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1  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: How I Handled Rejection From A Prospect on: April 10, 2007, 03:02:17 AM
HELP! I Am On A PYRAMID And I Can't Get Off!
All companies are based on a Pyramid structure. Let us take Microsoft for example. Bill Gates is at the top of the Pyramid. He makes more money than the executives, salespeople, secretaries, programmers, janitors, and so on and so forth. But people still go to work everyday and make Bill richer yet never bitch about it. It always amazes me how ignorant people are. When you start your GDI business you are the President, Owner, CEO or whatever glorified title you wish to grant yourself. As you recruit people you are growing your organization as large as you possibly can. After all, it is much nicer to have thousands of workers for you giving you a little profit than trying to do it all by yourself!!!! I'm In! Most important with these naysayers. PROVE THEM WRONG! This will change their mindset faster than anything...


Smiley Sad Cool    Embarrassed Lips Sealed Undecided    Shocked Cool Huh    Cry Grin Cheesy   
2  .WS Business / Training / Re: Autoresponder Ad Copy Help! on: April 05, 2007, 03:57:28 AM
Smiley    Cheesy     Grin    Shocked    Cool    Roll Eyes    Embarrassed    Lips Sealed    Kiss    Cry
I would have to say that I am finding it takes way more than 7 times to get a person to sign up! I decided to use a system designed specifically for GDI that will stay with your PROSPECTS (SUSPECTS) for up to one year unless they opt out. I know they are well written because people REPLY to them like they are getting a personal follow up...

Brad Kamanski
3  .WS Business / Training / Success Requires Focus! on: April 05, 2007, 03:57:08 AM
If You Are Promoting More Than One Program READ THIS NOW!
If you're trying to become successful by promoting more than
one program, you're working against yourself.

Why? Because you only have a certain amount of time, energy,
and money that you can commit to promoting any program or
business. These are your "advertising resources", and they're

That means if you're splitting your advertising resources by
advertising two different programs, the results for each of
those programs will be reduced by half.

That would be like opening a restaurant... but closing for two
weeks every month. What would your chances be for success
if you did that? About zero.

And it gets worse if you're advertising more programs! Smiley Grin Shocked Cool Huh Roll Eyes
If you're advertising three programs, each program will have
only 33% of your advertising resources... and lose the other
67%. That's a 67% reduction in new customers, sign-ups,
affiliates, or whatever you're trying to achieve in that program.

That's like having your restaurant open just ten days a month!

It's hard to imagine, but I've seen some people trying to build
four or five or even six different programs at once! They were
desperately trying everything they could think of... but nothing
was working. They were falling farther and farther behind in
monthly fees for all those programs... and they were all failing.

But wait a minute! All the experts and gurus say that you need
"multiple streams of income" to be successful! They say that
you shouldn't count on just one program or just one business
in case it goes under. Isn't that good advice?

Let's put it this way... if you were the owner of a program, and
you knew that 99% of the people who see your website have
already paid to join at least one other program, what would
your advice to those people be?
Smiley Cheesy Grin Shocked Roll Eyes Tongue Lips Sealed Kiss
Would you tell them that their best chance for success is to
focus on the program they've already joined? Probably not.

You'd probably tell them that they need to join your program
too... so they'll have a "safety net" in case the other program
should fail. And even if it doesn't fail, if they join your program
also, they'll have that wonderful phenomenon called "multiple
streams of income".

So is it any wonder that all the experts and gurus (who own
the programs) are so enthusiastic in their endorsement of
the "multiple streams of income" approach? Not really.

But what they don't tell you is that by trying to advertise both
programs, you're causing your own failure in both programs.

They don't tell you that because it's not important... to them.
What's important is that you click that "Join Now!" button
and send in your money. That's what they're interested in!

So forget about trying to advertise more than one program
and remember this... success requires focus.

If you don't believe me, just ask any successful person you
can find whether you should concentrate all your efforts
on building one business... or scatter your efforts among
a bunch of different programs.

I think we both already know the answer to that one!

Success requires focus.    Smiley Cheesy Grin
Brad Kamanski
4  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Lead Generation on: March 24, 2007, 05:11:39 AM
I use pop-unders, free classified sites, Traffic Swarm and word of mouth. I am getting 2-3 leads per day. They are automatically loaded into an auto-responder series and contacted for at least a year or until they opt out. I have six people in my downline so far and one guy has four domains! I am in this for the long haul and will not give up until it replaces my full time income! I think people get discouraged too easily and before they ever get a chance to see their business blossom they give up. I speak from experience on this point and I can assure you ALL BUSINESSES TAKE TIME TO DEVELOP! All the get rich quick hype online causes too many people to jump ship very early. I am reminded of the guy who started GDI and in four months was making $4500 plus a month! Just think. If everyone in your downline recruited just ONE person that would be another $4500 a month in income!

Wishing All Phenomenal Success!

Brad Kamanski
5  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Targeting YOUR GDI Sign-Ups on: March 24, 2007, 05:11:39 AM
Someone mentioned using an auto-responder and building a list. These are critical components to anyone's success in GDI. There is a company that was developed specifically for GDI and they are using the Lead Capture pages and putting them into 2 auto-responders. The first is GDI's and it is a great series but I do not feel is long enough to get many sign-ups. The second series will keep in touch with your prospects for up to one year and this way no one falls thru the cracks unless they opt-out. They are very well written and get responses...

As far as targeting I say it is a BROAD WIDE OPEN MARKET! All I do is ask people if they Need Extra Money? (who doesn't) Hand them a business card. Next! Simple, simple, simple...

Brad Kamanski
6  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Freedom.ws Or Website.ws on: March 22, 2007, 02:57:56 AM
I agree with Joel. I use a system that uses GDI capture pages and puts the prospect into an auto-responder series and will stay in touch with that person for a long time after the GDI system does. This way no one falls thru the cracks! I have already got 2 more sign-ups in less than a week!

Brad Kamanski  Shocked Smiley Grin Sad
7  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / If I Place A New Sign Up Under A Downline Member What Happens? on: February 11, 2007, 05:44:43 AM
I wanted to understand the implication of placing my sign ups under my downline to help them grow their businesses? Do I lose a LEVEL of commission by doing this? Thank you for your help...

Brad Kamanski   Huh
8  .WS Business / Training / Re: What if my upline never contacts me? on: February 11, 2007, 05:42:55 AM
On the other side of the coin.

I have ALWAYS been ready to help. I even help other people's downline members. I want everyone to succeed but so many people are just Lazy and Un-motivated! It can get really frustrating when a newbie emails you several times and picks your brain with questions they could easily find if they would just read and then they just stop communication all together. This has happened to me so many times recently that I am starting to understand why some upline sponsors never contact their downline. What has happened to Common Courtesy?

Brad Kamanski   (Willing To Help But Getting A Little Skeptical)  Huh Undecided
9  .WS/GDI Discussion / Questions & Issues / Tax Advantages Of A Home Business! on: February 08, 2007, 03:23:08 AM
Anyone Want To Save Money?
Tax Incentives!

Many people overlook this very important benefit but it can
make a huge difference for you come Income Tax Day! Running
a business out of your home can S A V E you u^p to $5,000 or
mo~re on your taxes every year!

Here are just some of the things you can write off:

---[ Your business start-up costs
---[ A portion of your house payment or rent
---[ A portion of your utilities
---[ Car expenses
---[ Travel
---[ Meals
---[ Magazine subscriptions
---[ Child care
---[ Telephone bills
---[ Postage
---[ Office equipment (need a new computer?)
---[ Software
---[ Bank fees


The L i s t goes on! Many of these things you have and pay
for anyway! But now that you operate a business from home,
they become a tax write off.

You can even pay your kids to work for you and write it off!
Now that's a smart way to save for college!

Of course you'll want to consult your accountant as laws
vary from state to state, country to country and year to
year, but we can promise you this: having a Ho^me Based
Business will help keep more of your hard earned money in
your pocket instead of The Tax Man's!

Continued Success!
Brad Kamanski

 Grin Roll Eyes Kiss Cry
10  .WS Business / Marketing / Solution To Recruiting Success Or Lack Thereof! on: January 28, 2007, 07:40:21 AM
If You Are Struggling With Recruiting Please Read!
You Must Employ A System! Use Technology To Become A Recruiting Powerhouse...

I recently employed a SYSTEM which will generate leads for me which are the highest quality. The auto-responder will follow up for at least a year which is good because GDI follows up only 7 times which I believe is not enough time. It is proven most people do not even sign-up for at least six weeks! The SYSTEM also has some of the most beautiful FLASH presentations as well as LANDING PAGES that work on an EMOTIONAL level which by the way is the way most people respond. I can also offer my visitors a FREE NEWSLETTER which gives them great tips for building your GDI business! After all isn't that what we are here for? I do not know about you but I want to make a career out of GDI...

I will keep you posted...See you at the top!

Brad Kamanski    Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Angry Sad Shocked
11  .WS Business / Training / Re: Help for dis-heartened member on: January 28, 2007, 07:37:48 AM
One of those 2 that you sponsored might be a recruiting maniac!

You'll never know unless you STICK WITH IT!
12  .WS Business / Training / Re: What are the BIG Hitters doing? on: January 28, 2007, 07:37:48 AM
I am going to share a system with all my downline. It is 100% duplicatable and there is no Intimidating Technology involved. As a matter of fact I can just auto ship leads directly into my auto responder each month and they are followed up with for a year which is certainly plenty of time to be able to make a decision. They also have a really cool feature. If they want to speak with me right away the system will call my cell phone and let me know I have a Prospect. The system is very new to me as well so I will be keeping all my GDI brothers and sisters posted as to the effectiveness...

To All Of Our Success!

Brad  Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Cool Roll Eyes Kiss
13  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: 10 Second Recruiting! on: January 28, 2007, 07:37:48 AM
Help! I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up!
Thank you for your kind words! I am always willing to help. That is what it is all about.

14  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Has anybody used newspaper ads on: January 08, 2007, 08:23:23 PM
I like the wording on GDI as well.

Thousands of people worldwide... Smiley Angry Tongue Embarrassed Lips Sealed Cry

Brad Kamanski
15  .WS Business / Marketing / 10 Second Recruiting! on: January 03, 2007, 03:11:37 PM
Hello GDI members! Check out this article and apply it to GDI and you will get RICH!

 Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Angry Sad Shocked Cool Huh Roll Eyes Tongue Embarrassed Lips Sealed Undecided Kiss Cry

10-Second Recruiting To SuccessAre you ready to start Finding your Success Team?
This 10-Second Recruiting process will allow you to take full advantage of the most Powerful Recruiting Mechanism available in today's online business. Don't hold me responsible if you become one of the top Recruiters in GDI!

Exercise the 5 B's of 10-Second Recruiting, . . .

(Be Brief, Buddy, Be Brief.)

I'm full of hope, and conviction of our multiple streams of income opportunity. I only have time to talk to people that want to talk to me. How about you? Are you trying to manufacture interest out of your prospect? Or are you just spending your time recognizing what's there? 10-Second Recruiting is going to free you to be productive, predictable, and profitable. Unless things are different where you live, there are no spare prospects. We have to use a system that lets us determine if every person we meet, see, know or hear about, has genuine interest in our business opportunity.

Your ability to share your "Millionaire Business Card" or your "Success Plan to Wealth" cards with everyone you meet allows you to take that initiative and get the ball rolling. You create a 10-Second springboard for future talk where your prospect has made time for you to find out what is important to them. We're not trying to go fishing, trying to catch our limit on one Saturday morning retreat; we have a life changing message and an opportunity of unbelievable significance. We need to talk to as many people as possible to have a good chance to earn a return on our time and effort. 10-Second Recruiting lets us do that, it allows us to do some sifting so we can find out who is interested in what we have to offer.

"Steve, tell me something. Do you like money?" "Well, of course I do, it's my favorite subject." "That's great, I just happen to have a million dollar bill to give you or a "Success Plan to Wealth" card with me, will you take a look at it???

This is it. (It's just this simple)

When you're a 10-Second Recruiter, you don't wait for anybody; you're as proactive as you want to be. As you play back and transcribe and customize all the recruiting conversations in this training for your own personal use, you're going to see that each one of them contains a way of approach that is acceptable to your prospect. When the approach is customized, based on what you have observed, it's absolutely brilliant.

It starts with what you see with your eyes or hear with your ears about your prospect. You then reduce that to just a couple of simple things to say, things that are true, things that are positive, then just open your mouth and say it as you hand your prospect one of your "Millionaire Business Cards" or "Success Plan to Wealth" cards. That my friend is 10-Second Recruiting.

Here's some examples:

It is important to identify positive characteristics about Individuals that assist you in whatever you are doing: shopping, at the bank, visiting friends, or wherever you might be, it makes no difference. For Example, if Sally, a person that is assisting you at the mall appears to have a good personality or leadership qualities or whatever type of qualities that is easily spotted, You could say to Sally, "I really appreciate your help. I could not help but notice that you have great people skills." (Or leadership qualities or whatever skill the person might have) "I wanted you to be aware that a lot of people in the company I work with from home are making Huge incomes from home and from what I can see, I don't believe they have any more skill than you do. I then wait for their response. If they say "Really? How so? I would say, "I see you're busy here at work, take this "Success Plan to Wealth" card home, type in this URL and check it out. If you find the information of interest, just simply complete and submit for the interview online, either myself or another team leader will be in touch at the time you request. Have a great day!" Then you're out of there. Or, you can say "I think you are worth a million bucks" and give them your "Millionaire Business Card". Invite them to not go to your website as listed on the back, because they are probably already independantly wealthy! Look to see what kinds of reponses you get. Have you ever seen a big red blinking button on a website that says "Don't click here!" What do you think people will do? These "Millionaire Business Cards" are real conversation pieces and are viral in nature. People start showing them to everybody! They don't throw them away. They keep them and show them. You can even give them a couple extras to give to their friends.

A friend was in his home office, not long ago, when the Fed-Ex man walked in. Actually, he ran in, those people are always in a hurry. My friend said, "Dave, I watch you everyday, you get in and get out in a hurry, you're always busy. You ought to get a medal for the 100-yard dash; you're always on the run. I also sense that somebody as energetic and as good with people as you are, would probably enjoy getting paid what you're really worth. I think you're a champion. I think you're waiting, however, for the chance to prove it and get paid what your truly deserve." Ron gave him a big smile and said that money was definitely something that he needed because he had a baby with another one on the way and that was why he was running.

What you call a person like this is a prospect, a real live prospect. What you do is make a hot link in your mind with your prospect. Something positive you have observed about your prospect, like noticing they're a hard worker, being good with people or having leadership abilities or qualities. Always talk in terms of the other person's interests and you will make a new friend. People always remember nice things that you say about them, because it doesn't happen that often.

A Story is told that some years ago, a teacher passed out a piece of paper to each member of her 6th grade class. She had the students write down the names of all the other students in the class, leaving enough blank space to think of and then write down something they liked about each of their fellow students. The teacher then collected all these papers. She consolidated these comments onto a separate page for each Student containing all the comments that their classmates had written down about them and then she passed these sheets back to each one of her students. Some 10 years later this same teacher was attending the Funeral of a young Marine from that class who died in Viet Nam. The parents of this young man approached the teacher later and handed her a crumpled piece of paper that had been retrieved from the personal effects of this young soldier. "This was in Bill's wallet." The father said, "He always carried it with him." It was that 6th grade list. As other classmates from that same class learned about Bill's paper, a couple more individuals said they had retained their page from so many years ago. One of them said, I keep mine in my top drawer, another one said; I have mine in my wedding album.

People always remember when you say nice things about them. Establishing this type of link between what you observe and hear about your prospect and then what you say when you dispense your "Millionaire Business Card" or "Success Plan to Wealth" card, provides the 10-Second type of personalization between you and your prospect. This not only prevents a stiff arm, but results in a relationship where even if your prospect may not be in a position to take you up on your offer right now, they will be open in the Future and a friend.

It is no secret "The Power of Praise" has long been forgotten in the every day aspect of Life. If you're willing to look for and then praise others where praise is due, I can assure you that you will have their complete attention. The ability to find and then even Hand-Pick your Success Team, will put you at the strongest recruiting advantage imaginable.

A lot of people are ready to talk a lot about doing something, but they're not ready to do anything. I don't say that arrogantly, it's just a fact. Maybe they will be ready in 6 months or maybe they're never going to be ready. Who knows, maybe they will introduce you to someone else that is ready now. With 10-Second Recruiting, everybody stays friends. If someone's not ready then that's not a crime, unless you start forcing the issue with him or her. Usually people try to push the issue because they don't have anybody else to talk to.

With 10-Second Recruiting, you're never going to have that problem because there is no one that you see, meet, hear about or know, to whom you will not get the chance to dispense one of your "Millionaire Business Cards" or "Success Plan to Wealth" card, in a friendly manner. You can then look forward to the form showing up in your e-mail and the marketing center too. This is someone who had a good experience with you and is now ready to move to the next step and is checking it out.

Things always seem to happen pretty much the same way. This is the casting out of your bread upon the waters you might say:

The basic truth of network marketing business building is that 90 percent of the whole deal is in the casting. (Yes or no) Do you know somebody that wants to be successful. (Yes or no) Do you like Money (yes or no) If I give you one of my "Success Plan to Wealth" cards, will you look at it? (yes or no) Would you like to hear my story? (yes or no) (yes or no) (yes or no.) Little by little, prospect-by-prospect, it's basically the same thing (yes or no.) The reasons vary but really that's it. (Yes or no). Just sow your message of hope and opportunity as widely as you can. Always remember the Power of Praise. Look to lift. We need to have fun and enjoy people.

This is the way it's done, it's not hard, it's not tricky, it's just the distribution of the right kind of information in the right sequence to the right kind of people in large numbers and taking small amounts of time introducing your business. The system shows them most of the rest. Our marketing center follows up on every prospect.

We are 10-Second Recruiters and our Prospects are everywhere we go. A lot of people are sitting in financial Jail-Cells with the doors wide open. Let's spring them out with our Life-Changing Message of Hope and Opportunity! Let's throw them our Success Synergy Systems and Personal Success Financial Life-Line.

Never forget the power of Praise and always be willing to Praise where Praise is due. Be Sensitive and Observant, there is no greater joy then helping our new found friends rise to their full Potential. The principle is simple. You win when you help others win.

To Our Mutual Success!
Brad Kamanski   
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