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Author Topic: Success is ALL in the follow-up...  (Read 61570 times)
Hero Member
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« Reply #75 on: January 21, 2006, 09:10:09 AM »

Hi Anthony,

Here is the follow-up I use....I haven't had time to gauge it's effectiveness however.

I would like to receive comments from the more experienced GDI Reps out there....please let me know what you think of the email.  Suggestions for improvement are more than welcome.

I just click on the "[compose a new email to <name>]" link in the email I receive from GDI.  This plugs a "Hi <name>" in the Subject line.



Just a personal note to say thanks for viewing my Global Domains International (GDI) presentation (movie) and to offer my assistance with any questions you may have.

I hope you enjoyed it and can see the potential of this business.  We currently have a 98 percent retention rate which is astounding in Network Marketing.  Why?  Because we have a product that people want and more importantly "want to keep".

I encourage you to sign up for a FREE 7 day trial.  During this period you can explore all that GDI has to offer.  Or perhaps you are just looking for a low cost way to get a website...that's ok too!

Did you know that many web hosts charge up to $30.00 per month just to host your website.  And then they'll charge you an extra fee to get a domain name for you.  Then you're all on your own as to how you construct your website.

With GDI, you get a domain name, 100 MB of storage for your website and an easy to use website editor with which to build your site.

All this for just $10.00 per month.

And, you have the opportunity of referring others and earning commissions on them plus the people they refer (down thru 5 levels) as well.  [Be sure to check out the income calculator while you're at the website, this way you can truly see the potential earning power of the GDI opportunity.]

Quite a package.  And the beautiful thing about this business is that just about everyone wants a website these days.  And most of them also will want a way to get it for free.  The more people you refer the more they will refer and before you know it you'll be getting your site at no cost to you.

Maybe all you want is a website and don't want to work the business.....well, that's ok too.  I'm sure that once you've learned about what we have to offer that you'd want to refer some friends, family or associates who also want a site....and at the same time you help pay for your own site as well.  Wouldn't hurt to have your site paid for now would it?

If you have any questions you may email or call me (see below) and I'll be happy to assist you.

Here's an example of a website I set up on my domain.




Thomas W. Brown
<My email address>
<My Phone number with best time to call, including time zone>

Hello Tom,

I was just revamping my follow up and I have to say this letter of your is a wonderful contribution.

Many Thanks Smiley
Posts: 3

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« Reply #76 on: February 13, 2006, 05:07:32 PM »

The following are *follow-up* subject/content I have found effective. Please consider using to build YOUR .WS business (share with YOUR downline):

This is the reason Chip is so very succrssful. It would take me a month to come up with all the words needed in 10 follow-up messages, and none would come close to all the content he had in his. It was all worded so smoothly. I almost felt like resigning up.

I have been a member since October. I have diligently promoted my websites, mainly my domain.com. But I'm confused and probably became angry too quick with my complaint to administrattion and owe them an apology.

My problem: I check my stats only to see a url listed that I don't promote with "0" hits underneath it. My mind went crazy. I count on these stats to see where my promotions are working and not working. I don't understand this. It's very discouraging.

I just want to know how my url gets changed within my account and for what reason.....help.
Posts: 2

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« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2006, 09:14:00 PM »

OK so I bought 50 leads from GDI and they came in today.  No one has viewed yet.  What is my next step?


Posts: 1

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« Reply #78 on: April 22, 2006, 10:10:27 AM »

Hello everyone, I was wondering what email scripts and subject line were most successful for recruiting. I use

Subject: Hello there, I would like to share a business opportunity with you

This is not your ordinary email; you owe it to your self to discover the enormous opportunity knocking at your door.

Could you imagine if you were able to talk to me face to face over the internet in place of the phone? Don't imagine, it is going to be a reality.

Your domain name




Is going to be the most important name you have.

Global Domains International is at the forefront of this, taking .ws (website ) to the public domain. GDI is one of the fastest growing companies in the world because of this. They are a top 50 company in INC magazines top 500 fastest growing companies. It won't be long before GDI and .ws are household names and you and I can profit from their popularity just by passing the word with a short movie presentation you can view by clicking on the link below.

It really is that simple.

It is worth your time to examine this further.

Please go to the link below:


When there fill out the movie pass.

This is a unique (and really short) animated movie that you can share with others by email like I am doing with you. As you'll see, it could make

You literally thousands of dollars over time. More importantly, though, you can help a lot of people have a better life. Make sure you turn up your speakers, the

Actors are going to actually say your name.

If you wish to see the GDI full length DVD video online please visit our Freedom.ws website, the download is 179mb so you might want to have a broadband connection. Our Freedom.ws website is also multi-lingual.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Joseph Melo


PS: You will find that GDI is an excellent company with a great business concept. Those of us who see the vision of this company will be very happy in the future.

Please go to http://www.yourwebsite.ws , Freedom.ws or Call 1-800-693-6897 (recorded details) to learn more.

See the vision and get paid for it.....

Thank you for your time and God Bless

Joseph Melo


To unsubscribe click here and put your email in the subject line
« Last Edit: April 22, 2006, 10:15:02 AM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
Posts: 1

Join me at AdlandPro Community.

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« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2006, 05:10:43 AM »

Get ready for the ride of your life!
Want one of these?
How would you like to earn BIG MONEY - every month like clockwork just for
telling your friends how they can get their own web site (which is FREE to try)?
It's easy! All you have to do is pass out a flyer just like this one to the people you know and tell
them how they can get their own web site, OR just email them a User ID like mine below!
And, you'll get your own web site that you can design yourself, a personalized address on
the world wide web, and up to 10 custom email accounts.
You can start this today for FREE and we will show you how to MAKE MONEY too!
Take a virtual ride in a new Ferrari online
Get going on this TODAY! It's not hard to do. You don't need any experience or need to know
how. (If you're under 18, you will need the assistance of a parent to get started, so be sure to ask
Mom or Dad for help after you've watched the 7 minute movie at the web site below)
Get YOUR Free User ID & Make $$$ Starting TODAY:
http://WWW.MY.WS My User ID:
ENTER the site above, TYPE IN my User ID, TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS, then:
Get ready for the ride of your life!
Questions? Email me at:
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 05:11:18 AM by Nicole Taylor » Logged

Junior SanNicolas
Posts: 15

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« Reply #80 on: May 06, 2006, 09:11:10 AM »

After i have bought a package of Leads. What site should i give them?
Should i give them my site, the flash presentation or the real video? or shall i just send them a invitation trough that form?

John Christian Lien

People become really quite remarkable when they
start thinking that they can do things.
When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.
- Peale
Posts: 27

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« Reply #81 on: May 06, 2006, 06:17:32 PM »

Yeah Troy,

I've purchased some of the leads as well from the back office but, ironically enough, I GET the sign-ups when I go the direct mail route with them.  Their put into the email system by GDI but I get very little "open" rates.  Being that we also get the snail-mail address though, I'll just drop a personalized (MS Word Mail Merge) letter to the list and that turns over about 2-4% when I do that.

Hope that helps.

Myke Geter,
Commerce City, CO
Would you please be so kind to share your letter that you send out.

Have a Great Life Starting Today!
Posts: 6

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« Reply #82 on: May 06, 2006, 06:19:24 PM »

can anyone help me?  I have had a few hits on my w.s site but they don't seem to be watching the flash movie. do you think that i should do a followup email? if so, how long should i wait before i send it? and what should i put it the email.?

thank you. Undecided
blessing Lisa
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« Reply #83 on: June 09, 2006, 06:14:30 PM »

Ive gone with the honest approach. My mail box is full of wanna be rich, great opportunity etc.
and im sick of it. Each prospect probably gets the same emails time and time again and there not tempted.
I am currently working on advertising the bonus opportunity because 5 referals for $100 dollars seems great when actually its  hard, easy if your an acclompished marketer which I think most will be over time
Levi Manners
Posts: 4

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« Reply #84 on: June 18, 2006, 12:34:05 PM »


Funny you should ask about follow-ups. Fact is, GDI already have, if not they should already, have follow-up
letters. Who would have better letters than GDI anyway? When someone signup from your GDI-site
it automatically send out the first letter and than follow up right?  Did you get them when you signed
up? One of the toughest things to do, as we all know, is to get someone to visit someones website.
Any program site for that matter. To do this they need to click your link (GDI). This is not easy. So
one of the best ways I found that saves time is to use an email autoresponder.  It's just an excellent free ad-exchange autoresponder program. Anyway. all you have to do is save every letter (html and/or text) GDI sends you. You mark the first-letter 0, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, etc... in order. Go to sendfree and create your autoresponder. From there you add them in order by
sequence.  Sending them every 2 or 3 or 4 days apart. Like 0 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 10 apart. Doing this will also
build your list (YEAH!:) at the same time your letters about GDI goes out to those leads of yours.
Levi   Cool
« Last Edit: June 18, 2006, 12:34:45 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
Posts: 6

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« Reply #85 on: September 14, 2006, 10:10:50 AM »


 I just read the first page of the thread cause there are 6 pages  Grin
Anyway I just send 1 message to new members, 1 to new prospects and the rest does it all GDI.

GDI follows with the leads for months, so I think if I don't email them myself as well it is better! What I found out is that those that join do join because they have some relationship with me (friends, forum members) not because I wrote some good email message...

Once the members join, I email my whole downline once in a while ... but I don't piss off leads with many follow up message.

Miguel Gonzalez
Posts: 7

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« Reply #86 on: December 31, 2006, 07:06:26 AM »

     From what I understand the GDI invite system is an autoresponder in itself. But what do we do with the leads that we purchase. I'm talking about 5,000 or more; obviously you can't put all of those in the inviter system. Is there another way to track who view the movie for those extra leads? Is there another autoresponder where I can plug them into? Thanks, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Mich
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« Reply #87 on: April 29, 2007, 05:15:58 AM »

A couple questions:

After potential prospects have viewed the presentation, what should you include in your email to raise your chance of success?

Also, would you recommend sending followup e-mails, and if so, how soon after sending the initial e-mail?

Thanks in advance!
Posts: 2

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« Reply #88 on: July 31, 2007, 02:56:36 PM »

I signed up yesterday.
Sent 25 email invites via the amazing and so simple to use admin area.
Today I printed 40 flyers and handed them out at carparks around town. It went really well.
This afternoon I created a Google Adword and have had 6 new prospects view the the video!!

So it's been good fun so far.

My question is to do with follow up. I am confused about the email system. I will explain....

After signing up I sent myself email invites to 2 different email accounts I use.

This enabled me to see the actual auto emails that the GDI systems sends.

I as the affiliate also get an email to tell me when someone has read my email and another when they have watched the video. That's good, but the email I get urges me to send them an email and there is even a link for me to click that opens a new email for me to use.
But behind the scenes.... the GDI systems actually sends the follow up email for me!

After I opened the invite email I sent myself, I got an email prompting me to watch the video. And after I watched the video I got a further email thanking me for watching the video and prompting me to sign up for the 7 day FREE trial.

So do I need to be sending any emails if the GDI sends emails for me?Huh?

If the GDI systems sends these auto follow up emails, why am I prompted by an email from the CEO to send an email. Might I just unwittingly bombard my prospect???

Please can someone explain.

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