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Author Topic: Working Hard and Not Getting Anywhere  (Read 178250 times)
Kristina Smith
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« Reply #105 on: October 03, 2005, 11:07:43 PM »

Hi, I've been in GDI for a few months.  I currently have 17 in my downline.  So I figure that's really great since I haven't been working that hard on it yet.  I tried buying the leads but it really ended up being a waste of money.  I even downloaded the names, addresses and phone numbers of those people and sent some of them a second personal email not through the invitation system.  I even did some direct mail flyers but a lot of the snail mail came back that they didn't live there anymore so I think the leads were very old. 

I have had great success by sending out personal invitations.  My best response is when I talk to people in person and actually get their email address and send them a personal email invitation.  I give everyone I meet a business card.  Also, I promote to a lot of people who aren't looking for a business opportunity but want a website.  After all, once they sign up for a website and use the website builder, they can access and change their websites and they love that.  This is what I am concentrating on now.  I tell them that if they refer 10 other people, then basically that will pay for their website and it will be free for them.  People who are happy always refer other people.

I also think that using the invitation system isn't as effective because it is tagged as spam, even though it's not spam, and it goes into their bulk mail folder and a lot of people don't even look at it.  That is why I send my email out personally from my yahoo email account.  I do them one at a time and personalize them so that they don't look like junk mail.  It works better.  Remember, people can use a website for many things:  car clubs, showing pictures of a brand new baby, selling a house, promoting a business, service organizations, soccer teams...the list is endless.

So in other words, if you treat this like a real business and not some type of MLM, and get really professional, and talk to everyone you see about your great website business, the results will eventually come.  And so far for me, they have come a lot faster than any of the other MLM's I've tried.  I love GDI. Kiss

Margery Solomon
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« Reply #106 on: October 05, 2005, 08:00:37 PM »

Well after reading all these letters i can tell you that I have been in GDI since February and only have 3 signups and those were from months ago so feel I should make you all feel better but I dont!  I agree with all that has been said and I guess something keeps us in here but I give up every now and then and stop trying and at this point seriously considering the end of the road.
Posts: 47

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« Reply #107 on: October 08, 2005, 03:17:47 AM »

For everone thinking about quiting, Let me remind you that just cause things are slow now for some people doesnt allways mean its going to stay that way. This is like any business, do you think one day you will wake up and log in your members page and see 1000 new signups? This would be nice but think about it, it takes time to grow a sucessfull business, it may take 3 months, 6 months or maybe even a year. All i can say to you all is step back, take a look at the big picture, see what your doing wrong and improve on it. If you feel your weak in some area, work on it. Take time to learn about something new that can be usefull to your gdi business, or read up in the forum then take what you learn and pass it down you downline. I reather fail trying then lose quiting. Personal, It helps me sometime to watch the sign-up video now and again, to inspire me and to remind me why im doing this, what this means to me and what it could mean to other people, it motavates me, drives me to do my best every day and better the next. Just try it, and you will see, remember how good you felt the first day you signed up and remember the energy you had, take that energy and focus it on your business and not on reasons to give up. If you think about every reason you joined ,all the time you put in, the freinds your made on the way then think what the word quiting mean, to me  the word Quiting means loseing what you could of had!  Margery after reading your post i had to write this. best of luck to you all.

Chris Adamson  Grin
« Last Edit: October 08, 2005, 03:20:56 AM by ChrisAdamson » Logged
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« Reply #108 on: October 08, 2005, 10:53:39 AM »

Hi all, With regards to working hard and not getting any where, not quite true as what you have done before doesn't work try something different. I cancelled and joined up again with a new upline. The reason was to do with support or what I percieved was lack of support. People learn in different ways, my struggle is with following written instruction. The trouble with shooting for the top straight away is you loose out on personal service. Only my opinion though. I feel that automated responders, although do the job well, treat the people beneath as an automation. I believe that if you take your time and build up a trustful relationship it will pay off in the end. I still have no sign ups, as of yet, but thats not detering me. Be as open and approachable as posssible walk people through if need be, Like my new upline did. I'm a bit thick with these infernal machines sometimes and it does feel a bit daunting. This is a phenominal idea and it should sell itself. Take heart and be the tortoise. Julian
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« Reply #109 on: October 08, 2005, 10:53:39 AM »

i ahve been at this for over a month,bought leads after leads ,read til my eyes bleed.still nothing.i mean nothing.it would take superman not to get dicussed over this kind of program.it seems like all anyone wants is extra money for this and that.i've heard that before in every other mlm out there.i would hope this one was differant.has anyone seen one of these large checks from this company?
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« Reply #110 on: October 09, 2005, 03:51:46 AM »

I have come to a stand still here. Someone sabataged my Adsense  campaign and that on top of everything else made
enthusiasm seep out through my toes for a while. My love for the Internet  took a dive. Traffic through the search engines and Adwords campaignes followed.It could have something to do with running a temp. tonight. I 'm coughing something  cronic.
                                     I think  it is the personal approach that will pay off in the end we have to get up the nerve to do it persistently and to really beleive that it can be done.  Remember if  you think you can you can,if you think you can't you can't!
up and at 'em!
Karen Smith
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« Reply #111 on: October 09, 2005, 09:25:00 PM »


I can really relate to you on that one. I think one of the most frustrating things is having an unsupportive spouse.  I feel the exact same way you do. I've tried a couple other home businesses but the last one was terrible.... we lost so much money on that deal.... money that we still owe... and I never got payed a single penny for the work I did! But, for some reason, GDI seemed "different." I really believed in GDI for some reason and thought to give it a shot. And of course, my husband wants nothing to do with it. He's really furious over it. I can't wait to prove him wrong when I succeed in GDI. But, it's been nearly 2 and 1/2 months since I joined GDI and I still have no results/signups ... so everyday that goes by is just another argument waiting to happen. 

I hope we all succeed too. I don't know what it is about GDI that made it stand out from all the rest for me... well maybe it's the $10 a month which isn't much. But, I didn't think about all the advertising/promoting costs. By far, this is the most afforadble business I've come across, but I still just don't have it in my budget to do that much right now.

Anyway, good luck to you & everyone!

Kaci Lopez

I am like the majority of the  people within the GDI community! 
I have been with GDI for the last 6 months.  I have 16 stable downline members, two of which are just starting to recruit, each bringing in one member thus far.    I work this  business full time, while my husband works his full time weekly, 60 hour plus job!  I have been with other MLM companies, but like you, I have never been truly successful!  Spent more than I have ever made!  I know the MLM  concept works tho, I have seen it happen for many people! 

Currently I am signed up with numerous companies to get the word out about my GDI business.  I will be happy to send you information on them to see if you have an interest in them.  Maybe there will be one that will fit your financial limitations and still give you the opportunity to recruit someone to your team!  Just let me know where I can send you the  information, not on the forum!

I love GDI!  I take it one day at a time. I have a duplicatable system that I have passed  onto my downline, however, I rarely heard from any of them.  That frustrated me!  I knew that I had to do something else to get them to relate to me.  So I actually decided to use my GDI product and built my "Family Memories" website. My first time of ever building a website! We are totally proud of it!
Then I sent it to them!  That helped to open the door to communication! They can see the pictures of me and my family, plus the GDI link.  Now they have an interest in creating the same thing for themselves!

I also sent it to all of our family members.  No, my downline isn't full of family members.  I actually only have one family member signed up with GDI!  I have a couple of online friends that also joined this cool little company.  The rest of them I have recruited online from leads.  I have just made friends with them and seeing my picture has made such a difference.  That's right, once I get a lead, I send my website to them.
Yes, Kaci, my husband is waiting to see the "BIG BUCKS" from GDI too Grin   But I told him this is going to be future money.  As long as it's costing us only $10.00 per month and we have something to show for it, (The website)  my husband doesn't mind, but he is still waiting for me to take care of him financially.  He's a really funny guy......LOL!!!!!  I know that I can make this business go!  I just have to keep doing what I am doing day after day.  Yes, it is painfully slow.  But I am patient!  I just keep in mind, this is a business of people helping people, even if they don't know it yet!  Roll Eyes 
Peace in your Day and Pennies in your Pocket....Sincerely, Karen 
« Last Edit: October 09, 2005, 09:26:31 PM by Nicole Taylor » Logged
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« Reply #112 on: October 09, 2005, 09:34:04 PM »

Reading these posts has brought back memories of the Door to door salesmen, that I haven’t seen since my childhood (which I have to say was quite a few years ago).
Well if this isn’t selling what is? I have been in sales before, people came in made their choice and gave me their money, I didn’t hound all of my friends, family, neighbors or post flyers, send invitations, put cards in postage paid envelopes, or buy names of people who may be interested in joining?
If this is how it is done that’s fine, but not only are we selling, we also have to go out and find the people to sell to. Then what have we sold? A chance to do the same.
However I for one will stick at it, I spent quite a long time looking for a decent progam to join and still believe this is it, If only they would get rid of that b....  roll call, testemonial page.

I guess at this point I should say Hello Nicole, as you will probably be the only one to read this.
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« Reply #113 on: October 10, 2005, 06:29:04 PM »

   Now I posted before so if it turns  up bear with me cos I don't know what happened to it Roll Eyes

       Now I was thinking  Wink yes it sometimes  happens...regarding the  emails to our downline. I often wondered what they looked like and why they got so little response and now I see that many others have the same problem. Well I happened to see one on one of my downline's computer ...and ..well I think it is because it looks so like just another  GDI business agenda because of the logo and the GDI girl which is nice it makes it look official. Don't get me wrong . But it could also be the reason why it is not taken as personal and so does not necessarily warrant a personal response.
     :-\Just a thought!
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« Reply #114 on: October 10, 2005, 06:55:10 PM »

The GDI product and services we promote as team not everyone who we interview or meet with will have the light bulb go off in their head!

Those of us who have had a vision or dream will understand what it takes to build a org or like minded individuals who share the same common bond eventual residual income, tax advantages and we do this mostly with the simple systems we have in place.

If you want to know more visit the my.ws training and we will have one of leaders give you the resources to be successful.

See you all at the top
Gina Morales
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« Reply #115 on: October 11, 2005, 01:41:06 PM »

It's so interesting to me that we have so many people posting and reading the posts on this topic. I think maybe we need to realize that many of us feel that we are "working hard and not getting anywhere" from time to time. That doesn't just apply to GDI but to other jobs and even relationships that we have. There is comfort in knowing that we are not alone when we feel that way. The question really becomes, "How do we find a way to work hard and to get somewhere?" I think if there is support, which we have here and advice, which we have here, and learning, which we have here, we will all get to where we want to be. For many of us, this is our first attempt at our own business. We have always worked for other people and have never had such a direct link to the money we make. That certainly is an adjustment. I think that sometimes people have the "I'll give it 60 or 90 days" mentality. If you just flat out completely commit to GDI and eliminate the should I stay or should I go stuff, you will feel much more at ease. That doesn't mean you have to completely commit every free minute you have to this business, it just means that if you make it a part of what your life is, it will be a much less stressful venture. Remember that part of what determines success is how you feel about what your doing. Find a way to feel good. Talk to people who know more than you do and learn. And when you feel like you're working hard not getting anywhere, read a good book or go for a long walk. If you can't get away from feeling down, it's not worth building your own business.

Take Care,

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« Reply #116 on: October 11, 2005, 01:41:06 PM »

Hey Everybody!

Reading you all here has made me see the universality of experience we all have in
internet business. Ive been marketing on the net for around 8 years, and seen it all,
and done it all.

First of all....We'll always have a hard time if we are almost broke. Whether its online
or offline, a business without capitol, and the pressure of bills will always make stressful
times! I started with no money in my Paypal, and a negative balance in my checking account,
and I had 7 days to figure it out! My sponsor seems to have made thousands on his first
month, but I realize he had a great deal to invest and increase his results. I'll never be
able to "buy his thunder" unless I have his finances!

But.....there are ways to get the word out to hundreds of thousands for free, or almost
free with internet marketing. I can post to safelists, to 300,000, every other day, and get
prospects. If Im a Pro member... it costs me up to $12 a month. Much better than
leads at first......and no matter what Im doing.....those ads go out, gettin tweaked and changed
till they yield results. I "hand pick" my lists for results, and never use blasters.

Then, I can use traffic surfing, especially with Crazy Browser, and also auto surfing. I have put
over 4000 hits on two sites about GDI in a week or so, and the word is getting out. Those can
be done for free, and you can also upgrade with very litle money, and get even better results.
I just watch TV or listen to my favorite music, and click away till Ive gotten about 50 sites a day
times 40 sites. Bam! Eyeballs on my sites!

Then, I slowly get around to my "warm market" of internet freinds Ive developed over the years
by email or by phone as Im going. Some will say, "Hey Steve......I see your doing that GDI thing now...."
and Im into it with them! I also have two chats...one at Yahoo and one at MSN......its free,
and if anyone chats with me, they find out about GDI when they ask me what Im up to.
Ive always said that internet marketing is 60% relationships, and 40% business. Neworking around
and getting the word out.

Theres three ways or so that Im getting the word out for free, or almost free. To hundreds of
thousands of people every week. I can also get a free FFA page.......and have all the names that advertise
there come to me as names and email addresses, that I can send my ad to. That hundreds and thousands
of names every week. Some people have multiple FFA's, working em that way.

This is internet marketing, and we are internet marketers. Look at it as a game of numbers, and
the onus is on you to increase the numbers, and the frequency of the communication to those
numbers. Then, you can add flyers, ads offline.....marketing websites to businesses, fundraising,
gifts to fmily members of sites......etc etc etc......The sky is the limit. Marry your GDI business like its the
only thing your doing, and it will bear fruit.

Now.....How I look at leads that I can buy. All this marketing Ive mentioned can be done without
much phone use. Phone reluctance is a big MLM killer, and many people do not have the savvy or skills
or budget to enjoy calling people. I personally wold not buy huge amounts of leads unless I knew
the quality of them, they were fresh, and I was willing to use the phone to follow up. If I am
marketing or "fishing" in a pond of internet marketers, like I get in safelists, then they have an understanding
of what they are seeing in the ads...especially after years of having there own business. But...leads that are
for people looking at the net for a business are such that if an interest is expressed, one must get on it
"while the iron is hot"......and I believe one must SPEAK with them to clear up misconceptions, and
guide that person in while their interest is peaked.

Now........after that marketing talk......theres the issue of support from spouses, and partners, and freinds and
family. I find that the "negative" people types will be negative if you start anything that is "alternative",
whether it be a lemonade stand, or an internet business. They almost all want you to go down the
prescribed road of getting a standard job, and going the traditional predictable route. One of the ways we can
help this is to watch how we frame, and watch how we communicate this to others.

If you put out a lot of fanfare to others as you start, they will want to see results that week, or quickly,
and say "See, I told you so!" when you dont get results right away. But any understanding of
business will show you that any business gets built slowly, and that you have 5 years to show a loss.
Well, we dont have to go that slow......but be careful.....and start quietly.....and share just successes,
and not your frustrations......and be wise as a serpent....! Believe me...Ive had my share of arguements
about the internet.....and Ive gained some wisdom along the way. If you really had an understanding of
the guts and glory you have to undertake an online biz......and if you understood the power of MLM.....
you would be really proud of your decision to start an online biz.

MLM means that as you grow...your recruits will market under you and earn you money while you sleep!
Your line will mean that for every 10 hours that your downline works......you will have one day times 20 people...
tha means 200 manhours of work for YOU and YOUR POCKET! Theres NO OTHER BUSINESS MODEL
that has that much power!

There are those birds that are huge,and live around the waters in Africa. Youve seen them on TV!
In order to fly, they have to SLAP AND SLAP AND SLAP THE WATER with their wings till they take flight.
Its messy, and noisy, and hard to believe that they will take flight. But after a period of all that tumult.....

Are you SLAPPIN THAT WATER?.......If you stop, you'll go right down in that water again, wont you?
Ya gotta slap that stuff till youre in the air.....and ITS MUCH EASIER AFTER THAT! Once you have
others under you, and the experience.......you can cover a lot more ground. There are some in GDI
that are makin thousands of dollars a month.....and there are thousands of members! Thats all the proof
you need that its universally possible for ANYONE!

I say...get the word out every day in every way that your budget and creativity allows.

Ask your upline or someone who is successful what to do.....and model their excellence.
The same practices will yield the same results.

Stay positive, and in touch with your recruits. They are your GOLD. Listen.,........Most people
dont believe that there is help.....and enthusiasm, and success......If you work hard, and are cheerful,
and endlessly helpful......they will see it.....and their heart will open.....and they might try a bit,
because they saw you taking action. Your store isnt going to make you a millionaire with two customers
in the real world.....and neither will your downline. If they sense you are down.....after your first two
customers....they wont even open the doors to their store!

Go to the forum.....squeeze it for all its worth!

Go to the calls, and the radio!

Read books and ebooks on ad writing....marketing...etc etc etc. Develop relationships with other
marketers. Remember....60% relationships......40% business!

Ive got two recruits, my first week.....and one coming today......if I can do that in one week.....
I can do it in any other week......

Are you in the mood to slap the water with all your might.........next to me.....and take flight
with me!?Huh? lets do this thing!  Who cant afford $10 a month!.......I used to pay $120 a month!

Yee hah!

Hope this helped!.....Im available to anybody anytime......
My nickname is Smilinsteve.

Your Friend In Success,

Stephen S.

I Play It Cool: And Dig All Jive,
That Is Why I Stay Alive:
My Motto, As I Live And Learn Is:
Dig, and Be Dug In Return.

Langston Hughes
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« Reply #117 on: October 11, 2005, 10:34:42 PM »

Hello Folks,

Here are some thoughts that came to me as a result of reading the posts on this topic.  I hope they make some sense to someone.

It's one thing to believe in your business, yourself, your spouse, or your God, it's actually another to have faith (trust) in them. 

Someone once said, "Belief is a grasping --- Faith is a letting go"   

Believing is an act of the intellect, it's only the beginning. It is the 'bud' that preceeds the flower of Faith.  Belief can co-exist with doubt and fear, but when the seed of belief matures and sprouts into faith, faith will dispell all doubts and concerns. Faith is the state of comfortable 'knowing' which repells it's enemies, but faith can be lost if it is not nurtured properly. Belief is often found in the company of irrational expectations which is evidence of its immature nature. Belief is helpful, but it is only when it has matured into faith that it becomes truely useful.  So, belief is for newbies and faith is for Pros.  Strive to trust the things you believe in.  Live as if you couldn't possibly fail.

Finally, do you remember the first time you attempted to drive a car?  Wasn't it nerve racking? Weren't you all excited but also tense, stiff, nervous? You had enough confidence in yourself to get in and try, but you also had enough self-doubt that you kept thinking about everything that might go wrong.  But now, do you even think twice about getting into your car and driving off somewhere?  Probably not.  The reason is that you persevered through the anxiety of belief until it became faith. Somehow you even developed a healthy amount of faith in others on the road even though their actions are beyond your control. And the result?  Your driving experience is now more relaxed, fluid, and second nature to you.  Your perseption of yourself has gone from 'I can drive' to ' I'm a driver'.  So, don't give up and one day you will go from thinking, "This is what I want to do."  to  "This is my business, it's part of who I am.'  And that is called Commitment.

God bless you all,

Posts: 4

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying!

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« Reply #118 on: October 15, 2005, 02:58:31 AM »

I think alot of people have these same problems including myself. Here's a saying that keeps me going.

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying!   So whatever your going through just stick with it and keep trying!

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying!
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« Reply #119 on: October 23, 2005, 08:27:44 AM »

In reference to the above discussion :

1.  Successful people are those who do what unsuccessful people are unwilling (or unable) to do.

2.  Some will, some won't - so what! WHO'S NEXT?!


"Every person is self-made but only the successful are willing to admit it."
-- Michael LeBoeuf
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