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Author Topic: How Do You Eat An Entire Elephant!  (Read 4537 times)
Posts: 28

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« on: September 16, 2013, 10:29:07 AM »

On Sep 5th, 2013 Published By Smokey
                                          The Elephant

Have you ever heard the saying “ The Hurrier I go the Behinder I get?”….In todays DRIVE THRU society, it would seem that there is never enough time to accomplish everything that we wanted , or worse yet, needed to do…….Leaving a certain amount of tasks to accomplish for tomorrow…….When tomorrow comes we still have to accomplish everything we need to do, Plus the “left overs” from yesterday…..Now at the end of today…..I have some tasks to do that were “left over” from today and yesterday…….You can see where this is going…….Before you know it, you have ten thousand” left over” tasks to accomplish. The same amount of time to accomplish them and the more complicated and stressful life becomes! I (For purposes of this article) call this growing pile of un accomplished tasks, the Elephant!

                                            The Elephant On A Diet

The first thing we notice about this elephant, is its enormous size……We have to get that elephant to a size that is less overwhelming and more manageable……DO NOT FEED THE ELEPHANT…….Abandon (temporarily) trying to add those nagging little tasks from yesterday……..Stop trying to catch up and get every days tasks completed…….This will at least keep the elephant at the same size, instead of growing……Keep every days list, at what it used to be before we lost control of it all…….Once we have a routine again ….we can add one high priority task that is becoming an issue……If that pressing task is a bill,……Make it the most important bill that you would put the highest of priorities on……Now your personal living expenses have to be part of the basic day to day tasks to accomplish…….You are going to need your mortgage, or rent, electric, water, heat, food, all paid for (So those things can’t be part of the elephant)……You get the picture!……Maybe its your cell phone bill…….Maybe its not a bill at all, but it’s a project that you almost finished but never did…….what ever it is, do the days accomplishments and then do ONE of “the left overs”, starting with the highest in priority…….If that task has to be, “the left over”, for several days ….so be it…….work on it until it is done……Working on it after all the rest of the days tasks are done, for several days…….You will eventually see the elephant start to get smaller!

                                                  Eating An Entire Elephant

people tend to have a five day work week…….So once the elephant is at a size that is manageable. We can now put the elephant on the sixth day……..Stay with the routine and even include completing one extra task per day……..but now, start devouring that elephant on the day after your five day work week……yup, do as much of those tasks and accomplish as much as you can…….Develop a taste for elephant!….If you get full, stop eating…..Remember you are still going to get five of those extra tasks done next week……..Eat as much elephant as you can on your new sixth day of task accomplishment for as many sixth work days as it takes!

                                                     So, How Do You Eat An Entire Elephant?

We all get behind on things from time to time……I have given a little bit of advice in this article, by talking about how I get back on track and caught up…….I would like to hear your thoughts about how you catch up in your life …..please add to this discussion by leaving a comment……….Oh, So How Do You Eat An Entire Elephant?…….Easy…….You do it, ONE BITE AT A TIME!…..Just like catching up with the accomplishments…..start with the top of the list …..Number 1……Motivating others by serving others…..You can too…….Smokey


motivating others, by serving others...you can too! Gregory "Smokey" Bowen
24hr contact http://my.vcita.com/gregorybowen 
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« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 04:56:36 PM »


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