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1  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Sunday Oct 16th Show Details on: October 11, 2005, 09:03:07 PM
Hi Everyone,

Can't wait for this week's WS Internet Show.  We will be having none other than the father of building your business via Instant Messaging, Mr. Max Steingart.

Max will be sharing his best stuff on "Making the Internet Your Warm Market".  Max's style is both straight forward and entertaining. You will find his information easy to institute and the results unbelievable.  Want more info on Max please visit his website at http://www.successway.com/shop.cfm?page=redir.cfm&urlto=perp.cfm&afid=2149.

Also joining us is our own Howard Martell from Hawaii.  Howard will be sharing his Daily Method Of Operation and how he sponsors from 3-5 new people weekly working around his millitary service duties.  You will learn how to market both online and offline to make things happen quickly. You will also hear how to use a system that Howard is using that makes duplication simple for you to get others to get the results that he is able to achieve.

Then for all of you to hear the presented info in more detail you are cordially invited to join us in our Live Conference Room Sunday evening at 9:30PM EST.  At that time the guest speakers will be able to devote more time and details to using their ideas and help you get what you want from your GDI business.

You can download the free software at http://click-here-4.info/?i=16257/.   WARNING, before using the software and joining the conference room please check out you sound settings so that their are no unnecessary interuptions during the training.(Thank You).

Hope to hear you join us in the training calls.

Your Partner In Success
Marvin Drobes
2  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / This Sunday's Show: October 9, 2005 on: October 08, 2005, 05:20:31 PM
Hi Everyone,

Please join Chip Snyder and myself this Sunday at 12:00PM PST on the WS Radio Show.

This week our Internet Guru will feature Mark McGowan owner and operator of Keenmailer.  He will be discussing why email is one of the best and quickest way to reach a targeted audience for our product and service.

Also joining us in the training segment will be Doug Mann, GDI Affiliate and owner and founder of Success Systems International.  Doug will share with us his many ways to drive traffic to your website and what you can do to encourage them to join you in your GDI business.

Can't make it live, then this is just one show of many that you can review at your convenience through the WS Radio show archives.  The show will be posted late Monday evening for your listening.

I sincerely hope you will join us.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
3  .WS/GDI Discussion / General Comments / Re: people quiting on: September 21, 2005, 12:27:41 PM
Chsristine ,

Network Marketing is about relationships and what you are suggesting is only good if the people you are working with are serious about building a business.  I have seen too often how "Giving a person a fish for dinner, and not teaching them how to fish so that they have meals for their lifetime" have destroyed a relationship.

This is a business and there are no free lunches.  People go into a brick and mortar business and have expenses that they must pay to get started.  A bank may assist them with a load but that loan must be paid back.

MAny of us at GDI are trying to position ourselves as leaders.  Leaders Tell their Teams what they are doing, then they Show them how to do same, Then they help you to Try it for yourself until you can DO IT by yourself and then you need to do the same for your team.

I have posted this thought before but once again let me put it out for all to read.
The Networking Company has two (2) things that they must do for their affiliates/distributors;
     1)  They must make sure that the product or service is available for distribution, and
     2)  They must make sure to pay their affiliates/distributors on time.

I have been with GDI since July of 04 and the company has never failed to provide these things.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
4  .WS Services / Showcase Your Website / Re: Just posted my site today. on: August 14, 2005, 10:49:41 AM

Nicely done for your first page!

Curious if you used HTML or the Webbuilder program?

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
5  .WS/GDI Discussion / New Member? / Re: Hi All from NEW ZEALAND!!! on: August 13, 2005, 06:52:19 PM
Welcome Russell.

Nice to hear you positive attitude in you message.  This is  really a simple business but not easy.  What I mean is that we can do some simple things to grow this business but it won't be easy.

Easy means that everyone would be doing it and they aren't.  Just be consistant and persistant and I believe success will be yours!

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes, New Jersey USA
6  .WS Business / Marketing / What "tools" do you need to succeed... on: August 12, 2005, 02:14:43 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thought that I would try to find out what most people who join our opportunity think is their most important resources for success.  Please choose the top three choices for your vote.

Looking for some interesting stats to share with you all.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
7  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Need Suggestions on: August 11, 2005, 08:30:37 AM
If you decide to use "drop cards" (a card with a catchy phrase like - NEED ADDTIONAL INCOME and then put just your movie web address) you can have plain black and white business cards at your local Staples for as little as $11.95 per 1000 and then go have fun with your family.

How?  See how fast you can put the cards between the drivers side window and door in your local strip malls or parking lots.

You can also print flyers 2 up on a page and cut them then go to apartment complexes and put them between the door handles and door frame.  Gives you a good workout as well, especially if the apartment complex has an up and down staircase.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
8  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Targeting YOUR GDI Sign-Ups on: July 30, 2005, 06:27:19 PM

I cast my vote and hope it helps put a perspective on the best people for all of the GDI community to target.

In the last 6 years of doing online marketing what has surprised me the most is that the best way to "drive" traffic to a website is from outside of the web.  What I mean is using resources like newspaper ads and drop cards (buisness cards you leave everywhere you can), as well as just speaking with people you come into contact on a daily basis.

I try to make it part of my daily method of operation to get out at least 100 cards or flyers per day x 5 days a week.  I also have set a goal of speaking to 3 people each day about the opportunity and 3 people about the services we provide.

What I feel is important here is that we want to keep gages so we can chart our results and see what is working so we can step up our efforts in that area and reduce our efforts in those reaching out methods that are not working as well.  It has been siad that without a target to hit, what are you aimimg for.  Know what works best for you and that becomes comfortable for you to do.

Jim Rohn, America's foremost business philosopher says; "For us to grow we must do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable".  So get out there and try some of the things you have heard about here in the forum or through training and get familiar with "ALL" the methods of reaching out.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
9  .WS Business / Marketing / Re: Follow-up for purchased leads on: July 23, 2005, 08:11:38 PM

Some subject lines for consideration as followups to people who have watched your movie;

a)  Name, What did you think?
b)  How did it feel to be the "Star" of the movie?
c)  You have seen, heard so what's next...

Hope you find these as useful as I have.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
10  .WS Business / Team Building / How to build your business by servicing your downline on: July 23, 2005, 08:06:55 PM

Great post and one I hope every member get to read.

As you may be aware I have been providing training via conference calls and WebConferencing.  The ideas that you have would be a welcomed lesson for all those that join my call.  I would love to invite you as a guest trainer so are you up to the challange?  Email and we can share some thoughts and have you scheduled for one of our call which is open for all GDI affiliates.

Keep up the awesome work and great attitude.

Marvin Drobes
11  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Re: Topics for the Fall Season...Alert~! on: July 15, 2005, 03:01:00 AM

As we move into the fall and the holiday season we all need to remember that we need to continue our efforts on growing our organizations. 

I believe that most GDI people may want to learn how to "DUPLICATE" and how to train their organizations to do the same.  People also need to know how to keep gages and to set realistic goals.  We must all make a conscientous choices to learn everything possible so that we grow equally as strong individuals as we grow strong organizations. So personal development should be a strong consideration.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes

12  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: Build a SOLID team and retain them! on: July 15, 2005, 03:01:00 AM
Hi Everyone,

While reading these posts I feel like we are straying from the point that moving members allows.

It is not about doing all the work for someone by placing affiliates under them because of what we do!
It is not about building someones' organization and check for them!
It is not a means to an absolute end that states; "I am doing this for you so you better stick around"!

What I believe it is about is helping those that are already working hard to help themselves and yet may have had some set backs along their road to success. It is for this reason alone that I believe that you should be working your frontline and then in turn if you have taught them a realistic model for duplication they will do the same for their frontline, so forth and so on.

This will also help you identify those people that are leaders and can follow directions and are willing to learn and succeed.If and when you accomplish this you too will be on your way to your dreams of building a "Strong Organization". One that will create a lifetime of residual income.

Remember to help those that help themselves and to teach your people how to fish so they will be able to feed for a lifetime.

Good Luck,
Your Partner In Success,
marvin Drobes
13  .WS Business / Team Building / Re: I made it to the leader board in only 2 weeks but...... on: July 08, 2005, 05:18:25 AM
Congrats on making the leaderboard, and know that the work has just begun.

Some points to remember;
    1)  Not everyone will be like you,
    2)  Some people were intrigued when they watched the movie and proceeded to sign up
    3)  Others were looking for a Hosting Package, and then there are those that

Or in the simple words of Network Marketing - Some Will, Some Won't, So What!

You challange is to find those that WILL. This is not an easy task and will require patience and consistancy + persistance.

To many of us in this industry just find people who are willing to signup and then we either want them to do well so badly that we do all the work for them or they just want to see what we offered by taking a look and they do nothing and we feel it is somehow our fault.  Master the Art of Sorting,  Seperating those that are Curious from those that are Serious.

Not sure how then contact you upline and get their help. OR want to learn how then be prepared to learn through training. Participate in all the training your mind can endure.  You can learn from good books on this subject, articles found on the net, ezines that you receive regularly, the WSRadio broadcasts and through sponsored conference calls that are available that are specific to GDI or just the business of building an organization online.

For a GDI specific training I'd like to invite you to join me every other Sunday evening beginning July 10th at 9:30 EST.  The info for the call can be found at my GDI Training site www.wealth411.ws

Hope this all makes sense and continue to work towards your goals.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
14  .WS Business / WS Internet Show / Getting *up-to-speed*... on: June 30, 2005, 02:17:11 AM

Thanks for the reminder of just one of the resources our "newbies" have available to get started quickly.

I would also suggest that in an effort to duplicate that we introduce them to this forum as soon as possible so if they have questions and their sponsor is not available or does not have an answer they will probably find it right here.

It is also my strong belief that our new members need to be trainied immediately, especially if they ar expected to hang around for any length of time to achieve the success they are looking for.  If a sponsor does not take responsibility to train them, they must have alternate options to do so.

As you are aware I personally do a Sunday Evening training conference call for all GDI affiliates and I would encourage every member to join us and learn with us as well.  If they need more info for the calls they will find it posted in the Training section of the forum or can visit my generic GDI training site at www.wealth411.ws. If they go to the resources page I have listed the info for them to join us.

Thanks again for doing such an awesome job as moderator here at the GDI Forum.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
15  .WS Business / Team Building / Long-term is a relative term on: June 26, 2005, 02:17:38 AM
When some people hear "Long Term" they immediately think 10, 20 or more years away.

I think that what we want to instill in our prospects and new affiliates is that they will want to give the GDI Opportunity a minimum of 6 months to 1 year of building it to create a substantial residual income.  Keeping this in mind we also want them to realize that since it is a business there are incurred costs besides their affiliate fee of $10.  Just how much would depend on their budget.

I share with my new downline members that if they will work consistantly over a 180 days and if they can set aside approx. $40-50 per month that by the end of the 6th month they will be close to breaking even if not actually making money and have created a positive cash flow.

Knowing this in advance can keep your people focused on the longer term and stop them from dropping out before they see success. It then becomes equally important that as their sponsor You take reSPONSORbility in helping them achieve success quickly.

This includes training them in what is working for you and providing them with ways that they may do this business.  Make available to them 5-12 different methods of finding prospects for who our opportunity is right and then do "whatever it takes" to help develop a downline for them.

Want to learn more, join me and other GDI members on Sunday evenings for training. Bring all your downline and newbies as well asn get them off to a quick start.  Want to know more about this training? Visit my training site at www.wealth411.ws and then click the resource button.

Your Partner In Success,
Marvin Drobes
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