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Author Topic: Good Bye Winter! Hello Spring!  (Read 4534 times)
Posts: 28

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« on: March 24, 2014, 12:40:53 PM »

Good Bye Winter! Hello Spring!

On Mar 23rd, 2014 Published By Smokey

Here in Kentucky, we aren’t really known for our rough winters, But this one was exceptionally tough for this area….We normally average a little less than 13 inches of precipitation per winter……This year we had almost 27 inches …….Temperature wise was unusually hard also……..We had about 4 weeks of highs less than 15 degrees F….The lows hovered around 0 degrees F. …..They say we had Unusual weather patterns of artic air that blasted its way deep into the southern parts of the mid west and stayed there, working its way east slowly, reeking havoc from south Texas all the way up through Canada and brought extreme cold air all the way to the east coast……Brrrrrrrr

Myself personally, This was possibly the hardest winter I have ever endured, I would go outside to go to work and have instant pain……All the things I had done as a young man, (Physically) that I had injured in one way or another …….were magnified in the cold weather……Seems like my feet got cold in late November….and stayed cold till the middle of March……I had a hard time holding things in my hands, and pain in my hips just walking……Luckily the bulk of my work at my traditional job is mostly inside the truck….and the heater works well in the truck!…….Finally The temperature has gone up and the pain of winter has left, and we are enjoying sun shinny days and mild weather……I am truly thankful for the relief of spring and the things spring brings with it!

Earlier this week I came home to find my wife and Niece in the back yard doing some yard work……They were Picking up all the broken branches and sticks that had fallen off the trees during the ice storms and wind …….they were also raking some of the flower beds, getting rid of the dead grass and leaves that had blown into them, and they were pulling back the effects of winter from the flowerbeds and lawn……..The wife stopped and stooped over in one of the flowerbeds and called our niece over……There under all that lifeless old grass clippings and leaves, she found some purple flowers already blooming!……What a gift!……”New” life, and “New” change, already here……Bringing a fresh thought of positive change and joy to our lives…….Those little flowers endured everything that we did this winter and just stayed dormant until they could be the first signs of plant growth for the “New Spring Time “ burst of change!

Since then, we opened up our windows, to allow new air into the house…..A person could almost feel the house take a big breath of the fresh, clean air from outside and exhale the stale old air that seemed to just hang inside all winter……The house even looks happier when I pull up in the early evening from work…… What a blessing spring time is!…..Soon all the fresh newborn baby animals will start being noticed and the temperatures will rise, bringing in the heat of summer…….But we had to have the transition of spring first…….Spring has become a hero to me…..encouraging me and taking the pain of winter away!

I know, some of my friends in the northern states still have snow, even though the “official” day for spring to be here, has passed……It is also the time of year that the sun stays up a little longer every day…..until late June, when the sun will start staying out less and less……I am going to use this season of spring for Trying New things, weather they be personal, or for business, or work……I am going to use spring as my incentive for change, personal growth and fresh beginnings ……..

I would like to hear from you…..What does spring bring to your life?……How do you approach the “New” season of Spring…..and how does it effect your life?……Please share your thoughts in the comments area below……Thanks for taking the time to read….and Thank You for considering the thoughts in this post……Smokey

motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
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Allen Elkins
Posts: 2

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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 12:07:27 PM »

Hi Smokey
I think you covered it well spring seems to bring life back into everything and everyone people seem happier.
It means i get to spend a lot of time outside with the grandkids, going fishing ,planting a garden and just enjoying life.
Thanks for such a uplifting post.
Allen L. Elkins III

Your new life starts here with my help Allen Elkins
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