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Author Topic: So Whats Up With Cinco De Mayo Anyway?  (Read 5393 times)
Posts: 28

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« on: May 08, 2014, 11:51:50 AM »

So Whats Up With Cinco De Mayo Anyway?
By Smokey | Published May 5, 2014

Well today, While at work….I couldn’t help to notice the date as the 5th of May….and every time somebody mentioned it being “Cinco De Mayo”, I couldn’t help but ask that person “ What is Cinco De Mayo about anyway?”…..I thought it odd that nobody knew what the significance was (with the exception of all who were asked said, “It’s the time everyone gets to drink too much”)….It bothered me all day……I guess mostly because, I didn’t know anymore than they did….So I started asking everybody I came in contact with….weather they mentioned the date or not…..My inquiries met with mostly blank stares and looks  that could cripple a guy that asked to many questions!

Now I couldn’t Just Except That It’s A Time To Drink and That’s It…..Nope…..When I got home, I had to ask the wisest person I know…..My wife….Who was intently reading a magazine….I said “What is the Meaning of Cinco De Mayo?”…..She peered at me over the top of her glasses and the Magazine and said…”The 5th of May!….and I recognized that crippling look…..Now my back already hurts ….so I knew not to ask anymore questions there….I asked my Niece, and one of my grandsons…..(I think I can take them both)…..”What is the reason we celebrate Cinco De Mayo?”….My niece said, “I think that’s Mexico’s independence day”……I told her, “Well I think Mexico’s Independence day is in September”…..She said “Well then I don’t know!..and looked at my grandson, who just looked back and shrugged his shoulders…..then they both went to the basement to look it up!

Ahhh, What a Novel Idea!…I Shall Look It Up….Sure Enough, the old laptop can do something besides frustrate me….I Goggled, “Cinco De Mayo”…..and it popped up…..turns out, all those people that told me that it is a drinking holiday,  were partially right….LOL….

Cinco De Mayo…..Is a Holiday that is mostly celebrated in the U.S……More than in Mexico….And Most of the Americans Celebrate it by drinking, Tequila, Margaritas, and Mexican Beer……In Mexico, It is Celebrated mostly in the state of Puebla….Celebrating The Mexican military defeating the French In the battle of Puebla on the 5th of May 1862……( I’ll be darned)…..Turns out that in the Southwest and Western portion of the U.S. It is also a time of Mexican cultural education and sharing of Mexican song, dance and food!

What Cinco De Mayo Isn’t……Cinco De Mayo Isn’t the time for non Hispanics to sport fake bushy mustaches and wear sombreros, while drinking way to much, and using both phrases of high school Spanish that was learned twenty years ago…Lol…..And Please….Don’t embarrass yourself by having someone else speak Spanish for your entertainment…..I can speak from experience….When people want me to say something in Indian….. That this is Disrespectful….doesn’t matter what your celebrating…..asking someone (usually feels like demanding) to speak a language for your entertainment, rather than for learning makes people un easy and isn’t fair to them…..besides, If you have no idea what they are really saying …….You don’t have any idea what they are saying….

I Felt Compelled To Post This Little Tid Bit of Information…..Not only because it is the 5th of May…..But Because I felt the need to further Educate myself about something I had no Idea about…..How about you!….What do you wished you knew  more about?……What little Tid Bit could you share that is rarely known or understood…….Thank You for reading this Blog post and please feel free to share it on your social media sites, with the buttons provided and the bottom of this post….Better yet Leave a comment and share this post….Motivating others by serving others ….Smokey

motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
24hr contact http://my.vcita.com/gregorybowen 
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Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 03:57:22 PM »

Hey there, Smokey.

We live in a good time.  Virtually every answer to every question you might have is pretty readily available.  Of course, instant gratification leads to other problems, but the information is out there.  Like what Cinco De Mayo is!  By the way, I didn't know.  So thanks for that!

The comments about your wife had me laughing.  I'm not married, but I know the look.

Anyway, the whole reason for the reply is about information and relating it to GDI.  Recently a team member wrote me asking about how to come up with content for her blog.  The answer to that is really easy.  Do what Smokey did!  Ask Mr. Google (or Bing or Yahoo or some other), read a bit and write about what you learned.

For instance, she had a question about coming up with content for her blog.  My advice was to look that question up, read a few articles and watch a few videos, and then in her own words right a post about it.  Or split it into 2 posts.  Instant content and you don't have to come up with anything.

So, great story and great lesson.  Use every resource available to you.  There is nothing wrong with not knowing the answers.  Just know how to find the answers.  And you are way ahead of everyone else.

Hey, thanks for the post, Smokey!


Vincent R. Parker
Posts: 28

I'm here to give support and serve others .

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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2014, 09:48:52 AM »

Hello Vince....You are exactly right ....with all that information at our finger tips ....I have yet to be with out something to blog about.....When I started to Blog I had no idea I would enjoy it so much....I asked my coach when I first started to blog if there was anything that is completely off limits.....he said " Only blog about what pertains to you!"....in other words if you think it, find it, learned it, or talked about it ....I can write about it....write it and they will come...LOL....Thanks Vince for taking the time to read this blog post and for commenting Grin...Smokey

motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
24hr contact http://my.vcita.com/gregorybowen 
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