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Author Topic: PLEASE! STOP Focusing on the GDI Opportunity!  (Read 21391 times)
Edward Gause
Posts: 11

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« on: February 23, 2007, 01:55:46 AM »

Here's what is probably the best advice I can give to newbies promoting GDI: STOP Focusing on the GDI Opportunity...
Otherwise you're going to continue running into "nay sayers" with the following type comments:

"...but, like most pyramids those at the top make the money while those at the bottom make little or no money at all."

There are ALOT of people out there that know [in their minds] this to be a fact about GDI.  Here is American Heritage Dictionary
definition of a pyramid scheme:
n.   A fraudulent moneymaking scheme in which people are recruited to make payments to others above them in a
hierarchy while expecting to receive payments from people recruited below them. Eventually the number of new recruits fails to
sustain the payment structure, and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they paid in.

Folks, we aren't recruiting people to pay us anything!!  We earn commissions for referring others to GDI hosting.  Remember that. 
Clients get a .ws domain name, 100mb of webspace (with hosting) and 10 email accounts.  Which leads into the next obstacle you're run

"...The problem I have with GDI.... is that you can get better hosting (with all the bells & whistles that GDI offers) for cheaper ($4-6
a month)"

This is a very true statement -- BUT -- that company offering the cheaper hosting doesn't provide you with the opportunity to earn residual
income through 5 levels.   'Nuff said on this one.

Then you get comments like...

"...Here is where I dislike the program: you cannot seperate the two, the opportunity from the services. If you try to sell just the
services you have to do it by trying to sell the opportunity thats what I dislike in the first place. You only get an affiliate site that
markets the opportunity not an affiliate site that markets just the services. Makes it difficult and confusing for new comers and is not
really set up to attract customers just affiliate agents. In that sense of the word it can be close to being considered a scam. I can
help you find hosting for 5 pages at 5 dollars a month and a domain name for 9 dollars a year. Thats cheaper than GDI $51 dollars

This, obviously from a previous GDI "tire kicker" or someone who has never joined GDI.

Here is the link to promote the GDI products (replace homebizop with your userID):


Here's the link to promote the GDI opportunity:


http://freedom.ws/homebizop/show_dvd  <== your best bet in my opinion

And of course, my personal favorite, YOUR OWN .ws website:

Everyone should do something with their hosting besides using it as a referral link.

I see it all over the internet.  "1000's of people worldwide are earning quiet fortunes, from their homes, even while they sleep.
Are you next? Get started for free right now!" and all the others.

This leads people to believe they will become very successful, maybe not overnight, but soon.  For online marketing newbies
(the target market of pretty much everyone here), This is just NOT going to happen.  Results will be different for everyone,
but you may have to re-evaluate your goals if you think you will be earning a substantial income within the first year.  I don't like the
above ad created by GDI because 7 days is just not enough time to evaluate any program.  And then having to call them to cancel
your membership if decide to cancel after the trial period.  What about the non-U.S. folks?  Not very fair, but not my rules.  I do make
sure ALL my prospects are aware of this though.

I don't know much, but I know this: GDI is long term and takes a long-time.  You have a website, use it to earn some short-term cash
while you build your future.

I hope at least one person find this bit if info helpful in someway.


Edward Gause
Posts: 24

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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2007, 07:56:14 AM »



Thanbks !!  I found your info very informaing and help ful.


Cool  Good things come to those who wait
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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 11:08:50 AM »

Your info is great!  I love it! You just gave me some good ideas on how to build my group.

Jeroda Smith
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« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2007, 03:22:34 PM »

Thanks Edward
This was what I had to learn rigth now  Smiley  Wink  Cheesy

Asbjorn Vik

Willie Earnest
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« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 07:38:05 PM »


That was Great Info, Thanks for your insight.

Will Earnest

« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 03:06:08 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2007, 03:03:55 AM »

I agree with just about everything here.

I want to expound on the advice about using your website.

A lot of people who are new to website building (html) will assume that you only get one page and so you have to make the best of it by hitting home with your message (to do GDI) on the front page.


You can certainly have a page on your site that tells all about the GDI opportunity and links into the presentation.  In fact, I would highly enourage you to do it.  But don't make it the main page.

Your main page should be something of a general interest nature.  What kinds of things do you like to do?  Do you like to fish?  Do you like to collect things like coins, stamps, coke memorabilia? Those are things that you can build a great general interest site on, that will draw people to you like flies.  Then include a link on your pages to your GDI information.

Why?  It's simple.  Nobody goes to google and looks for network marketing business.  Or, if they do, they already know about this one!  But they do look for other stuff.

I also agree on the subject of cost.  Is this the most cost effective web hosting?  Nope.  That's not what sold me on the idea.  I already have a company name that, unfortunately, was not as unique as I thought it was.  So the .com, .net, and .org versions of it were already taken!  But the .ws wasn't!  To me, it was a simple way to get an easy to remember name and I think that is the best approach to sell it by.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that I can automatically make money with it, and add a new profit center to my existing web business.
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« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2007, 03:03:55 AM »

Hey Edward,

I know I've told you your information is appreciated...felt the need to "post" it!!! GREAT INFORMATION!!!... Smiley


Believe in yourself
Edward Gause
Posts: 11

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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 03:27:17 AM »

I want to thank you all for the positive feedback.  It's nice to know every now and then that somebody is actually listening.

Let me share some more words of wisdom, if I may.  Maybe I should start a new thread and call it "Persaverance".

Way back in 1999 when GDI first came online, I jumped on because at that time, they were the sole registrar for
.ws domain names and you really could get some awesome domain names like "make-money.ws", "workathome.ws" or
"myonlinebusiness.com", etc. etc.

Like many, I was "internet young" and greedy!  I figured it was sure fire way to get rich quick because and focused only on promoting
the income opportunity.  So was EVERYONE else.  I was disappointed real fast (maybe 1 or 2 months into it) and quit.  Moved on to
next best "opportunity".

I think it was maybe a 1-1/2 later, after seeing several GDI ads floating around, I decided to try it again.  The forum was getting
active and more helpful people were sharing their techniques.  It was also easier back then (and a LOT cheaper) than it is now to
advertise, so I signed up for GDI again.  And again, after about a month or so of not getting any signups, I quit again.  That was
only part of the reason though.  I was serving in the U.S. Air Force at the time and after 9/11, my focus and priorities all changed.

My daughter had just turned 1 year old and between looking in her eyes  and watching the images repeatedly played on Fox News,
I left the internet to "handle my business" and didn't get back into the marketing arena for 2 years.  When I did come back, it was
sporadic at best.  A few months here, few weeks there.  In 2005, I started establishing myself on the internet again.  Although alot
had changed, alot of the same programs were still around.  I can't remember when, but sometime during that year, I joined GDI
again.  Wanna guess what I did after a short period? Tongue

I know I wanted to make residual income or if not that, at least a get with a 2-tier affiliate program so I could start building that
long term income.  I spent another year trying I don't know how many different programs and in July 2006, there comes GDI again!

Maybe it's because I'm older, maybe it's because I'm [internet marketing] smarter or a combination of both.  But I finally realized the
potential of GDI.  So many programs have come and going over the past 7-8 years, but GDI is still here.  There's a reason for this
folks.  There are alot of program out there that have been around for awhile but are not as strong as they were in the beginning.

These programs provide a product or service that's actually beneficial to new members, but after awhile, their usefulness is worn out.
When you have no use for the product/service and don't get any signups to offset the cost, guess what?  It's a loose-loose situation
and you're outta there!

The worst case scenario with GDI is you end up in a win-loose situation -- IF you use the service.  There will always be a need
for web hosting.  You need to find a use for your domain.  Create a product to sell, resell other people's products, create a personal
page to share with family and friends, anything to get your 10 bucks worth!  If you don't get any signups, no big deal.  You still
have your website.

Had I thought this way back in 1999, the first time I joined GDI, I can only imagine where I would be today.  I joined GDI July 3rd, 2006
and during that time, I have had 17 signups with 10 dropping out.  One member actually quit after only 13 days!  Even during my "dumb"
days, I gave the program at least a month!

The seven I have now, I'm confident they are in it with me for the long haul.  I help them when they need it.  I only have 3
members on my first line because I move new signups under my team.  I encourage them to do the same when they get signups.
You get $1 for your referrals regardless of what level they're on, so share the wealth.  It keeps your team motiviated.  But don't do
the work for them.  Teach them everything you know so they can do the same thing.  This is how you build for the future.

I don't recruit anymore.  I interview.  When I come across someone interested in the program, I let them know up front,
they won't be making any money for quite awhile, depending on their level of expertise of course.  If the $10 monthly strains the
budget, then GDI is probably not for you.  If you can live without 10 bucks each month, it's the best investment you can make!

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now.  NEXT!!!


Edward Gause
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« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2007, 12:32:04 PM »

          Thanks for the great information.
          It will surely come in handy for my downline & Business building.
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« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2007, 02:51:52 AM »

Thank you for your info! I have been looking for the first link everywhere, now I found it. Thanks.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 02:52:15 AM by ChipSnyder » Logged
D Lewis
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« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 09:33:42 PM »


Great information.  I joined GDI over a year ago.  My main interest was the Website, and 10 mailboxes for $10 a month.  Yes, I wanted to make some money too.
However, I love the idea of having MY mailbox with MY name on it.  My web page is coming along for MY business.  I actually didn't start to do anything with it until NOW.  So one year under the belt of paying $10 a month, and I dont regret it all.  I have learned much, and now it is starting to pay off.

You are exactly right.  Stop focusing on the $$, and start looking at what GDI can do for YOU in webhosting etc.

Dick Lewis
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« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2007, 06:15:46 PM »

Good advice, Edward.

The comment on "Perseverance" is well taken.  It took me almost 5 years of working with a company I believed in before I began making serious money online (enough to impact my spending habits Smiley ).  Within a year after that, my income rose to the proverbial six figures and I quit work and went to the internet full time.

Just to tell a quick story, if I may:

I had two friends, Ed and Phil, who each signed up with a different network marketing company.  At about three years, they began making monthly checks to brag about, and in their fourth year, they each reached a MONTHLY income of over $100,000.  I saw the checks, and I saw the home that Phil paid cash for.  Ed had been trying for years to make something work but just jumped from one thing to another.  When he signed up for the last program, he decided to stay with it until it fell apart or made him some money.

Their "sales" technique?  They handed out a brochure to anyone they met.

End of story.

Have a great day!


I Am 65 and Health is My Hobby and
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« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2007, 08:47:29 PM »

Good info. I have a quick question though. Where do we go to see a list of all the different pages we can use? Like the one you provided which promotes the product. Where do we find all these? I can't find them anywhere?

I don't just want someone to provide a list of them here either, I'd prefer if someone could tell me where we actually go to see the list ourselves.


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« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2007, 07:49:37 AM »

Hi Ben,

I am not sure where to get the entire list of pages we can use, but I have it compiled in text file for my own easy reference, they are all below:

Landing pages


Opportunity Pages

Hope that helps. Please remember to change your_username to your GDI username.

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« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2007, 02:43:47 AM »

Thanks DPro,

They will come in very handy. I appreciate you doing it.

I find it weird, though, that they don't show you exactly where to get the official list of them... don't you? I have seen a similar list posted by someone else too but still haven't found anywhere in the GDI site that tells a newbie that those pages exist for their use.

Anyway, it looks like it shall remain a mystery for now  Huh

Thanks again,

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