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Author Topic: What Motivates You?  (Read 6269 times)
Posts: 28

I'm here to give support and serve others .

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« on: March 14, 2014, 11:31:37 AM »

What Motivates You?…..or better yet …..Go to the nearest mirror in your house and take a look, and ask that person looking back…..What Motivates You?…..What is it that fires you up and puts you to work so hard, that you loose track of time?…..What on earth goes on inside you, that keeps you going with a passion un measureable!

With me ….My passion is helping others learn a craft, that is a life changing experience …..I achieve this in two ways…….First is my students at my companies, Over The Road Driving School, where they learn to drive a Semi-Truck and at the end of the course, earn their Commercial Drivers License……These students sign up to start a new career pulling freight across the united states with our company…..The course is from 4 to 6 weeks long (some take longer, others less time)….Most of our students are looking for that way to earn a comfortable living in a time and economy that is under hardship…..We have even had students that were homeless come to our school……Helping our students everyday motivates me to my core everyday……I can hardly wait to get to work most days….to witness the growth of these new drivers……Sometimes it is a struggle to find the words that makes it click in their minds, for whatever it is they are working on……many times I find myself helping them to get passed their own frustration, to open back up and receive the instruction…..keeping them motivated is the hardest part…..when it is cold outside and we are standing out there, taking turns in the truck to practice a backing maneuver….it is really hard to convince someone that it is worth the time spent.

The second way I help others learn a craft, that is a life changing experience,  is by helping others Via the internet, to express gratitude…..Gratitude or Gratefulness is a core characteristic that creates healing, and opens doors to other things like forgiveness, generosity and humbleness….to name a few….All of which help us Spiritually …..Gratitude for the things we receive ( both noticed and un noticed) has helped us evolve to the person(s) that we are today……If we live our lives with gratitude for every footstep we take….for every breath of air we breath…..We truly connect with the creator……Then we start to see good in the world and all of creation…..which in turn opens more doors in our lives and gives us the opportunity to connect with others and help them learn gratitude as well……Motivating others by serving others is my passion…..starting with gratitude

Here are a couple ways  to Practice expressing Gratitude….one way,  is to  think about somebody in your life at the present time……someone that is a little bit annoying to you…..not necessarily disliking them….but someone that makes you think “ oh good grief” to yourself, from time to time……then think about all the ways they give you that feeling……now here is the hard part….now think about that person again….this time really dig in your mind and find something about that person you like….something that made you say “I’ll be darned”……now go to that person and thank them for being like that…….say something like “You know? I really appreciate your sense of humor…Thank you for being like that”…..do that once a week…..Right away you will see a difference in that person…. and in yourself …..

a second way to practice expressing Gratitude is simply by noticing something that anybody during your day, does that makes you smile……and tell that person …..Maybe the lady at the drive thru at McDonalds was very attentive…..TELL HER….” hay, thanks for doing a good job taking care of so many customers”….express gratitude to somebody every day!……See if you don’t notice a change in those people the next time you see them…..You will be amazed how expressing a little gratitude….everyday…..will change your life

Now my turn…Thank you so much for taking the time to read the ramblings of an old truck driver….I am truly grateful for everyone I have the pleasure of talking to in my daily journey…..and I am so thankful to the creator for giving me the opportunity spend another day on this earth

If you have a thought about gratitude …or would like to share with me about how you express gratitude…please leave a comment below ….I always enjoy hearing your thoughts…..If you have questions about anything, you are always welcome to contact me though my vcita contact or contact me page….we can work together to find answers about just about any topic!…..Have a blessed day!…Smokey   

motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
24hr contact http://my.vcita.com/gregorybowen 
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Posts: 202

Vincent R Parker

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« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 02:17:59 PM »

Hey there, Mr. Bowmen.

I cannot agree with you more about gratitude.  I've heard it all of my life and, through experience, have learned it to be true.

As a side note, ever notice one of GDI's top banners says, You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want?

Anyway, both are great suggestions for expressing gratitude and/or gratefulness.  I especially like the second and practice it daily.  And it has such an impact.

Not only on the person you are speaking to, that has a little impact.  It has an even greater impact on yourself.

Make it a point to find things in people to compliment them on.  Thank you so much for taking such good care of me helping me find this product.

I saw you rushing to get me my food.  Thank you very much.  It touched me.

Hey, did you get your hair cut?  It looks nice!

Even smiling at people, consciously and for no reason just smiling, is a way to express gratitude and gratefulness too.

(And to tie it into GDI, want to be a good sponsor and make your downline work even harder?  When they refer someone, write them a note and thank them!)

Thanks for the post, Gregory!


Vincent R. Parker
Posts: 28

I'm here to give support and serve others .

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« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2014, 03:51:21 PM »

Well said Mr. Parker....It is true....when we receive a referral we should show gratitude and be a good sponsor.....we as sponsors can help in so many ways ....even if it is not much more than an encouraging word.....the bottom line is we have to be accessible to those we sponsor...Thankyou Mr. Parker.....Smokey

motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
24hr contact http://my.vcita.com/gregorybowen 
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