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1  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: February 22, 2010, 11:08:16 AM
Hi - I want to choose my own background and how to lay out my pages.
Does anyone know how we get started on that??
I dont find a place where it starts with a blank - only the templates to choose from.
Any help would be awesome!!
Well hello there Emma and Loreen!  That is not possible unless you are using a hosting account and FTP, sorry.  hope this helps you

2  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Downline Questions on: February 15, 2010, 02:47:55 AM
Hi everyone,im Boyd.i just registerd a week ago.i do have a question mybe anyone here can answer it.1.if i have a new sign up,example:5 people,i should qualify for the weekly bonus.is there an option where i can put 3 of them under my downline.example:under my 1st or 2nd level to help my downline.?i really appreciate any comment/help. Smiley
  Hey Boyd:
If you look at you're members panel, go to you're down line there you can put you're members any where you want to put them, but I'd wait till after I recieved my bonus though.  Hope this helps you.
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hi All from NEW ZEALAND!!! on: January 28, 2010, 10:54:26 AM
Hi everyone i am a newbie eager to learn i have no clue what to do , or what to start Huh
Hello there!  You are in the right place to learn the things that you need to do.  You'll find answers to you're question here on the forum.
Go through the forum post and see what things that have been asked and the answers to the questions.
 I'm sure you'll find what you need right here in this forum and if you still need help contact you're up line and you can find them on the members sign in page.
On the left side you'll see the tabs for different tasks, go to the one that says upline and click to see you're sponsors and you can contact them if they haven't already contacted you to get you started.
Hope this helps you out and if not feel free to send me a DM and I'll try to get you on you're way to starting YOU'RE INCOME FOR LIFE.
4  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: January 28, 2010, 04:15:12 AM
How do i add YouTube videos to my WS?
Well here is youtubes answer to you're question:
The Basics
How do I add a video to my blog or web page?

   1. You'll need to edit the HTML of your blog entry or page—this should be relatively straightforward. In Blogger, for example, just click the "Edit HTML" tab.
   2. Next, go to the video that you want, and look for the 'Embed' box in the "About This Video" section. Copying the HTML code that's there into your website will create an embedded player; the video will play within your site when the user clicks on the 'Play' button.
   3. You can resize the player by editing the object width="425" and height="350" fields at both the beginning and end of the embedded player code. Make sure that the sizes you choose have the same ratio as the default numbers, so that the video doesn't get stretched—just multiply the width by 0.8235 to get the height.
After you get the HTML code copied go to the members area, click on build my site go to the editor, click the text tab,right click ,click on the add hyperlink and paste the HTML in the text link at the bottom,click OK and put it on the page where you want it.
Hope this helps you out.

5  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: can someone help me with this on: January 26, 2010, 12:11:17 PM
Hi, I'm new to these business.

Can someone help explain or guide me through a bit on what do I have to do?
  Well let me say first: Welcome to GDI .  Are you still in you're 7 day free trial?  Have you been sending out you're invitation e-mails? Have you been using flyers or drop cards in you're area, letting people know about the business? Have you been directing people to you're automated site? Have you been advertising on Google,yahoo or any other of the search engines? Have you been using twitter,facebook,myspace or any other social media? If the answer was no to any of these then you can see why you have not seen the fruits of you're labor because you have not put forth the effort to make you're business grow, sorry to be so outspoken but GDI is just like any other business that you might own.  It takes a determination and effort to put you're business out there for people to see before you will realize the building of you're down line.  If I can be of assistance feel free to message me. Eddie
6  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: January 25, 2010, 08:09:58 PM
Hi there,

I was half way through the Build Website wizard when I went back a step or two to alter the font of some text and then it would not return to the page I was on.  I think that it has saved what I did, and it's showing as "published" in WS Sitebuilder 4.02  but I don't know whether it is suitable for viewing yet, or what to do next .I created a Menu page and then a Feedback page and a Guestbook page.  When I put the url in for my site into my tab browser it seems to go straight to the Feed back page, not the "Main Menu" home page I created.  Any ideas on how I can go back and fix the site, or can I delete it and start again? (I have created an email to go with this site)

Ok John, go to the members area-click on the build my website tab-when the outline for the site comes up look and see what the numbers are for you're Main page, this should be page # 1 if not just click on the update page and change you're #s to show in numerical order the way you want them to appear, also when you use you're url any where to advertise the you can type the url to send people where you want them to go if you type http://you'rewebsite.ws/menue or what ever page you want them to land on as long as it is the title of that page,
Hope this helps you
7  .WS Services / WebSite Development / Re: Site builder query on: January 17, 2010, 08:19:37 AM
Hi my name is Antonio and i am trying to creat a website for my mom;s house cleaning business, but none on the tampletes really interested me. The ones that do come with things i cant customize, like animated banners at top (Ex. the business templates) or the picture and placement of the telephone feature. Maybe somebody can help me find a way to creat a MORE customized website?? I'm new to web building so all and any ideas are appriciated. THANKS!
Antonio!!  Have you looked at all the other post's in this category? If there is nothing here that will help you then you need to outsource having a web page built and then use the hosting on the domain.  If you can use html coding you can build the page that you want and then use it for advertising.  I don't believe you can change the code for the pages provided here that you can use with the web builder.

I'm sorry I can't help you more.

8  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: Questions about GDI on: January 17, 2010, 06:44:03 AM
if anybody has any info about it feel free to answer
You do not have to purchase the dvd's but why would you not want all the advertising that you can possibly get about GDI except for the replicated sites. Granted I can see you're point of not wanting to spend a lot of money at first but you can consider them another investment in you're search for that"Dream" we all have of succeeding with an online venture.  The cheapest asset that you can have with GDI is you're own domain/website, where you can not only advertise GDI but other affiliate sites as well- for only $10 a month with more benefits than you can have just being an affiliate. 

I hope I've some incite to you're question, feel free to contact me any time if you wish to ask more questions or feel free to post them here on the forum for more answers. 
9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Someone help me advertise! I can't get people on: January 13, 2010, 11:37:03 AM
Hi..  I start GDI last year and quit, becouse nothing happend.  I start now in jan ´10. I was thinging"  people some have home business on internet and gat everything from paypal and do not live in USA how they gat pay? I meen, Im from Iceland and if paypal ore Clickbank send my check, bank hear in Iceland will not change it. So if I get someone in my downline, I will not get any money to buy food, clothes etc. I just have to by things on internet throu paypal.  Sad

Íris Iceland

  If you have a pay pal account it was set up using you bank account.  If you  do not you need to set up one, if you do you can transfer funds directly from pay pal into you're account so you will have access to you're funds.

I hope this helps you.  Eddie
10  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: January 13, 2010, 11:37:03 AM
Hello! everybody , I am from Thailand , be glad at get know everybody , today I have just to apply for come in cooperate  GDI  ? help to come in teach the work ? please yes , this be , person who is impure my , thank you
  Welcome to GDI Tananya!!  If you want to see you're up line( sponsors )  log into you're  website.ws/members, look on the left side of the page and find the tab that says UP LINE- click it and there you will find you're up line ( sponsors ).  You can message them to let them know that you are in GDI now and would like help getting started.
Hope this helps you out.  Eddie
11  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hello and Confused on: January 07, 2010, 03:07:45 PM
My name is Loretta Locke and I am a member of about 3 wks now and still have no clue what I am doing.  I do not have an upline that will respond to my questions so I am doing this alone.  Anyone got any tips that will help.


Hi there Loretta!! Welcome! It seams that you are experiencing some of the same problems that I have faced.  You should get the feel of you're members area, forum, and start using you're replicated sites (website.ws/YOU'RENAME). You can use this on sites like, Twitter,Face book,linkedin,quickregister  and other free listing site that you will find if you do searches on google , fire fox or so many others for free traffic.  Go to you're website members area and click on the replicated site you like and select it.  While you're on you're members page go to the build my web site tab click on it and get the feel of using the web builder to build you're web site.  Feel free to use you're imagination read the directions that it explains and use it, experiment.
You can find on the forum a tab that says "Showcase you're web site- click on this and see what's possible building a site, get ideas of what's being said and things that are possible with the web builder.  Enjoy the learning experience this is you're Domain so enjoy the fruits of you're labor and build the site that you want others to see and want to do the same thing that you are doing building you're Income For Life.
Hope this helps you.  If I can be of further assistance feel free to message me or look on my profile and you should find my email if that's that will help.
Again Welcome to you're new home on the world wide web. Eddie
12  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Re: can someone help me with this on: January 07, 2010, 03:07:45 PM
I am new and building my web site in Site Builder. I want to have a page link to the GDI video but cannot find it as an option. Is ther a way to have the video as a page in the page list column?
Hello there William!!  Yes you can put any of the videos from you're replicated sites on you're web site. 
 Go to the replicated sites on you're members area
 On the left side of the box you will find the videos that are available
 Click on the video that you want to see
 Right click on the video.
 The menu that you see will have a an item,( View source ) click this
 An html file will appear, copy this all of it but it must be from you're members area to have you're link embeded
 Open you're web builder
 Click on the text tab
 When the box appears, right click and click the paste from external source
 Click ok and place on the page you want you should have the entire replicated site on you're page

I hope this works for you I've done this but I hope it will work for you as well, I try so many things playing with the web builder it's hard to remember but it gives you an idea of how to do it.  Eddie
13  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: January 07, 2010, 03:00:40 AM
My name is Grace Hyewon Kim. I'm Korean.
I just started GDI today and It seems kinda hard for me.
but I wish good news will happen to me someday!
  Welcome Grace!!  You have started you're and taken you're first step.  Here on the Forum you'll find ideas and thoughts that will help you to get ideas about what you can do.  You need to look on the same page that you found this forum and find the tabe that says Upline and click it. There you will find you're sponcers and you can send them a message and get ideas from them as well.  Send out you're personal e-mails and you can start advertising you're replicated site, that is this ( website.ws/you'rename) be sure to put in you're name that you're using on you're web site. Go to the same page and you can click on the build my websit tab and take a look and start using it and getting familiar with it, so you can build you're own.  You will find a tab in this forum called showcase you're web site take a look and see just what can be done building a site..  Again welcome and I hope this helps you a little but contact you're sponsor and if you like contact me I'll tell you all I know and maybe with a little time you will get the hang of it.  Take care Eddie
14  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: January 07, 2010, 03:00:40 AM
Hi there, George here,I joined a couple of months ago but haven't done much to date. I live in a small farming town in the central west of Western Australia and find myself a minimum of 12 hours out of sync with the US.
I still work full time at my day job but am going to switch as soon as GDI replaces my current income.
I've wasted enough time so 2010 is the year to do it. I'll take all the advice and help I can get. I must have a sponsor out there somewhere, so help me make you some money, I'm no value to you out here floundering by myself.
Hello there George, You can find you're up line on the members page. Just look on the left side of the page and you'll see you're up line.  You can send them a message and let them know that you're ready to start building you're down line (business and go from there.  You can start advertising you're replicated site on line or just tell you're friends and family to check out you're site (website.ws/YOU'RENAME)  be sure ya put you're name there in that spot.  Hope this helps and welcome aboard.  Eddie
15  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Welcome New Members! on: December 28, 2009, 09:27:35 AM
hell my name is kevin ross from the united states and i would like to know a little helpful information like how to get started and how to get people to join my team. thanks
Hello there Kevin!!  The very best way to start is by sending out you're invitations on the members page.  Next you need to advertise you're replicated site (http://website.ws/YOU'RENAME) be sure to put you're user name in the you'rename spot, if you are a member on twitter (which is free to sign up) Face Book also free, you can place you're ads there, PPC,articles,blog, there are any number of ways to get traffic.  Build you're site with the web builder so that you can show the people that ask just what GDI domain can do if they choose.  Hope this helps: Eddie
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