knowing 1. What is my affiliate link I can promote? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Greetings M_Nair,

You will find your affiliate link in your GDI members area at https://www.website.ws/members/ You will have several pre made websites to choose from simply log in and click on the " my replicated sites" tab to view that information.

Good luck,

Posts: 3

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« Reply #493 on: July 02, 2009, 02:42:23 PM »

Hello, ALL
Well what Ive been learning is that. You must work HArd to gain the benfits of this program. Some people in other systems are worryied about money before the products, that they forget the important fact. Also from What i've been doing is not bad ,facebook, youtube, and myspace. Are great places to start if you have littler money.
   But dont get me wrong old school is good, they just need a little flavor. Get a bunch of flyers and go to the mall handing them out (500) flyers out of that 100 people you might get all 100 or all 500 but Most of the people will throw it away. As long as we keep up the work and never give up I mnade that mistake in another business Like this. I was wanting to make money fast and didn't want to do the work.

If you don't want to do the work then you wont get anywhere. So if you have any advice for me or anyone else please Email me or repost  Lets all become a team  and work and build together we need to setup a  convention  So people, may see are sucess !!! What does anyone think about that ACN Check out there way of showing people

97% stay working for someone making that someone rich 3% Become rich What are YOU!!! the 97% or The 3% that makes a difference in your LIFE!! THe choice is YOURS dream now  or just sleep forever
Preston Blarek
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« Reply #494 on: July 15, 2009, 03:01:35 AM »

Hello all,

I have been with GDI for two weeks now and I have gotten some interest from people when I mention it but then I try to follow up with them and they never get back to me. I am trying to stick to the GDI program that was laid out to me in the training with the "Wealth Guide". I noticed alot of people are out there just to slam as many people as possible to make the most money possible in the shortest time possible. I do not believe this is right as it ruins the reputation for GDI and makes it harder for future affiliates. I know many people who would benefit hugely from this company but they dont want to because they think is a scam.

That being said, I have been contemplating what my options are from the model of traditional GDI training. I live in a small town, I see many small ma and pop businesses. I think these businesses would benefit greatly from having a 21st century presence on the web...and what better way than with GDI to get them started AND OFFER SUPPLEMENTAL INCOME! Then I hear my friends say: "I want a place where I can post the music that I play and write..." or "I want a site for my business idea." Now, with GDI, they can have that! I think all it takes to succeed with GDI is a couple copies of the DVD, a couple of their printed business cards and go at! Lest we forget the mission statement of GDI: "You can get what you want only if you are willing to help enough other people get what they want" With GDI, we have a good product, we have good service and we have a hell of an opportunity for business AND income!

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